Hiding His Wolf [Urban Affairs 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

BOOK: Hiding His Wolf [Urban Affairs 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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Urban Affairs 4

Hiding His Wolf

Half-breed Werewolf Levi York hides his shifter identity while he works as a bouncer at Hot Rods, a leather club that features slave auctions. When Noah Levy goes on the block, the wolf-shifter recognizes the human as his missing friend. He tracks the buyer, Simon Black, and initiates sex to get close to Noah. Guilt-ridden, Levi tries to justify a very real attraction to the man who owns his friend, but he can't reconcile his feelings. There's definitely chemistry between them, but Simon is the adversary who stands between him and Noah.

Levi is right to be wary. Simon is hiding his real identity. He's a federal agent, and he's using Noah as Werewolf bait. But Simon is having second thoughts. He never expected to fall for the prey—and the bait. Now, he's determined to help both men—but first he has to convince Levi to trust him.

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

35,943 words



Urban Affairs 4






Gale Stanley











Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove




Copyright © 2012 by Gale Stanley

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First E-book Publication: December 2012


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Hiding His Wolf
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This book is dedicated to my publisher and the awesome staff at Siren, who have made this journey such a wonderful experience.


Urban Affairs 4



Copyright © 2012






Chapter One


Hot Rods, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


A tangible sense of excitement built and intensified as the time for the last slave auction drew closer. Already, a large group of anxious men had gathered around the low, makeshift stage, asking questions and admiring the slave waiting for his turn on the auction block. The bidding took place in a private room at the club, and the bouncer, Levi York, stood at his post by the door, ready to check the ID of any latecomers. He kept one eye out for trouble and the other on the proceedings across the room.

What’s so special about this man?

The previous four auctions had featured extremely attractive men, but Levi knew management always saved the best for last, and he wanted to see the goods for himself. Shifting position, he peered around the bodies taking up space between him and the platform.

A heavy curtain of long hair hid the slave’s face as his head dropped forward. The slim blond seemed oblivious to all the attention surrounding him. Levi figured the man had to be exhausted after all the preparations a slave had to endure before being sold. No doubt Blondie had gone through the usual routine--enema, waxing, and bath before being oiled and locked into the studded leather harness with attached cockstrap. A two inch metal cockring insured that every time the man moved, there was a tug on his junk. It made his erection look enormous.

The slave broker reached out and roughly yanked on the slave’s prick. The blond’s erection grew even thicker and longer, causing an excited outpouring of catcalls and wolf whistles from the crowd. The broker, a big, stony-faced motherfucker, stood to one side allowing the potential buyers to inspect the merchandise. After a few minutes, the broker pulled on the chain that was attached to a studded leather collar around the slave’s neck. It took a few tugs until finally, the slave turned to show off his back. A butt strap was connected to a D-ring on the back of the harness, keeping an inflatable butt plug firmly in place. The contraption had locking buckles to ensure that the harness would stay on until his new Master unlocked it.

The bidders ate it up. They were salivating and circling like vultures. Some of the men were forward enough to pinch the slave’s nipples, and a few brave souls went right for his ass and stiff dick. The blond moaned. He didn’t seem to mind the attention or the groping hands massaging his most private parts.

Levi York held back his own moan as he watched. His inner wolf, a predatory animal, was positively drooling at the sight of the smaller, submissive man. The randy beast raked claws along Levi’s gut, urging him to take the slave himself.

Down, boy.

Rolf, his
animal spirit, didn’t understand. Levi could never afford a slave, and interrupting a sale was a good way to get himself killed. He fumed, angry at himself for allowing his wolfish nature to take the upper hand once again.

Wolf-shifters were extremely sexual creatures. That physical side of him could not be denied. But in
Levi’s experience, sex was enormously complicated. His big muscular frame shouted
, and most men who were interested in having sex with Levi expected to be fucked—hard and fast. Levi’s aggressive wolf was happy to oblige, but sometimes his human nature revealed a submissive need to be dominated by a strong male. Levi’s pheromones had an annoying habit of responding in different ways, depending on his particular partner at the time. And sometimes the energy would shift between him and his lover midstream. If his dominant partner went a little soft, his own dominant side would start to prickle and his wolf would push the boundaries. Levi’s lover might push back and retain his dominance, or the energy might shift and Levi would have the other man restrained in no time. The majority of his partners were weirded out by this exchange of sexual energy. They didn’t want to blow Dr. Jekyll and end up getting fucked by Mr. Hyde. They wanted and needed more set boundaries for a given scene. Unfortunately, in some ways Levi was a slave himself—a slave to his pheromones. He couldn’t make any promises.

It was next to impossible to have the best of both worlds—at least for him. Maybe some men could manage it, but for a shifter who wanted to keep his identity a secret, nothing came easy. H
e felt like a split personality, a dichotomy with qualities that were just too different to merge into one complete person. Unable to reconcile one side of himself with the other, Levi grew more and more agitated. He took a deep breath and with a huge force of will tried to settle his wolf. He definitely should not be working at Hot Rods, a club that catered to the gay leather scene. The clientele, both submissive and dominant, tempted him beyond reason, but what choice did he have. Jobs were hard to come by—


The broker was pumping the bulb attached to the boy’s butt plug with a steady pressure. Those things were curved especially to stimulate the prostate gland when inflated, and from the way the slave was moaning, it was evidently doing its job. Fucking bidders. They always wanted a show. They had to be sure they were buying a responsive submissive who would come on cue.

Every nerve ending in Levi’s body sparked, and he couldn’t force himself to turn away. As one of the bouncers, Levi was supposed to be keeping an eye out for trouble, not watching the auctions. But like a rubbernecking driver who slows down for a glimpse at a ten-car pile-up, he couldn’t stop himself from looking. What the hell, trouble didn’t seem likely tonight. The club members were too focused on the new submissive meat to think about starting any fights. It was getting close to the last auction, and somehow the night had gone by without any major displays of drunken-asshole behavior. It was almost like the calm before the storm. Levi kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The owner, Rod Kirby, didn’t host these slave auctions very often, but when he did, a huge crowd always showed up and the bidding was fierce. The sales were very popular. A contract was usually short-term, a week or maybe a month at most. If both parties were happy at the end of that time, they could renegotiate and extend the time period. If not, the slave might end up here again. Any man who had the urge to dominate or the desire to serve would find someone to meet his needs at Hot Rods.

Levi knew all that, but it didn’t matter. He still had a love-hate relationship with the auctions. Kirby was a shady character, and Levi wondered if the sales were legit. But he was only here to provide security, nobody gave a shit about his opinion, and obviously most of the guys were here because they wanted to be. For some, being sold filled a very real need to serve. Some believed they were special because someone was paying money for them. What Levi saw was a naked boy on the auction block with all his dignity stripped away. What rights did a slave have if the Master who bought him wasn’t his type? Did the slave go through with it anyway? Did he have a choice? A week with someone he couldn’t stand would feel like a life sentence to Levi. He just didn’t get it. Normally he could put those feelings aside, but tonight, for some reason, this particular auction had him tied up in knots.

BOOK: Hiding His Wolf [Urban Affairs 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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