Read His Love Endures Forever Online

Authors: Beth Wiseman

His Love Endures Forever (8 page)

BOOK: His Love Endures Forever
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He pulled his coat tighter around him and pushed his hat down firmly on his head as Danielle opened the door and they entered the cold.

“I feel bad that I’m getting into a car with a heater, and you’ll be driving home in the buggy.” Danielle’s breath clouded
in front of her, and Levi wished he was getting into the car with her.

“I’m used to it,” he said as he waited for her to fish her keys from her pocket. There was four years difference in their ages, but at that moment, Danielle had never looked younger to him. She was going to have hard times ahead, but Levi knew that Martha and Arnold would be there for her and the baby. For the hundredth time, he wondered what kind of man Matthew Lapp could be to run out on her.

They’d only taken a few steps from the church when Levi stopped and slowly turned around.

“Levi? What are you doing?” Danielle tugged on the arm of his coat, but Levi kept his eyes on the tiny church as the dim light filtered through the stained glass windows. He felt an overwhelming urge that God was encouraging him to ask again. He resisted, clearer than ever about what he’d be giving up—the Amish life he’d always wanted. But the feeling was not going away; it was only getting stronger. And that meant one thing.

As they stood at the steps of the Sangre de Cristo Chapel, Levi turned to Danielle. “I’m going to marry you. And I think we should get married in this church.”

“Levi, we’ve been through all this, and—”

“We should get married in three weeks.” He spoke with as much authority as he could muster up amidst his own heavy reservations.

“No! I’m not marrying you. I can’t be Amish, Levi.”

“I know that. We’ll live
and be a family.” He grabbed her shoulders. “Please, Danielle. I really believe God wants us to get married. I know you feel it too.”

Danielle’s jaw dropped for a moment, and then she clamped it shut. “No. I don’t. I don’t know what I felt. I—I’m just confused. Matthew just ran off and left me. I’m not even over that.” He straightened and her face softened, as if she were aware she might be hurting him. “Look. You’re my best friend, Levi. And what you’re trying to do is admirable. But I will not let you ruin your life like this.”

“Who says it’ll ruin my life?”

“I do!” Danielle slid past him and ran to her car.

Levi let her go, watching as she drove away, but then felt compelled to walk back into the church. He sat in the first pew and started to pray. Levi had been so sure of what God wanted from him.

But then why hadn’t He made it as clear to Danielle?

the minute she walked into the den where Martha and Arnold were sitting, but stopped abruptly.

“Wow! That’s a big dog!” She walked to the enormous tan and black animal lying at Arnold’s feet. She squatted and scratched his ears. “What’s your name?”

Martha took off her reading glasses and closed the book she was reading. “That’s Dude, and where’ve you been?”

Danielle looked up at Arnold. “He’s so great, Arnold. And so big.” She giggled when Dude stood up and knocked her from her squatting position onto her behind. Then the dog tried to crawl into her lap. “Easy there, big guy.” She nuzzled up to him and let him lick her face. She turned to Martha. “I’m sorry. I should have called.”

“Sue said you canceled your plans, and we’ve been worried. I don’t pay for a cell phone for you just so you can keep it turned off.” Martha crossed her legs as she folded her arms across her chest.

“I know. I’m sorry. Matthew and I broke up, and I wanted to go to his house to talk to him one more time.”

Martha lowered her hands into her lap, her expression softening. “I’m sorry, honey. Is that why you’ve been so upset?”

Danielle nodded. “Yeah, I just needed some time, and I needed to know if it was really over between us before I said anything. And it is.”

“So you talked to him, but there’s no chance of a reconciliation?” Martha raised an eyebrow.

“He wasn’t there, but, uh, no. There’s no chance of us getting back together. He . . .” Danielle paused, swallowed hard. “He actually left town to go to his cousin’s house in Indiana. He’s leaving the Amish faith.”

“Oh boy. I bet his folks are beside themselves. And here all this time, they probably thought all they had to worry about was you stealing their son away.” Martha shook her head. “I’m sorry you’re hurt, honey, but God must have another plan for you.”

“I guess.” Danielle knew it was the best response; otherwise Martha would try to push a conversation about God. Again.

“I always thought that if you were going to date an Amish boy, that Levi Detweiler would be quite the catch.” Martha cackled, slapping a hand to her leg. “Ol’ Vera would have a heart attack if she ever heard me say that.”

Arnold scratched Dude behind the ears. “Why are you attracted to these Amish fellows anyway?”

Danielle shrugged. “I didn’t go out looking for an Amish guy to date.” It was just a weird coincidence. “But Levi did . . .” She stopped, her heart beating hard. She’d almost told Martha that Levi asked her to marry him, but Danielle was still sorting out her own feelings, not ready to deal with Martha’s reaction to that news.

Shouldn’t I be mourning the loss of my relationship with
But with each passing second, Matthew seemed further removed, and not just geographically.

“What’s that about Levi?” Martha asked as she reached for the remote and turned the television down.

“Uh, Levi found me tonight.”

“Where? I thought we looked for you in all your usual places.”

Danielle avoided Martha’s eyes as she stood up and moved to the couch. Martha always sat in her old tan recliner, and they’d bought Arnold one of his own shortly after they were married. Danielle sat on the old red and gold couch across from them. “Don’t make a big deal about this, but sometimes I go to that little church in town, the one with the stained glass windows.”

