Read JoshuasMistake Online

Authors: A.S. Fenichel

JoshuasMistake (19 page)

BOOK: JoshuasMistake
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Joshua actually felt terror. The idea she would be torn
apart again was more than he could take. He opened his own mind. “Not her,
Troth. It’s me you want.”

He saw the moment of confusion on Banta’s face. Joshua had
more power, but Tessa’s ability to slow time for a few seconds was extraordinary.
Jess lay on the floor still conscious but clearly weak. Banta’s shoulders
slumped slightly. Rain had gone to her hands and knees and she crept forward

Joshua had no idea exactly how close she needed to get to
block Banta.

Shots rang out from the right, but the sight must not have
been clear. The bullet meant for Rain ricocheted off the marble floor
harmlessly. No one moved.

Will stepped out from behind the pillar and took his shot at
the now-exposed gunman. The last of Banta’s men tumbled over the banister and
crashed to the piazza.

“I could kill you now, take your aura and be out of here
before the FBI got another shot at me.”

Joshua was through playing games. He whipped the water off
his face and ignored his drenched clothes as he took a squeaky step forward. “If
that were true you’d have done it already. Here’s what I think, Troth. I think
you had an ally in Washington. I also think that person betrayed your trust and
left you here to die. I can get you out of this hotel alive if you tell me who
it is. Who is your sponsor and what is their agenda? Tell me and I’ll make sure
you live to see another day.”

“You’re talking about a life in a cell. I tried that and it
nearly killed me. I can’t live in a cage, Josh.”

“Can’t do anything about that, Troth. You’ve gone too far. I
admit I lied about joining you, but I will save your life if you cooperate.”

A terrifyingly calm grin pushed at the corners of Banta’s
mouth. “No can do.”

Banta spun toward Tessa. Joshua knew he would. He might be
insane, but he was still predictable. With the power to slow time he might
actually have a chance to get out of the hotel even after his energy was
depleted from the gathering.

Banta’s hand shot forward, reaching toward her. His eyes
widened for an instant, but nothing happened.

Joshua looked down to see Rain only feet from Banta. Her
eyes focused on him with an intensity that could only be psi. If he could use
his own gift he was sure he would feel the pulse of her gift.

Banta tried again, still unsure why he could not gather. Nothing

“You’re through, Troth. Let it go. Come quietly and live. I
don’t want to have to kill you. We were friends, remember.”

With a turn of his head, Banta’s focus changed to Joshua.
Hate seeped through every pore. His face twisted and his eyes widened as he
launched himself in Joshua’s direction.

Joshua didn’t want to shoot. He wanted to believe there was
something left of the Troth he knew that was worth saving, but he readied
himself to take the shot anyway.

One shot echoed off the stone walls. Troth Banta’s eyes
widened for an instant before he dropped forward to the floor at Joshua’s feet.

Tessa held her gun steady, pointing it at the motionless
body of the man who had nearly destroyed her. When he didn’t make another
movement she lowered her weapon.

Joshua knelt down next to the body, pressed his fingers to
Banta’s throat and felt nothing. Blood spread out from the quarter-sized hole
in the back of his head and puddled on the cream-colored marble.

Looking up at Tessa, Joshua said, “He’s dead.”

She walked forward until she stood next to him. “Sorry, I
know you wanted to take him alive, but I wasn’t sure how long Rain could hold
him off.”

Joshua looked over at Rain, whose dark skin was pale from
exertion. She cradled Jess in her arms and he was already looking much better. “We’ll
find out who he was working for in Washington some other way.”

Wanda and the other Psi Agents from Key West filed out and
hovered around Trip’s body. Joshua had no idea what had possessed his friend to
take such a risk, but he also accepted that if Banta hadn’t been weakened by
taking Trip’s aura they might never have defeated him. Trip was not a stupid
man. He and Jess knew the risk and they also knew they would likely be killed.

If Tessa hadn’t let her walls down Jess might have died too.

“You took a big risk to save Jess,” Joshua said.

“I was too late for Trip. It happened too fast. Banta had
him drained in an instant. I wanted to save them both.”

“Trip’s most prevalent psi power was telekinesis. Banta
already possessed that. It was a familiar vibration and must have been easier
to absorb.”

