Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1)
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He kissed the top of my head, then nuzzled me affectionately. “This is really what I dream about,” he whispered as we drifted to sleep.






The gentle rise and fall of Mitch’s chest was a lullaby throughout the night. His massive biceps latched around me helped to make me feel protected. Snuggling into his masculine chest made me feel like I was a part of him, that I would forever be safe.

His hands began moving more fluidly, gripping me tighter as he snuggled me back. A deep breath escaped his nostrils as though he were inhaling my scent, then exhaled loudly. My head lifted, hoping to greet those hypnotizing green eyes, but I was saddened to find them still closed. The slight smile of contentment on his lips made my heart thump against his.

After a few moments, his eyelids began to flutter open. “What are you looking at?” he teased, moving his arms so they were behind his head.

I secretly pouted because his hands weren’t on me anymore.

“Just the sleaze ball I slept with last night.”

He laughed under his breath. “Let’s not forget that sleaze ball gave you two orgasms.” His hand found my hair, moving the few stray strands behind my ear. “I like when you smile.” My chin tilted downward trying to hide my grin. “I like when you blush even more.”

I nipped his pec. “I’m so not blushing.”

His other hand found my face, forcing me to meet his smirk. “Yes, you are,” his voice was soft, yet teasing.

I sat up, grabbing both his wrists while I straddled him. “Don’t make me have my way with you again.”

He twitched beneath me, causing my brow to raise. “Jamie Rae, I will forever let you have your way with me.”

A devious smile escaped me as I began grinding my hips down onto his lap. He groaned in excitement, tipping his head back as his hands caressed my thighs. “But I need to use the restroom first.”

“Such a tease,” he grumbled, smacking my ass as I hopped off him. I couldn’t contain my giggle as I found the bathroom.

Last night had felt amazing. I was so happy in his arms. Even though we both had some alcohol in us, it was real, and I could see myself getting lost in him on a regular basis. After cleaning myself up and tending to morning bathroom needs, I seductively walked back into the room.

Mitch was lying on his stomach hugging a pillow while playing with his phone. The blanket was covering his perfect behind, and I couldn’t help but pull the blanket back so I could get a good look. My eyes widened at the rounded muscles. I’d always been a sucker for a man with a nice ass. Unable to resist, I squeezed his butt with my palms as I straddled his thighs.

He flexed his muscles, not moving his eyes from his phone. “It’s nice, isn’t it?”

I laughed at his smug comment, then smacked his very nice ass hard, getting an ouch out of him. I moved my body upwards so I was sitting on his lower back, my hands massaging his defined shoulders and back muscles.

His head dipped as he set his phone to the side. “That feels amazing,” he sighed as his muscles went from tense to mush after a few moments. My body was starting to heat up from the little grunts he’d let out every time my hands found a knot.

Mitch turned his head away from the pillow so I could see half of his face. “It’s called dyscalculia.” My hands stilled for a moment but then continued. “I mean, I have it, dyscalculia. It’s a numbers thing.”

His embarrassment was clear by the way he stumbled over his words. “It’s like dyslexia, but with numbers. I always mix them up, mainly reading them backwards. I always played it off like it was nothing, copying the smart kids whenever I could. A teacher finally pointed it out during my freshman year. They always passed me along. I was a little shit, so my bad behavior stood out more than my crappy math skills. I did great in any other subject as long as numbers weren’t involved.”

He sighed, as though a huge weight had been lifted off his chest. “It got harder when my dad wanted me to get into the family business. Working for an architect’s firm isn’t the best place for someone with dyscalculia.”

My hands stilled on his back. “Your parents know you have it, right?”

Mitch rolled, causing me to move off him. He sat up, leaning against the headboard while I hugged a pillow to my chest. “They know, but it doesn’t mean they understand it. Mom does, but RJ thought it was a joke and something I’d outgrow, so he put me on-site and hired an ‘assistant’ to help me. I’m not a fool—I know Tony’s really who they go to when they have questions.”

