Read Hypno Sleep - Brainwashed While Sleeping Online

Authors: Cindel Sabante

Tags: #mind control, #bimbo, #humiliation, #graphic sex, #rough sex

Hypno Sleep - Brainwashed While Sleeping (2 page)

BOOK: Hypno Sleep - Brainwashed While Sleeping
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The strange feelings faded as I walked back towards my
apartment off campus. I started to feel guilty about the ways I'd acted. James
was only trying to be nice. And why would it be wrong if I thought he was cute?
As for my desires, the more I thought about my urges, the more they made sense.
James gave me back my sleep. Why wouldn't I feel something towards him for

But the rationalization didn't make me turn around.
And when night fell, I stayed in my apartment. I laid down in my bed and pulled
the sheets up to my chin before closing my eyes. But no matter how much I
tossed and turned, no matter how many positions I twisted myself into, I
couldn't fall asleep. I stayed up the next day and tried to sleep again that
night, but after trying to pass out for half of the night, I gave up and
climbed back out of bed.

I can't even nap anymore!
My head dropped into
my hands as I sobbed.
I just want to sleep.

When the sun rose again, I laced up my shoes and
stepped out the door. Over my shoulder was my overnight bag, filled with my
toiletries and sleepwear. And when I walked back into the medical center on
campus, James was standing in the hallway. When he saw me, a smile spread over
his face and he waved me over.

"Missed you for the past few days. And when I
tried to call, no one answered. Is everything okay?"

I stared down at my shoes. I could feel the heat in my
cheeks as I blushed. How could I answer his question? I couldn't tell him the
real reason I ran away. "I got busy. Schoolwork and stuff..."

His hand fell across my shoulder and we walked back
towards the sleep center. "Yeah, that happens. But you're back now. Think
you'll be sticking to your schedule from now on?" I nodded and James
smiled. "That's my girl. It's good to keep with the schedule. Now let's
get you another good night's rest."


woke up as soon as the music turned off, just like I
had for the past week now. James had been right when he said he would be
controlling my sleep. As soon as the headphones started pumping the melodic
music into my ears and the lights above me shimmered, my eyes shut until
morning. And when I woke up, I felt great. My mind was clear, my body relaxed.
My only complaint was that for the past couple of days, my butthole was sore. I
was too embarrassed to tell James so I wrote it off as sleeping weird in bed.

When I walked into the bathroom and the lights turned
on, I caught my reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. I looked
good with my new blonde hair. I'd dyed it two days ago after getting a sudden
urge to change things up.
James likes blondes.
My eyes slipped to my
body next. The two pink disks of my nipples were plainly visible under my white
chemise. The sheer material did a poor job of hiding my skin, but it was
comfortable. And peeking out from just below the hemline of my lingerie was my
hairless mound.
James likes my outfits.

I showered quickly, then dried off and got dressed. A
tight shirt, high skirt, and tall heels were all I brought today. For a moment
I questioned why I hadn't packed any underwear, but only for a moment.
likes my outfits.

I stepped out of the bathroom and sadness filled me
when I didn't see him in the room. He was usually waiting for me when I stepped
out of the shower. Why wasn't he here now?

Get out now! If he comes back it'll be too late!

I pushed the stray thought from my head and filled the
empty space with thoughts of James. I smiled as I walked towards the small
observation room, hoping he was inside. He wasn't, but his computers were all
running, bathing the tiny office in a pale glow from the many monitors.
be back soon. I just have to stay here and wait.

And as I waited curiosity got the best of me. I knew I
shouldn't have touched the computers, but I wondered what James was doing in
here at all hours of the night. I sat down at the terminal and clicked on a folder
named "B_Lawson_CCTV." Inside the folder were dozens of files with
generic time stamps for names. There was also a single subfolder at the bottom
of the listing, marked "Sub_BL_waudio."

The subfolder opened, displaying eight more video
files. But these files lacked the time stamps. They were just numbered with a
date. I clicked on one and waited for it to load. When it finally did, I saw
myself lying in bed. My eyes were closed and the headphones were on. Rainbow
light bathed me as I slept. I almost turned the video off out of boredom, but
as I dragged the mouse towards the little red X in the corner, movement on the
screen caught my eye.

