Read Just a Taste of Me [Wolf Creek Pack 2] Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Wolf Creek

Just a Taste of Me [Wolf Creek Pack 2] (9 page)

BOOK: Just a Taste of Me [Wolf Creek Pack 2]
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A moment later, Nate came on the line. “Keeley? What’s up? Did you find a place to drop some roots?”

“And then some,” Keeley laughed.

“Oh? Do tell, and I want all of the details.”

“He’s totally gorgeous, totally likes my nail polish, and totally into me.”

“Those are the best kind,” Nate snickered.

“Yeah, and the best part? Are you ready for this? He’s the alpha of his pack, and I’m his mate.” Keeley held his breath as he waited for Nate’s reaction. It wasn’t long in coming. Keeley smiled as he heard Nate screaming over the phone.

“Oh my god, are you serious? He’s an alpha
your mate? Well, where did you meet him? What’s he like? What’s his name? Has he claimed you yet?”

“Slow down, Nate,” Keeley laughed. “One question at a time.”

“Okay, okay. First question, what’s his name?”

“Quilliam Reece.”

“Quilliam Reece? Where do I know that name?” Nate asked.

“Chase and Donovan are his pack enforcers. He’s the one that sent them down to help you,” Keeley replied.

“Seriously? And you’re mated to him?”


“Way to go, Keeley. Sounds like you landed on your feet okay,” Nate said.

“Yeah, we had a few problems in the beginning, and we’re still working a few things out, but—”

“Like what?” Nate asked, interrupting Keeley.

“Well, to start with, he was straight before I met him. The whole
me having a dick thing
was a little hard for him to get past in the beginning, but I think he’s coming along nicely.”

“Debauching him, are you?”

“Every chance I get,” Keeley laughed.

“So, what else is going on?” Nate asked.

“Tonight I get to meet the rest of the pack. I’m so nervous I could spit.”

“Why? Everyone here loves you. I’m sure they will too,” Nate encouraged.

“I’m not so sure. Reece said that there are a few people in his pack that won’t take favorably to my
wild ways
. Then there are all of the single women that have been trying to hook him since he became the alpha. I don’t think I’m going to be a very popular person.”

“Ridiculous. Does Reece have a problem with your
wild ways

“No,” Keeley said. “I think he rather likes me wild, although, he was a little shocked the first time he saw me with nail polish and eyeliner. I thought he was going to pass out, but he thinks it’s hot. I’m painting my nails right now with this great new pink color he bought for me.”

“If your mate doesn’t have a problem with the way you are, don’t let it bother you. Besides, who cares what anyone else thinks? As long as your mate likes it, that’s all that matters.”

“I just don’t want to embarrass him,” Keeley whined.

“Keeley, as long as you are yourself, you could never embarrass anyone,” Nate replied.

“I second that.”

Keeley jumped, turning around quickly to see Reece standing in the kitchen doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. “Reece? How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to know that you’re worrying over nothing. You’ll be great,” Reece said as he walked over to hug Keeley to him. “I like you just the way you are. Haven’t I shown you that?”

“Yeah, but—”

“Uh uh,” Reece said as he placed his finger against Keeley’s lips. “What did I say about buts?”

“No buts. This is an equal opportunity relationship,” Keeley replied, repeating Reece’s words from the week before. “But what does that have to do with this?”

“It has everything to do with it, Keeley. I like everything about you, the hair, the nails, the wild ways. I could probably do without the cookie sheets upside my head, but beyond that, you’re perfect in my eyes and I don’t care what anyone else thinks. You and your wild ways are going to help me bring this pack into the current century, remember?”

“Are you sure? I could tone it down a bit tonight, maybe take off the nail polish or something?” Keeley asked anxiously.

“No, absolutely not! I love the nail polish. I have some very fond memories of you in red.” Reece grinned, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Besides, they’d find out about it eventually, so why not just get it all over with in one fell swoop?” Keeley rolled his eyes. There really was no reasoning with Reece when he was in this mood. Not that Keeley minded. He was very playful in this mood, but sometimes Keeley felt the need to hit him again.

“Fine. I won’t tone it down, but I’m warning you now, if anyone makes fun of me—”

“I already had Devlin hide your weapons of mass destruction, baby, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. I’ll make sure no one is mean to you.”

