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Authors: Moxie North

Izzy and Eli (3 page)

BOOK: Izzy and Eli
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Chapter 5


Grabbing her hand, he walked her back to the stage area. Giving some of the other hot firefighters a chin lift, others a handshake, or a manly pat on the back.  Never letting go of her hand.  Izzy was totally amazed, he didn’t seem embarrassed to be seen with her. He even introduced her to a number of the guys. They all gave her big smiles and hellos. No one gave her that “what the hell is he thinking” look.

He grabbed his bag, buttoned his shirt sadly, (she had reluctantly given it back to him) and threw his arm around her shoulder, “Ready to roll?”

“I guess, I didn’t drive, did you?” she asked.

“You bet baby, I’ll drive you anywhere you wanna go, as long as there is shawarma when we get there.”

Walking out of the bar, he guided her to a large F150, with huge tires and those chrome roll bar thingies that men seemed to love and women never quite understood.

“This is yours?” she asked, her head tilting back to look up at the door handle. Sheesh how was she going to haul herself up there she wondered?

“Don’t worry baby, I got you,” he said leaning down and giving her a peck on the cheek.

Opening the truck door, Izzy made to get her foot up on the running board and gripped the handle and the frame of the door.  She swung back and magically flew up to a standing position in the doorway. Or maybe not so magically considering Eli had two large handfuls of her ass and wasn’t just palming them to help her up. Oh no, he was squeezing her tush!

Turning her head around to stare at him in shock, he just smiled that shit-eating grin and fucking hell, he winked.  If Izzy allowed herself to imagine a life with Eli, she knew, deep down in her soul, that that wink would get her into more trouble than she’d ever be able to handle. Yup, that wink would have her giving in on anything and everything.  Shit, she was screwed.

Gaining her seat, Eli gave her thigh an extra squeeze.  Looking at him, a little shocked, and a tad embarrassed, Izzy could feel the heat on her cheeks, well both sets of cheeks. Apparently Eli liked her blush, as he took a step up on the sideboard so he was face to face with her at the door.

He said quietly, “Pink Angel.” Then he leaned forward and rested his lips on Izzy’s.  Izzy had closed her eyes as he started making the move towards her. She couldn’t face it if he wasn’t actually going to kiss her. It would be humiliating.

But he did, she felt the soft brush of his lips over hers.  A whisper of a touch, but enough to make her suck in her breath. This gave her much needed oxygen and also a taste of Eli. Opening her mouth also gave Eli the in he needed to touch his tongue to her lips. Izzy gave a quiet moan and her mouth opened wider.  Eli took advantage and dipped his tongue into her mouth. He let one of his hands that was holding the doorframe, come down and scoop around the back of her neck. He pulled her in closer to him and deepened the kiss. Sweeping his tongue through her mouth, tasting every corner of her.

Izzy was lost, he tasted sooo good. His tongue was strong and sure, she tried to touch back, her tongue darting against his. This earned her a growl from deep inside his throat. Gawd, that gave her tingles. The good kind, the kind that ran head to toe but dipped back up to settle in her naughty bits.  She wasn’t sure how long they kissed, it seemed like hours.  But then sanity must have clicked back in with Eli.

Sweet baby ray, she was making out in a parking lot with a hunky man, like some teenager. Although she’d never made out in a parking lot when she was a teenager. Her first foray into the world of sex was a very awkward evening during college. Nerd plus fatty, equaled blushes, embarrassment, and a strict no further contact order.

“Baby, you taste good,” he murmured, leaning his forehead against hers.

His hand continued to squeeze her neck. It felt good she decided, it made her feel safe and desired.

“If we don’t go, I’m going to do something very inappropriate here in the parking lot,” Eli said.

Izzy wasn’t so sure that was a bad thing.  Apparently that look must have strayed across her face, because Eli pulled back and did a scan of her face. He must have seen something that made him change his mind, because she saw him come to some kind of decision. His eyes darkened.

“Fuck it,” he muttered and he hopped down slamming the door and making his way around the front of the truck.

Izzy took the opportunity to catch her breath. Her fingers flicked up to touch her bruised lips. She couldn’t believe he just kissed her! And did it good!

Turning to watch Eli swing into the driver’s side of the truck flinging his beanie onto the dashboard, she was about to offer some small talk to cover the post kiss awkwardness.  Then she noticed his messy brown hair, matched his sexy brown eyes.

Once the door slammed shut, Eli turned and his arm snaked around her neck, pulling her towards him.  His mouth slammed back down on hers, mouth open, tongues delving.

