He's So Fine (A BBW Stepbrother Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: He's So Fine (A BBW Stepbrother Romance)
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“Hey, bud. She’s dancing with me.”

“Not anymore.” A hard tug and I was out of Danny’s arms and pressed against Cage’s hard body.

Danny had stopped dancing and looked at Cage with a hard glint in his eye. I realized he wasn’t about strength and power, but maliciousness veering towards evil. His expression said he wanted what he wanted and wouldn’t let anyone stand in his way. No matter who got hurt, or what Danny had to do to stop them.

“Look, I know you’re new around here so I’ll cut you some slack.” Danny took my arm and tried to pull me back against him. Cage’s pushed me behind his body in such a fast and protective way it made my head swim.

“I might be new around here, but you’re the same shithead no matter where I go.” This insult was delivered in a taunting voice guaranteeing no man would back down from the challenge.

Danny’s fist flew through the air and I was certain it was going to connect with Cage’s face. He still held me with one hand and didn’t even lift the other to defend himself. He merely moved his head. Throwing the punch unbalanced Danny and he wobbled before falling into another dancer. By the time the man threw him off, Cage had turned around and was pushing me from the dance floor. I barely heard Danny’s curse above the music. It sounded surprisingly like ‘fucking coward’.

Yeah, like Cage could ever be considered a coward. I, and anyone who had watched the altercation, knew Cage could have wiped the floor with Danny—still holding me behind his back with one hand.

“Where are we going?” I finally asked as we cleared the dance floor. He wasn’t leading me back to the table, but towards the entrance.

“Home.” His face was closed up tight and his fingers, I knew, were making marks on my arm.

I wanted to argue, but realized that was exactly where I wanted to go. Home with Cage.




I couldn’t believe the fucking shit Abby had pulled. Not only had she rubbed her fucking ass all over Danny, she’d enticed some stranger to openly grope her breasts. At first, I’d convinced myself I should sit back and enjoy the show. She was hot and, in some way, having two other men touch her, make her wet, was arousing as hell.

That didn’t last long. Not when the bastard had started nibbling on her neck. She was fucking
. And I didn’t share.

Pulling her along behind me, I headed outside. The night was warm and muggy. No doubt it would rain before the night was over. Everyone thought being on the beach for the summer was sunshine all freaking day long. Not so here. Storms came in fierce and fast.

“Come on.” I tightened my hand on her arm and continued to drag her along with me. I hadn’t really expected any resistance. She’d been trying her best to get my attention. She was a little too inexperienced to know what to do. I thought back on her display on the dance floor and rethought that opinion. She’d done fucking fine getting my attention.

I dug the keys to one of my father’s cars from my front pocket. I’d borrowed one so Abby wouldn’t have to walk to the bar in her high heels. I’d refused to fold myself into her Volkswagen Beetle when she’d offered to drive us. For some reason I wanted to be the one to take care of Abby, not the other way around.

The wind was blowing in and with it the first of the rain. I unlocked the door to the black Cadillac sedan. Not my first choice of wheels, but it was still a damn good pick. “Get in.”

With little effort, I had Abby in the front seat and belted in before the sky opened up. She was docile as a lamb. The rain calmed me down, eased some of the raging hunger I felt. Or maybe it was finally having her this close to me.

“What was that all about?” Like I didn’t know, but I wanted to make sure she knew what she’d been doing. Poking at the bear.

She turned in her seat, sitting sideways despite the restraint of the seat belt. “What was what all about?” Her eyes were wide and innocent looking.

“If you want to play in the big leagues, baby, you better make sure you know what game you’re signing up for.”

She just smiled.

My hands tightened on the steering wheel. I wanted to stop the car and drag her across the rich leather. Then fuck her like there was no tomorrow. I looked at her again. She was still staring at me, her eyes thoughtful. Studying me like a bug under a microscope. “What?” I couldn’t help myself. I had to know what she was thinking.

“Were you jealous, Cage?

I was surprised her question didn’t set off my temper. Any other woman would have found herself by the side of the road asking me that. But not Abby. Was the emotion racing through me jealousy? I didn’t think I’d ever felt it before and I wasn’t sure I was feeling it now.

It was raw and hot. But jealousy?

That implied someone else had something I wanted, coveted. I’d had that emotion beat out of me a long time ago. And you couldn’t covet something you’d ever had.

And I had never had Abby Snow.

