In Heat: Mating Call (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #2) (14 page)

BOOK: In Heat: Mating Call (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #2)
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She smiled and closed her eyes.

“I love you, Kim.”

Her eyes opened again, her smile broadening. “I love you too.”

Turning, he walked as quietly as possible to the door and glanced at her briefly before opening it and stepping out into the hall. She needed to get some sleep. The burden her secret had placed on her heart had been lifted and the mating had begun. At least now they knew who the other man in their visions was.

Closing the door, he paused for a moment, his heart telling him to stay with her, and then walked down the corridor back towards the stairs.

Sean was waiting just inside the ballroom door when he got there.

“Thought you could use this.” Sean held out a glass of whisky.

Erik took it and considered downing it in one go but sipped it instead. He couldn't get drunk. He had to be on alert in case Kristian came back.

“I know who you're looking for and he's gone,” Sean said.

Erik looked at him. He hadn't even realised that he'd been scanning the room.

“Gone? Definitely?”

“Saw him myself. Driven away in some fancy car by a fancy driver with his fancy lackies.”

Erik knocked the drink back and sighed.

“You started the mating didn't you?” Sean said.

“Yes,” Erik replied and moved further into the room. He had to see with his own eyes that Kristian was gone.

“It's a little rough bringing a fresh from sex girl into a room full of shape-shifters.” Sean took a swig of his own whisky. “You should've known that Kristian would react.”

Erik paused and then smiled. “I knew.”

Sean's eyes widened and his brows rose into a look of disbelief but it quickly melted away into a sly grin.

“So, a prince for a suitor... that's pretty hefty competition. What are you going to do now?”

Erik took the remaining bottle of Dom Pérignon Rosé out from its hiding place and held it up to the light. There was enough left for one glass. They should've shared it. It should've been a toast to the start of the mating. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed, and then poured the champagne into a glass.

“In three days she'll be ready to mate.” He sipped the champagne and looked at Sean. “All I've got to do is protect her for three more days and then I'll never have to worry again.”


im closed her eyes and moaned as she leaned back into Erik's chest. She was straddling his knees as he knelt on the bed, her body pressed against his and the beads of sweat on their skin causing them to stick together as they moved. His hands were firm against her hips, holding her as he moved her on his rigid cock, impaling her at an achingly slow pace. He'd been doing it for what seemed like hours, sliding up inside her as he whispered sweet breathy words into her ear and kissed her neck.

She ran her hands over his and then brought them up, running her fingers into his hair and playing with it.

Kristian was watching her. She could feel his gaze burning her body as he raked it over her. He was a different kind of person now, no longer aggressive and rough. He had become gentler, as he had been in her previous vision. She opened her eyes and looked at him, her gaze taking in his toned body and settling on his hard length. He was ready for her, rigid and long. She wanted to reach out and touch his cock, wanted to draw him into this moment and share it with him. When he was like this, when they were away from reality, she couldn't help feeling attracted to him.

She moaned low and deep when he moved closer and palmed her breasts. One hand was swiftly replaced by his mouth and sparks of desire shot to her belly as he swirled his tongue around her nipple and sucked it into his mouth. She was tempted to take one of her hands away from Erik's hair to hold Kristian to her breast, but knew that it would upset the careful balance of the vision. When Erik was in command, they both felt less guilty when they woke up. It seemed the vision understood that and the need to keep the intensity between all three of them at boiling point, and never overstepped the mark.

They were all just pawns in its game after all, players on a stage when it came to the visions. None of them had any true control and she'd given up trying to change the events to stop Kristian from taking part.

Erik kissed her neck, tickling and teasing it at the same time as Kristian moved across to her other nipple and laved it, licking it and drawing it into a hard peak. She could barely keep control as Erik kept the pace so slow and casual that she felt as though she was never going to cum. She wanted to feel him cum inside her, wanted her hot juices coating his cock, and needed to feel that bliss that came with her orgasm.

