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Authors: Nikki Carter

It Is What It Is (8 page)

BOOK: It Is What It Is
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When Valerie knocks down three pins and then drops it like it's hot to celebrate, I guess it's too much for Ricky. He grabs me by the arm and says, “Come on, Gia, let's go get some snacks. Kevin, bowl on our turns, okay?”
Kevin says, “Oh, sure! You just want me to get some points on your sorry boards.”
Ricky ignores Kevin's foolishness and drags me toward the refreshment counter. He says, “Gia, what in the world is going on? Why are Hope and Valerie acting all crazy?”
“Boy, quit acting like you don't know. Obviously, they both want to be your boo.”
“Well, I guess I knew about Valerie, but Hope? Hope likes me too?” Ricky asks with anxiety in his voice.
“Yep, I guess she couldn't handle all of your hotness.”
Ricky sits down at one of the tables and runs his hand over his hair. It's one of his nervous tics. He says, “Gia, Hope can't like me. I mean, I don't think of her in that way.”
I swallow hard. It's a good thing I've never let any of my almost-crush feelings get out of control. I mean, this could very easily be me he's talking about.
“So what are you going to do?” I ask.
“Can I pretend that I don't notice? Do you think they'll let me play stupid?”
This is almost too easy. “
stupid? The fact that you are just now noticing this little triangle kinda confirms that you are not playing.”
“I am not in the mood for your jokes,” Ricky fusses. “I need some help here. You have to get your friends off of my back, especially Hope.”
Hmmm ... especially Hope? Does that mean that there is some chance for Valerie to make it back to boo status? It is my fervent prayer that this is not the case. I have no intentions of dealing with Valerie mixing in with my inner circle of friends.
“So what about Valerie? I think she's pretty much determined to be your date for the Homecoming dance. I hear she's planning to run for Homecoming queen.”
“So? What do I have to do with that?” Ricky asks.
“Well, you're pretty popular now, seeing that you're the starting quarterback,” I explain.
“I'm not even a senior! Plus, I don't care about any of that Homecoming court mess.”
“Hear, hear, my brother!” I say while giving Ricky a high-five. “Who in the world wants to be the Duchess of Longfellow High?”
“I know, right?” Ricky laughs a little bit and seems to relax. “I guess we should go back over there now,” he says. He points over to our lane, and both Hope and Valerie are staring in our direction.
I give Ricky a pat on the back and say, “It's gonna be a long day at Cedar Point next Saturday.”
e're up bright and early for our family adventure to Cedar Point. Ugh! Gwen is in the kitchen packing a picnic basket full of sandwiches, fruit, cookies, and other foods that I will not be eating. The entire point of going to Cedar Point is eating the cheese fries, caramel apples, and ice cream at Pierre's Ice Cream store.
Candy is in front of the mirror appraising her outfit. I have to admit that her House of Deréon jean skirt and baby tee are pretty fresh, but I refuse to give her any compliments on her stolen goods.
I've decided to bring Mr. Tweety out for some air. In honor of our amusement-park trip, I'm wearing my white Tweety polo shirt with a ferris wheel on the front. It may not be high couture, but it is completely felony-activity free.
“You sure you don't want to borrow something of mine?” Candy asks, after looking my outfit up and down.
“No. That's called receiving stolen property.”
“Will you lighten up? It's not that serious really.”
“Actually, it is that serious, and if you don't simmer down with all of that boosting, I might just have to snitch on you.”
Candy glares angrily. “You wouldn't dare.”
“Yes, I would. You have absolutely nothing on me, so I really don't mind getting you in trouble.”
Candy stares at me intently as if she's trying to see if I'm serious. I'm not. I just like to keep her worried. She is a permanent fixture on my prayer list, though. She needs some deliverance for real.
Gwen pops her head into our bedroom. “Are you girls almost ready? I think your friends are outside.”
“Yes! Let's roll, Mama Gwen,” Candy says.
Candy is killing me with this Mama Gwen stuff. I'm totally accepting of her getting along with my mom, but I hope they don't think we're starting a trend here. I have no intentions of calling LeRon Dad, Daddy, Papa, Pops, or any of the above.
Gwen raises an eyebrow in Candy's direction. “Girl, you sure do have a lot of clothes. I don't think I've ever seen you repeat an outfit.”