“You hid my cookie sheets?” Keeley exclaimed. “Why in the hell would you do that? I need them.”

“Because,” Reece said as he wrapped his arms around Keeley and lifted him up to sit on the kitchen counter. “You’re a lethal weapon with a cookie sheet, and I don’t need to be refereeing any fights tonight.”

Keeley crossed his arms over his chest as he glared up at Reece, huffing as he pouted his bottom lip out. “Fine!”

Reece groaned. “Oh, baby, you know what that stubborn streak of yours does to me,” he said as he leaned in to capture Keeley’s bottom lip between his teeth.

Keeley sighed and wrapped his arms around Reece’s neck, leaning back against the countertop and pulling Reece with him. Reece growled, his hands immediately going to the buttons on Keeley’s jeans.

“Guys? Guys? Hello? Still on the phone here,” Nate said after a few moments filled with moans and groans. He jerked the phone back from his ear when he was abruptly hung up on. He stared at it for a moment then looked over at Joe in astonishment. “They hung up on me.”


* * * *


Reece watched the members of his pack mingle around his living room, keeping a close eye on his mate. Keeley seemed to be doing okay. Everyone was being pretty nice, no rude comments or gestures as far as he could tell. Although, everyone seemed to be slightly shocked by Keeley’s appearance, not that Reece could blame them.

Keeley had dressed up especially for the occasion tonight, and it was making it hard for Reece to concentrate—hell, it was just flat out making him hard. Keeley wore his usual tight jeans, but he had topped them off with a nice, white, button-down shirt. Reece was a little put out that it wasn’t his, but it was a bit dressier than one of his cotton shirts.

His fingernails and toenails were still painted pink, though. Reece grinned when he saw Keeley’s bare feet just as the first guest knocked on the door. He insisted in running around with no shoes on. Reece was beginning to wonder if Keeley actually owned any shoes.

Still, Keeley did look hot, at least to Reece. He was pretty sure that there was more than one person here tonight, men and women, that had taken an interest in his little mate. He could smell the arousal in the air.

He hadn’t informed the pack that Keeley was his mate yet. So far, everyone seemed to think that Keeley was just a guest he had visiting. He was waiting for just the right moment, or so he kept telling himself.

Truthfully, he knew that he was actually avoiding the announcement. The fallout was going to be interesting. The time would come, though, when he had to make the announcement. He just wasn’t sure when or how he was going to do it.

Keeley solved that problem for Reece a few minutes later when he walked over and eyed the small crowd of women that surrounded him. Reece was sitting in a large, overstuffed chair next to the tall river-rock fireplace, with a woman sitting on the arm of his chair. More women where standing behind him.

“You seem to be awfully cozy,” Keeley said, his arms crossed over his chest as he glared at each of the women surrounding Reece. “Lots of little friends to keep you company?”

Reece grinned. He could see the little green monster rearing its head in Keeley’s eyes. It was nice to know that his little mate was jealous. Of course, Keeley seemed to be handling it better than Reece would. He’d probably be ripping someone’s head off right about now.

“You could always save me,” Reece challenged, raising an eyebrow at Keeley.

Keeley looked around the room at all of the people watching them, then back at Reece. “I could, but then the cat would be out of the bag, so to speak. Is that what you want?”

“I wouldn’t mind.” Reece knew the minute Keeley made their relationship known, the questions from the pack would begin. He was also hoping it would get rid of the circle of women that surrounded him hoping to be chosen as a mate by the pack alpha. It was one of the things Reece hated about being the man in charge.

“What’s it worth to you?” Reece knew that Keeley was stalling for time. Keeley was nervous. Reece couldn’t blame him. He was a human in a room full of shape shifters.

“A manicure?” Reece inquired. Keeley had a weakness for anything concerning his fingernails.

“Throw in a pedicure, and you have yourself a deal,” Keeley answered saucily.

“Done,” Reece readily agreed.

“Just how far do you want me to go? Just me or all of it?” Keeley asked.

“There is no
just you
, Keeley,” Reece replied. “It’s all or nothing.” There was no way that Reece was letting Keeley take the heat by himself. He wanted the pack to know that Keeley was human, part of the pack, and his mate. He didn’t want anything left out, not even the fact that they were lovers.