She gasped when Kristian touched her pussy, sliding long fingers into her folds and circling her slick clit. Her brows furrowed and she whispered pleas to them both to put her out of her misery. She wanted to cum. She felt close to exploding as they tortured her body, sending her to dizzying and painful heights of arousal.

Kristian ran his fingers downwards and she felt them leave her. Erik moaned against her neck and Kristian smiled. Had he touched Erik? A thrill coursed through her at the idea that the two men were enjoying this. It only made her hotter and her mind raced to imagine the kinds of things that could happen. Her pussy throbbed with the idea of them touching each other, their cocks both sliding into her flesh and taking her at the same time. She tensed her muscles, sending a pulse of pleasure to her clit, and moaned when Kristian's fingers rubbed it again.

She desperately held on as Erik took her, raising and lowering her on his cock, and Kristian touched her, suckling her nipples. She wanted Kristian to touch Erik again, wanted to hear him moan as Kristian fondled his balls while she rode his cock.

Erik thrust hard into her and it was too much. She cried out her orgasm and shuddered with the heat that engulfed her, sending tingles sweeping outwards from her stomach.

She was surprised when Erik didn't stop. His grip tightened and he kept thrusting into her, making her moan with each stroke. She quivered around his length, wanting to collapse and leaning into him for support as he took her. She closed her eyes again as Kristian continued to tease her nipples. Neither of them were willing to relinquish her. It was divine torture. They ran their hands across her overheated flesh, tickling her with light caresses. Her senses felt overloaded and she didn't know whether she was coming or going as she gave herself over to them, letting them do as they pleased.

Erik's grip on her waist tightened and he began to move faster and harder inside of her, reigniting her hunger and desire, and fanning the flames of arousal until she was begging him for more so she could cum again.

She groaned when he growled hotly in her ear, nipping her earlobe and then her neck. It was so dominating and aggressive as he bit her with blunt teeth, his cock pounding her senseless.

She opened her eyes when Kristian kissed her breasts and fingered her clit, his body pressing against hers. He pulled back, fingers still dancing against her pert nub and a hunger in his eyes that made them dark.

He moved back a little and she stared at his cock as he started masturbating in front of her, fisting himself hard and fast. She moaned, imagining him taking her at the same time as Erik. He closed his eyes, face screwing up as his hand frantically slid up and down his length. She reached out to touch him but he groaned, jerked forwards, and came on her chest. She followed him, her whole body convulsing as she came and she felt Erik thrust deep into her pussy as he spilt his seed and growled in her ear.

* * * *

Erik paced the porch, looking at the frosty garden as the sun rose. It was beautiful, but he couldn't take any pleasure from it, not today. He was so tired, but he'd been unable to sleep for more than a few minutes. The vision had woken him and while Kim had remained asleep, he'd come down to find a little space to think.

He knew that what happened in visions was beyond their control, but there was a small part of him that was beginning to resent Kim for the things she did. It wasn't her fault. It was Kristian's. He'd told himself that a million times but he still didn't feel any better.

There was a niggling voice at the back of his head that said that Kim was influencing the visions—that she liked doing those things with them both.

He sighed. What were they going to do tomorrow? For today they were safe, shut away in their mansion with so many guests around that Kristian was unlikely to return and do anything. By tonight, everyone would be gone, including Sean. It would give them the time alone that they needed to reassure each other. Some old movies and ice cream would work a treat for that. It had been a while since they'd spent a whole evening on the sofa together, just holding each other and watching television.

But tomorrow?

Tomorrow he had to go back to work and so did Kim. Back in London they were exposed and it would be easier for Kristian to get to Kim. With him stuck at the office all day and her across London, he wouldn't be able to protect her. He had half a mind to tell her to call in sick, but he knew how important work was to her and he'd caused enough havoc with her job in the past for selfish reasons.

He couldn't believe this was happening all over again. When he'd first met her and she'd discovered he was a shape-shifter, he'd been so scared of losing her that he'd opened himself up, turning himself inside out so she could see everything he felt about her and would know that he'd never hurt her.