She looked over at Trip’s body. “Do you think he gets his
aura back now that Banta’s dead?”

Joshua’s chest tightened. “I don’t know, beautiful. I sure
hope so.”

Kane limped out from the hallway where they had entered.
Blood darkened the right side of his uniform. The bullet must have clipped him
just under the Kevlar vest. “The police have arrived.”

As if on cue sirens howled from outside.

Blake moved in from the opposite side of the piazza. “I’ve
called for an ambulance.”

Kane dropped into a chair. “That would be nice.”

Joshua and Tessa walked to the bridge that crossed the canal
on the far side of the piazza. They made their way over to Kane.

Kneeling down to get a better look at the wound, Joshua
confirmed it was a deep gash and would require a few stitches, but other than
the loss of blood his bother would be all right. “I hate to say it, but I’m
glad it’s the kind of wound a hospital can handle and we’re not flying you back
into the desert.”

Kane laughed shortly and then gripped his side in pain. “Me

“I’ll call Lena and tell her we’ll be home tomorrow morning,”
Joshua said.

“Thanks.” Kane took his brother’s hand in a tight grip.

Their eyes locked for a moment. No words or telepathy was
needed between the brothers.

Blake made his way over to the chair just as the police
rushed in. The FBI men held the SWAT team at bay while the EMTs were allowed
access to Kane, Jess and the dead.

Taking a few steps away, Joshua said, “Well Agent-in-Charge
Blake, what are you going to tell these fine law enforcement agents?”

Blake shrugged. “That a madman and his hired army opened
fire on the piazza. I’ll tell them the FBI had been investigating Troth Banta
and it was a miracle only one good man died.”

“I suppose that’s the truth in a manner of speaking.”

“I heard a rumor you’re going private sector, Lakeland.”

“Good news travels fast.”

“The government still needs your talents.” It might have
been the closest thing to a compliment Joshua had ever received from the FBI

“My abilities will still be available to the United States
but on my own terms. Now that I know there are people within the government who
would condone what Banta was doing I can’t risk getting orders from nameless,
faceless people. And if you want my advice, Blake, you’ll be careful too.”

“Can I assume, Ms. Clark, you will be leaving the agency as

“That’s a fair assumption, Agent Blake.” Tessa never blinked
an eye.

He couldn’t help the spark of joy that came from knowing she
would come with him. She could get her old job back. She’d probably get a medal
for killing Banta, who would no doubt be dubbed a traitor. Still, she chose a
path that kept her close to him.

“You know, Blake, you might think about moving into the
private sector yourself. It might be time to stop following orders blindly.”

The agent’s eyes opened wide for a moment. “Are you offering
me a job, Lakeland?”

Joshua almost laughed. “I guess I am.”

Blake looked at the floor for a minute and shook his head.
Then he looked back at Joshua. “I’m no psi.”

“I’m aware of that.”

“I’ll give it some thought.”

Tessa turned toward Joshua. “I thought you didn’t like

“I don’t much, but he did save our lives on more than one
occasion. I thought he deserved an offer.”

She shrugged. “He’s got some skills and since I’m assuming
you’re also going to invite Will, this company of yours will not be strictly

“Ours, Tessa. It will be ours if you’re interested.”

“Are you getting sentimental, Lakeland?”

“Maybe I am,” he admitted.

“I’m with you, Joshua.” She leaned in and kissed him full on
the mouth. His hand automatically went to her waist. “But you already knew

“Even so, it’s nice to hear it.”

Her smile melted something inside him. “I guess we have a
lot of planning to do.”

“If we learned anything from this mess with Banta it’s being
able to read minds can be a hindrance in certain situations. I don’t know about
you but I felt as if someone had lopped off my right arm when I couldn’t use my
psi abilities. It might be a good idea to hone some of our other skills for the

“More hand-to-hand combat in the dojo?” Her eyes were bright
with passion and mischief.

“I’m being serious.” His tone and stiffening cock belied his
words. In fact he was actually enjoying the direction of their conversation.

She pulled herself closer so her pelvis ground tight against
him. “So am I.”

“I feel as if I’ve created a monster. Didn’t you tell me you
never hook up?”

“I think I said rarely and besides you didn’t create me, you
may have just woken me up.”

