Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter) (8 page)

BOOK: Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter)
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Jonas wanted to touch her and hold her hand but she was guarding herself.  He would allow her to get comfortable with him before he kissed her again.  At least he hoped his wolf would give her that.  He wanted to throw her over his
shoulder and run away with her so he could be alone with her.

The waitress took the opportunity to bring their food to the table.  River was hungry after everything this morning and she needed to eat and regain her energy.  The food looked fabulous as she eyed the eggs and sausage like she was a starved animal.  River closed her eyes as the aroma of the food made her stomach growl.  She didn
’t hesitate as she dug into the food without speaking to Jonas or Ash.

Jonas and Ash watched River eat.  They looked up at each other knowing this girl had starved probably most of her life.  Jonas could tell as she never looked up but continued to feast on her food.  She made cute sounds, as she tasted each new food on her plate. 

Reece returned after they had finished their breakfast to inform the group that this would be their first case.  He was right when he stated the Vampire Council had been looking into these murders.  “When people are found dead and drained of their blood it kinda gets their attention.”  Reece smirked.  Paddock Reed was now going to be investigated by the new unit.  He will finally get his chance to get his revenge for his sister and her mate.  “Paddock Reed has terrorized you far too long and it is going to stop.”

What is the name of the unit?” River asked, trying to change the subject.

Well we don’t know yet.  We have been trying to come up with some names and when we get together with the Alphas that will be one of the things we are going to discuss,” Ash advised. 

Jonas watched as Reece stared at River.  He could see that it was making her nervous.  He would talk to her when Ash and River left the table.  This would affect both of them.  She was human and he never expected to be mated with a human, much less sharing her with a vampire.  He liked Reece and hoped they would be able to come together and share her.  She was already fighting anything and everything he proposed.  They would need to show her how good it could be for her here.

Jonas needed to discuss it with him about their future together.  He had Kammy and Kerra to think about too.  His life was changing more now that his mate had come into his life.  Where would they live?  How they were going to protect her?  All these questions plagued Jonas. 

Are you ready, River?” Ash asked as she got up from the table. 

Yes, ma’am,” River smiled thrilled she finally had a job that she was going to enjoy.  She couldn’t wait to dive into the computer and show Ash her skills.  Getting up from the table she could see Jonas and Reece watching her every move.  It made her nervous as Reece watched her intensely.  His intense gaze made her quiver between her legs.  His eyes were unreadable as she glanced back at him.  The man was sex on a stick; except he wasn’t a man and if anyone could scare her to death it was a vampire.  She needed to get control of her fear if she wanted to get along with everyone.  She was letting her past dictate her life and she was ready to move on and start living.  Today she was going to try to put the fear away and enjoy her life right now.  She didn’t want to make any long-term plans or dream about ‘what if’.  She was going to live in the moment. 

Reece was going to ask questions about where they would be going when he glanced over at Jonas.  He was shaking his head.  Reece took that to mean he shouldn
’t say anything.  Reece and Jonas got up when River stood. 

We are going down to the meeting room to work,” Ash informed everyone as she stared at the two men.  Reece let out a breath knowing that he wanted to know where his mate would be.  Reece nodded and watched as River and Ash walked out of the dining room.  River turned around and glanced back at the two men as she followed Ash out of the room.


Reece sat back down in the chair.  She was his woman and he had to share her.  His attraction to her was heightened every time he looked at her or smelled her scent.  She was a beautiful woman and he got hard when he looked at her.  He tried to control the urge when he was around her but it was no use.  There was something about her that made him crazy.  He could feel that it increased when he touched her.  He could smell her blood and it drove him wild.  He could taste it on his lips slipping down his throat as he smelled her scent.  Never had a person’s blood made him feel this way.  Reece wondered if it was the mating pull or if it really was her blood.  He didn’t want to have anything in common with Paddock Reed, but he knew he needed to speak to Levi and see if she was having the same effect on him.

Jonas watched as Reece looked off thinking hard about something. 
“Look, I know you want a mate by yourself, so do I, but the fates have brought us together.  Apparently she needs two Alphas to protect her.  She is that special.  I understand—”  

I can smell her blood,” Reece blurted out.

What?” Jonas asked surprised.  He stared at Reece like he had a third head.