Looking at her again, I realized I was about to rectify that situation. I hit the accelerator. In minutes, I was pulling into the dark driveway of my father’s summer home. “Get out.”

I strode around the front of the car, jerking open Abby’s door when she didn’t comply with my order fast enough. Hustling her up the front steps, I opened the door with the key her mother had given me the first week I’d been here. I’d never carried a key before in my life. The only thing of value I kept in my one-room shithole I called home were some clothes and my gloves when I forgot and brought them home after a fight. Both were easily replaced. No, I figured if anyone was desperate enough to break into my digs, they were worse off than me and were welcome to it.

Another rule for an easy existence. No commitment. To possessions or people.

Opening the door, I picked Abby up, kicked the door shut, and carried her up the wide staircase to the second floor. I headed for her bedroom.

“On the bed.” I pushed her toward the huge monstrosity that would have looked better in a room twice this size. But I figured my dad had wanted to give his adopted princess whatever she wanted. I looked at the huge four-poster bed and then back at Abby. It didn’t quite suit her. It was too formal, too highbrow. Maybe she hadn’t picked it out. Maybe, she was accepting my father’s generosity the same way I was—reluctantly.

“What are we doing?”

For a moment, she looked so damn young and innocent that I almost turned around and walked out the door. Then I saw the way she was licking her lips and the hardened nubs of her nipples as they poked against the thin material of her blouse.

“We’re going to fuck.” I yanked off my t-shirt and let it fall to the floor. Next, I toed off my shoes and pulled off my socks. I looked at her as I continued to stand by the bed. “Strip.”

Slowly, she kicked off her shoes. They were high, but not as high as some the women had worn tonight. They’d shown off her legs just fine though, which had made me ache. Everything about her made me harden with need. Ache with want. Her hands parted the collar of her blouse and slowly undid the top two buttons. I couldn’t help myself and licked my lips, thinking of all the creamy, now slightly tanned, skin that was going to be mine for the taking. Had she sunbathed in the nude yet? I hoped not. I wanted to see that porcelain white skin of her breasts lined with blue veins.

Instead of giving me what I wanted—her standing there naked—she was toying with her buttons. Closing the distance between us, I pulled her to me. Her groin brushed mine and she smiled as she realized how fucking hard I was.

“I know you want me, little Sis.” I gave a slow pump of my hips that had me groaning, even though the move was meant to break her. Now was not the time to reveal how much she affected me. “And you know I want you.”

I brushed her hands aside. It was a sheer black blouse that left little to the imagination. I slowly worked the buttons free until the black lace and satin bra was the last barrier between me and what I wanted. “You liked what we did the other day, baby. You liked the taste of my cock.” I pushed the blouse from her shoulders and she buried her face in her hands, leaning against my chest. Embarrassment brought that red flush to her pretty face. I’d come to expect it after every dirty comment I made.

Right now, it made me a little angry. She wasn’t supposed to be embarrassed by anything we did. “Don’t you act all innocent and prissy with me now. You had your hand on my cock, pumping away as if you were trying to inflate a basketball.” I tore her hands away from her face and bent them behind her back. The move brought us together from crotch to chest. “And we both fucking know that you loved it.”

“Didn’t you, Cage?” Her voice was soft and her green eyes luminous.

As pissed as I was at her for her exhibition on the dance floor, I still wanted her. In fact, I probably wanted her even more because I was angry. No woman had ever aroused emotions in me of any kind. But yet, this innocent spitfire I wanted more than any other girl I’d ever fucked. I let the earthy word echo in my head. That was all this was. A fuck. A fuck with a beautiful, curvy girl.

Who looked at me with stars in her eyes.

Damn, what was wrong with me? Had the salt air eaten away my common sense? A boy like me didn’t get the girl like her.

She wiggled her hands out of my hold and pressed them against my pecs. I flexed, watching her eyes widen. I could tell she didn’t know if she should push me away and slap my face or pull me closer and kiss me. I saw the confusion in her eyes. The want. The need.

Just like that first time, I took the decision away from her. During the past week of her cold shoulder routine, I’d already figured out Abby wasn’t going to lose her inhibitions voluntarily. I had absolutely no problem making her do exactly what I wanted her to do. I placed a little kiss near her mouth, watching her eyelids flutter. She kept them open, though, and continued to stare at me. I had to give her points for courage. I wondered how brave she was going to be when I thrust my cock inside her for the very first time.

“We can’t. We’re family.” Her words were almost a moan. Almost wasn’t good enough.