“Baby girl, I want more. Will you let me give you more?” Eli whispered into her lips.

Izzy had no idea what he meant, but she’d take whatever he offered.  Shy she may be, but she wasn’t stupid.  She also noted that the windows of his truck were tinted dark, even the front window. She doubted any making out could be seen from the outside. Plus they were fogging it up quickly.  She figured in for a penny in for a pound and nodded her head back at him, “Yes,” she whispered.

Eli groaned into her mouth and if possible managed to shove his tongue farther into her mouth.  He dragged her across the bench seat of the truck, Izzy moving towards him like a magnet.  She was so lost in his kiss that she wasn’t thinking.  Better yet, her self-doubt was oddly silent.  For this moment she was going to let herself just be.  Let this man who obviously was into her, show her that she was worth the time, the attention, and the adoration.  Even if she only got this night, she would cherish it forever.

“Shit, Iz, I don’t think I can wait, let me make you come. I want to watch you come apart in my arms. Please baby girl, let me have a taste of you,” he urged into her mouth.

Izzy was breathing so hard that she had to pull back to catch her breath. She took the moment to look into his eyes. His were hungry and pleading. He was serious. He wanted her. Now, in this truck.  Izzy wanted him too, but she wanted much more than his mouth.

“Can I make you come too?” she whispered back to him. She wanted Eli to feel good, she wanted him to remember her fondly in the future.  She’d give him the best blowjob he’d ever had if he let her.

“Oh Angel, you don’t have to. I’d be lying to say it would be a dream come true, but you really don’t have to,” he offered.

“I want too, please Eli,” she said back.

“Alright baby, you first though,” he said pulling her in to attack her mouth again. He used his hand at the back of her neck to twist her head so he could go deeper.  His other hand started at her waist giving her a squeeze, then moving up to cup just under her full breast.  He ran his hand under and lifted, feeling the weight of her.

“Shit, these are beautiful Angel, I can’t wait to see them, suck them, run my dick through them. You let me do that baby?” he asked, nipping at her lips.

“Anything Eli, just don’t stop,” she cried.

“I won’t stop baby, not until you come on my hand. I’ll lick up every drop you give me,” he said in a rough hushed tone that meant he was looking forward to that event.

He moved his hand back down from her breast, running over her stomach.  Izzy was so caught up she forgot to suck in her gut like she normally did.  She felt Eli’s fingers slide between the rolls on her belly, then aim lower to the hem of her shirt.  He slid his hand up under the fabric encountering bare skin.  She heard him groan, “Oh baby you’re like silk, so soft and delicate.”

Izzy had to keep herself from snorting, no one ever called her delicate.  But the way Eli was touching her, she could almost believe that he believed it.  She felt him continue his petting along her tummy as he kissed her.  Sucking her lips into his mouth, licking the inside of her mouth, and pulling her tongue into his.  He kissed like he danced, wild and free, no rules, no patterns. Just whatever he felt like.  It kept her guessing, which was good. She didn’t have time to over analyze anything.

Eli moved his hand to the button of her jeans, Izzy felt the top button give way.  Then she felt the zipper pull down, then before her brain could protest she felt his strong hand slip into her panties. 

“Fuck me, you’re already wet,” he growled into her mouth.  His fingers running across her bare slick lips.

Her BFF’s had talked her into getting a Brazilian recently, they had some kind of internet coupon. So they all went.  She was totally glad now that she went through that horrific pain so she could feel Eli’s rough fingertips touching her skin directly.

“So juicy baby, is that for me? Did I make you get hot and wet?” he asked, his fingers still slowly moving just over her outer lips.

“Yes,” was all she was able to whisper.

“Look at you, you’re perfect.  Do you want me to touch your aching little clit? Hmm? Or do you want me to just shove my fingers into your tight little hole right away? Tell me baby, I’ll give you anything you want. Just say the word,” he ordered, dragging his middle finger deeper under her until he was touching that sweet spot between her pussy and her asshole.  He tickled his finger over that flat patch of skin and it made Izzy arch up off the seat.

“My Angel likes that huh? Tell me Izzy, tell me what you want,” he said again.

“Anything Eli, anything you want, please,” she said whimpering.  She pulled away from his mouth and buried her face into his neck.  Her entire body was focused on the finger, rubbing over a spot she never knew had nerve endings.

“Nuh-uh, baby girl, you make the choice, clit or pussy first,” he ordered again, moving his head down to suck hard on her neck.  Izzy knew he’d leave a mark, but she couldn’t give the first fuck about it.

