Insatiable - Devil's Stepbrothers MC (3 page)

BOOK: Insatiable - Devil's Stepbrothers MC
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“Follow me,” she said as she walked toward her bedroom. She was never happier that she liked a tidy house than she was today. It wasn’t the day the maid came in to clean, but she kept the place up between her scheduled weekly cleaning. Lorna didn’t have to check to see if he was following her because she could feel his eyes roving over her body as she walked.


She opened the door to her room and was spun around before she could even utter another word. His firm warm lips were on hers, and the sensation almost made her forget what she wanted to do.


“Hold on,” she said backing away from him. “I was going to say a few things before we got started.”


He advanced on her slowly like he was giving her a chance to speak, but it didn’t look like he was going to wait that long.


“This isn’t my real hair,” she said as she whipped off the blonde swingy wig that she loved so much she had considered dying and cutting the long mass of hair that covered her head. She noticed that he stopped and watched her take down her long dark hair but then seemed to think this was some sort of game and stripped off his shirt.


“Is there anything else you want to pop off or change before we get started?”


She loved that he had a sense of humor that matched hers, because she would have said some smart ass shit like that too. “No. I think that’s it. You’ll find the removable butt pads and boob inserts when you get to them.” Should she have said that? Probably not but the look of skepticism on his face made it worth it. He’d find out what she was working with soon enough.


“Then let’s get to it.” He clapped his hands together like he was ready to go in, and she laughed at his ‘let me at ‘em’ attitude.


He had his shirt off, his shoes kicked to the side and working on the snap of his pants by the time she got to the bed. She liked that he was as eager as she felt, but it was time to show him how she really was in the bedroom. It wasn’t that she was into the whole submissive and dominant thing — she liked an equal partner — but she liked to fully enjoy the person she was with, and since he was almost naked, she could give him a taste of what she’d want later.


When he got close enough to touch her, she dropped to her knees in front of him and heard the hiss of air he blew out.


“Let me get that for you,” she said as she displaced his hands on the button of his fly.


“Go for it,” he responded.


She finished with the buttons and pulled the pants to his ankles. He could get them off later if that’s what he wanted but she’d felt his thick, throbbing cock under two layers of jeans. His and hers. She wanted a firsthand look at what he was working with.


Pulling his cock out of his boxer shorts, she was enthralled by so many things. The fact that he smelled like clean man was first. Lorna had always loved a fresh smelling man, and even when she rubbed her face into the trimmed thatch of dark hair around his dick, the slight musky scent turned her on even more than she’d been before. How in the hell was that even possible? She rubbed his member against her lips teasing herself almost as much as she hoped she was teasing him, but his cock was a pretty one with its straight shaft, large mushroomed head and thick veins that ran up and down the whole thing, making her want to trace each one with her tongue. It looked like something that he could make copies of and sell it as a dildo. He’d make millions on that; she had no doubt.


Looking up at him she wondered if he was going to say anything to her. Maybe tell her to hurry up or put his hand on her head to get this thing going, but he just stood there looking at her with a small smile on his face.


“What are you smiling at?” she asked him as she lightly stroked up and down his shaft.


“I have a beautiful woman on her knees in front of me staring at my cock like it’s a rock star. Why wouldn’t I be smiling?”


“You could be telling me what you wanted me to do to you.”


“I can tell by the look in your eyes you are going to suck me off. Did you want instruction? I bet you know what you’re doing, but I’ll be sure you know if I like something in particular. How about that?” He was standing perfectly still, and from that she knew that he was a very patient man. She’d dealt with a lot of guys with a lot of different traits, but patience wasn’t usually one of them.


She stuck out her tongue and licked just the very tip right on the underside of that large bulbous head, and she could have sworn she saw a slight shudder.


“Do you like that?” she asked.


His eyes lit up just a bit, and she wondered if she’d bit off a bit more than she could chew. There was an intelligence in his eyes, but there was also a guarded piece that she knew so well. It was like looking into a cloudy window pane to see the person you were with but finding it was more of a mirror. She knew that look. That trying to keep your story straight so no one would know who you really were.


“Take a bit more in, baby. I want to glide against your tongue.”


She liked his sexed voice and hoped she’d be able to recall this endeavor when it was over. He was sexy and attractive not that those features were necessary they were very welcomed. She did as she requested and had to stop looking up at him because the taste of his skin and the sweetness of his pre-cum was more than she could take. Reaching up over his hard rippled stomach to his nipples she stretched and pinched him just a bit. It was hard to watch everything, but she wanted to make sure he was enjoying her little display.


The grunt was enough to make her believe she was doing a good job, and she kept going to find out what other tricks he may like. She moved off his cock and settled down on her knees so she could watch him. It was one of her great pleasures to watch the effects of her play. She went to the inner crease where his thigh met his torso and gave a few soft sucking kisses right there. It was usually a sensitive place, but many people didn’t bother with it; she did it for the effect and for the build-up.


“I like that,” he said with his voice not as steady as it had been. The little thrill that she was trying to build up for him was growing faster for her. That wasn’t typical. She liked foreplay… giving and receiving, and she could do it for hours. There was something about this man that flipped her switch… hard.