I licked at her lips. “No, we’re not.”

“You’re my stepbrother.”

This time I gave a little nibble, pulling her plump lower between my teeth. “And you’re my stepsister. Tell me how that’s wrong.”

“Brother. Sister. It’s wrong.”

“No, step. Remember that word, Abby.
It’s a very important word. It’s not wrong. A little exciting because it appears taboo, but not wrong.” I bit down on her lip.

“That is the definition of taboo. Wrong.”

“No, taboo means it’s damn exciting and so addictive others want to control it.” I pressed my knee between hers and pushed her legs apart. Her skirt was made of soft, black leather and flared out above her knees. It slid out of the way easily. I settled my rock hard cock against her mound. “Don’t you want to feel good, Abby?”

Her eyes fluttered closed and she said the word I’d been waiting to hear.


I caught the back of her head in my hand, trying not to be rough. It was damn difficult considering all I wanted to do was throw her on the bed and pound away inside her. I’d promised her I’d teach her about passion this summer. I’d get my rough pounding, because that
passion. Right now, she deserved the I’m-giving-up-my-virginity passion. Slow, but not always easy.

Picking her up, I threw her on the bed. Not in the hurried way I would have any other girl, but gently, almost reverently. The mattress was as high as mine and I realized if I flipped her onto her stomach and dragged her to the edge, she’d be in the perfect position for me to ride doggy-style.

Later, I promised myself. Later.

I laid her on top of the soft mattress and followed her down. For an instant, I felt my world shift. A part of me suddenly didn’t seem missing anymore. I shook away those thoughts and concentrated on what I knew best—how to fuck a woman.

Holding myself away from her, I fisted my hand at the waistband of her skirt. And ripped it away from her body. She gasped and I broke out my patented smile. Girls liked that show of strength from a man and I wasn’t above using a few theatrics to get her pussy creaming for me.

The move might prove to be my downfall, however. She now lay before me in the racy bra I’d already had the pleasure of seeing and the matching pair of panties. That was enough to get any man’s engine revved up. The matching thigh high hose had me firing on all pistons.

I ran my hand up her ribcage, the flesh nice and padded. Perfection. I slid my fingers under the bottom of the bra. I didn’t know how it was keeping all her bounty in place. In fact, it was doing too good of a job. Only the barest hint of flesh spilled from the top. My hand sought the clasp in the middle and in a blink of an eye, her flesh was revealed to my hungry gaze.

My cock hardened even more if that was possible. I swear I felt the metal teeth of my zipper biting into my skin. She was goddamn beautiful. The skin of her breasts was as I imagined—milky white with those blue veins that made a man want to trace them with the tip of his tongue. Her nipples were swollen and rigid and as thick as the tip of my thumb. Double damn.

I settled into the side of her body, eager to enjoy the bounty before me. I plucked one of those delightful nipples between my thumb and forefinger. I pulled it straight out from her body and her back arched into me. Next, I pulled it up, then down. It was like I had a string attached. Her body followed me everywhere, seeking the pleasure.

“Do you like that, Abby?”

As soon as I’d touched her breasts, her hands had grasped my shoulders and now her sharp little nails bit into the skin along my traps. I wanted to push her to the point that she marked me in her passion. Pinching, I flattened the nipple between my fingers, then twisted it. “How about that, Abby, baby? You like a little pain?”

I bent my head and took the mouth that was open so wide and inviting. Her bottom lip was red and tender from her worrying it in her nervousness. I thrust my tongue inside the moist heaven and took her mouth the same way I was going to take her pussy. Slow and hard. I was going to make her beg. I covered her breast with my hand. My palm felt burnt from the heat. I pinched and twisted, kneaded and squeezed, dividing my time between the tender tip and the burgeoning flesh. Both seemed to cry out for my touch.

I wished I could somehow levitate myself above her so I could work both of her tits at once. When our breaths grew labored, I broke away, trailing my lips along her jaw and down her throat. I made my presence known with long, leisurely licks followed by sharp bites as I marked her flesh. I sucked on her collarbone, delaying the moment we both wanted.

My mouth on her, sucking her nipple deep inside my mouth.

You thought I was going to say something else, didn’t you? I was saving that treat for later.

I licked around the areolae teasing again. Her fingers thrust into my hair and she pressed me close, burying my nose in the deep valley made by her breasts. I pulled away, loving the tug of pain as I fought her hold.

BOOK: He's So Fine (A BBW Stepbrother Romance)
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