I stifle a snicker as Candy's face turns pale with fear. She better not play Mama Gwen too close. Gwen is very, very observant and her “mess” radar stays connected and in place.
Candy replies, “I guess my mother goes a little overboard sometimes on the clothes thing.”
“Mmm-hmmm ...” Gwen says. “You girls make sure to go to the bathroom before we leave. It's a long ride.”
Candy and I look at each other and crack up laughing. What are we, toddlers? Gwen doesn't even note the reason for our laughter because she's off to take care of her man.
I step into the living room and look out the window. Ricky, Hope, and Kevin are here and they're standing outside Ricky's car. Valerie has just pulled up too. I better hurry and get out there before the fireworks start.
But wait a minute. Oh my goodness. I cannot believe Gwen and her husband are trying to destroy my life. They are wearing matching outfits, and trust, it's
bad. They have on navy blue shorts and T-shirts that say
What Would Jesus Do?
. But the worst part is the matching neon-green fanny packs.
I expect this kind of foolishness from Kevin, but not Gwen. Clearly Elder LeRon is a bad influence.
“Mom, what are you wearing?” I ask.
“LeRon picked it out. Do you like it? We're twins!”
I shake my head with utter disgust and walk out the front door. I cannot and will not approve of this. She gets a big, fat
no, ma'am!
“Hey, y'all,” I say as I walk over to Ricky's car.
Ricky looks relieved to see me, and I can guess why. Hope and Valerie look like they're about to pounce on him at any second. I've never seen my friend under this kind of stress!
Valerie says, “Ooo-OOO!”
Every Hi-Stepper here replies with the usual, “Ooo-OOO!”
I don't know how necessary our Hi-Stepper bird call is outside of a football setting. It's almost like Valerie wants Hope to feel like an outsider. That is so the opposite of cool.
“I'm calling shotgun in Ricky's car!” I shout.
Kevin grimaces. “Hey, I already claimed it when he picked me up.”
“Umm, that doesn't count because everyone was not present and accounted for.”
Ricky laughs. “Yeah, Kev. I think Gia is right.”
“Ha!” I say and jump into the front seat of Ricky's car.
Kevin mutters something and climbs into the backseat. Hope doesn't look too thrilled either, but I'm glad I thought of it first.
“Gia, if you're going to sit in the front then you cannot take a nap like you always do!” Ricky says. “This is a long ride and I'm going to need some conversation.”
“I got you!” I reply.
“If she falls asleep, you can call me and we can chat all the way there. I'm sure I can keep you awake,” Valerie says from her post on the sidewalk.
I was wondering when she was gonna work her way into the conversation. It's not like Valerie to stand off to the side in silence, especially when there's a cute boy to be preyed upon.
A nervous chuckle escapes from Ricky. “Umm ... I think Gia will stay up. Right, Gi-Gi?”
I hang my head out of the car window. “I said, I got you! Let's roll out!”
Candy finally joins us outside. “Valerie, can I ride with you?” she asks.
“Of course, chica. Hi-Steppers roll deep like that.”
Whatever! I am so over this Hi-Steppers united mess. It will do us all a world of good when Valerie gets over it too.
Ricky gets in on his side of the car and brings in his brand-new scent. It smells good, I guess. But I thought he was trying to avoid the ladies. I'm thinking somebody is not being honest.
“So did you get that new Axe body spray, Ricky?” I ask with a giggle.
Ricky grimaces. “It's not Axe body spray. It's Escape for men. I took it off my dad's dresser. Does it stink?”
“No, actually, it does not.”
Ricky flashes that heartbreaking smile at me. “Well, I know you would tell me if it did, so I guess I'm safe.”
Hope leans up from the backseat and says, “You smell great, Ricky. Don't worry about Gia. She is a full-time hater.”
I stretch my arms over my head and
bop Hope on her dome. “Oops! You need to sit back anyway. I didn't call shotgun to have your face all up here in our bidness.”
Hope rolls her eyes at me and falls back into her spot next to Kevin. Neither of them look happy about the seating arrangement, but oh well.
Once we get on the freeway Ricky asks, “Y'all want to listen to some music?”
“Do you have Mary Mary?” Kevin asks.
Ricky looks in the rearview mirror and smiles. “Of course, Kev. That's what you want to hear?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Wait!” I say. “Before we start the music, I want to ask everyone a question.”
