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Authors: Jayme L Townsend

Hart (10 page)

BOOK: Hart
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Chapter 20


I arrive home from a long week of shit boring meetings and watching James go off to fuck anything that moves, while I spend my time reading my script and looking at the photos I took of Cam, I have on a few occasions had to take matters in hand to relieve my cocks pining for her, I met Richard at the airport who talked about his family all the way home. I jump out the car and go straight round to Cam’s; she’s not home so I decide to walk down to the shop to surprise her.

I push open the door and can see the building work has started, I notice the builder that I pulled off Cam that night.

“Hi, is Cam around?”

“No sorry mate she had to go to London, been there all week”

“Why what happened?”

“Family troubles I think”

I nod my thanks and grab my phone from my pocket and ring her number, she answers eventually

“Hi Grey”

“Cam, what’s wrong?”

“Oh just family everything is fine now, did you have a good trip?”

“Nah I missed you”

“Yeah I missed you too, hey I will be back tomorrow, would you like to do lunch?”

“I would like to do you”

“Yeah I would like that too”

We chat about the trip and she tells me she had family trouble and that Will is with her, she wanted to be back today but Will had some unfinished business. She asks if the trip was good and I tell her I went to the book shop to surprise her and that it’s looking good.

“Grey I have to go, lunch tomorrow, I can’t wait to see you”

“Tomorrow, bye Cam”

I sit outside and can’t remember ever missing anyone like I’ve missed her this week, shit, I think I’ve got it bad over her. I decide to go for a run and take my mind of things

Chapter 21


We arrive back at my apartment. Will quickly has a shower, while I made us a sandwich. When he comes out he looks perfect

“Shit Will, is that all for James?”

“I have to try Cam, he hasn’t seen me in years”

“Well you look very handsome”

“Thank you I hope James agrees”

There’s a knock at the door, I smile at Will to make sure he’s ready, he gives me the nod, I walk to the door and open it “Hi James”

“Hi Cam, you look different, happy I think?”

“Thank you I am, come in how’s Victoria?”

“She’s fine, coming home tomorrow”

“That’s good news”


“Um Suzie says William is with you?”

I can see he is embarrassed “Yes, he is in the other room”

I watch as James almost steadies himself, then my phone rings

“Come in, I need to get my phone”

I walk back towards Will and watch as Will stands, I’m not sure what to say

“Will, James is here, I just need to get my phone” He nods and I watch as he sees James, I grab my phone and walk to my bedroom, I see its Grey ringing so I quickly answer it. My tummy goes funny hearing his voice I almost feel like a child again. I lie on the bed and talk to Grey for ages; I have really missed him it’s going to be tough when he goes back to America.

I walk back towards the sitting room, I listen for voices but it’s all quiet, I peep round the door and my hand instantly slams across my mouth, James has Will pinned against the wall and is kissing him, I should go but my feet won’t move, I watch as Will turns James and slams him against the wall, he quickly removes James’s Jumper and T shirt, that’s it I’ve seen enough I quickly walk back to my room and put the TV on. Ok so Will was right they still have strong feelings for each other.

It’s a good hour before there is a knock at my door, I shout come in and Will slowly opens the door, wow he looks amazing, he is smiling and just looks so relaxed and happy

“Hey Will, how did it go?”

“Cam, I don’t know what to say, it was amazing”

“Ok I don’t need to hear the details, has James gone?”

“Yeah, he said bye”

“Ok, Will are we still going home tomorrow?”


I sit and listen while Will tells me how amazing my brother is, when he starts to get into details I kick him out of my room. I walk back to my bed and flop down as I close my eyes I see images of Grey, the way he walks, I can see the muscles roll in his back, his chest, that tattoo, the six pack, the hot V, I sit up and grab my phone and send Grey a text

“We can’t wait to see you tomorrow
” I add a photo of my body dressed in my vest and shorts, his reply comes through almost instantly

“Neither can we”
I quickly open the photo and it’s a photo of his naked body and his hard cock

After staring at the photo for a good five minutes I reply
“Yummy looking forward to it even more now”

“Let me know when you are home”

“Will do”

I put my phone down and shut my eyes, I almost forget this is about getting pregnant, I just can’t wait to have sex with him again.


Will wakes me the next morning with breakfast in bed “Thanks Will, you still look happy”

“I am, do you want to know?”

“You can tell me anything except about the sex”

“But that’s the best part” he says laughing

“Will that’s disgusting, remember he is my brother”

“Only joking, we are going to meet up once a week”

“Oh what so James has become Mr Tuesday?”

“Oh Cam he can be whatever day he wants”

“What about the others?”

