Read InvitingTheDevil Online

Authors: Gabriella Bradley

Tags: #Inviting the Devil,BDSM,Gabriella Bradley,sex,erotica,romance

InvitingTheDevil (9 page)

BOOK: InvitingTheDevil
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“Did what?”

“Allowed this bondage. Allowed you to fuck my ass.”

“You enjoyed every moment of it.”

“I did not. It hurt like bloody hell.”

“Don’t lie to me, Danea. I hate liars. You willingly allowed everything I did to you. And believe me, this was nothing.”

“Oh? There’s more?”

“Much more.”

“I had too much to drink.”

“You had two glasses of wine, a good dinner, and one margarita. You were mellow, but you weren’t drunk. Stop making excuses and admit you loved what we did.”

“I think I’m more into normal sex.”

“And here speaks the voice of experience.”

“I’ve never—”

“Had sex. I know. I’ve claimed virginal territory and there’s more waiting,” he said, grinning widely while carefully peeling the condom off.

“If you think I’m going to give you my cherry—”

“Oh, but you are. You can’t give it to anyone else as long as the locks are in place.”

“I can go and have the rings removed.”

“And disobey me? Stop it.”

He claimed my lips again and stopped any further arguing. He was right. I’d lied. I loved every minute of our sex play, the pain, the pleasure it caused me, the exquisite pleasure, his spanking, even his cock in my mouth, inside my anal passage. Just thinking about it while he kissed me made me press my body against his. I sucked his tongue into my mouth until he tore himself away from me.

“How about a swim now?”

I nodded and followed him when he got off the bed. He untied the cords from my anklets and wristbands and examined my skin. “I’ll have to put some salve on those before we go to sleep. Tugging on the cords, you’ve managed to chafe your skin.”

The water felt heavenly. I swam a few laps, then just floated on my back until he grabbed me and kissed me deeply. “I’m tired. I’m sure you are, too. Let’s go to bed,” he said. I caught the towel he threw me as I climbed out of the pool, then followed him up the stairs. I climbed into bed beside him. I’d never slept with anyone before, and having him spooned against me felt weird. It stopped me from falling asleep for quite a while.

I thought about the evening. Of course, I’d petted in the past, had allowed some fondling, but that’s as far as it ever went. Jake had demanded more and we’d broken up when I refused. I realized then, I knew nothing about sex except what I’d read in romance novels. None of them had ever described anything like what I’d just experienced. Was this what his former wives called abuse? Since I’d allowed it and begged for more, it couldn’t be abuse. Kalem was a forceful man, he liked to be in control, be master of the situation. But I’m sure if I’d refused, he wouldn’t have forced me. Surely, he’d initiated the wives as he had me? Or was there more to come, as he’d promised. Again, there was always the word no. I knew Shannon had experimented with toys, but she’d never described anything to do with bondage. It wasn’t for everyone. I never would have thought I’d enjoy it, but I loved it—at least, so far.

Chapter Six

The next morning, I woke alone in bed, at first somewhat disoriented at the strange surroundings until I remembered where I was, and what had happened. I looked at the clock beside the bed. Shocked, I realized I’d slept until noon. How uncharacteristic of me. Even on my days off, I never slept beyond eight. I was slightly sore when I sat on the side of the bed. I noticed my anklets, the harness and bracelets were gone. Kalem must have taken them off while I slept. I was surprised I hadn’t awakened. The redness was almost gone from my wrists and ankles. Thinking about him, his cock, his to die for naked body, turned me on again.
Damn, I’m becoming a whore. I got my wish. I’m in Kalem’s bed and he desires me. But how long will it last? Am I a keeper for him? He said last night he’s crazy about me, but does that translate into love? It’s Saturday. He rarely works on weekends. Where is he?

I had no clothes there except the silver dress. I could hardly wear that home. I quickly found his bathroom and showered, then wrapped myself in one of the large fluffy towels and headed downstairs. I found him outside by the pool reading the paper.


He lowered the paper and smiled. “Hi, gorgeous. Sleep well?”

“Why didn’t you wake me?”

“You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t have the heart.”

“I have no clothes.”

“No clothes necessary.”

