Read Jose's Surrender Online

Authors: Remmy Duchene

Tags: #General Fiction

Jose's Surrender (5 page)

BOOK: Jose's Surrender
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"Ew… I feel dirty all of a sudden." He rose and stripped on his way up the stairs to his bedroom. He stopped long enough to remove his watch then entered the bathroom and took a shower. Once he gathered some snacks and a few bottles of water, he spent the rest of the

day going over numbers for Laird's place once more. Soon the numbers were all blurring together and turning into Ronin's face. He frowned, closed the folder, turned off the laptop, and grabbed his car keys. If he took a drive to the new offices in Century, the breeze would clear his head. Or maybe he should just go down to the beach. Standing beside his car, he decided for the beach. There wouldn't be anyone there at that time of the day. He'd always loved walking in the sand. Most times he would do it barefoot until he remembered that teenagers drank there on weekends. There were always broken bottles and remnants of camp fires. José made a mental note to keep his shoes on. The last thing he wanted was to end up in the hospital for a tetanus shot because he sliced his foot open.

By the time he got into the car and pulled his head from the daze he was in, he wasn't at the beach at all. José was outside Ronin's door, with the sexy bear looking at him with a heated gaze. José knew Ronin knew precisely why he was there. The sad part was, even as he stood there meeting Ronin's gaze, José was still trying to deny it all. It wasn't happening. It was all a dream.

* * * *

The way José stood before him scared him at first.

Then he saw something in the man's eyes that both turned him on and made him curious. Still, he didn't move. "Two visits in one day, José? To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I didn't mean to come here," José replied, walking by Ronin. He rubbed his palms against his jeans-clad thighs. "I meant to head down to the beach but here I am."

José had a scent that sent his heart hammering inside his chest. It was a cologne he'd never forget—

Heartbeat. But he'd never liked it on any man before.

Perhaps it was because they'd bathed in it. Taking a breath, Ronin closed the door and followed. He leaned against the doorframe and folded his arms. He watched José pace the kitchen silently for a while before taking a breath. "José…"

"Gimme a second," José replied, still pacing furiously.

"Do you want a drink? Something to eat?"

"Damn it, Ronin! Gimme a second!"

Ronin watched him for as long as he could before walking over, stepping before him, and grabbing José's shoulder. "Stop. Just stop it. You're going to wear a damn groove in my brand new flooring. Now, what's the matter?"

When their gazes met, Ronin didn't need an

explanation. He saw the fire, the unsure desire that raged inside the man's eyes. But even so, he just didn't understand why that fire burned for him as fully as it was roaring

within José's eyes. Taking a breath, he led José to a seat and sat beside him.

"You know why I'm here." José's voice was filled with soft finality.





What was he supposed to say to that? He'd only met the man a day ago and already he wanted him in ways that made no logical sense. Ronin didn't move—he didn't so much as turn his head to look at the lovely specimen of a man sitting beside him. There was a heat radiating from José's body that warmed Ronin—that made him want to run away and stay all at the same time. Holding his breath, he extended a hand to José's thigh and caressed it softly.

Slowly, he lifted the hand higher. José grabbed it and stopped it mere inches from his hips.


He pulled his hand back. "I'm sorry."

José rose from where he was seated and pressed his back to the wall. Ronin stretched his legs out before him and eased into the back of the sofa, allowing José the chance to stare at him. Ronin found he loved the way José's gaze roamed his body as though stripping him. He eyed

José's lips, noticing the way they parted ever so slightly. He smiled.

"Are you going to stand there and stare at me all day?" Ronin was proud of how soft his voice was with his question.

"Yes I am. I think it's safer than what's going through my head."

"And what"—he leaned forward to rest his elbows against his knees—"pray-tell has been going on in your head?"

"I don't want to… I mean I don't know if I can…

Ronin, I'm nothing like the men you're used to."

"And how do you know what kind of men I'm used to?"

José chuckled and rubbed his palms against his thighs. "I mean look at you? You're all thick and beefy and all… bear. I'm as far from bear as you can get."

Ronin laughed. "When it comes to men I don't discriminate. I love them smart, funny… freaky."

José's eyes widened.