“I will stop seeing them for a bit, see how this works out for us”

“Oh that’s cool, Will with the one man instead of Will the slag”

He jumps on me and starts tickling me “Stop before I pee myself”

“Come on Cam, we need to get home and get you up the duff”

“I was so upset when my period arrived I’m trying not to think about it, so I am just going to have amazing sex with Grey whenever I can until he goes home, if it hasn’t happened I’m not sure what I will do”

“I will help”

What, did he just say that “You will?” I say jumping up and down on the spot

“Yeah, only if it hasn’t happened when Grey leaves”

I grab him in a hug and whisper my thanks. We leave my apartment, Will drives very fast and we arrive home just over an hour later.

I text Grey to let him know we are home and Will says he will cook lunch while I go for a swim. I’m just coming out of the pool as Grey walks through the gate, it’s a really hot day and he is wearing just his shorts, I think for a couple of seconds that I actually forget how to breath

“Hi Cam, you look fantastic”

“Not so bad yourself Grey”

He walks straight up to me and gives me a hug “Good trip?”

“Nah, all I could think about was getting back here and fucking you”

“Grey” I pull back and slap his chest, my hand stays on his chest as I look up into his eyes

“Lunch is ready” Will shouts

I start to laugh as Grey pulls me close again and kisses me, it’s not the kind of kiss I really want to share in front of my best friend but once his mouth hits mine I’m gone – lost. He eventually pushes back and smiles at me, then turns and walks towards Will, I watch as they shake hands and start talking sport, I grab my towel and dry myself.


After spending all afternoon and early evening listening to Will and Grey talk I am relieved when Will eventually leaves, Grey walks towards me “Hey”

“Hey back”

“I can’t wait to fuck you”

“Oh you say the nicest, most charming things to me”

“I know, Will seems happy”

“Yeah, he caught up with an old friend in London”

“Cool, anyway can I take you to bed and fuck you now we have had a conversion”


“Why what’s wrong”

“You can fuck me but here on the sofa not the bedroom”

“You’ve never done it on the sofa? Your wish is my command”

I laugh until he pushes his shorts down, my laughter turns to a smile as I take in his body “What did I do to get so lucky?”

“I was thinking the same, now get rid of your clothes”

I slowly stand up and start to remove my clothes as sexily as I can, I think it’s working until he grabs me and rids me of the rest of it.

“Tell me Cam, what do you want?”

I know my face is blushing but he asked so “I want your cock in my mouth”

He slowly puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me down on my knees, my eyes are level with his cock, I slowly lick my lips “Tell me want you want Grey”

“I want you to stop talking and suck my cock”

I lean forward and take as much of him as I can into my mouth, once my mouth is full I look up at his face, his head is thrown back so I can’t see his eye, I move my hand round onto his ass and pull him forward digging my nails in, I watch his face as soon as I get a bit rough his eyes snap to mine, I know he is going to take control, he grabs my hair and holds my head still then starts pumping into my mouth he is making my eyes water but I’m loving it, I move my hand from his ass to his balls and squeeze hard “FUCK Cam”, I keep squeezing until he pulls free from my mouth  “Open” I do as I am told and open my mouth I watch as his hand lands on his cock, he pumps it a couple of times and then is shooting cum into my mouth, once he is finished I clean him up and then myself “What do you want now Cam”

“Oh nothing I will wait until you are ready again” I walk to the kitchen and get us both a glass of wine “So were there any nice girls on your trip?”


“What none?”


“What all the time you were there you never saw a girl”

“Nope, they only girl I saw was this one on my phone”

I watch as he grabs his phone from the table and opens it up, he smiles then turns it to show me the photo “Oh my god Grey, when did you take that?” it’s a photo of me in my bed naked and fast asleep.

“Oh one morning when I had to leave early, you know I have used this photo several times”

I slap his shoulder and sit next to him on the sofa, I can’t stop my hands from touching him, I watch my hands as they move over his body, I really want him but I also want to wait savour the moment.

Chapter 22


I watch her hands on my chest, lightly skimming my skin, I have never felt this comfortable or relaxed with a woman before, I know she wants me but I’m prepared to wait for her to make her move.