James had entered the room. And the lights above my
bed had shut off.
What's he doing?
I watched as he moved to the edge of
the bed, then pulled my sheets down, exposing my whole body as I slept.
the hell?
His hand drifted up my legs. A smile spread over my sleeping
features and I saw myself squirm under his touch as it climbed higher. His
hands slid under the simple pink nightie I wore, only to return a moment later,
clutching the waistband of my panties.

What the fuck?!
His hands wandered under my
nightie once more, and by the faces I was making, and the way I'd spread my
legs wide, I knew he was touching me intimately. I closed the video. The date
was from my first night of the sleep study. Seven more videos sat unopened. I
hesitated before clicking another.

A second video opened and within a minute, James was
by the bed. This time I watched as he rolled me onto my side and pulled me
towards the edge of the bed. His fingers traced my lips and stroked my cheek
until my lips parted and my mouth opened. He smiled and unzipped his pants
before pulling out his cock. His head pressed against my lips, then disappeared
into my mouth.

My fingers ran across my lips as I watched the video.
the hell is going on? How could he be doing this? Why don't I remember?
the video, my hand rose from under the sheets and grasped his hard cock. My
head dipped forward and my hand slid along his shaft as I took James deeply
into my mouth. My eyes stayed closed the entire time.

The next video showed James tapping me on the shoulder
before I kicked off the sheets and rolled out of bed. The headphones never left
my ears and my eyes never opened as I dropped to my knees in front of him. My
small fingers worked the button on his fly and I pulled his cock out; stroking
him until he was as hard as steel. I watched until his hand fell to the back of
my head and he pushed me forward against his crotch. His body jerked before he
pulled himself away from me. I saw myself swallow, then open my mouth, sticking
my tongue out for inspection.

My stomach flipped. I closed the video and opened
another. James was on top of me and my legs were spread wide. I couldn't see
his cock, but there was no question that he was fucking me while I smiled. The
next video showed him fucking me as well, but this time he took me doggie
style. I saw my breasts bouncing as he pushed himself into me again and again.

I have to get out of here! I have to tell someone!

I didn't move. Instead, I opened the remaining two
videos. What I saw explained why I'd woken up with a sore asshole for the past
two nights. The first video showed James spreading my cheeks before pushing
himself into me. The second video showed me spreading for him. He fucked hard.

"Like what you see?" said a voice from
behind me.

My heart jumped into my throat as I turned on James.
"You fucking asshole! You are in some shit now!"

He just smiled at me. "Ohh come on Britney, it's
not like you didn't enjoy it. Turn up the volume a bit and listen to those
moans you make. Or how you begged me last night to take you up the ass."

"I'd never ask for that! There is no way I
enjoyed any of that you sick fuck!"

His eyebrow raised and his eyes slid down my body.
"Then why are you touching yourself Britney? Why are your tits hard and
your cunt wet?"

"It's not..." I looked down and saw my hand,
or rather my arm. My hand was hidden between my legs and for the first time since
I'd started watching the videos, I realized that my fingers were buried deep
inside of my pussy. My clit throbbed and my asshole clenched.
What the hell
did he do to me?!

I pulled my hand out from between my legs. "Get
out of my way!" I tried to dash by the lanky lab tech, but I didn't get
far. His hand wrapped around my wrist before pulling me backwards. I lost my
balance and fell into his open arms. As his grip on me tightened, I felt my
feet leave the ground. He was carrying me back towards the bed. And in his hand
were half a dozen thick leather straps.

"No! No no no! Let me go you freak!" I
kicked uselessly in the air as I twisted and squirmed to no avail. "Let me

His lips tickled my ear as he spoke. "Shhh. This
is just a little setback Britney. This steps up the timetable a bit, but it
shouldn't be a problem."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Seriously? You don't understand what's going on
yet? I'm glad I had you dye your hair blonde."

Wait, what?
"You didn't make me dye my
hair. I just wanted something different!"