Reece put his hands in his head then answered. 
“I can smell her blood and it calls to me.  Something about her blood is driving me crazy.  I don’t’ know what it is,” Reece whispered.

’s whole demeanor changed hearing how River’s blood affected him.  “Are you telling me that you will drain her if you get a taste of her?”  Reece’s head snapped up, growling at Jonas. 

Hell no.  Why would you say that?” asked Reece angrily.

You just told me that you can smell her blood and that it calls to you.  How the hell do you want me to take that?” Jonas snapped as he leaned forward toward Reece. 

I…I really don’t know what I mean.  I know she is my mate but her blood calls to me like I need to taste it and have it in me.  Somehow she is special and now I’m wondering if it is a vampire thing and her blood is special to vampires or if it is just me.  I…don’t think, shit, I don’t know what I think anymore.  I need Levi to be around her so I can figure out if it is just me or if it is all vampires.”  Reece knew Jonas was taking this the wrong way.  He could see the protection mode crossing his face.  No longer was Jonas smiling.  His face tightened like he was fighting the change.

Jonas never said anything further but got up and left the room.  Reece blew out his breath knowing now he would have to make Jonas understand that he would never hurt his mate, but he couldn
’t explain the part about her blood.  He needed to call Levi and let him see River to see if he feels the same way.  He trusted Levi not to try anything with her.  Right now his emotions were jumping all over the place.  He wanted to be patient, but her scent made him want to mate.  This had never happened to him before.  Most females he had been with smelled good, but River’s scent made his body kick into high gear.  Her blood did call to him, but that was something new and he needed to get control of it before Jonas took his head off—and he wouldn’t blame him.

Chapter Eight



Ash showed River the paperwork they needed to prepare for the Alphas explaining the goals and duties of the unit.  All the paperwork had been prepared earlier about the members’ pay and benefits, which were out of this world.  The Alphas had gotten together with the Vampire Council and worked out a number for each member including the Commander of the unit.  They wanted the members to be happy with the unit and making the amount of money more desirable was what kept the members happy and more likely to stay.  She would jump up and down and stand on her head for this type of money.  Jonas had been decided by the Alphas and Vampire Council to be the Commander.  He would lead the group from case to case.  Their base of operation would be housed out of the Lodge’s basement.  Members could live at the lodge for free or buy a house near the lodge or in town. 

How long have you been able to see shifters animals inside them?” Ash asked River as she probed further into her life. 

Ash watched as River sighed.  She had stopped filling the envelopes and glanced back at her. 
“Well, it wasn’t until I met Paddock and then it seemed that everywhere I went I could see shifters.  It scared the shit out of me.  I ran over a little lady in the grocery store when I saw a wolf sitting inside a man.  It freaked me out at first.  Then I got used to it, I guess.” 

I will say that your gift is super cool, but I also know it had to freak you out when you found out there were shifters and vampires in the world,” Ash remarked as she started filling the envelopes again.  She didn’t push River into talking about her life so she let the moment fade with no conversation.  She knew River would speak when she felt like it. 

River cleared her throat. 
“Before, I was just going through life thinking that my life was normal and boring, but when I met Paddock and found out that he was a vampire, my life became crazy and out of control.  Now I don’t know what normal is anymore.  Running all the time has made me miserable.  I can smell vampires when they come in the places I work.  That’s not normal, Ash.  When I see a shifter, I can see the animal inside them sitting there waiting for their turn to come out.  They look at me and follow my actions.  Don’t you think that’s strange?” River asked.  She knew she sounded crazy now.  She could feel the goose bumps come up on her arm as she spoke about her life.

No, I don’t, River.  You have a gift and you have to keep thinking that it is.  If you let your thoughts run wild with you, then it will only drive you crazy.  It’s a gift so keep thinking that way.  Okay?” Ash said. 

River nodded not knowing if she could believe it or not.  This so-called gift could get her killed or in the nut house crazy. 

“I wonder what else you can do.  It seems when you met Paddock it triggered something in you.  Most of the time people with your gifts have more powers.  I guess that is how you would say something like that,” Ash asked River as she continued to put the paperwork in the big envelopes. 

