Read Her Best Mistake Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #contemporary, #Romance, #Erotic, #college, #rubenesque, #new adult

Her Best Mistake (3 page)

BOOK: Her Best Mistake
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Chapter Four


Toby smirked, and the sight of him smiling set her blood on fire. “You’re more sure of yourself, more grown up even,” he said and moved a step closer to her. When he reached forward Shoshanna held her breath. His arm brushed along hers, and this scent invaded her head. She was seconds away from moaning, so unlike herself right now because she was intoxicated and her inhibitions were down given the fact she still wanted Toby. Shoshanna could imagine herself reaching out and wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in close. Yeah, she could totally do that right now because she just didn’t care. He pulled back before she could make an idiot out of herself. He held out one of the two beers he held.

“You thirsty?”

She’d been drinking shots all night, and although she wasn’t much of a drinker, beer was not her favorite thing to consume. But she was not about to turn down a drink from the object of her lust-filled, arousal-consumed thoughts since she knew what desire was. Besides, she was already in the drunken stage of the night where anything and everything tasted the same.

“Thank you.” She took the bottle and brought it to her mouth. For the next couple of seconds as they both drank their beers, all they did was stare at each other. It shouldn’t have been awkward, but in fact she felt like there was this strange connection between them, the same connection she’d felt years ago. Setting the beer on the counter behind her she wiped away a droplet of alcohol that was on her bottom lip.

“You definitely look all grown up now, Shoshanna, not like the young girl that walked around the halls of Silver Springs High five years ago.”

She wanted to be annoyed, or maybe even offended, but honestly the way he said it, and the presence he gave off, was not like a man that was being condescending. He sounded like a man that was impressed with the woman she’d become, even if she didn’t think she’d changed much since high school. “And you don’t seem like the same guy that had Marilyn Stafford hanging all over your arm.”

He smirked. “Yeah, Marilyn was a trip. But I can say with some pride that I have changed a lot in the last five years. In fact, it was you that had me realizing I was in a fucked up place in how I acted and who I hung out with.”

She was stunned by his honest admission. Clearing her throat and not wanting to delve deeper down that road, she thought of other things, safer things to bring up. “From what I’ve heard over the years Marilyn is no longer joined at your hip,” she said, feeling slightly uncomfortable talking about the girl that had been the biggest bitch to her during school. Even thinking about that last year of high school she remembered how Marilyn had backed off on tormenting her. It was after the party that she’d still give her dirty looks, but didn’t harass her anymore. Had Toby said something to her to make her back off?

“We broke up after the party, but it wasn’t advertised because she was worried about her status. We just stayed quiet about it all, and I agreed because I didn’t want her starting shit.”

“You told her to leave me alone, didn’t you?” Shoshanna knew he had, felt that it was the truth.

He was silent for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah.”

Shoshanna didn’t ask how he’d managed to make her back off.

“But I’m glad things worked out the way they did, well, not concerning you that is.”

She glanced down at her shoes, feeling embarrassed. Her face felt hot, and she knew it was because she was on the spot here with Toby. “You two were a thing for a long time.”

“I knew Marilyn and I would never last past high school. We didn’t connect all that well, if you can believe that. I think I was with her at first because of the sexual aspect, and not sure why I stayed after the fact.”

She didn’t know exactly what to say to that. The truth was it was strange to have this conversation with Toby, one that was so … normal, like they were just old friends catching up. Shoshanna looked over his shoulder and saw the blondes that had been all over him staring daggers at her.

“Seems like your entourage is a little pissed your attention is elsewhere at the moment.” She didn’t want to think that he was actually interested in what she had to say, because that would be like she had been dropped in some kind of alternate universe. She had all but insulted him, run from even a meaningful friendship they could have had. But the truth was she’d been protecting herself. If she’d gotten too deep with Toby and things didn’t work out in any direction, friendship or romantic, she knew she wouldn’t have been able to handle it.

But he didn’t even turn around to stare at the blondes, and instead moved a step closer to her. He inhaled deeply, and there was this part of her that saw this wild animal in him, one that was pacing inside, wanting out. It was a weird sensation, but she didn’t want it to end. She felt high on Toby, and it was like no amount of alcohol could match the intoxicating feeling moving through her. She wanted him, wanted to have every part of him covering her, and she didn’t care that he had this sordid past, or that he was this bad boy that did whatever the hell he wanted when he wanted. Could he see how much she wanted him? Because she swore she could see how much he wanted her.

“Can we start over?” he asked, his voice slightly slurred from his drinking.

Shoshanna felt this haze wash over her, felt the alcohol pump through her veins as she stared into his blue eyes. “Yes,” she found herself answering. Was she accepting this all because she was drunk? Yes and no. The honest to God truth was she had never forgotten about Toby. She’d wanted him all those years ago, and those feelings had never faded.

A moment of silence passed between them, Toby’s warm breath moving along her face, his heat seeping into her body. Did he feel the electricity moving between them, consuming them, making everything else fade away?

“Come home with me, Shoshanna,” he said and moved a step closer to her.

God, he was even bolder than he had been in high school. Did he really think she’d just submit after all these years? She held her breath, not knowing what in the hell was going on, but definitely liking the feel of the air around them. Okay, she was far too gone in what was happening between them right now to think too far ahead.

“You’re bold saying that to me, Toby Mason.” It was hot in here, electrically charged, and she wanted it to go as far as it could.

“I wanted to be this bold with you back in the day, Shoshanna.” He lifted his hand and ran a finger along her collarbone.

What in the hell is happening?

No, she knew what was going on, and that was Toby wanting her to go home with him for some hot sex. Had he seriously just asked her to go home with him?

