Read Irish Seduction Online

Authors: Ann B. Harrison

Tags: #Jasper has fallen for the young woman that invades his dreams every night and seduces him.

Irish Seduction

BOOK: Irish Seduction
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven



Irish Seduction

Ann B. Harrison

Breathless Press

Calgary, Alberta

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Irish Seduction

Copyright © 2013 Ann B. Harrison

ISBN: 978-1-77101-936-1

Cover Artist: Mina Carter

Editor: Deadra Krieger

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

Breathless Press

Chapter One

Jasper, Lord of Kilcane, walked the parapet high on the roof of his family home. He looked over his family’s extensive holdings but his gaze was drawn to rest on the turbulent Irish Sea pounding below the cliffs. The white-capped waves mirrored the feelings churning in his stomach.

The responsibilities that fell on his shoulders since the death of his father weighed heavily on him.
Just one more in a long series of ill-fated events to befall my kin. Along with the constant warring with the neighboring family, was the push from my parents to take a suitable bride. It was Father’s deathbed request, his dying wish that I make a decision between the two young women that he had chosen for me before the next solstice. How can I possibly do this? Life has become too demanding and difficult.

And now this. An order from the gods that I present myself to Upper Therrus on tomorrow’s evening sunset, and for what? The messenger did not say, but I know better than to anger the gods by questioning their orders. They rule with iron fists.

Jasper shook his head in disgust. Being a Wiccan Master, he had a certain amount of standing with them and the wider mystical community, but still, had he done something to anger them? He didn’t think so.

He ran his hand through his hair as it whipped around his face in the wind. His heart grew heavy when he thought of the last few weeks.

I will not be pushed into a loveless marriage
My love belongs to the green-eyed creature that invades my dreams.

He longed to crawl into his bed and let her take over his body. The blood rushed through his veins, burning while he recalled last night’s dream.

The velvet curtains around his bed moved soundlessly and the heavy fabric parted. As she stood, the light of the moon behind her, her hair shone like gold and shimmered over her shoulders. Her sheer white cloak fell in soft folds around her body, showing off the shape of her full breasts, the soft curve of her hips, and the small indentation of her navel down to the dark shadow at the apex of her thighs. She ran the tip of her tongue along her full, bottom lip leaving a gloss of moisture that he ached to taste. She lifted her chin and the cloak dipped, revealing her naked rose-tipped breast.

He sucked in a breath. The woman was magnificent and he yearned for her body beneath his.

A small sigh escaped her mouth when she reached out to touch him. Jasper gasped at the touch of her fingers toying with his bare chest, skimming over his nipples, and sending electric shocks through his body, straight down to his cock. She leaned in closer, her scent rocketing through his brain.

She lifted her hand and drew down the covers, leaving him exposed to her eyes in the pale candlelight.

Jasper reached out a shaking hand as he debated sliding his fingertips across her face. Would she disappear if he touched her? Pleasure replaced his trepidation as she leaned her soft cheek against his hand and the dream remained unbroken. Her face turned into his hand and she kissed his palm, her tongue darting across the rough skin, sending sensuous ripples down his spine. She pushed him back on the pillows, and with a smile, traced a pattern over his face and down his neck with her lips.

The cloak was discarded and fell to the floor. She knelt beside him on the bed, her body naked and pale in the soft light of the candles. His body hardened more and he reached out again to grab hold of her, but once again she pushed him back.

“Let me,” she whispered, dipping her head low over his body.


Visions of his dreams replayed in his head, his body responding, much to his disgust. He was sick of waking up to realize that it was nothing more than a dream. This had been going on for too long now—the same scenario, over and over. It was doing nothing for his nerves to wake each morning in the throes of passion that was never quite fulfilled unless he gave in and finished the job himself.

Perhaps I should take a bride now
. He gazed at the swirling ocean below the castle
. At least my needs would be met. I could wake in the morning with a warm body next to me knowing that I have made love to her and not suffered through a teasing session with a green-eyed, blonde-haired siren. But no, I could not do this to either of the girls my father is trying to force upon me. It would be unfair and dishonest, something that I could never be.

He stood for a while longer, letting the wind and rain soak him before he pushed the clouds back toward the sea, irritated now by their constant pounding. He cast a quick glamour spell to make himself presentable and headed back inside. His mother was in the library where a servant had laid out tea in front of the roaring fire.

“Jasper, where have you been?” Her voice was thick with the hint of tears that she still shed freely for her husband. They had been wed for thirty years before he succumbed to the illness that stole him from her.

“Just upstairs, Mother,” Jasper replied, pressing a reassuring hand to her shoulder before he went to stand with his back to the flames in an attempt to warm his body. He faced her with compassion in his heart and wondered if she would ever recover from her loss.

“What do you think they want with you, my son?” She looked up at him, the worry clearly showing on her face.

“I can’t think straight. I don’t know that we’ve done anything to anger the gods. We’ll have to wait and see what tomorrow evening brings.”

Jasper sat in the armchair in front of the huge fireplace, his fingers locked under his chin, lost in thought while gazing into the roaring flames. He remained there long into the night, well after bidding his mother good night. He desperately wanted to retire to his bedchamber, but was ashamed of the needs that arose when his mind drifted to the woman who invaded his dreams.