Like what?”  River was curious as she stopped what she was doing to listen to Ash.  The idea of more powers intrigued her curiosity.  Maybe she was able to protect herself better.  Maybe she could do magic. 
Surely I would have felt it if I could do magic
.  River felt like she was just being stupid now.  Yet, the feeling kept popping back in her head.

Well there are people out there who really know magic.  There are real witches too in the world.”  Ash smiled as she watched River’s eyes widen in surprise.  “Some have a lot of powers with their magic.  I’m part vampire and part tiger so I can jump pretty far.  I have the strength of a vampire and shifter too.  That means I’m stronger than most shifters.  You,” Ash pointed at River, “are a seer and you can see a person if they are magical in some way.  That is so special, River.  We can usually smell each other but can’t tell what they are.  I may smell that they are a shifter but you can say that this person is a wolf and this person is a tiger.”

River shrugged then laughed with Ash.  “I wonder if there are more than just wolves or tiger shifters out there?” 

Ash smiled, she couldn
’t wait for the convention to start in two days.  Ash knew that shifters from all over the world came to the lodge to have fun and meet other shifters to see if their mate was in a different pack. 

Okay, I think we got these done.  You ready for your first meeting?”  Ash smiled as they got up with all the envelopes. 

Ready as I ever will be.  Until yesterday I never knew this stuff existed.”  River declared as she got up and walked out of the room with Ash laughing.

Hey, Ash.”  River stopped Ash with her hand.  Ash looked confused as she looked over at her.  She didn’t know if she had something on her face or they had left something.

If I didn’t tell you before.  I really appreciate this opportunity to start over.  Maybe even start a life here.  I’ve never had friends, except Mary, so just sitting here stuffing envelopes may not mean anything to other people, but…well it means the world to me.  It’s the normal everyday stuff that I’ve never had an opportunity to do.”  Ash could see that River was sincere and it tugged at her protective gears.  She knew she would help this woman with her new life.  She would be her first friend.

Ash smiled then pushed her shoulder into River playing with her. 
“Don’t make me cry, girl.  You are welcome.” 

Ash smiled back at River as they continued to walk to the meeting.  As first days went, River was happier then she had ever been.  Ash had already showed River the computer system and she fell in love.  It was the same computer and programs she was used to.  Half the day had already passed as they fell into a rhythm together.  River prayed hard hoping that this was the start of her new life.  She couldn
’t stop smiling as they walked down the hall.

Larken and Larsen were waiting for Ash outside the meeting room when they exited from the elevator.  River could hear the entire group of Alphas talking as they walked closer to the room.  She could see that Ash
’s mates worried about her.  She wanted that one day with someone special.  Could Freedom, Colorado, be that special place she could finally settle down.  She wanted to so bad.  Normal sounded great right now.  The thought of a job and home wasn’t too much to ask for. 
Was it?
  River didn’t care if she had a cardboard box as a home because it would be her home, one that she could take care of and finally make it her own.

Ready, baby?” Larken asked Ash as he kissed her on top of the head.

Of course, baby.  This isn’t my first rodeo?”  River watched as Ash warned her mates.  Her eyebrow went up letting them know she meant business.  Ash was a survivor too and River had a feeling they could see that in each other.  Maybe that was why she felt like she knew her from somewhere.  

I would love to ride that horse later if you are offering,” Larsen teased Ash.  The twin’s presence was overwhelming as they loved on their woman.  River stood back a minute as she tried to look anywhere else but at the twins molesting their mate outside the room.  She couldn’t help to watch them as they passionately kissed Ash.  She could also see the love they felt for her.  Apparently loving two men could work because Ash was walking proof of that.  Maybe it had something to do with shifters because they were overly affectionate with each other even in public.  They nuzzled her neck and face, constantly touching her.  She felt like a voyeur watching. 

Enough, guys,” Ash whispered as she gulped in air.  “If you keep that up, then I won’t be able to concentrate.”  Ash kissed each of her mates one last time when Jonas walked outside.  Smiling at her, River watched as Jonas walked over to her. 

Hey.  How has your first day been?”  River liked that about Jonas.  He was sweet asking about her day.

It has been great.  Thanks for asking.”  River smiled back at Jonas.

Ash and her mates started walking into the meeting as River started to follow when Jonas stopped her. 

