Holiday Bites: A Collection of Vampire Paranormal Romances (9 page)

BOOK: Holiday Bites: A Collection of Vampire Paranormal Romances
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Her guts had been churning all day, thanks to Marcus. She alternated between being really pissed-off and really disappointed. She stared at the TV and realized she didn’t want to watch mindless sitcoms, so she turned it off. She couldn’t quite work up the energy to go get her laptop. She really needed to write five more pages, but she was too tired to move.

Someone knocked on the front door. It was only eight o’clock, but even so, she didn’t know anyone who might visit her on a Tuesday night. She looked through the peephole.

Her heart beat wildly.

She flung the door open, stepped across the threshold, and opened her mouth to give Marcus a good what-for. Instead, the fool dragged her into his arms and kissed her senseless.

And she let him.

When he finally let her get a breath, she couldn’t quite find the ire necessary to yell at him.

“May I come in?”

“Like you need an invitation.”

“Actually, I do.”

“Fine. Come in.”

“I got your message.” He followed her into the apartment, looking around her simple furnishings and small space.

“It’s nothing fancy, but it suits me and Sadie.” Trixie sat on the couch and looked up at him. “What do you want?”

“You.” He walked to the bookshelf and plucked a picture of Sadie from the framed photographs. He returned the picture. “And I know you’re a package deal. I hope that Sadie will like me. Maybe even one day love me.”

“Putting the cart before the horse, aren’t you?” Trixie watched him pace, and tried not to hope for too much. Had Marcus thought about her as much as she’d thought about him?

“Yes, I have. A lot.”

Trixie’s mouth dropped open. “I didn’t say that aloud.”

“I’m a vampire. I can read your thoughts.” He stopped pacing, rounded the coffee table, and sat next to her. He grasped her hands. “I love you, Trixie.”

“That’s not possible.”

“Like being a vampire isn’t possible?” He made a sound of frustration. “I thought Steven and Michael were fools. They married mortals. And they’re happy. I didn’t understand.” He looked nervous. Did he truly fear what she might say or do? “Trixie, you’re in my head, my heart. I can’t stop thinking about you or wanting you. I have never felt this way about a lover. My little girls were the closest thing to love I have ever known—until you.”             

“You have… had children?”

He hesitated, his expression guarded, and then he admitted, “They were murdered.”

“Oh, my God. I’m so sorry, Marcus.”

“It was a long time ago, but sometimes it still feels like it happened yesterday.” He looked at her. “My wife and daughters were assassinated by Caligula. A few months later, I was part of the conspiracy to kill him. We rid the world of a monster—I’ll never regret that.”

Trixie felt overwhelmed. She was sitting on a couch with a man who’d lived nearly a thousand years. He’d seen the world destroyed and rebuilt many times. He’d live through the deaths of his family and God knew who else. Right now, all she saw was his pain, his need to reach out to another.

She wanted, more than anything, to take him into her arms and allow him into her heart. But he was a vampire. And she wouldn’t risk Sadie. Not even for love.

“No! I would never hurt Sadie. I would plunge my sword into my own heart, Trixie, rather than see your daughter hurt.” He cupped her face, brushing his thumbs along her cheeks. “I would gladly give my life a hundred times over if I meant I could have my children back. Sadie will always have my protection. No one will
harm her.”

Trixie wasn’t sure about anything. She wanted to explore her relationship with Marcus, but she was scared. And then there was the blood thing.

“I don’t have to take sustenance from humans,” he said, once again reading her thoughts. “It is highly pleasurable to sink my fangs into a willing neck, but I often get what I need from blood banks.” His gaze caressed her throat. “But we must mark our mates. It’s both a sign of possession and protection.”

Here was a man who wanted her and Sadie. He offered her love and so much more—if she had the courage to take it.

Trixie leaned forward and kissed him. “I’ll introduce you to Sadie tomorrow night. But if you break our hearts, Marcus, I will stake you.”

“I would expect no less.” He drew her into his lap. “Now, about my offer of representation…”

“One thing at time, vampire. One thing at a time.”



* * * * *

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Michele Bardsley



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About Michele Bardsley


Michele Bardsley
is a national bestselling author of paranormal, romance, and mystery fiction. Writing makes her happy.  She loves watching “Supernatural,” consuming chocolate, crocheting hats, reading books, and spending time with her husband and their fur babies.


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BOOK: Holiday Bites: A Collection of Vampire Paranormal Romances
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