Read I'm in Love With a Stripper Online

Authors: Michelle Marola

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

I'm in Love With a Stripper (3 page)

BOOK: I'm in Love With a Stripper
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Lisa was the only girl Jessica and Alena talked to at the club. They had to be careful a lot of the girls were mixed up in drugs or
were way too into drama.

Alena!” exclaimed Lisa.

Hey Lisa! I didn’t know you were working tonight. Tonight looks promising look at all the guys here and it’s still early,” Alena replied.

I know right? Some big shot business guys Aaron knows decided to drop by. Aaron promised that we would all bank tonight. Anyway, why are you looking down tonight? Is something wrong?” Lisa said.

Oh Lisa, I need to talk to you. I have to tell you something important,” Alena sighed.

The two girls took a break
from getting ready.

What is it Alena?” Lisa said giving Alena a concerned look.

Well, I have some good news and some bad news,” Alena took a deep breath and continued. “You know how I’m a nanny during the day right?”

nodded, “Yeah.”

My boss asked me to work full-time for him with double pay!” Alena exclaimed excitedly.

squealed and hugged her friend, “Oh my gosh, that’s so great!”

I know. I think I should quit working here if I am going to be a full-time nanny. I know it will be double and that is a lot more but I hope it will be enough to send back home. I make a lot here and it feels really good to be able to help my family out and I’d leave Jessica with all of the rent because I’d be a live-in nanny,” Alena replied.

smiled, “You know I’d love to move in with Jessica. I’ve been looking for a roommate forever. I’d really miss you if you quit but I can’t wait till the day I can move on from this place.”

The girl
’s conversation was interrupted as Aaron came in.

Why hello ladies! You two are looking especially beautiful tonight. I have some very important friends that I need you two ladies to entertain. Please don’t upset them and give them anything that they want as long as it is in reason. If they want to touch you let them. Understood?” Aaron said smoothly.

The girls nodded.

“They will be in the second VIP section upstairs,” Aaron stated.

The girls exchanged confused glances. Club
Sapphire was a high-end gentleman’s club. Aaron made sure that his club was respectable and classy. Unless Aaron gave his permission the customers were not even allowed to touch his girls. He had a respectable security crew to enforce the rules. Although his clients were sleazy, they were usually older men who were well off and held high paying jobs. Many clients just wanted some entertainment along with a little confidentiality. Though, there were a few exceptions from time to time with unruly clients.

Now I’m really curious about who these guys are, aren’t you?” Lisa asked.

Chapter 4

and Lisa finished getting ready and headed over to the VIP section. Lisa was a very pretty girl with a great body. She was also the youngest girl at the club. She had the girl next door look with her short blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and full lips. Lisa had a huge personality and she was always outgoing. She reminded Alena of a little ray of sunshine.

Lisa wore five inch clear heels and a short, lacy dress with a black g-string underneath. Alena wore six inch black heels with a deep turquoise teddy that emphasized her great cleavage with a g-string underneath. Both girls looked breathtaking. Their tall heels clicked on the ground as they made their way upstairs towards the VIP room.

Well Alena, I guess it’s time to get to work— Aaron said for me to take the guy in the back and for you to take the other one,” Lisa pointed and went off to the table where the man was sitting. From what Alena could tell he was an older man but he was extremely handsome. Alena smirked, as soon as Lisa arrived at his table she could tell he was smitten with her. She didn’t blame him it was hard not to love Lisa. She had the most beautiful smile, she was very pretty, and she was always laughing.

Alena shook her head and made her way over to her table. She froze when she realized who it was
and immediately an alarmed look showed on her face. Lisa didn’t seem to notice as she was already getting the older man an overpriced drink.

It was
Royce’s business associate, Blake. Fear and anxiety floated around in her stomach. If Blake told Royce she would have to work for Aaron at the club even longer and she knew Royce would forbid her from seeing Gavin. It was too late. Blake was already grinning and eyeing her sexy outfit.

smiled warmly at Alena and motioned for her to sit next to him. Alena robotically sat down next to him, simply because she didn’t know of any other option. A flood of anxiety rushed through her body.

Well, well so I guess Royce was lying about you being the nanny. He was always such a bad liar,” Blake smirked.

nervously laughed.

Well, not exactly,” Alena replied softly as she made eye contact with Blake.

Oh? Does he not pay you very well? Is this your secret job?” Blake replied. It was apparent that he didn’t believe her to be Gavin’s nanny, he thought of her more as Royce’s whore.

Something like that. Really…” Alena started before taking a long pause. “Please don’t tell him about this,” Alena said in a soft almost pleading voice.

Her usual spunk had vanished a long time ago.
Working two jobs, going to school, and supporting her family had taken a lot out of her. She used to not be so submissive but now she didn’t have the strength to be bold.

took her delicate hand into his rough one as a grin formed on his face.

He really doesn’t know does he? Whenever I saw you at his dump the other day I wondered if I would ever get to see you again. Now maybe we could work something out? How about drinks here tonight then I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?” Blake said coyly.

Um…” Alena stammered.