“Um, the second?” she said quietly back.  This earned a chuckle at her neck.

“Not good enough Angel, tell me again,” he said continuing his sucking on her neck, this time he moved to a new spot.

Gawd, she couldn’t tell him.  She didn’t use those words and she would never be so forward as to tell a man exactly what she wanted.  But that damn finger of his was driving her mad, it only moved an inch or so on her skin and it was making her unable to form a coherent thought.  She whined into his neck again and felt his chest move.  Damn it, he was torturing her!

“Fine! Pussy!” she all but shouted, then instantly became horrified.

That didn’t last long though, as Eli dragged his finger from that spot behind her pussy and shoved his finger into her up to his hand.

Izzy’s head flew back against the seat, her ass came off the bench.  Eli curled his finger deep inside her, then pulled out, adding another finger and plunging back in.  He had pulled his head back from her so he could watch every wince, every twitch, and every gasp fall across her face.

“Eli…” she whispered.

“That’s my girl, you like my fingers don’t you? Your pussy is just as tight and sweet as I knew it would be.  Show me what you want Angel,” he said his breath short as his hand worked in and out of her.

Izzy rocked her hips into his hand. Trying to get him deeper. His fingers felt firm and soft at the same time.  She whimpered when his fingers curled inside her, dragging against the walls of her sex.

“Thatta girl, take what you want,” he cooed and delved back to her mouth, thrusting his tongue into her in time with the fingers in her tight snatch.  His thumb moved up to rub circles on her tight little nub. Luckily she didn’t have to ask him to do this out loud.

Eli worked her hard and Izzy greedily took everything he gave.  She was lost in the sensation of his mouth and his hands.  The only sound in the steamy cab of his truck was heavy breathing and the wet sounds of her slick opening sucking in his fingers.

“Oh, Sugar,” she said moaning into his mouth.

“I’m your Sugar baby, you want my sweetness.  I’ll give you all my sugar,” he said back, dropping his head to her neck as he pistoned his hand between her legs.  He was working her with the same level of enthusiasm as he did earlier dancing and talking to her.  Moving with lightening speed, the friction was building inside her, she always liked it hard and fast.  She wanted to feel overwhelmed with the feelings building, not slowly hobbling towards them.  Her core started to tense and she felt Eli’s head tilt up to look at her.

“You going to give it to me Angel? Come one, give your sugar your cum baby,” he said leaning down to suck hard on her neck.

Izzy’s hands flew down to grip his muscled forearm that was working her pussy, but it didn’t make him miss a beat.  She writhed on the seat, seeking, searching for her release.  It was right there so close, she started to freak that she wasn’t going to come, that she’d lose it and disappoint him.  When she heard his hard, demanding voice in her ear say, “Give it to me, now baby.”

And she did.

Chapter 6


She came, screaming, her head thrown back until her voice broke.  She convulsed, her muscles contracted and her pussy clamped down on his fingers so hard she heard him growl, “Fuck me,” as he continued his advances, pushing against the muscles trying to push him out.

It was the longest, hardest orgasm Izzy had ever experienced, alone or with a partner.  It had her mind blanking, her nerves twitching like misfiring wires.  Eli slowed his hand until he was softly petting her again, taking care to avoid her sensitive clit.

“My girl comes hard,” he said looking into her eyes.

She realized he had never taken his eyes off her as she came.  She wondered if she made horrific faces or worse.

She didn’t have to worry, Eli leaned down and gave her a soft, beautiful kiss on her lips. “You’re stunning baby, simply stunning.”

She couldn’t help herself, she smiled drunkenly up at him.  He had just given her the A+, gold star of orgasms, and she was as limp as a noodle.  She really couldn’t bring herself to get worked up over anything right then.

“I want to do that to you again and again Angel. But not here. I’m sorry, this wasn’t very classy of me. I just couldn’t wait to touch you,” he offered, sounding apologetic.  He started pulling his hand out of her pants, which made Izzy whimper at the loss. 

“I’ll be back baby, trust me,” he said smiling at her.  Then she watched as he brought his hand up to his mouth.  She saw his fingers were glistening with her release, then watched as he brought them to his nose, where he took a deep breath in.  Pulling her scent deep into his lungs, his eyes closing as if he was savoring the bouquet of a fine wine.  When his eyes opened again they met hers and he brought his fingers down to his mouth, sucking them in, licking her juices off as he watched her.