“What is it?” Hope asks.
“If one of you knew someone who was breaking the law, on the regular, would you tell on them?” I ask.
Of course I know I'm talking about Candy, but they don't know that. I can see Ricky and Hope's brain gears going on overdrive, trying to figure out who I'm talking about. And Kevin, well, I have absolutely no idea what he's thinking, but he has a totally weird look on his face.
“Breaking the law how?” Ricky asks.
“Ooh! It's Valerie, isn't it?” Hope asks.
“No, it's not Valerie.”
Kevin asks, “Do you have proof that this person is shoplifting or is it just a suspicion?”
I nod. “Yes, I have proof.”
“So you should tell,” says Ricky. “Wait, it's not anyone in this car, right?”
“No!” I say. “It's Candy.”
“The blood of Jesus!” shouts Kevin. “We need to go into prayer, right now.”
Hope, Ricky, and I give Kevin a moment of silence until he pulls himself together. He just slipped into church-mother mode right then.
“Sorry, y'all,” Kevin says as he tries to avert his eyes from mine.
“It's all good, Kevin. But seriously, y'all, what am I gonna do?”
Hope sighs. “Well, if you tell your mom, Candy's gonna get in big trouble, right?”
“Yeah, Elder LeRon will go ballistic.”
“Then I say you tell on her,” says Ricky. “It's for her own good.”
Hope says, “I don't know, Gia. I think you should leave it alone and let God reveal it.”
Great. All three of my best friends have different opinions. Kevin thinks we should pray and cast the klepto demon out of her, Ricky says blow the lid off this joint, and Hope says do nothing. Clearly, I need to find a new set of friends strictly for decision-making advice.
Ricky's phone buzzes on the armrest. He reaches for it, but I slap his hand away. “Keep your eyes on the road—I got this,” I say.
I pick up the phone and look at the screen. There is a new text message. I look at the screen and read out loud: “‘Rick, are you gonna be my partner today? I'm afraid of roller coasters.'”
Hope growls. “Is that from Valerie?”
“Who else?” I ask. “Ricky, should I reply?”
There is terror in Ricky's eyes. “No, Gia. Don't reply. Let me do it.”
“No way! You're driving.” I start typing on Ricky's keypad. “How's this? ‘If you're scared of rides, maybe you should go back home.'”
Hope says, “That sounds good. Send it!”
“Gia, you better not send that,” Ricky warns.
“What's going to happen if I do?”
Ricky scowls at me and snatches his phone. With one hand he deletes the text message and puts his phone in his pocket.
“Dang, Ricky. I was just playing,” I say innocently. “I wasn't really going to send that.”
Hope has a hurt expression on her face. “Wow, Ricky. Do you like Valerie after how she played you last year?”
“No, I don't like her that way. Why do I have to like anyone? Why can't we all just be cool?” Ricky sounds really frustrated with this love triangle scenario.
Hope replies, “It's hard to just be cool with someone if you really like that person in a beyond cool kinda way.”
See, why'd she have to go and say that? If it wasn't already uncomfortably awkward in here, it sure is now. Hope has got to see that Ricky is not ready for this action, not to mention that her tirade also applied to me and Kevin. Ugh. I hate to even think
me and Kevin
in a sentence.
Hope has pretty much killed any chance of conversation for the rest of this ride. She and Kevin sleep and snore in the back and I'm playing video games on Ricky's phone while Mary Mary sings on the stereo. Ricky's hands are gripping his steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles are white, and his face is twisted into a distressed frown.
I glance at Ricky out of the corner of my eye and whisper, “You know it's cool what you said. Hope needed to hear that. Valerie does too.”
“It's not that I don't like her, Gia. It's just that this whole ‘maintaining my virtue' is pretty tough when girls are throwing themselves at me,” Ricky whispers back.
I clear my throat and roll my eyes. “Boy, I don't see anyone throwing themselves at you, but I get where you're coming from.”
It's about 10:30 a.m. when we finally arrive at the park. We all pay, using some form of discount ticket (it costs a grip to get in Cedar Point, on the real). Then we split away from Gwen and Elder LeRon. They're going to meet up with the other parents who found it necessary to tag along.
BOOK: It Is What It Is
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