He chuckled as he threw me to the bed. I tried to
scramble off of the other side but James was too fast for me. Before I could
stop him, he had my wrist in a leather cuff lined with fur. He explained
everything as he climbed on top of me. I struggled as best as I could, but even
with his skinny arms, I couldn't overpower him.

"You dyed your hair because I implanted the
thought into that empty little head of yours while you slept. Just like how I
got you to dress in lingerie last night or in that slutty little skirt you're
wearing now. And when you go back to sleep, I'm going to finish training you.
When you wake back up, all I'll have to do is snap my fingers and you'll drop
to your knees and wrap those lips of yours around my cock. And if I snap again,
you'll spread your legs and let me fuck you. Cunt or ass, it won't matter.
You'll beg for both."

His words hit me like a truck.
The clothes, the
hair, the make-up. It was all James. Ohh God this is real. This is real! He's
going to brainwash me! He's going to turn me into a sex doll!
Let me go James. We can still go out. We could be good together without all
this. And I won't tell anyone. I promise!"

He finished tightening the last of the restraints that
he'd attached to the posts of the bed. With my wrists and ankles secured in
thick cuffs and a wide leather strap across my chest and stomach, I wasn't
going anywhere. He smiled as he picked up the headphones. I shook my head
violently but he managed to fit the cups over my ears regardless. He walked

"Why are you doing this?!"

That stopped him. He turned back around and pulled one
of the earpieces off. When I looked into his eyes, fury burned behind his
glasses. "Because I can. And because girls like you won't talk to me
unless they need something. You all want me to do your homework or fix your
computers. Well it's my turn to get something from one of you." He leaned
in close, his face hovering inches above my own. "Don't worry though. I'll
make sure you're happy when I'm done with you. You won't know any better. I'll
fuck you hard, make you moan, and put you away wet. Then when I'm done with
you, you'll go about your day like normal. You'll
being nothing
more than a hole for my cock."

The earpiece snapped back against my head. I screamed
again but James didn't care. Above me, the rainbow lights started to dance.
Soft music filled my ears. My eyes grew heavy. I tried to fight the sleep that
wanted to take me, and for a minute I succeeded by screaming so loud that I
couldn't hear the music. But James ended my resistance with a thick rubber ball
gag wedged between my teeth. I couldn't tune out the music after that. My eyes
closed and the soft sounds carried me away.


y jaw hurt as I opened my eyes. James was leaning
over me, smiling. Deep dimples dug into his cheeks and his glasses hung down
off of his nose. His eyes sparkled with warmth. I tried to smile back but
something was stopping me. It wasn't until he tugged the ball gag from my mouth
that I got the chance to show him how happy I was that he was here with me.

I love James. He is my Master. I am his servant.
James makes me happy.

"How's my girl doing? Did you sleep well?"

I nodded quickly.

"Such a good girl. And I think good girls should
get rewarded. Don't you agree?"

I nodded again.
I'm a good girl. James is my
Master. He makes me happy.

"Does my good girl want to be fucked? Would that
be a good reward?"

Like a bobble-head, I nodded again.
I love James.
His cock makes me happy.

"Well then, what kind of guy would I be if I said
no to my girl?" He climbed up onto the bed.

I craned my neck as I watched him. He hadn't loosened
my restraints so raising my head off the pillow was about all I could do. The cuffs
from last night had me spread-eagle on the bed and unable to move. I hoped he
would remove the restraints so I could run my hands all over his perfect body,
but it wasn't for me to ask to be let go. If Master wanted me strapped down,
then I would stay strapped down.

Wake up Britney.

His pants were off now. I could see his cock, thick
and strong, as it bobbed in front of him. I tried to wiggle my hips and spread
my legs wider, but with all of the leather bindings, I could barely move an
inch. "Please fuck me James. Take my pussy. I'm so wet!"

He pushed up my shirt, exposing my breasts. My nipples
were hard, and had been since I'd woken up. I gasped as he wrapped his fingers
around my pink peaks and twisted them harshly. His touch hurt at first, but
morphed into something wonderful. Yet the pleasure from his hands on my breasts
was a pale shadow compared to the feeling of his cock piercing me for the first
of what I hoped was many times today.

BOOK: Hypno Sleep - Brainwashed While Sleeping
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