Martha smiled a little as she lifted her chin. “Do ya now?”

“I asked you to not make a big deal over it. It’s just that it’s quiet, and I like to go there to think.” Danielle’s heart was pounding as she wondered if she should just tell Martha and Arnold everything. Now. But thoughts of Levi dominated. His sweet face, his strong arms around her . . . his offer to marry her. Was he crazy? Levi was the most religious person she knew, and she couldn’t imagine him leaving the Amish for a life with her. Even though she’d temporarily lost her mind and almost agreed to his proposal.

She leaned her head back against the couch when Martha seemed to tune in to the television program with Arnold. Closing her eyes, she tried to picture herself with Levi . . . the two of them, a family, raising a baby. More than once, she’d wanted Levi to kiss her, but she’d known that would change the way things were between them. But now she found herself envisioning his lips on hers. What would it be like to kiss her best friend?


dry goods store to pick up a few things on her mother’s list. And to see if maybe she could catch a glimpse of Levi. The dry goods store was on the same property as the Detweilers’ home, and since it was almost four o’clock, she knew that Levi and his father would be pulling in from work soon, in time to clean up before the supper hour at five. Even if she didn’t get to see Levi, this would be a good time to chat with Levi’s older brother, Jacob, about something she’d seen.

Wie bischt
, Sarah?” Jacob said from behind the counter as she walked in.

, Jacob.”

Jacob was only a year older than Levi, but if Levi hadn’t told Sarah that, she’d have thought him much older. He already had a receding hairline. Maybe his wife of two years, Beth Ann, was aging him. Beth Ann was on the whiny side. Sarah was glad Levi’s hair wasn’t receding so quickly.

“If you’re lookin’ for Levi, he ain’t home yet.”

Sarah felt her cheeks warm as she waved a playful hand at
Jacob. “
Nee, nee
. I’m just here to pick up a few things for
.” She reached into the pocket of her black apron and pulled out the list.

“Need help finding anything, let me know.” Jacob stacked some papers on the counter as he gave her a wise smile.

Ya, danki
. I’m sure I’ll find everything.” She returned the smile and headed down the first aisle. Five minutes later, she was back at the counter carrying the six items in a small basket. She put them on the counter.

“That was fast.”

Jacob started scanning the items with a gadget Sarah had seen in stores that had electricity, then she looked up and saw lights overhead.

“Jacob Detweiler . . .” She put her hands on her hips, grinning. “You’re running electricity in here.” She pointed to the cash register, then up at the lights.

He chuckled. “Solar panels.
and Levi installed them a couple of weeks ago.
was even thinking about putting some at the main house, but
threw a fit. Said she was happy with things the way they are.”

“Solar panels in the
is too
for me, but I can see where it would be a big help here at the store.” She lifted a brow. “What does the bishop have to say about it?”

Jacob shrugged. “The bishop figures we’re only taking advantage of all the sunshine the good Lord gives us here.” He put her items in a bag.

Sarah peeked out the window. No sign of Levi yet, but she had other business here anyway. “I ran into the
girl, Danielle, the other day. First time I’ve seen her in a while.” Sarah pulled a twenty-dollar bill from her apron pocket and put it on
the counter. “She used to attend our worship service sometimes with Martha, but she hasn’t attended in weeks.” She paused. “Anyway, I was at the pharmacy picking up a prescription for
sister when I saw her down the aisle.” Sarah knew what she was doing was wrong. Gossiping. But she knew how close Levi and Danielle were, and it worried her. She also knew her mother’s generation would never ask what she was about to ask Jacob, but she wanted Jacob—and particularly Levi—to know what kind of girl Danielle was. “Do you know . . . is she with child?”

Jacob’s cheeks reddened above his brown beard as he avoided her eyes. “Uh, I wouldn’t think so, since she ain’t married.”

“Isn’t she dating an Amish fellow in Alamosa?”

, Matthew Lapp. Don’t know him. I’ve just heard Levi mention his name.”

Sarah shook her head. “I was just surprised to see her buying one of those testing kits, you know, that tell you if, you know . . . you’re in the family way.”

Jacobs face reddened even more. “I wouldn’t know about those things.” He handed her three dollars and some change back.

. See you at worship on Sunday?”


Sarah smiled, picked up her bag, and headed out the door. Still no sign of Levi. But that was okay. Jacob would tell him what kind of girl Danielle was, and that made the trip worth it.

to the store after he got the horse settled in the barn for the night. “Need help closing up?” He walked to where Jacob was totaling receipts behind the counter.

. Just about done.” Jacob didn’t look up. “You missed your girlfriend. She just left.”

“My girlfriend?” His immediate thought was Danielle, but only because she’d been on his mind since Monday night. He’d wanted to go by and see how she was doing, but he and his father had barely made it home in time for supper the past couple of nights. “Sarah?”

“How many you got?” Jacob looked up and grinned.

“She’s not really my girlfriend. We’ve been to a few singings, but . . .” He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“She sure is

He nodded, although he hadn’t thought much about Sarah the past few days. He’d been busy with thoughts of Danielle and the baby; trying to forget about his dream, the man in the hardware store, and the fellow at the church. He couldn’t help but worry that he was ignoring signs from God to marry Danielle, but he was relieved not to be going into the
world. He’d even talked to the bishop about setting his baptism soon. Then he wouldn’t be tempted by such silly notions.

BOOK: His Love Endures Forever
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