She licked over to kiss the base of his cock before sliding her tongue up the sensitive underside. It was easy to watch him watch her. He didn’t rush, and he didn’t fidget; he just kept his eye on her as he waited to see what she’d do next.


After a few times up and down, she had to taste more of him. Filling her mouth with his hard length, she almost moaned at how good he felt there. She loved this part. The learning of another person, the figuring out what they liked and what they didn’t. How they wanted to be touched and what was a no – no spot… these were all things she enjoyed even though she never let anyone get more than a few dates.


Up and down she slid on his throbbing cock, and when she added her hand to his shaft to help increase the stimulation, she could feel just the slight pumping of his hips trying to get deeper into the moist heat that was making the most delightful noises escape his throat.


When she looked up again, his eyes were closed, and she wondered what he was thinking about. He probably was thinking of how good this felt, and she increased her tempo and speed to make sure that not even the thought of breathing would come to him while she worked her magic with one hand cupping his ass to bring him in faster and the other used as twisting motion to stroke his cock.


“I’m going to come, baby. If you don’t want it down your throat, I suggest you back away.”


It was like a dare, and she’d never been able to back down from one of those. She went just a bit faster and gripped him a little more firmly when his cock filled out a bit and then jerked as his salty load ejected time and time again into her mouth. She moved her hand to his abs so she could feel him contract and all the mini jumps when she was still sucking, and he was a bit sensitive.


When she released his cock from her mouth he pulled her up, and kissed her like he’d just returned to war. It was full of something. Gratitude, pleasure… whatever it was, she liked it a lot. It was like he didn’t even mind that her mouth was recently filled with the evidence of his sexy release.


“Your turn.” He helped her with her clothes, and she decided she liked being pampered sometimes, because although he was quick and through, he was gentle too. Laying her down on the bed, she drew up her legs because she was far from coy, and she was more aroused than she could ever remember herself being.


He spread her legs wide as he fit himself between them, and he kissed her pussy with a touch so chaste she wasn’t sure what his plan was going to be.


“I like that you’re a giver, but I wonder if you’re also a taker.” He spoke so close to her wet opening, she could feel each word like he’d placed it on her skin. His warm breath ticked her clit with every sound. She thought she was good at torture, but clearly she’d been messing with the wrong person. This was maddeningly brilliant, but she was nowhere as patient as he was.


She grabbed his hair and led him to where she wanted him to be. He took the hint very well because he got right to work, kissing and sucking the various feel good spots around her pussy, but he didn’t go straight to the place that could bring her the most pleasure, and she tried to get him there with her hands.


“You are a greedy one, aren’t you?” he asked, and she wondered why she ever thought he was docile. He’d seen her love of controlling the situation and seemed to be throwing it back at her. It would probably be much more humorous had she just had an orgasm that caused her to have aftershocks and ripples long after the initial event took place.


“Yessssss,” she hissed at him, and he chuckled. The fact that she could feel the chuckle like he’d filled her with it was as nice as it was frustrating.


“Should I take you out of your misery?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer before he was telling her something else. “You know the longer you wait, the more fulfilling the orgasm will be. Not that you need that for tonight, but there may be a time when that’s important to you.”


“I appreciate the public service announcement, and I’m aware that if you wait a good while the boom is better, but I’ve been waiting for this since you moseyed up to the barstool next to me and tried to tell me some take about you working in construction.” She didn’t remember having this much conversation or fun with her sex, and it was something that she found she liked very much.


“So it would seem you are not interested in my skills of prolonging the moment right now?” He mixed his conversation up with licks and kisses so it was hard to come up with witty remarks at the moment, but that didn’t keep her from being thoroughly amused.


The thick black hair was quite useful as a handle as she grabbed a handful of it and led him back to where she wanted him to be. After his remarks, she thought he’d probably tease her a bit more before he brought out his A-game and let her finish, but she was incorrect.


He moaned as he licked around the bundle of nerves that brought her so much pleasure, and she found the humming sensation particularly arousing. If it was the sexy noise that she typically liked or the additional stimulation she didn’t know, but everything with this guy just felt different… in a good way.


Using his fingers to spread her wide open to his mouth, he sucked her clit into his mouth and seemed to set on driving her right off the edge. He’d done a good job of keeping her right at the limit of orgasm without pushing her over, but she could tell when his intent had changed. The light licking was gone and replaced with stronger pulls into his mouth. Her whole body was focused on the one place where he was playing her body like a cello.


Her body was tightening up like a string pulled taut with every draw of his mouth, and she let go of his head to hold on to the bed. She liked a good give and take from her partner, but somehow this encounter was much more intense, and she grabbed on to the comforter with both of her hands. Could it get any better? She was jacked up so tightly that her abdominal muscles were starting to hurt. When he inserted 2 thick fingers into her pussy and delved deep, the tense hold she had on her body shattered. Waves of pleasure rolled through her body, and she convulsed over and over as he slowly continued his sexy assault on her body.


When the contractions had ceased and she could hear the normal sounds of her house and their breathing, she lifted her head to take a look at the man who had rocked her world with his mouth and two fingers.

BOOK: Insatiable - Devil's Stepbrothers MC
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