I glanced at his trunks. “Your staff—”

“Are off for the day. It’s just you and me.”

“Oh. I’d still like something to wear. I’m not a nudist as a rule.”

“You don’t walk around your apartment naked? And speaking of apartments, we need to find you a better place to live.”

“I walk around in my panties,” I had to admit.

“There you go. No panties necessary. I’ve seen it all and I want to see it all the time whenever I can.”

Heat rose to my face.

He patted a lawn chair beside him. “Come and join me. I’ll go and get you something to eat. Coffee?”

“Please.” I relaxed on the chair and laid back. I felt him pull at the towel until I lay exposed. He bent down and kissed the tip of my nose.

“That’s better. I’ll be back shortly.”

My nipples smarted a bit. I glanced at them and noticed they were swollen. I spread my legs and allowed the warm sun to stroke my pussy. I was already turned on, had been ever since I thought about his muscular frame, his cock and what had happened that night. The sun only made my desire grow, but it felt so good. He returned a few minutes later carrying a tray.

“Eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, and coffee. Anything else you’d like?”

“That was fast. It smells delicious. I’m starving.”

“You should be. That was quite a workout last night.”

I felt my face flush. I munched down the breakfast and after setting the tray on the table next to the chair, sipped my coffee.

“Are you sore?”

“My ass hurts a little. My nipples are tender.”

“I notice they’re swollen. It should subside as the day goes on. You had quite a session for a novice.”

“I guess. I don’t know much about this sort of thing.”

“You mean this way of having sex. As I told you last night, you haven’t experienced anything yet. Don’t worry. I’m not into hogtying, torture or crazy things. I’ll never do anything you don’t want me to.”

That settled that fear.

“Danea, we can’t let anyone at work know we’re involved. No one is to know about this. You understand? It could compromise your modeling career and it wouldn’t be good for business.”

“I understand.” I felt a pang of disappointment. What had I expected? A marriage proposal? We barely knew each other.

“You can’t tell your best friend either.”

“Shannon wouldn’t talk. I’ve known her since kindergarten.”

“Please, don’t tell her?”

“Where am I going to tell her I’ve been? I’m sure she called me several times last night, eager to know how the show went.”

“Tell her you and all the models crashed after the party at the mansion where the show was held.”

“I don’t even know who owned the mansion.”

“That’s not important. If she asks, just tell her you don’t know.”

I didn’t like lying to my best friend, but would she even understand any of this?

“You really don’t need any makeup to look scrumptious enough to eat,” Kalem said and leaned over to kiss me. He straightened up and sat on the end of the lawn chair.

“Open your legs. I want to see what this looks like in daylight.”

I obeyed and spread my legs pulling them up and hanging them over the arms of the chair.

“Beautiful,” he murmured and ran his finger along my slit. “I’m going to unlock the locks for a little while so you can open to the sun and let the rays help heal you.” He took a chain from around his neck. I hadn’t noticed it the night before. On it hung two small keys. He opened each lock and placed them on the table. Carefully he spread my pussy lips and gazed at the rings on the inner labia. “Great work, John,” he murmured. “Tomorrow you’ll get the rest of your piercings. I’ve already arranged it with John. He’ll do it at his shop.”

“And what might those piercings be? My bellybutton?”

“Yes, among others. I love women with piercings. It really turns me on. But you don’t have to have them if you don’t want it done. The bellybutton, yes. The others, it’s up to you.”

“Tell me and I’ll tell you whether I want them or not. Nipples?”

“Yes. I’ve already bought the jewelry. All eighteen-carat gold and diamonds. I want you to keep your legs like this as long as possible today. You’ll heal faster when exposed to air and the sun.”

“It’s not comfortable.”

“It’s the only way it will stay open enough for the sun and air to get to your inner pussy lips.”

“Maybe if we drape a towel over the arms?”

“I’ll get some more towels. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

He returned quickly and placed towels under my legs. He also had a camera.

“No way.”


“Not in this position.”

“Why not?”

“It’s just rude.” Jesus. How could I be sure he wouldn’t post them on the internet?

“Okay. I’ll take some nude shots of you later. If you’ll let me.”

“Maybe. Do you have a tripod and a remote? You can take shots of us together.” Oh hot damn that thought excited me.

