Read Her Royal Bed Online

Authors: Laura Wright

Her Royal Bed (11 page)

BOOK: Her Royal Bed
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ll that Jane wanted was to have him inside her.

Ever since that night—that party at the Turnbolts'—she'd wondered if those delicious quakes and shivers she'd experienced lying beneath Bobby, the way her blood had roared in her brain like a starved animal, had been real, or just a product of her overly romantic thought processes.

Jane gazed down and sucked air between her teeth, her skin hot and electric at the sight before her. Bobby lay cradled between her legs, blazing a trail of kisses from her knee to her trembling inner thigh.

Her womb ached at the sight—there was no other way to describe the feeling, but it was one she'd never experienced before. Strong and pulsing, running straight from brain to blood.

She realized that the Turnbolts' party had been just a prequel to this night. A fusion of not just two bodies, but two souls, two minds and, if she got her way, two hearts.

“You're so sweet, Jane,” whispered Bobby against the hot skin of her thigh as he nuzzled his way, nipping and suckling, to the center of her.

Perhaps it was a purely sexual urge, perhaps she was desperate to connect with him, but Jane rose up on her elbows to watch him. With gentle hands he splayed her thighs and dipped his head.

Electric heat shot through her as tongue met the hard band of her sex. The groans and breathy sounds didn't feel as though they were coming from her, but the strain of her throat proved otherwise. Her gaze moved over Bobby. His hands on her hips, the pads of his fingers digging deliciously into the flesh of her buttocks, his dark head buried between her thighs.

His tongue was creating a trail of fire as he raked up and down the hooded tangle of nerves. His movements were ruthless and hungry, and Jane felt her hips lift, felt them pump against his mouth, move and jerk out of instinct alone.

She let her head fall back, her hand fisting his hair, slamming him harder against her.

Bobby had never had a woman take what she wanted in such a bold, open way. As Jane pumped and writhed against his mouth, she left no doubt of her need for him, and he adored her for it.

“Please,” she breathed.

“How do you want this, darlin'?” said Bobby, his
groin tight, his cock straining against the zipper of his jeans as the salty tang of her invaded his nostrils. “My mouth or my—”

“I want
Inside me.”

That's what Bobby wanted, too. Maybe he was a fool for caring so much, for needing this woman the way he did. But he couldn't help himself. As he slipped on a condom, he realized how much he wanted to remember tonight, the way he'd loved her, the way he'd given himself to her as he knew he could never do out of bed.

But all his thoughts and sorry hopes vanished as Jane wriggled beneath him, her hips arching with a need that hadn't yet been fulfilled. Bobby's gaze slipped to the entrance to her body, glistening wet and pink. Fear mingled with the rock-hard need possessing every muscle in his body. Joining with her, pushing into the tight, scalding glove of her body, meant more to him than he'd ever thought possible.

For one brief moment, he thought about burying his head once again between her beautiful thighs, sending her to the heavens with his tongue and fingers. But her eyes were on him, burning with a raging fire that ran through his blood, as well.

She spread her legs wide and reached for him. “Please, Bobby.”

“Yes. Yes, sweetheart.” With one sure thrust, he pushed through the tight passageway and found heaven.

“Bobby,” she uttered, her muscles closing around him in a gentle fist.

Bobby's mind went numb, blood pounded in his ears. All thoughts of revenge and guilt and lust and hope
seeped out of his mind and left him with nothing but a soothing euphoria.

His mouth tucked into her neck, his erection poised deep inside her body, he whispered, “Tell me you're not going to leave this time.”

“No. I'm not going anywhere,” she said, clinging to him, pumping her hips slowly, urging him to move.

And he could deny himself no longer. He rose up and slammed back down. Over and over, he thrust inside her. Damp flesh slapping against damp flesh. The sound, mingled with Jane's cries, drove him mad.

Bobby knew they could be heard, and muffled the sounds of her pleasure with his mouth. A red haze blanketed the room, coated his mind. And he shook, hard and long. Felt Jane shudder, the muscles around him quaked as she climaxed. Then he was coming, intense and hot, his own shout of pleasure softened by her deep kiss.