My eyes found my lap. Mitch knew what everyone said behind his back. Guilt filled me for thinking he was an idiot for so long. “You are good at what you do, Mitch. You build these structures and know all about tools and codes. I’d be totally lost.

Mitch gave me an unsure grin as he hugged his chest.

“What happened to your arm?”

He looked down at it as he stroked the bandage I noticed last night with his thumb. “Nail gun. Must not be that good with tools.” We both chuckled.

Mitch grabbed his mysterious black notebook from the nightstand beside us and set it in front of me. “This is my cheat book. I typically have it on me at all times.”

Taking a moment, I looked at it, itching to open and read its contents. He nodded as though he was reading my mind. Tucking my hair behind my head, I flipped open the book to find numbers written out with specific details of where the numbers belonged.

“Now I know why you wanted this notebook so bad.”

“That app will help,” he said softly. “Thank you for finding it. I know I wasn’t very grateful when you first showed me.”

“I should have done it in private.”

Mitch shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I doubt anyone noticed.”

“So your brothers don’t know?” I was surprised. If his parents knew, why did they keep it a secret? But then again, none of my younger siblings had any idea about my poor decisions.

“Nope. It’s odd to have one son who is a genius with numbers, and one who has no fucking clue.” He was trying to hide his sadness with humor.

My hand reached for his cheek, stroking his stubble. “Your family found your strengths. Besides, could you see Tyler or Nathan on-site?” Mitch laughed. His brother was brilliant with numbers, but had probably never held a hammer in his life.

Once our laughter subsided, Mitch covered my hand with his then pulled it to his lips, giving it chaste kisses.

“Thank you for telling me,” I sighed, enjoying the feel of his lips on my skin.

“I’ve never talked to anyone about it.”

My heart beat rapidly for him, secretly loving the fact that he could confide in me. I wanted to hold him now, give him a part of me in return. Moving the pillow to the side, I swiftly straddled his lap, my arms wrapping around his shoulders as I kissed him. His lips moved calmly against mine, not rushing like we had the night before.

His hands moved past my stomach and up my rib cage, fondling each breast gently while his mouth tasted mine. When his thumbs brushed my nipple, I groaned softly into his mouth, my hands attempting to grab his hair. One hand worked my breast while the other made a trail to my collarbone at the base of my neck.

He pulled back, watching me as his hand grazed higher. My breath became shallow, but not from the way his calloused hands were bringing me to life. The deep breath I released when his hand moved to cup the back of my neck didn’t go unnoticed.

“You don’t like your neck to be touched, do you?” His eyes were kind as the words left his mouth.

My eyes closed instinctively. Mist would form on them soon as flashbacks of Rod strangling me for his pleasure would consume my brain.

“Can I kiss it?” he asked gently, moving his lips to my shoulder, slowly opening his mouth to taste my heated skin. “You’ve got such a beautiful neck, long and elegant. I’ve always wanted to kiss it.”

I gulped, my hands moving in circles on the back of his neck like I would do on the front of mine for comfort. Gradual kisses formed on the base of my neck, mildly working their way upwards to my jaw. I held my breath, shivers moving throughout my entire body with each pluck of his lips. Mitch kissed his way to my mouth, tilting his head so it was against mine.

“Your heart’s racing.” A shaky breath escaped me, unsure what to think of how smooth his lips felt against my invisible scars. “You can tell me anything,” he murmured, moving his hands to cradle my head. “Something is tearing at you from the inside, I can tell. Let me take away your pain, Jamie.”

Tears fell from my closed eyes, rolling down my cheeks and onto his chest. His bulky arms wrapped around me, cocooning me while I tried to catch my breath. He could read me like a book, and I wasn’t sure if he could stay safe with me in his arms.

“Your wounds have to bleed before they can heal,” he whispered, holding my trembling body.