She had never seen a man do that before.  Certainly not with her, she had read about it sure.  Her books could get pretty naughty.  But she never thought guys actually did that.  It was freaking hot!  And so intimate it had her squirming in her seat.

“You taste amazing Angel, so sweet,” he said moaning deep.  He pulled his fingers from his mouth and leaned down towards her. “Ever tasted yourself, baby?” he whispered, his eyes scanning her face.

Izzy shook her head no, it had never occurred to her honestly.  With the shake of her head, the side of his mouth tipped up and he met her lips in a gentle kiss, then his tongue swept into her mouth.  Izzy could taste Eli and herself.  She was sweet and musky and mixed with Eli, the combination was heady.  She whimpered in his mouth, which made him plunge his tongue back into the recesses of her mouth. Giving her another taste of her cum.

Pulling away from her, he held her head in his hands, “We should head out baby, before we get caught,” he said leaning in to nip at her lips. Like he couldn’t stay away from her, like he needed to keep making contact with her.

Izzy was about to agree when she realized, she hadn’t had her turn, “What about me?” she said.

“What about you baby? You just came hard, I’m happy to give you another, but I’d rather be somewhere a little more comfortable. Somewhere I can appreciate that body of yours,” he said smiling sweetly at her.

“I’d like that too, but what I’m saying is I didn’t get my taste,” she said quietly, her hand creeping to the waistband of his pants.

“Baby, you don’t have to do that, really, I’ll be fine,” he said grabbing her hand to stop her from unbuttoning his jeans.

“Please Eli, it’s my turn,” she whispered. 

“God, you’re perfect,” he whispered back and let go of her hand so it could continue to his pants.

She quickly flicked the button open and pulled the zipper down.  The whole time, Eli kept hold of her face, staring into her eyes.  He seemed to still be debating whether he was going to let her do this. Looking for any sign of unease or unwillingness.  Instead, Izzy knew he saw her hunger.  The glaze in her eyes knowing she was going to make him feel good, she was going to get to taste him, his essence.

Slowly pulling her head out of his hands, Eli leaned back as Izzy brought her head lower into his lap.  She grabbed the top band of his boxer briefs and pulled down to release the rigid thickness outlined by the cotton. She had to keep pulling to free him entirely. And when she did, his cock bounced back and hit his stomach.  It was long, thick with a perfectly shaped tip. It also had a slight curve, making the tip of his cock touch his stomach, but not the entire length.  Izzy moaned, she knew that perfect arc would hit all her spots just right.  But first, she got to play.

Running her hand up the length of him to cup his satin soft tip, she looked up at him through her lashes and said, “Goody,” then gave HIM a wink.

Eli laughed out loud at the cherub in his lab, “Glad you’re happy baby, but I don’t know how long I’ll last.  I’ve been rock hard since I saw you walk into that bar. And you touching me is like heaven.”

“That’s ok Sugar, I just need a little taste to tide me over,” she said keeping eye contact as she ran the flat of her tongue up the entire length of his shaft.  She watched as he sucked in a deep breath, his ab muscles contracting.

“Careful, Angel,” he whispered.

Izzy grinned up at him and repeated the move, when she reached the end, she swept her tongue through the slit in his cock then sucked the head past her lips.

“Fuck me,” Eli groaned, bringing his hands up to gently cup the sides of her head.  Not forcing her, just cradling her.

Izzy liked the feel of his big warm hands on her cheeks.  They gave her confidence.  She swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, flicking her tongue on the underside causing him to gasp.  Then she dropped her jaw and pulled him into her mouth, her hand guiding his length down her throat.  Izzy had basically no gag reflex, she considered this one of the rare gifts nature gave her.  The universe must have decided at some point she needed a freebie in the sex department.  So when his hardness bumped the back of her throat she swallowed, knowing this felt awesome for Eli.  The maneuver got her a light head squeeze and she sawed his thigh muscles lock.

“Baby, how are you doing that?” he moaned his head tipping back, then tilted his head down to look her in the eyes.

Instead of answering, what with her mouth full of cock, she stretched her tongue out and gave his balls a lick. This caused a small jet of precum to squirt out of Eli’s dick as his body gave a harsh jerk.

“Fucking hell, Angel,” he said, his grip on her head tightening.  Izzy didn’t want him to come yet, so she pulled back letting his slick meat drag back across her lips.  When she got to the end, she dipped her tongue back into his slit, licking up his salty taste.

“Yummy,” she said, swallowing him back down into her mouth.