Kane cleared his throat. “If you two can tear yourselves
apart they’re carting me off the some hospital now.”

Joshua laughed. “We’re right behind you.”

Most women would have blushed, but Tessa just grinned and they
followed the gurney out to the ambulance.

* * * * *

Tessa and Joshua didn’t go directly from the hospital to
Kane’s home in Pennsylvania. Will flew Kane home in the jet and then stayed
behind at the reservation. With Blake’s help they were able to take Trip’s body
back to Adianca.

Wanda and Jess remained behind as well. Tessa was surprised
it was Rain who conducted a ceremony to ensure Trip’s soul made its way to the
afterlife. She’d only known him a short while, but she thought he would enjoy
all the effort going into his burial on sacred ground.

Joshua and Tessa were forbidden from staying in the fire
circle during the ceremony. Adianca said it would be too painful for them to go
beyond the veil of life so soon after their experience.

Neither one made any argument. Hand in hand they walked into
the dark desert away from the ceremonial fire and the log cabin.

“Trip was one of my closest friends. He’d certainly known me
the longest. I should feel guilty walking away from his ceremony, but I can’t
say I disagree with the shaman.”

“If we will be a distraction then we’re better off staying
away.” She shuddered. “I don’t ever want to go back to the spirit world while I’m

He pulled her into a warm embrace. “It’s not usually as
terrifying as what you experienced. Though it is always traumatic. I only go on
a vision quest when the human world becomes unbearable.”

She touched his cheek. “Does this happen often?”

“Not as often as it used to. Adianca taught me to block much
of the intensity of other people’s emotions. She also taught me to control my

“Sometimes it’s good to lose control, Joshua.” Her heart was

“I lost control when you were dying. Now Will has to replace
half the lights on his airfield.”

She rested her cheek against his throat, and his arms
tightened around her. “Perhaps a bit of control is not such a bad thing.”

His lips pressed against the top of her head. “Look.”

She turned her head toward the distant fire and saw the
flames flickering higher. They could barely hear the chanting, low and steady
as if it were the heartbeat of the desert.

They continued watching as the flames towered even higher
and then subsided to a low flicker. The voices stopped as well.

“It’s over,” he said.

Tessa took a deep breath and looked up at the sharp planes
of his face illuminated only by the moon and stars. Her body fit against his
perfectly, curves and planes linked as if they were puzzle pieces.

Closing her eyes, she let his lips find hers, first sucking
gently on the lower and then the upper until she opened her mouth and gave him
full access. One of his hands curved into the small of her back and the other
gripped the nape of her neck. He deepened the kiss on a moan that came from
deep in her chest.

He broke the kiss, leaving them both gasping for breath and
longing for more. “I don’t know how you can forgive me for letting him tear you
apart. Do you think I can make up for my mistakes?”

“I never blamed you. The only person you need to find
forgiveness from, Joshua, is yourself. Some people will say saving me in New
Jersey was your first mistake. You could have walked away and gone back to your
unblemished career.”

His gaze drifted off into the darkness. A coyote howled
somewhere in the distance. “Best mistake I ever made.”


About A.S. Fenichel


A.S. Fenichel adores writing stories filled with love,
passion, desire, magic and maybe a little mayhem tossed in for good measure.
Books have always been her perfect escape and she still relishes diving into
one and staying up all night to finish a good story. Originally from New York,
she grew up in New Jersey. She now lives in the southwest with her real life
hero, her wonderful husband. When she is not reading or writing she enjoys
cooking, travel, history and puttering in her garden.


A.S. welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her
bio page



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Also by





Destiny 1: Mayan Afterglow

Destiny 2: Mayan Craving

Destiny 3: Mayan Inferno

Revving Up the


Print books by A.S. Fenichel


Destiny 1 & 2: Mayan Saviors

Destiny 3: Mayan Inferno

Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Joshua’s Mistake


ISBN 9781419991042


Joshua’s Mistake Copyright © 2014 A.S. Fenichel


Edited by Whitney Mae

Cover design by Kelly Martin

Cover photography by Zurijeta/Shutterstock, Roman Tsubin/Shutterstock,
Yuliya Yafimik/Shutterstock, Galyna Andrushko/Shutterstock, Bas


Electronic book publication March 2014


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