Read Jealous Lover Online

Authors: Brandi Michaels

Tags: #Romance

Jealous Lover (2 page)

BOOK: Jealous Lover
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Cool air wafted across her over-warm cheeks as Demetri ushered her onto the small, private balcony. She moved from him and stood near the railing, crossing her arms over her chest. The tenth-floor balcony gave them a bird’s eye view of the city. As always, Manhattan sparkled with a million lights.

“I don’t think there’s a city in the world that can compete with New York when it comes to the incredible light show,” she said, hoping to keep their conversation impersonal.

In answer, he wrapped his arms around her from behind and gathered her close. His chin settled on her shoulder, his warm breath teasing her ear. He gently thrust his hips against her, making her aware that he was still fully aroused. Crystal’s breath caught in her throat.

“It’s all the bridges,” he murmured quietly. “Your city has so many lighted bridges and skyscrapers. The skyline competes with the star-studded night sky for brilliance.”

Her throat had gone dry, so she couldn’t respond except to nod. When his hot, wet mouth found the bare curve of her throat, an involuntary shudder coursed through her. Her heart thudded heavily in her chest. Her nipples puckered into tight buds and her pussy began a slow, aching throb.

She knew she should stop him. She should push him away and keep a safe distance, but it had been so long. So long since she’d felt the heated power of his seductive touch, so long since this wild excitement had pulsed through her veins, so long since she’d felt like the woman she became in his arms.

Chapter Two

“What do you want, Demetri?” she asked when she finally found her voice.

“You,” he said, sucking the sensitive skin of her neck until she trembled. He gently shoved her arms aside and cupped each breast with big hands. Using his thumbs, he stroked her pouting nipples. More heat pooled between her legs and her knees grew weak.

“Why?” she managed hoarsely.

“Why not?” he asked. “We are both healthy, unattached adults. We are hot for each other. Why not take advantage while I am here?”

She could think of a thousand reasons. Like the ocean of tears she’d shed after they’d parted. Like the dreams he’d crushed and the heartache he’d caused her. Like his cruel accusations and mistrust.

But right here, right now, her body didn’t care. It craved the satisfaction he could give her. It had been so long. Her hips undulated against him, bumping against his erection until he moaned deep in his throat. He spread kisses up her neck to the tender underside of her jaw, and widened his stance to pull her more fully against his straining cock.

Crystal turned in his arms and clutched his head between her hands. “We’re fools for playing with fire,” she insisted.

His response was to capture her mouth with his own. His lips smothered her tiny whimper of surprise and pressed against hers with hungry force, rubbing and coaxing. When she didn’t rebuff his kiss, he thrust his tongue between her teeth and she realized just how badly she wanted to taste and re-explore him. Sucking his tongue deeper into her mouth, she sunk her hands into his thick hair to hold him closer. He moaned and the sound vibrated through her body to the pit of her stomach. Passion exploded, hot and fierce.

Demetri’s hands slid to her buttocks and cupped them firmly, lifting and positioning her against his erection. When he ground himself closer, she rolled her hips and rocked against him, loving the feel of his hard frame. They groaned into each other’s mouths as a savage desire quickly had them in its grip. Soon they were forced to gasp for air.

“I could take you right here and bury myself in your sweet depths. You want it as much as I do,” he said in a heavily accented tone. “But that would not begin to appease me. I want you in my bed. For hours. Maybe days or weeks.”

The dark hunger in his tone was like a splash of cold water in Crystal’s face. The fact that he was right about their totally unacceptable lack of restraint shocked her to stillness. She struggled to catch her breath, wriggled out of his grasp and put some distance between them.

Chest heaving, she stared at him in astonishment, berating herself for being such an idiot. What was she thinking? Making out like a hormone-crazed teenager when she should be hosting the most important event of her career? The thought of what her guests would think of her behavior chilled her overheated body.

“I need to get back inside.”

Demetri ran a hand through his hair, straightened his tie and jacket, his gaze never leaving her. “
Esai theili.
You are a coward.”

Crystal bristled. “I am not, but this is neither the time nor place to discuss it.”

“Because your foundation needs funds if you are to keep your job?”

“Exactly,” she replied.

He stared at her for a long, pregnant moment. “I’m prepared to donate whatever you need to secure the foundation’s finances for the next five years.”

She sucked in air, her heart still pounding and her eyes widening in amazement. That kind of donation would cost him millions. Was he playing some kind of twisted game with her? There had to be a catch. “Why?”