Minutes rolled by, maybe longer, Bobby wasn't certain. He felt drained, and as though he never wanted to move again. He couldn't recall ever feeling so satisfied, so alive. And the feeling scared the hell out of him.


His gaze found hers, sleepy and lush. “Yes, darlin'?”

She cupped his cheek in her palm. “There's something I've got to ask you.”

“All right.”

Her smile was slow and not a little bit sensual. “Were you infiltrating the enemy's fortress tonight?”

He matched her smile, though his gut twisted with a twinge of guilt. “It's no secret that I'm not welcome here. And yes, I feel some satisfaction that I got up here,
to you, without being detected. But believe me when I say that my reason for climbing that tree was all about seeing you, darlin'.”

“You missed me?”

“Damn right.”

“Good.” She kissed him, slow and sexy, then whispered, “But maybe you should go now.”

Rolling to his back on the bed, Bobby chuckled. “Not the thing a man wants to hear right after making love.”

The playfulness in her eyes vanished, and her shoulders fell. “I know, but I can't handle another confrontation tonight.”

“What do you mean, another?”

She sighed. “Sakir and I got into a fight earlier.”

“About me?”

She gave him a grim smile. “No, about me. He wants to impose his brotherly wisdom on me.”

Irritation slammed into him as her discord became his. “He wants you to stay away from the cowboy on his land.”

is the relaxed version,” said Jane. “He actually demanded that I never see you again, as if I was twelve.”

“Maybe to him you are,” said Bobby, suddenly feeling as though he'd made a mistake in coming here tonight. He hated that he'd caused her pain, caused a rift between her and her brother. He was actually beginning to despise himself more than he did Sakir.

“So, what did you tell him?” said Bobby, self-recrimination making his tone sharper than he wanted. “Because this won't be our last meeting.”

Her eyebrows rose at the obvious possessiveness in his tone, but she didn't refute it. “I told him I was an adult, and that I'll make my own decisions, choices and mistakes.”

The word cut through Bobby like a chainsaw.

With a shrug, Jane said, “I just need some space from him, that's all.”

Bobby glanced around. “Well, this house is big enough for it.”

“I don't think so. I told him I was leaving.”

Bobby was so shocked he actually sat up. “What?” he said angrily. “Where are you going?”

“Probably to a hotel for a few days.”

Relief that she wasn't leaving town altogether spread through him like warm honey, and he relaxed momentarily. But only momentarily because a realization assaulted him. He wasn't angry over the thought that her absence meant his plan failing. No, he was angry at the thought of days and nights without her.

He was in the deep end, swimming with sharks.

Big trouble.

“I have the baby's party on Saturday to plan,” Jane was saying. “So, I have to stay close.”

“You're still going to do that party?”

“Of course I am,” she said strongly. “Daya is my niece. Granted, this whole thing with Sakir puts a damper on matters, but I've never been one to walk away from a commitment.”

No, he'd just bet she hadn't.

“You're not going to any hotel, Jane.” The words and
their meaning were out of his mouth before he could take them back.

She sighed and moved away from him to the edge of the bed. “Don't you start, too.”

“I'm not bossing, Jane, I'm asking you to stay with me.”

The smile she granted him could have lit a dark, Texas sky. “Bobby, that's sweet of you, but—”

“The hell with sweet,” he barked good-naturedly, shoving off the bed and coming to his feet. “It's purely selfish. I may've made it sound like it was easy before, but if I have to climb up that trellis one more time I might just end up losing my best bits.”

As she watched him yank on his jeans, she laughed. “And we can't have that.”

“No, indeed.”

She inhaled deeply, shrugged. “I don't know. My mom's got to be with—”

“You and Tara can stay in Abel's house,” Bobby told her quickly. “It's private, but close enough to the main house for whatever you might need.”

“Bobby, I don't know…”

“Yes, you do.” He grinned, tucking in his flannel shirt. “It's a damn good plan and you know it.”

Bobby watched as ten different emotions crossed her face while she weighed the pros and cons of such an offer. Then finally, she smiled. “Okay.”

“Good. I'll be by for you around seven.”