"Scared, José?"


"Being a freak."

José licked his lips. "Not scared."

The room slipped into a quiet that threatened to

drive Ronin insane. José walked back to him and this time, Ronin watched the lovely man kneel before him. José gripped his thighs and caressed upward.

"I want you, Ronin. Damn, you make me so nervous and I've never felt this scared of being with a man before. Anyone who knows me would never believe I'm actually shaking."

Ronin smiled and cradled José's face. "Do you want me to make love to you?"

Ronin kissed him, allowing his tongue to plunge into José's mouth to suck the answer from him. José moaned and Ronin felt heat surge down his spine.

Groaning, Ronin slipped from the sofa to his knees and continued feasting from his mouth while sliding his hand down José's back to grab his ass. The thought of spreading José wide on the floor and tasting from his every secret place made Ronin's cock stiffen. He lifted his head and smiled.

"Come on, José. Let me show you my bedroom."

José laughed. "That line is not supposed to work on me because I've used it before but hell yes."

Chapter Six

José allowed Ronin to lead him up the stairs and into a large bedroom. Normally he would take some time to look around, check out the furniture, but with Ronin all he could do was reach for the man's shirt. He took a breath then slammed his mouth over Ronin's, forcing his tongue into his lover's mouth and ripping his shirt open. Ronin did the same to him and soon they were closer than José had been to a man in a while. Ronin's nipple rings dug into José's chest but he didn't care. Instead he reached up and grazed his nails against the nipples. Ronin roared and pulled back, backing up toward the dresser and pressing his back to it. José smiled, watching the hungry, almost wild look that passed through Ronin's eyes. He knew why—he'd tweaked Ronin's nipples. Smiling, he walked closer, trapping Ronin against furniture, and feasting from Ronin's right nipple.

"Shit," Ronin growled. "Shit."

Ronin's fingers tightened in José's hair and pulled but José wasn't about to release his prey. Ronin swore over and over; his body twitched violently. Reaching down, José massaged Ronin's dick, squeezing.

"Hold on, let me take off my pants," Ronin whispered.

José unclasped the belt instead and hooked a finger beneath the button. When it was free, José released Ronin and walked back to the bed. He sat down, watched Ronin peel his jeans off, then his boxers. José's eyes widened.

Ronin was standing aroused and his dick twitched beneath José's stare. He smiled as Ronin walked toward him, kneeled astride him on the bed, and eased him to his back.

Their kiss was just as hypnotizing as the first. José lost his mind. Each time Ronin's chest brushed against him, José felt a charge of electricity shoot through him. He whispered Ronin's name, bit his lower lip, and arched to get his body pressed to Ronin's at any cost. Ronin put a palm to José's chest, shoving him into the bed.

"Shit, Ronin."

"Don't like a taste of your own medicine?" Ronin chuckled.

"You're trying to make me take what I want."

Ronin inhaled deeply then pulled José's lower lip between his teeth. He bit gently, causing José to purr. José wrapped his arms around Ronin's body, tracing his fingers against every piece of flesh he could find. He felt as though he was soaring and if he didn't hold on, he'd fly away.

Ronin pulled away momentarily to strip José and to grab a condom and a bottle of lube from a bedside table. With those lying beside José, José watched as Ronin slipped

down his body. José closed his eyes and pressed his eyes shut. He waited, holding his breath until Ronin's hot, wet mouth engulfed his cock.

"Oh… baby… baby!" José whispered. "Big Daddy, take it."

Grabbing the sheet by his left side, José gripped the back of Ronin's smoothly shaved head. He pushed his hips up, feeling his penis slide deeper into Ronin's mouth. His eyes rolled into his head when wave after wave of pleasure fired through him. The pressure on his cock left him weak and joyously delirious. Then one of Ronin's large fingers penetrated him.

"Damn, José, how long has it been?"

Weakly, he pushed to his elbows and smiled

through his daze at his lover. "You wouldn't… wouldn't believe me if I told you. Could you just…" José trailed off and gyrated his hips to show Ronin what he wanted.

Ronin pulled the finger back only to push it back in hard and fast. José shouted Ronin's name as his elbows gave out and he slammed back onto the bed.