Keeley turned to look at the woman sitting on the arm of Reece’s chair, her hand lightly stroking his arm. “Could you excuse me for just a moment?” he asked. The woman looked a little put out as she stood up and stepped out of the way, allowing Keeley to move in.

“So, big guy, you going to kiss me and ruin the hopes and dreams of all of these women?” Keeley grinned up at Reece as he plopped himself down in Reece’s lap, his arms going around his neck.

“Do I really need a reason to kiss you?” Reece murmured as he leaned down and took Keeley’s eager lips with his. As Keeley moaned softly, leaning into the kiss, Reece could hear the muffled exclamations of those around them.
Guess the cat was out of the bag now.

Lifting his head, Reece trailed his thumb down the side of Keeley’s face, loving the dazed look in Keeley’s pale green eyes. He always looked so astounded when they kissed. It sent all the blood rushing right to his groin every time.

“Alpha Reece,” one older man said as he stepped forward and gestured to the man in Reece’s lap, “what’s the meaning of this?”

“Does there really have to be a meaning behind it, Douglas?” Reece drawled turning to look at one of his older pack members.

“You’re—you’re kissing a man. You’re making a spectacle of yourself in front of your entire pack. Is this how you rule this pack? By shaming yourself and everyone else to be with this—this—”

“I’d be real careful with the next words out of your mouth, Douglas,” Reece growled as he lifted Keeley up from his lap and set him on his feet before standing up himself. “This man is my mate.”

He could see Devlin slowly making his way to his side out of the corner of his eyes. Keeley stood beside him, his hand pressing against the small of Reece’s back in support. Reece crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Douglas, waiting.

“Your mate? You can’t be serious. He’s a man!” Douglas shouted.

“I am very well aware of the fact that he’s a man. It’s kind of hard to miss, especially when he’s naked. That doesn’t mean he isn’t my mate.”

“You—you can’t mate a man. What about Adrianna? How can you do this to her?”

“Adrianna?” Reece asked in confusion as he looked over at the woman that had been sitting next to him when Keeley had asked her to move. “What does Adrianna have to do with any of this?”

“She’s supposed to be your mate. She’s going to rule the pack by your side,” Douglas reasoned. “It’s already been decided.”

“And who decided that? I sure as hell didn’t.”

“We did, the founding families. Adrianna is the best choice for you, for the pack. She is—” Douglas said.

“Not my mate,” Reece finished for him. “As such, she will not be ruling at my side.”

“But—but, he can’t rule at your side,” Douglas said as he pointed past Reece to Keeley.

“Why not?”

“Just look at him. He’s wearing nail polish and eyeliner. He looks like a male prostitute.”

Reece turned to look down at Keeley. He could see the worry in his eyes, the concern for Reece’s reputation and standing among his pack. He sent Keeley a little smile, trying to reassure him that everything was all right before turning to look back at Douglas.

“I happen to like the way he looks. It’s hot! And since he’s my mate, my opinion is the only one that counts where Keeley is concerned. If you don’t like it, don’t look. However, I’ve already claimed him which means there will be no other mate for me.”

“You’ve—you’ve already claimed him?” Douglas asked in horror.

“What did you expect me to do with him? Pretend he’s not mine? You have a mate, Douglas. You know what it’s like when you find your mate. There was no way I could not claim him, even if I had wanted to,” Reece replied.

“But, Alpha, he’s—he’s a man. You can’t claim a man.”

“Why not? Others have done so.”

“Not here, they haven’t. We don’t want that kind of behavior around here,” Douglas spat out.

“You’re really starting to annoy me, Douglas. Keeley is mine and I’m keeping him. It’s not up to you to decide who my mate is,” Reece said, taking a menacing step towards Douglas.

“Fine. If you want to keep him, keep him. But Adrianna must rule by your side. It’s already been decided,” Douglas said, trying to placate Reece.

“You said that already, Douglas, but where I come from, the alpha rules the pack. The pack does not tell the alpha what to do.”

“We told you when you took over for the old alpha that things were done differently here. The founding families have always had a hand in who rules this pack and Adrianna must rule by your side.”

Reece looked at Douglas, perplexed. Why did he keep going on and on about Adrianna ruling by his side? He barely knew the woman. Reece began to feel like there was more going on here than met the eye.

BOOK: Just a Taste of Me [Wolf Creek Pack 2]
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