“No. We'll come to you.”

Understanding her need for independence right now, Bobby nodded, then leaned over and gave her a kiss before heading out the window and down the trellis. A grin
tugged at his mouth. He couldn't have asked for anything more. Jane close by, at his home and on his land, and the sweet knowledge that they were both making Sakir Al-Nayhal pay for his commands and arrogance.


For Jane, leaving her brother's house had been an incredibly difficult move. Rita had been angry with her husband for his foolishness and had on several occasions that morning tried to make him see reason and retract his demands on Jane. But he was resolute. He believed Bobby was out to hurt Jane, and Sakir had made it clear that he wouldn't stand by and watch it happen.

For just a brief moment, Sakir's resolve had caused Jane to wonder about the man she was falling in love with, had caused her heart to flip-flop with fear. But she'd forced herself to look at the reality of the past few weeks, and had come to the conclusion that her fear was just her insecurity talking.

As she'd walked Jane to the rental car, Rita had made her promise that this move would be temporary. While Jane made her sister-in-law see that it was Sakir's decision and fence to mend, Jane assured Rita that she would continue to plan little Daya's party from Bobby's place.

Tara stayed relatively silent on the drive, though she kept her hand over Jane's for most of the way in reassurance and support. After all, when it came down to it, they had been family forever, and nothing would divide them.

Pulling into KC Ranch felt good, felt right. Jane had thought she might feel beholden to Bobby, but she didn't. She was excited to see him and to be on the
ranch where so much good was happening—where she felt of use to the world.

Bobby and Abel met them when they came to a dusty halt in front of the house, and helped them both out of the car.

“Welcome,” Bobby said, taking Jane's hand and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Had breakfast yet?”

“No,” said Jane, her heart warming at the endearing greeting. “I'm not all that hungry, though.”

Abel took Tara's hand as well and gave her a grin. “How 'bout I take you up to the house for some coffee and eggs?”

Tara glanced in Jane's direction, a wistful expression on her face. Jane recognized it at once. Whenever Tara had been away from her beloved pottery for too long, she wore that expression. “I should help Jane get unpacked.”

“No, Mom,” Jane assured her. “You go.”

“Don't you worry, Tara,” said Bobby magnanimously, heading for the trunk of the car. “I'll give her a hand.”

“All right.” Tara walked up the front steps with Abel, looking very pleased.

“Looks like my mother's got one heck of a crush,” said Jane as she followed Bobby around the side of the house.

Carrying all three suitcases as though they were nothing more than three matchboxes, Bobby chuckled. “She's not the only one.”

“Abel's got it bad?”

“Like a slap in the neck, darlin'.”

They were still laughing when Bobby stopped in front of a sweet little cottage. Painted white with dark-green trim, the place was lovely. Big enough for two
with lots of flowers and plants and trees, even a small vegetable garden along the side that was boasting two rows of ruby-red tomatoes.

They walked up the porch steps and Jane eyed a white porch swing. “Abel lives here?” she asked, surprise evident in her voice.

“I know. Ruddy old bachelor lives like a peacock.”

“It's so neat and clean.”

“His former wife's influence. Never been able to shed that thick skin.” Bobby set the bags down on stripped hardwood floor. “We gave it a good cleaning, put fresh linens and towels out.”

“Thank you.” Feeling suddenly weary, Jane sat on the couch and rubbed her eyes.

Bobby sat beside her. “Everything'll be okay, Jane.”

“You think so?”

He didn't answer her.

“A few months ago, my life ran a perfectly straight track, and now it's a damn mess. Found out about my real father, about this whole royalty thing…Emand…my brothers.” Through an open window, the faint scent of hay and earth wafted in on a breeze. Jane looked up at Bobby, her head heavy, her heart, too. “I feel lost. I thought if I came to Texas—if I left Emand and that life for a while—I'd gain some perspective, be able to see that clear path again. Maybe settle into a life.”

“You will,” Bobby assured her, though his eyes were slow to echo that statement. “It'll come. You have to give it time. You can't expect things to jump into place minutes after they're tossed around.”

BOOK: Her Royal Bed
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