She felt her pulse race, her blood move faster and harder through her body, and nodded. “Okay.” She’d said the word, and there was no taking them back. Her lips were parted as she tried to get more air into her lungs. And then before she could speak he grabbed the back of her head, tangled his hands in her hair, and walked them backward until the bar stopped her from retreating. He slanted his mouth on her lips, kissed her until she felt like she was melting right into his body, and groaned deeply.

“I want you to come home with me, Shoshanna.” He moved his mouth by her ear. “I want to fuck you until you come for me.” He pulled back enough that she could see his face. “I’ve wanted that since we sat in that bedroom years ago.”

She was in shock over his caresses and blatantly sexual words, but she wasn’t disgusted. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe she was just so far gone for this man that she didn’t care what he said. Either way she wanted to be his for the night, because surely he wouldn’t want her for more than that. That wasn’t a jab at her specifically, but Toby’s reputation over the last few years didn’t really call for many long-term relationships. He was known for wooing women, sleeping with them, and sending them on their way with a goofy, pleasured grin on their faces. She looked over his shoulder at Tabitha. The other woman was staring at her with wide eyes, her mouth open, and clear jealousy on her face.

Looks like Shoshanna would be the next in line to have a one-night experience with Toby, and she was anticipating the experience. At least right now she was, tomorrow morning might bring on a whole new level of emotions as she did the Toby Mason Walk of Shame.


They crashed through his apartment door, their mouths pressed together, and their breathing harsh. The sound of the cab they had taken driving off filled her ears, but she didn’t pay any more attention to it, especially when he slammed the front door closed with his foot and pressed her back to the wall. He kissed her hard, feverishly, and it was like an animal had been unleashed inside of him. He had his dick pressed against her belly, and ground himself on her over and over again until she moaned in his mouth.

“I am so fucking hard for you, baby.”

Guess there was no whiskey dick for Toby Mason. He placed his hand between their bodies and started undoing his pants. Before she knew what was happening they were both naked, their clothes being torn off by Toby as if they were nothing but tissue paper. Her mind spun, her breathing was erratic, and she didn’t even want to think too hard on the fact she was at Toby Mason’s house and about to fuck him. Maybe this was a bad idea, but it didn’t feel wrong, not right now at least. After the fact she’d probably regret it, because all she’d be was another notch in his bedpost.

But do you want more than that?

She groaned when he sucked her tongue inside of his mouth. His cock was so hard, so hot and big against her belly, and every time he thrust against her, dry humping right on her abdomen, she grew wetter. God, she’d never been this wet. Shoshanna knew that there was no stopping this, but she didn’t want it to end. In fact she wanted to go even further. She’d lusted after him all through middle and high school, touched herself when she thought about him, but knew that he would have never given her the time of day back then. And then when he’d acted like he wanted to know more of her she’d freaked and run. But now he was seeing her,
seeing her, and he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him. At least he was doing all those things for the moment.

“Touch me, Shoshanna.”

The way he said her name, long, deep and low, had her nipples tingling and her pussy clenching.

“Touch my cock, stroke it, baby.” He had his mouth by her ear, his hand on her bare ass cheek, and before she could do what he said he grabbed her wrist with his other hand. Toby pushed her hand down between their bodies until she felt the stiffness of his cock. She felt the indentation of a piercing at the tip of his dick, and when she leaned back enough that she could look down, she saw the evidence of that large hoop and ball right through his cockhead. Her insides clenched with arousal, and a small gasp left her.

“God, you’re so big,” she breathed out, not meaning to say the words out loud.

“It’s all for you,” he said in a gruff voice at the base of her throat.

She wrapped her hand around his cock, started stroking him as he licked and sucked at her neck, and knew she could have gotten off from this alone. She was so turned on, so hot for Toby, that if he just touched her pussy right now she might pass out.

“That’s it, baby.
, add some more pressure, Shoshanna. Make it hurt a little.” He groaned against her neck. Toby moved his other hand on her ass as well, and gripped the cheeks hard enough that she knew there would be bruises in the morning. His mouth was back on hers to swallow the surprised sound that came from her when he squeezed the mounds especially hard once again. And then in a move so fast she didn’t even have time to prepare for it he had her in his arms. A startled sound left her at the strength he exuded, and the fact he held her against the wall easily. She wasn’t a thin, little thing, not like the women he’d been with in the past … not like Marilyn.

“I want you so fucking badly.”

“God, Toby.”

He started thrusting against her hand, fucking himself in her grasp. The feel of his pre-cum coating her palm was hot, arousing, and almost had her begging for his cock right then and there.

“Fuck me already.” Shoshanna had never been so bold in what she wanted, but she also had never been this drunk, or gone home with a man before for a one-night stand. Having lost her virginity at the age of nineteen to a twenty-nine-year-old guy she’d met spending the summer at her grandmother’s cabin had been the highlight of her life thus far. But this encounter definitely topped even that.

“I am going to fuck you so good, so raw that you won’t be able to sit for a week, baby.”

She didn’t doubt that for one second. Right now she just wanted to feel him pushing into her, stretching her, and helping her forget about everything else that was currently shitty in her life. The feel of his big cock had her insides clenching and a fresh wave of wetness coming from her pussy. Toby continued to thrust against her, and his groaning became more pronounced. He let go of her ass with one hand, and slammed his palm on the wall beside her head.

Shoshanna wanted to feel so incredibly full she couldn’t stand it, couldn’t breathe. “God, I am so ready for you.”

And then he was reaching between their bodies, pushing her hand away, and taking hold of his dick. Her throat closed and she wrapped her arms around his neck, steadying herself for what was about to come. He stared at her face, looked right in her eyes, and all other things in her mind left her except for this one moment.

BOOK: Her Best Mistake
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