With shaky words through sniffles I said, “How do you know I haven’t already bled out my demons?”

He pulled his head from my shoulder, his green eyes melting into mine. “Because I can see the ghosts that haunt you behind those beautiful brown eyes.”

And for the first time, I couldn’t hide, but stared back at him, willing for him to see all that I’d been through without speaking. More tears dropped, and he began to kiss them, caressing my body with firmer hands. My mouth found his, kissing him eagerly, wanting to forget about my haunted past that kept creeping up on me.

My hands moved down his chest, finding his thick cock and stroking it with my hands. He hissed as he lifted my hips, guiding me so the tip rubbed against my clit.

“Let me get a condom.” His voice was gruff as he searched his bag on the side of the bed. “You on the pill?” He asked as he held the condom to his lips, preparing to rip it open with his teeth. My head tipped back, wanting him to tug on my nipples with those teeth like he had the night before.

“Yes,” I groaned impatiently. “Do you really think I would have let you come inside of me last night if I weren’t?”

But it was more than the birth control that made me feel safe. It was him.  The trust and security I found in Mitch was terrifying. I’d never felt this way about any man, and not using a condom seemed to be the only way to show him.

The condom was tossed to the floor as Mitch plunged inside of me. His hips moved recklessly against mine, causing my body to bounce roughly with each thrust. The intensity of his movements was exactly what I needed to numb my pain, urging me to move faster. Large calloused hands wrapped around me, squeezing my skin so I’d be as close to him as possible. Our bodies were slick with sweat and heat. Our mouths moved savagely, tongues tangling with each other as we filled the ache inside of us.

Once Mitch’s thumb found my clit, it was over, my pace slowing as I exploded around him, his mouth catching my moans of ecstasy. He met my moans, his arms clasping around me tightly as he pumped inside of me, filling me completely.

With heavy breaths we fell to our sides, mouths and tongues still locked together. I never wanted his arms to let me go. Our tongues slowed against one another, finding our own mouths, but our noses still nuzzled together.

Mitch broke the silence. “I need to eat soon, woman.” I giggled into his chest, clutching my arms around his back tighter. “I’m serious. Let’s order room service, take a shower, then do that again.”

Still giggling, I unlatched myself from him, searching through the hotel drawers to find a menu. “Eager, are we?” Mitch flirted, sitting up on his elbow to kiss my shoulder.

“You’re not the only one who’s hungry,” I chided, looking for the quickest item to order from Cygnus, the restaurant on top of the hotel.

“Order me a pink taco.” Mitch winked, standing from the bed to open the blinds.

I couldn’t contain my snort. “You’re such a perv.”

He wiggled his eyebrows, crawling back into the bed as I reached for the phone to call in our order. I had to swat at his hand while I spoke to the hostess. He kept tickling my sides, fondling my breasts, pinching my nipples. I finally smacked him with a pillow once I placed our order.

“You’re such an ass,” I shouted playfully, trying to hit him again. He was quick, though, grabbing the pillow from me before I made contact and yanking it out of my hand, whacking me back.

“No pillow fights babe, I don’t want to be tempted to make you cry.”

“Yeah, right. I think you’d be the one crying like a little girl.” I made pouty lips, pretending to cry. He mimicked me, then kissed my lips, his weight, becoming heavier on me.

His body confined mine, something I didn’t let men do. I was startled at first, but his kisses were soft and coaxing, helping to blind my mind from my past and push forward to the present.

“Let’s take a shower,” Mitch suggested between kisses. “We’ll be nice and clean for our food.”

I giggled as he nipped my ear. He sat up, straddling my hips while staring down at me.

“What?” I asked as his green eyes roaming over me. He shook his head, smile still in place as he leaned down to kiss me again. My hand found his chest, roaming to his nipples. I tugged on the bar, and his grin widened.

“I can’t believe I never noticed this with all those tight shirts,” I teased, wanting to run my tongue along it.

BOOK: Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1)
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