“Why not? I’ve done the research. It is a reputable, effective charity and a valuable tax write-off for my corporation.”

She knew it to be true. Considering his wealth, a few million in charitable donations meant very little to his empire.

“Just a business decision?” she asked.

“I also have a personal interest.”

“What personal interest?”

“You, for one,” he said. “I am expanding my business interests into America, and you are an American. We are former lovers, so it makes sense to ask your help with the social scene. How does your slang go? You rub my back, and I rub yours?”

His voice grew lower and more intimate with each word, as if back-rubbing meant frolicking between sheets.

“Scratch,” she said breathily. “You scratch my back.”

He nodded, accepting the correction. During the time they’d been lovers, she’d often teased him while teaching him Americanisms, but he’d never taken offense. She noticed he still didn’t use many contractions, but his speech wasn’t quite as formal as it used to be.

“You’re offering to donate millions just to be introduced around the city?”

Arrogance tinted his next response. “No. I expect a lot more for my investment.”

“What exactly do you want for your money?”

“Your undivided attention while I am in New York. I want you by my side and in my bed.”

Crystal’s stomach somersaulted and her muscles froze. Her pulse pounded in her ears with a deafening roar. She understood him perfectly, yet still had to question the outrageous comment. “I beg your pardon?”

“We always had great sex, so I would like to buy your exclusive company.”

“That’s very kind of you,” she forced the words past tightly gritted teeth. “But I am not a prostitute. I do not sell sex for a living!”

“I am well aware of the fact.” His dark eyes gleamed with intensity. “If you were, I would not be willing to pay so high a price.”

Temper flaring out of control, she thought it wise to end their conversation without another word. Body stiff with anger and resentment, she started to push past him, but Demetri wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close again.

“What is wrong, little artist? You are insulted because a man wants you in his bed? I’m not asking you to do anything you haven’t done willingly in the past. Five minutes in each other’s arms and we know the passion is still deep and mutual. Why not enjoy it?”

Why not? Why not?
Her mind whirled as her body screamed for more of his touch. She couldn’t deny wanting him. They were both consenting adults. Money or no money, she might not be able to resist if he pursued her. So why not accept the financial bonus? Why not prove to him and to herself that his past rejection meant nothing?

“No emotional attachments? No commitment? Just a little fling while you’re in the country?” she asked.

“The only demand I have is that no other man touch you while you are with me. Five years’ job security should be adequate incentive for brief fidelity.”

His insinuation that she couldn’t be faithful sparked her temper again. She struggled against his hold. “I can’t believe I’m even standing here considering this ridiculous offer. The last time I saw you, you accused me of being an unfaithful tramp. I don’t need you in my life, even temporarily for great sex!”

A hand on her shoulder stopped her again. “How important are personal insults compared to all the people the foundation could help with my millions?” he prodded softly. “Are you willing to ignore their needs to spite me?”

Demetri pulled her into his arms again and dropped a brief kiss on her lips. Crystal turned her head and kept her hands by her sides, but the insidious desire snaked through her, warming her blood and making her hunger for more. His hot, wet lips brushed the vein pulsing wildly in her neck. His teeth nibbled, his tongue soothed and then he gently sucked her flesh into his mouth. Her legs threatened to fold.

“So good.” His low moan echoed her reaction. “You know we are so good together. I even brought some of your special lingerie with me.”

Mention of the specially designed lingerie sent an erotic quiver through her nervous system. It was part of a game of arousal they’d played in Greece. The electronically stimulating underwear had nearly driven her wild. Sometimes the stimulation had been gentle, sometimes intense enough to bring her to the brink of orgasm. It was an intimate, sexy connection they’d shared in the past. She tried to steel herself against the temptation of so much pleasure.

“I will let you get back to your guests, but I am staying in the penthouse. Come to my room tonight if you want to seal the bargain.”

He tucked a key card into the bodice of her dress, between her breasts. The light touch of his fingers against her skin burned like a brand. Then he took hold of her arm in a very courteous fashion. Crystal gulped in some air and stiffened her spine, hoping she didn’t look as devastated as she felt.



Demetri paced the living room of the penthouse suite, oblivious to the opulent décor and romantically dim lighting. He’d shed his tuxedo jacket and necktie before tugging his shirttails from his slacks. Despite the temperature-controlled air, he felt hot, his flesh fevered with the heat of desire. He unfastened the buttons of his shirt with jerky, irritated movements, but it didn’t cool his overheated skin.