“Hey, I’ve waited all day to do this.”  Jonas reached down and skimmed her lips with his.  His taste was divine and his mouth was perfect.  He didn’t pressure her by being demanding or passionately kissing her.  Her body heated up as she felt his wet lips lightly touch hers.  Nuzzling her face with his, he rubbed and lightly kissed her neck then looked into her eyes.  She couldn’t understand why she allowed this man to kiss her and for some reason didn’t object to it.  Could this place really change who she was and allow her to stay. 

You ready to go in now?”  His voice was deep as he stared into her eyes.  It was like he could see her soul.  River smiled as she touched her lips still tasting Jonas on them.  Jonas tried to hold her hand as they walked into the meeting room, but River grabbed the envelopes so she could use both of her hands.  This whatever it was, was moving too fast.  Touchy-feely was how they treated each other.  They wanted to kiss her all the time and touch her hands.  It scared her how much she was allowing them.  With the envelopes in her hands, River walked into the room with Jonas.

River looked over at the group and all she could see were wolves.  Very powerful wolves stood and looked at River like she was their next meal.  River reached down and held Jonas
’s hand as the group of Alphas stared at her.  Okay now she would hold the wolf’s hand.  She didn’t like the attention they were paying her.  Maybe it’s because she was new and they didn’t like new people coming into their meetings.  If she could leave, she had no problem with that at all.  River didn’t know anything about werewolves so she hoped these men were exactly what Ash told her and they were good men.  Well technically not men but half men.  River was anxious to find out about the Alphas.  She wanted to know more about them and what they were capable of.  

River watched as the Alphas lifted their noses in the air.  She wondered why they all smelled the air. 
Hey it’s not me
then River tilted her nose toward her own shirt inhaling her scent to see if it was she that smelled bad.

Jonas smiled as he watched the Alphas inspect River.  He knew what he was doing when he kissed her, leaving his scent all over her.  He wanted the others to know that she belonged to him.  Nobody would try anything with River.  He has known all these men for most of his life and they knew when you found your mate
, you mark her with your scent and Jonas made sure his scent was all over her.

Reece and Levi entered the room as they all sat down.  Reece immediately went and sat on the other side of River.  The Alphas that sat around Reece shook his hand before he sat dow
n.  Reece was the Prime of his clan and he was liked by the Alphas near his community.  He would support the Alphas when they needed help in regards to vampires passing through their community causing trouble.  Reece liked the Alphas and had on many occasions been to parties at the lodge with them.  Even though he was a vampire, they didn’t seem prejudiced toward him. 

River was snuggled between Jonas and Reece as Larken and Larsen got up and started the meeting.  She could feel her body already heating up as their unique scents caused moisture to pool between her legs as they closed in on her.  Her pulse ticked faster and faster as she thought about these two men together with her. 
, River thought to herself. 
How in the hell can I go from running for my life from a vampire to lusting after another one
Oh yeah, and the damn werewolf too.  Just take it one moment at a time
, River thought as she closed her eyes, trying to calm her awakening body. 

Alright, let’s get this meeting started.  First order of business is that Jonas Glenn has accepted the position of Commander of the unit.”  The entire room of Alphas, Reece and Levi included, stood up clapping.  River stood up too.  She didn’t want to look like a complete idiot and the only one not standing.  Plus she liked Jonas.  He made her laugh.  Ash had explained that Jonas was a very popular Alpha.  He always was one of the first to help other Alphas when they needed assistance or personnel when the situations arose.

River clapped along with everyone else in the room.  She needed to do something before she started acting like a little minx rubbing against them.  Her body was betraying her as she melted toward them as they scooted closer to her.  It was like she was the magnet and the two sides sitting beside her continued to get closer and closer.  Larken started talking bringing her attention back to the front of the room.

“Now we have a commander and Ashland Wilder and Pelton Miller have agreed to be members of the unit.  Next we need to come up with a name for the unit.  If you have any suggestions then let me know so we can write them all down,” Larken advised as he went up to the board waiting for any names. 

What about the Shifters unit?” Jack Paul, Alpha of the Woodland Pack, suggested.

I will write it on the board but remember this name needs to be said in the public too sometimes so it needs to be a name that won’t draw attention to us,” Larken explained as he wrote the name Shifter’s unit on the board.

BOOK: Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter)
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