She started bobbing her head up and down the length of him. Her hand pumping the base of his shaft as she sucked hard, creating a vacuum that Eli had never experienced before. It was like she was trying to melt their flesh together.  He watched as her eyes opened to gauge his reactions, then close in her own ecstasy, like sucking his cock was the most amazing thing she had ever tasted.  Eli wanted to fill her with his cum, he could envision it dripping out of all of her holes.  She would look glorious.

Eli smoothed her platinum curls back from her face and reveled in the beauty before him.  Even sucking him deep she looked so innocent and fragile.  What she was doing didn’t feel innocent and Eli fucking loved the combination.  An Angel that gave amazing head, she really was his dream come true.  He fought letting his eyes close to savor the sensations.  He didn’t want to miss one second of his hard cock slipping between those luscious red lips.

He watched as she worked him, her head bobbing up and down. Alternating between sucking him hard, then deep throating him and swallowing.  He felt the tingle in his spine, he knew he was going to come but he needed to warn her.  “Angel, I’m gonna come, you need to let off,” he warned.

Izzy looked up at him her blue eyes blinking, then squinting as she smiled.  She started working his cock hard, sucking and tugging his thick meat. Eli couldn’t help himself, he brought his hand down on the back of her head and pushed her harder onto his cock.  Izzy didn’t resist, she just swallowed him deeper.

“Fuck, baby, I can’t hold back,” he gave her another warning, his hips pitching up off the seat.  Izzy responded by forcing him down her throat until her nose was on his abs, as she let out a low moan that shot straight through his cock. The first spurt of hot cum hit the back of her throat and Izzy greedily swallowed it down.  Eli poured his essence into her, pumping his hips up into her face.  As he felt the last drops trickle out, Izzy took back up her sucking motion. This time gentle, suckling.  She lapped at his dick, soothing his tender flesh.  Making sure she didn’t miss a drop. When she reached the end of him, he sucked in a breathed as she flicked her tongue out with a barely there tickle that had him gasping. Then she placed a chaste kiss right on the end of his dick.  It was the sweetest and fucking sexiest thing he had ever seen.

He couldn’t stand it, he used his hands to pull her up to his mouth and he kissed her hard and deep.  He was trying to find the words for what she had just given him.  How do you tell a beautiful goddess that she just gave you the best fucking blowjob of your life, and possibly the best orgasm of your life.  Eli knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that once he finally got her into his bed, his next orgasm was going to smash this one.

“Baby girl, you are off the fucking charts,” he said into her mouth, “I want nothing more than to continue this, but I’ve got plans for you tonight. “Will you come home with me? Spend the night with me?” he asked, hoping to god she said yes.  He’d be crushed if she wasn’t as in to him as he was her. Plus his mom would be disappointed.  He’d sent her a text when he saw his Angel walk into the bar.  Told her he met the girl of his dreams.  His mom, knowing her son better than anyone and knew he never, never fell head over heels for anyone, simply said
bring her over

He watched as she grew a little tense, then she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. Then her eyes met his.  Whatever she saw in his eyes, thank goodness, made her worry drop.

She smiled at him and said, “Yes sugar, I’ll come home with you.”

He returned her smile and kissed her quick on her lips, “Alright Angel, let’s get straightened up and I’ll order dinner. I was going to take you out, but you looked like you just had a roll in the hay and I don’t want anyone looking at you when you look so delectable,” he finished as he buttoned up his jeans.

“I promise shawarma next time, yeah?” he asked, and she nodded.

She straightened herself and watched as he swiped his phone on and hit some buttons, put the phone to his ear and she hear him say “Tony, my man, it’s Eli. Yeah I’m good, listen I need an order to go, yeah, uh hold on,” covering the phone he said, “Angel what do you want? It’s Italian. I’m getting fettuccine alfredo, they have the usual Italian stuff,” he finished looking at her.

“Um, stuffed manicotti?” she offered up.  She loved alfredo, but again it was one of those things you don’t order in front of fit people.

She saw Eli’s eyes get scrunchy, then he continued, “Yeah Tony, make it two fettuccine alfredos, one stuffed manicotti and throw in some of those cannolis, yeah the big ones. Make it four, yeah man, see you in fifteen,” he said, then hung up.

“Alright, baby, I need to hit the grocery store, then we’ll stop and grab the food and back to my house, sound like a plan?” he asked as he started up the truck.

“Sure, sounds great,” she offered, but really what was she going to say?

“Buckle up, beautiful,” he said and he threw the truck into gear.

BOOK: Izzy and Eli
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