I close my eyes as her hands get lower, her fingers are running over the tops of my legs and down, missing the parts I really want her to touch, I then feel her move and open my eyes as she begins to straddle me, fuck she is so beautiful, she slowly starts to lower herself, she positions my cock and I brace for her to come down hard but she gently lowers until she is fully seated, I look at her face her eyes are closed as she concentrates on what she is doing, she gently moves her hips in circles and I can tell when my cock hits her spot as she moans really loud, I let her carry on for a while before standing and carrying her


“To the bedroom” I answer

She obviously enjoys the movement when I walk as she bites down on my shoulder, we stop on the landing and I pin her against the wall, I slowly pull out and slide back in, her nails are digging into my back but I am going to do this slowly, I move on into the bedroom and sit on the bed, gradually moving myself back across the bed, with Cam still seated I slowly open my legs so her ass is on the bed, I slip my arms under her knees , we are now face to face, I very slowly push her back and then bring her forward onto my cock, she throws her head back, I watch her face ”Fuck Cam, kiss me” I have never asked a women to kiss me before, her head comes forward and her mouth is on mine, Christ this feels amazing not only am I making love to her but I am making love to her mouth as well,  she has a strong hold on the back of my hair, I feel the tingle start at the bottom of my back and move to my balls “I need you to cum Cam now” I move her in a circle like she was doing before and on the second circle I feel her body tense she throws her head back and moans as her pussy squeezes my cock, that’s it I can’t hold back, I push her away and bring her back fast not hard a couple more times before I cum too, I just hold her while she calms down I can still feel her spasms on my cock “Cam that was beautiful”


“That’s all you got to say”


“Was it good?”


I slowly lay us down in the bed and cuddle her into me; it’s not long before she is fast asleep, I lie there with her half on me and decide that apart from work this is the best time I have had.


I wake to my cell the next morning, I turn and watch Cam sleep, I slowly take a shower and get ready, I walk back to the bed and look at Cam, I bend and kiss her mouth, she moans


“See you later baby”

I leave the house and walk next door, Richard is waiting for me

“Morning Grey, how is Cam?”

“Morning Richard, yeah she is great”

“I will help her at the book shop today if you don’t need anything”

“No I don’t, she would probably love your help”

I jump in the car and listen to Richard talk about his family all the way there. I’m sat at my desk when James comes in

“Morning James, everything ok?”

“Morning Grey, yeah everything is great”

“So when do you start filming?”

“A couple of months”


“Is there something you want to tell me?”

“No, no I don’t”

“Ok, I better get on”

I watch him walk out, he seems happy I think as my cell rings, I grab it from my pocket, shit Nikki

“Hey Nikki”

“Morning Grey”

“How’s it going?”

“Fine, what’s wrong?”

“The production company had a meeting today and they want to start the film early, so it will be out for the film awards season”

“Oh ok, when?”

“Next week, I have booked you a flight for this afternoon, Richard will pack your things and pick you up in an hour from there and take you straight to the airport”


“What’s wrong, this is good news, I’ve put a call through to Jonathon the Director who wanted you to do “Final steps” to say you will be able to do that because of the change in this film”

“That’s great Nikki, I will see you when I get back”

I end the call and ring Cam, she answers on the second ring

“Hello sexy, I can’t wait for a repeat, last night was amazing”

“Hey Cam, I have some bad news”

“Oh no what’s wrong Grey?”

“I have to go back home today, this afternoon” I wait but she says nothing “Cam, you still there?”


“I am really sorry, if there was any other way, but there just isn’t”

“No it’s ok Grey we both knew you would go back; anyway we agreed it was just sex neither of us was looking for more”

What the fuck, I thought we had more than sex “Ok Cam well good luck with the shop and take care”

“Will do, safe flight”

“Yeah bye”

“Oh Grey”


“Thank you for opening my eyes I had a great time, I will miss you”

“Yeah I will miss you too”

“Bye Grey”

“Bye Cam”

I keep the phone to my ear until it goes dead, then I launch it across the room and watch as it smashes into pieces.

“Grey is everything ok?”

I look up, James

“Yeah, I have to leave, I have a flight booked this afternoon. Thank you for having me”

“Oh that’s a shame, I was going to ask you to come down to see my sister this weekend”

“Sorry James but Nikki rang the filming starts next week”

“Oh well you have to go then, it’s been great having you here and good luck with the film”

“Thank you and thanks for having me”

I shake his hand and watch him leave, I pick up the pieces of my phone and try to repair it but can’t so I throw it in the bin. Fuck I could really hit someone or something. I take a deep breath and collect my stuff up and walk straight out of the building, I check my watch and see I have thirty minutes before Richard comes so I walk to the bar and order a whiskey, I knock that back and order another. When I check my watch again it’s time to leave, I walk out the bar and spot Richard waiting, I get in the car

“You ok Grey”?


“How many drinks have you had?”


“Shit Grey, why”

“Why do you think?”


“Yeah, did you see her?”


“Fuck Richard I don’t want to leave like this but I have no choice”

“No you don’t, ready?”



Twelve hours later and I’m stood in my apartment, I have no idea what to do , I pace around and then decide to ring Cam, fuck my phone, I don’t have her number, I could ring the shop but I don’t know the number either. I decide I best go for a run.

BOOK: Hart
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