He'd shown her how weak he was for her and only her.

He'd thought she'd break his heart if she'd left back then.

The hurt he would feel now if she left him would be his end. It would kill him. He couldn't go on without her. His heart was hers and if she chose to leave, she'd take it with him, leaving him hollow and dead.

He jumped when he felt her kiss his cheek and her arms slid around his neck. He'd been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't sensed her. She prodded his shoulders.

“You're so tense... what's wrong?” she said and moved around him.

He looked at her, taking in the thick black jumper she was wearing and the loose blue jeans. Her eyes were still puffy from crying yesterday, but other than that, she looked cheerful and as though nothing had happened last night.

Was he the only one worrying?

“It's nothing,” he said.

She frowned.

“You left the bed when it was still dark and didn't come back.” Her tone was deadly serious and it demanded that he looked at her, so he did. “Are you worried about us too? About Kristian?”

He could see the fear surface when she said that name. No, he wasn't the only one worrying. She was petrified.

“I don't like the way we are in the visions,” he said, watching her closely. “You like it too much.”

She smiled and sidled up to him, her hands resting on his shoulders. “I like the way you are... dominating...”

Her cheeks flushed a vivid shade of crimson.

“It was thrilling,” she whispered to her feet.

He caught her under the chin with his finger and raised her head back up so he could see her eyes again. She was telling the truth.

“I can be dominant. Easily,” he purred in a low voice. Her cheeks blazed brighter. “Even more than I've been before. I can be very dominant.”

He sniffed and the sweet scent of her arousal filled his nostrils. She wanted it, really wanted to be dominated by him.

She stroked his neck.

“You put yourself at my mercy once... I'd like to experience that.” She pressed her finger against his lips when he went to speak. “I want to show you that I really do love and trust you... that I want only you.”

He growled and swatted her hand away, tugging her into his arms as he kissed her hard.

“I love you, and I don't doubt that you love me...” he whispered against her lips. “But if you want a little domination, then I can arrange that.”

She giggled and he was surprised that she wasn't blushing when she pulled back.

She stroked his cheek and sighed, the fire in her eyes melting into worry again. It brought his own feelings back to the surface, extinguishing his desire.

“I'm worried that something will happen and I won't be able to protect you this time,” he said.

She stared at him for a moment and then kissed him. It was softer and gentler this time, reassuring.

“I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay right here.” She smiled and there was a hint of pride in it, as though she was happy she'd come up with such a foolproof plan.

“What about work?” He burst her bubble and her face fell.

“I'd forgotten about work.” She heaved a sigh and pouted, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest now.

When he'd got up this morning, he'd slung his shirt and trousers from last night on and grabbed his black fleece. It was still cold even with the several layers, but her touch was starting to warm him through.

“It's been so nice just being out here with you, relaxing...” Her smile returned but this time it was coy and carried a trace of seduction.

“I'll take you into London tomorrow.” He put his arms around her waist and drew her close, both to warm him up and keep her from freezing. “We can stay in my apartment in the city.”

She laughed. “Will you drive me to work every day too?”

His expression remained serious. “Yes, if you'd like me to.”

There was a look on her face that made him wonder what she was thinking. Her eyes were twinkling, her beautiful mouth bowed into a smile and she was looking at him with so much love that the cold was forgotten. Did she think he was charming for offering to protect her? Was it because it showed her just how much he loved her? Girls liked that kind of thing didn't they? She'd shown on more than one occasion how much she loved it when he became possessive of her, defending her and looking after her.

Her fingers swept across his cheek and she sighed up at him.

“Don't worry so much,” she said and he frowned. How was he supposed to not worry? There was a man after her, and he had the terrible feeling that last night wasn't the last they'd seen of Kristian. “I'm not interested in some shoddy prince.”

BOOK: In Heat: Mating Call (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #2)
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