He’d left the ballroom three hours ago and his impatience grew with every minute that passed. His cock throbbed each time his memory replayed the feel and taste of his Crystal. He could not think of her as anything but his woman.

Damn, but he wanted her. Wanted her with a hunger that no other woman could appease. Wanted her with a need that had grown more obsessive in the years they had been parted. She’d created a fire in his loins that burned out of control. He wanted to bury himself so deeply into her lush body they couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began. Pump his seed into her until every last drop glued them together.

Ithele na tin gamisi.
He wanted to fuck her over and over again, hot, fast and fierce, slow and easy, until they were both so exhausted they couldn’t move a muscle or utter a word. He’d thought of little else since he’d begun planning the American expansion. A renewed rush of blood throbbed between his legs.

Until tonight, until he had seen her and held her again, the prospect of having her in his bed had simply been a long-awaited goal. Even though he understood the circumstances better now, he still harbored some anger at her abrupt departure from Greece. He’d been guilty of not believing her. He’d paid dearly for his mistake, but he still blamed her for walking away and never looking back.

Yes, he had ordered her out of his life. He had been in a rage over that damned video of her with another man, yet he hadn’t expected her to leave without a fight. To completely ignore what they had shared. To leave Greece as though he meant nothing more than a vacation fling. His pride had taken a beating and he had wanted to make her pay.

Now, it appeared he would be paying, too. The money did not matter so much, but he was paying with blue balls and a hard-on that would not quit. With a desire that raged through his blood, making him edgy and tense.

Barefoot, he paced across the lush carpet and stared into the brightly lit night sky. He needed to get control of himself. There was no guarantee she would come to him, although he had done his best to ensure she would not refuse. It had only taken a couple minutes to realize she still responded to his touch. The chemistry between them had flared into life the instant they had touched. Only pride stood in the way now.

The fundraiser had ended at midnight. He imagined Crystal would need another hour or so to finish her hostess duties. It was going on two a.m. She hadn’t come to him yet and she lived in this hotel.
. Aw, hell. He decided, his jaw tightening with determination, if she did not come to him within the next hour, he would go to her. One way or the other, they would be naked in bed together soon.

A soft knock at the door caused him to stiffen and turn. As he strode back across the room, he heard the gentle click of the key card activating the lock. He watched, barely breathing, as the door handle slowly turned and the door eased inward.

Body tight and tense, he saw Crystal step slowly into the room and close the door behind her. The soft lighting made her look mysterious and beautiful. Her blue eyes were shadowed by darkened lashes. Her angelic features looked serene and remote. She leaned against the doorframe as though undecided about staying. With her arms tucked behind her back, her chest thrust forward, straining against the soft fabric of her dress.

Her body didn’t look so detached. Her chest rose and fell, mesmerizing Demetri for a long moment. As he stared, her nipples fattened and poked at the confining material. He wanted to see them naked. His mouth watered for a taste.

When she didn’t say anything or move toward him, he broke the simmering silence. “I didn’t think you were coming.” He didn’t mean for the words to sound like an accusation, but tension made his voice low and harsh.

“How could I resist such a generous invitation?”

Her whispered question made his chest go tight. Was she here strictly for mercenary reasons or had the mutual pull of attraction brought her to him? Both, maybe?

“You are willing to agree to my terms?”

“It depends on how long you intend to stay in New York.”

He kept his hands balled into fists at his sides. This woman, this one petite woman, had the power to make him insane with insecurity and doubt. He had never known another who challenged him so constantly.

“You will agree to be my exclusive lover as long as I do not demand fidelity for too long? Is that what you’re saying?”

“I’m saying you never mentioned a time limit.”

“And this is important? Perhaps you should tell me how long you are willing to be faithful. A week? Two? Is that asking so much? I plan to be in New York at least two weeks.”

He knew his snide reply irritated her. Her lovely eyes flashed with annoyance. The sensuous line of her lips tightened and he wanted to kiss them until they went soft and pliant, until she begged.

“I have some vacation time coming. I can promise you two weeks of my undivided attention, provided you don’t find reason to toss me aside before then.”

The snap in her voice reminded him that he had been the one to end things between them in Greece.
But only after seeing evidence of her duplicity
. Right here, right now, he could not care less about the past. If he didn’t unload the pressure in his balls soon, he would go insane.

BOOK: Jealous Lover
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