"Fuck me… please…"

* * * *

Ronin wasn't about to complain. He barely kept

himself from coming while he gave José a blow job.

Quickly he dressed himself in the condom, tossed the bottle of lube over his shoulder after using it, and spread José's legs wider. Their eyes locked even as he guided his throbbing dick to José's hole and pushed forward gently. A loud hiss filled the air. He blinked, trying to prevent his eyes from crossing to see what it was. It was coming from his lips because his body was trapped within a hot, tight chute that threatened to drive him mad. The hot tightness of José's hole left him clutching his lover's hips and holding very still. If he even breathed he knew it was all over.

Licking his lips, he leaned forward, crushing José's dick between their bodies, to catch José's lips and shoved his tongue roughly into his mouth. As the kiss continued, Ronin's hips slammed into José's body repeatedly so hard, the brand new bed creaked mercilessly.

He couldn't breathe but he didn't care. He wrenched his mouth away, panting, to lace his fingers with José's.

José looked so beautiful, arched upward and panting. His eyes were closed, his kiss-swollen lips parted ever so slightly. Ronin trailed a hand up José's body, over his abs, and stopped at José's nipples. He pinched them, twisting the tight buds while squeezing.

"Oh!" José gasped. "Give it to me!"

Ronin allowed the feelings ricocheting through him

to take over his body. Blindly, he fucked José, enjoying the symphony of the bed creaking and José's pleasure-filled cries.

"Touch my cock," José gasped. "Please…"

Ronin gripped José's dick and stroked it. It didn't take long for José's body to go stiff and explode.

"Damn!" José cried. He lifted a hand to bite his knuckles against a yell while his body jerked and flailed against the bed.

His hole tightened, choking Ronin's dick and leaving him powerless to what came next. A hot wave washed over Ronin, his eyes did roll into his head then and he jerked his ass back, pulling his penis from José's body just as he erupted inside the condom. He felt José moving but was too weak to do much of anything but to fall face-first on the bed, panting. He felt José's hands against his ass and smiled as he pushed his ass up slightly. José spread him wide and used his tongue to play over Ronin's hole.

He thought he was too tired, too spent for anything more but the instant José's tongue flowed over him, his arousal grew. He glanced over his shoulder to watch José's head bop up and down as much as he could before he had no control over anything. José licked, sucked, and fingered him to another powerful climax.

* * * *

From somewhere in the dark of José's sleep-filled mind he could hear
playing. Groaning, he snuggled into the warmth of the bed until his back hit something hard. His eyes shot open as he jerked up in bed. The music got louder and he realized it was his phone ringing. Then what he'd done the night before came back to him and it took everything within him not to run away. He looked down into Ronin's sleeping face and a smile spread his lips.

His hammering heart did a skip and raced again, but this time it was for a completely different reason. This time it was for the excitement of having a man like Ronin beside him in the morning. There was a strange calmness, a beautiful feeling that came with it. José wondered if he could hold on to that, bottle it even, to keep with him always. The phone stopped ringing for only a mere moment before it began once more. He shifted.

"Come back to bed," Ronin whispered, reaching for him.


"Ten more minutes." Ronin pulled him back down and wrapped an arm around him.

"I know, baby, but my phone won't stop until I answer it."

Ronin groaned but his arm loosened so José

shimmied out. He found his phone underneath Ronin's pants, picked it up, and saw it was Savaro. He arched a brow and answered.

"Hey. Is everything all right?"

"Kinda… listen I need a favor."

José sat on the side of the bed. Ronin began caressing his lower back. José moaned. "What do you need?"

"Is this a bad time? Did you find someone to cheer you up?"

"Savaro Kendricks-Anatolis! Get to the point." José laughed as heat rushed to his cheeks.

"I will drop it… for now… Okay, so what I wanted.

Jamal is out of town for a game and everyone else is busy doing something or other. I was wondering if Leroy could come see you after school and you keep him for us for a couple of days. I want to surprise Jamal for his birthday in LA."

"Of course!" José cheered, arching into Ronin's inquisitive fingers. "You know I love having my godson around."

"All right. I'll stop by your place later with some of his things."

BOOK: Jose's Surrender
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