“We can do that later when you’ve healed and I can fuck you in every sense of the word. We can tape our sessions.”

“I’m not sure I’d want to watch such a video.”

“You will. Just wait and see.”

“John told me the outer lips can take a longer time to heal.”

“Yes. Apparently.”

I wanted to get to know the man and talking about trivial stuff like piercings and sexuality was not the way to go. Sure, it was all part of a relationship, but who was Kalem really? “Do you have family, Kalem?”

“I never had children.”

“I mean, brothers, sisters, a mother and father.”

He clammed up, his face suddenly hewn out of stone.

I shouldn’t have opened my big mouth. It was hardly a relationship yet. We’d merely had a night of crazy, wild sex and I had yet to see if his interest in me would continue. It sounded like he wanted to, but I wasn’t sure. Would it ever turn into a relationship? I had to be careful if I wanted this to continue. I knew I did. The devil’s horns weren’t all that sharp. I’d noticed a softer side to him. I quickly changed the subject. “What do you like to do besides design clothes for women? I mean, do you bike? Play sports? Hobbies?”

I’d asked the wrong question to begin with. He didn’t answer me. Instead, he got up and dove into the pool. I watched him swim, his muscles rippling beneath his smooth, dark skin.

I knew I’d fallen in love with this man and hoped to win his love in return. But how to get through to him? My insecurities gnawed at me. He didn’t want anyone to know about us, to keep it a secret. That meant he didn’t have any desire to take it further than this. I was to be his sex slave, his to command whenever he felt the need and hidden from the world.

He stayed in the pool a long time. I thought about joining him, but he wasn’t a man to toy with. I needed to give him time to sort out his thoughts.

When he finally climbed out of the pool, he didn’t join me immediately. Grabbing his towel, he wrapped it around his waist and went inside
. Maybe I should go home, but I don’t have any clothes except the silver dress.
I sighed.
Trust me to fall for a man who can’t return my feelings. That’s what you get for inviting the devil to play with you and going along with his games.

I almost regretted allowing the piercings and especially the locks. Though they were exotic, they would sure as hell inhibit a future relationship. Not all men were willing to wait until their wedding night like Odette’s man. Why had I even signed the modeling contract in the first place? The whole experience had been like a potent drug. It had made me feel beautiful for the first time in my life. My sexual experience with Kalem had awakened desires I didn’t know I possessed. I had enjoyed the bondage, his attentions, his spanking, the anal penetration, but to do it on a regular basis? What about real love? Sweet tender intercourse the normal way? What caused a man to want to play the BDSM game, to completely dominate a woman?

I really knew very little about the practice. I’d heard of it, sure, but never thought about researching what it was all about. In my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have imagined participating in such games.

“Sorry. I had to make some business calls,” Kalem said behind me, causing me to jump up, startled.

“Oh. Kalem, I think I should go home.”


“You’re suddenly very distant and you’ve given me a lot to think about. I might as well tell you now I don’t think I want to continue modeling. My dream is still to become a full-time fashion designer.”

“You signed a contract.”

“I did, but I don’t think I made the right decision. The glamorous world of modeling is not for me. Your lifestyle isn’t for me. I think I lost my head for a little while.”

“You regret last night?”

I was quiet for a few minutes. “Yes and no. The whole experience taught me a lot about certain methods of having sex and about myself, but at heart I’m afraid I’m just an old-fashioned girl.”

“I won’t allow you to break the contract. If you don’t want to spend private time with me, fine. I’ll respect your decision. But I won’t let you waste your future success as a model. You were cut out to be a top model. After last night, fashion designers will be clamoring for you. Ride out your contract and then I’ll let you go.”

I thought he agreed too readily not to see me anymore. Thankfully, though I’d fallen in love with him, it was early. It hurt, but not as much as it would have if I’d allowed it to continue.

“What can you do to me if I quit completely?”

“You’ll never get another job in the fashion world, not as a designer or as a model.”

“I’ll leave New York.”

“Won’t help.”

“Then I’ll fall back on my office skills.”

“As you please. I’ll get you some clothes and have my chauffeur drive you home.”

BOOK: InvitingTheDevil
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