It was early morning before he succumbed. The fire had burned down to a few glowing embers and the servants had long since bid him goodnight. He dragged himself to his feet and took a candle from the table beside him. With slow steps, he walked from the room and made his way upstairs to his bedchamber. Exhausted, he discarded his clothes where he stood and crawled into bed naked. Jasper parted the drapes and snuggled under the quilt. He lay face down on his pillows with his eyes closed.

Jasper sank into the soft down of his mattress and let it cradled his exhausted body. Sleep took him quickly.

Soft kisses rained down his spine, gentle like the summer rain. His feet twitched at the sensation against his will. Small electric shocks raced through his body, bringing his cock to life. Jasper rolled over and grasped her hands. He pulled her against his chest.

She glanced coyly at him from under her pale lashes, a smile lighting her face. Bright, green eyes twinkled with mischief and he tried unsuccessfully to control himself. Long blonde hair shone in the candlelight as it fell over her shoulders, and framed her small delicate face. She was too close and too bewitching. Her scent snuck into his nostrils and his eyes flashed wider. She smelled like the breeze that flowed through his open window after the rain; soft and fresh.

He turned her onto the pillow beside him and rolled over her, leaning on his elbows to look down at her. “I must be going crazy,
mo ghra
, for this does not feel like any dream I have heard of.” Jasper’s voice was still rough from sleep.

“Would you wish that it was real, my lord?” she asked, her smile showing small white, even teeth. Her eyes smoldered, the promise of what lay ahead sending the blood racing through his veins.

“Aye, I would. You take over my dreams, my love, and haunt my days. How is a man supposed to carry on his life this way?”

“Would you take me for your wife, if you could?” she asked brazenly looking up at him.

“How would that be possible if you are but a dream?” Jasper searched her eyes for an answer.

“You are a Wiccan Master. Surely that counts for something.” Her eyes glinted and the edges of her mouth tipped up in a seductive smile.

He dipped his mouth to hers, running his tongue across her top lip, flicking at the soft skin as she lay under him. Moving his body to cover her completely, Jasper then used his knees to gently pry her legs apart. His cock hardened more as he rested between her milky-white thighs. Her eyes opened wide when his erection pressed against her mound and an expression of awe came over her face.

He lifted his hands to gently cradle her face and deepened their kiss, pushing with his tongue to part her teeth and claim her mouth.

Jasper traced her jaw line with his tongue, exploring and nipping at her skin in the hollow of her throat, and making her breath come in small gasps. She quivered when he licked the tender spot just beneath her earlobe, goose bumps breaking out over her pale skin.

“Oh, my lord! Please, don’t stop. I’ve never felt this way before.”

She ran her hands over his broad shoulders and pulled him close, tucking her face into his shoulder. The breath left her body in a sigh. He slid down her small frame, his tongue licking and tasting her skin.

She cried out when he took her breast in his mouth while kneading the other one at the same time. Jasper tongued her nipple through the silk, sucking and teasing to bring it to a tight bud. She moaned under him, and her fingers played with his hair as she ran her fingers through it.

Raising his hand, Jasper pushed aside the fabric that draped her body, ripping it clear and letting it drop to the floor. When he found his way back to her breast, he suckled and teased her nipple until it puckered into a small hard pebble. He rolled it between his teeth and tugged it until she moaned beneath him.

She watched him with slightly closed eyes, her expression one of arousal. He travelled further down her body, dropping small tantalizing kisses on her skin. Jasper reached her navel and circled it with his tongue, making her squirm underneath him. She cried out in delight. Licking and nipping, his hands on her hips, he went lower, stopping at the small patch of hair in the junction of her thighs.

Using his fingers, he parted her lips, leaving her open and exposed to him. She quivered under his gaze. Sighing with pleasure, Jasper lowered his head and teased her clit with his tongue, flicking the swelling nub before biting it softly with his teeth. Running his tongue down the length of her moist opening, he held her hips tight while she writhed underneath him, small cries of delight coming from her lips. Jasper slid his tongue deep into her, swirling, tasting, and sucking when her juices began to flow, making his cock jerk and throb. The thrusting of her hips against his mouth increased and a strangled cry of surprise escaped her lips.

A rush of warm cream poured over his tongue, sending the blood pulsing faster through his body, tightening his balls in anticipation. Her muscles contracted with the force of her release, squeezing against his tongue. He lapped at her until she relaxed under him.

He gazed up into her sleepy eyes, pulling himself up on his elbows.
She looks like a woman well pleased with herself
. He kissed his way up to her mouth again, his cock pressing into her leg.

“Are you sure about this,
mo ghra
, giving yourself to me?” he asked. “For once I start, you’ll not stop me.”

“I have been waiting for you all my life. Whatever I have is yours to take,” she whispered.

He kissed her passionately and spread her legs further, guiding his hard cock to her pussy. She tensed and shuddered under him, her breath whispering over his face. He eased himself in. Holding back from thrusting too deep, he pushed past the barrier that would keep her pure. With each stroke, he went deeper until she relaxed and started to move with him. Slowly, she matched his rhythm, arching her body to meet his increased pace.

Her hands traveled down his back and cupped his butt cheeks, tweaking at his skin with little nips of her fingers. Her nails swirled patterns on his sensitive skin, digging into him while he rode her.

BOOK: Irish Seduction
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