You know any girl would be lucky to have me as their man,” Blake said smugly.

took his free hand to push a strand of Alena’s hair behind her ear.

felt a little nauseous at his forwardness and his hand touching hers. She looked around the room for Lisa but she was on the other side. She was sitting and talking with the handsome older man. Lisa seemed to be having a good time unlike Alena.

had a small idea and stood up quickly, “Blake, why don’t I get you a drink that way you can relax?”

He nodded,
“Good idea. Get yourself one too.”

went to the bar and ordered a drink for a Blake and one for herself. She didn’t normally drink while working, but tonight she felt that she really needed it. Alena gritted her teeth. She cared very deeply for Royce and Gavin and she did not want them to find out about her secret.

Is this Blake guy just fucking around with me? Is he going to have a little fun with me and then tell Royce any way? He and Royce obviously don’t get along… What’s there to stop him?
Alena thought to herself.

came back to the table and placed Blake’s drink in front of him.

You’ll make a good woman for me, Alena. You already know when to get me a drink,” Blake stated as his arms slithered around her small waist. His grip was firm and making her extremely uncomfortable. He was going too far.

What real reason
does he have not to tell Royce? If not now he will eventually tell him when he gets bored with me. I just have to get through tonight
I have to be able to say goodbye to Gavin he has been through so much. I just have to get through tonight and see Gavin tomorrow
, Alena thought to herself.

Why don’t we get our agreement going with a little entertainment?” Blake gestured towards the pole.

noticed Blake’s glass was already empty, “Why don’t I get you another drink first? You seem tense. Maybe you’ve been working too hard?” Alena replied.

nodded, “Yeah, that sounds good go ahead.”

came back with Blake’s drink. She had told the bartender to make it extra strong. Drink after drink, Blake put them away. He bragged about work, his sports car, his muscles, his large house and other such things. Alena softly smiled and let him do most of the talking as she did with most of her other clients. She listened and smiled but inside she just felt uncomfortable around him. Blake starred at her body almost the entire time he talked.

He ran his fingers through her
long, silky, hair. He then touched her arm then her thigh. His hands were making her uncomfortable. He started talking about how he was going to take her out next week and that now he’d be the only customer she saw. He told her that he’d tell Royce everything if she didn’t go along with his plan. The only thing she could smell was the strong odor of liquor on his breath. It was overwhelming. He wanted to control her and she would practically have to be his slave. No client had ever been as unruly as he was. The whole thing was making her nauseous. Her stomach churned.

looked at her body one more time and then there was a moment of silence. Alena got up to get Blake another drink but she couldn’t move; Blake had grabbed her arm.

You smell amazing,” he said as he pulled her against him.

I can’t wait to taste you and hear you scream my name,” he drunkenly whispered into her ear.

His breathing was heavy.
He pulled her even closer.

A devilish smile appeared on his face
with a crazy gleam in his eyes. “So beautiful with such a sexy body. I bet you are getting excited for my cock inside of you.”

then grabbed her harder to pull her up out of her seat. Before she could realize what was going on he began to drag her out of the VIP exit to the parking garage. Alena pulled away and struggled with him. She attempted to stomp on one of his feet but this just enraged him. The next thing she knew she was on the ground. He had pushed her down with one hard shove. No one noticed as they were alone in the VIP room. All of the bouncers were busy in the main room because of the big crowd. Fear gripped her body. Aaron gave instructions for everyone to be extra lenient with this guy. Blake succeeded in his attack and had quickly pulled her out of the VIP room to the parking garage exit.

Get off of me! What are you doing?!” Alena’s yells echoed through the parking garage. She continued to struggle.

isn’t there anyone around?
she wondered hopelessly as fear gripped her entire body.

“Stupid bitch!
” Blake yelled.

became frustrated and shoved her again. She hit the ground he kicked her in the side. She cringed as pain surged throughout her body.

You fucking whore!” he yelled as he kicked her again.

God, I’m going to die here
… thoughts quickly raced through Alena’s head. She looked up at him through pleading, blue-grey eyes but she was suddenly blinded by two bright lights. A silent moment passed and then she heard a car door slam.

Chapter 5

“Blake! You fucking bastard! What the hell do you think you’re doing with that girl? You’re sick!” Royce shouted.

It’s none of your business dick splash. I’ll do what I want!” Blake drunkenly yelled back.

pulled out his Beretta from under his seat.

I’m making it my business. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t shoot you right now?” Royce shouted.

stepped away from Alena’s small crumpled body and put his hands up.

Hey man... I’m going,” Blake stammered as he retreated like a coward.

put his gun away and leaned over Alena oblivious to her identity, “Hey are you OK?”

sobbed unable to reply.

bent down and got closer, “Are you hurt? How about I take you inside?”

looked up at Royce with frightened, blue-grey eyes. Her face was soaked with tears and she already had multiple bruises.

looked at her with disbelief.

“Alena?” he stared in shock. “What the fuck are you doing here? Do you work here?”

His words only caused her to sob harder.

Royce sighed. He took off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders then lifted her up bridal style. He carried her to his Mercedes Benz and carefully placed her in the passenger’s seat. Alena felt the coldness of the leather seat and pulled his coat tighter around her nearly naked body.

BOOK: I'm in Love With a Stripper
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