Read Half Way to Love Online

Authors: Tressie Lockwood

Tags: #all romance, #contemporary, #interracial, #tressie lockwood, #are, #erotica

Half Way to Love (2 page)

BOOK: Half Way to Love
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Tall-and-Gorgeous had thick midnight black curls all over his head and matching dark eyes. He had a straight nose, a strong jaw, and full lips she longed to kiss. The end of her routine had not included her sitting on his lap and snuggling up to him, but she’d done it without thinking. As soon as she realized what a slut she must look like, she’d high-tailed it out of there. And now here he was like an avenging demon ready to chop her down for what she’d done.

Shannon swallowed. “You followed me?”

The surprise she now recognized on his handsome features melted into amusement. “No, I didn’t. Fate seems to have a sense of humor.”

“The cruel kind,” she admitted. “Again, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t.” His gaze swept her from head to toe, warming her, although she was sure he couldn’t see beneath her coat now that she’d buttoned it to her neck. “How did you get your boyfriend to let you out of the house dressed that way?”

She smiled, flattered. “You assume I have one.”

“Oh, you sang like an angel and broke it off with him too?”

She pivoted on her chilled toes and marched away, but he caught up and grasped her arm. “I’m sorry. That’s not what I wanted to say.”

Waiting, she peered up at him. He hesitated. Shannon couldn’t fathom what he wanted. He’d just lost his girlfriend in the most humiliating way possible—well, a step down from catching her with another man—and unless he wanted to wring Shannon’s neck because of it, they had no more business. Sure, she wanted to see just how hard his body was under his clothes because the man had looked like a product of her fantasies when she was using a vibrator on her pussy. But that was not happening. A man this hot, this sexy, with her? The cards had never dealt her a hand that good.

For a few moments, they stared into each other’s eyes with store customers coming and going around them. His gaze dipped down to her lips. She couldn’t mistake that interest if she was blind. Was he going to invite her to dinner?

“You’ll probably slap me if I say what’s on my mind,” he told her.

Feeling bold, she tipped her head to the side. “Try me.”

He crowded her, backing her into the freezer. The cold of the glass meant nothing with him so close. His head came down until his lips were maybe a centimeter from touching hers. “Sex. No strings attached. Just pleasure.”

Her eyes widened.
Okay, no dinner, straight to bed. I can’t pretend I don’t want it too.

When she hesitated, he grinned. “We’re halfway to lust already, right?”

She wrinkled her brow and then realized what he meant. “It was love, but you know what? Why not? Let’s do it.”

Shannon couldn’t believe her boldness. They grabbed a box of condoms and took it to the counter to pay and then headed outside to his car. Black Lexus, black interior. The man had money, but that wasn’t her concern right now. All she was focused on was the fact that it had been four months, two weeks, and three days since she’d last had sex with a man. Mama was horny as hell.

She luxuriated in the soft car seat, and her coat gapped open, revealing a leg. As he started the car, he reached across and stroked her thigh. His hand sliding higher made her bite her lip. The panties were gone, totally soaked.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked as he pulled into traffic. “I mean you know my situation. I’m not looking to jump back into anything right now. What about you?”

I dream of a love like my sister has. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist for me.
She waved a hand. “Right now, I’m focused on building my business, but a girl has needs. Know what I mean?”

He pulled to a stop at a red light and let his gaze skim the bit of flesh revealed beneath the coat. “Yes, I understand.” And then he frowned. She bit off a laugh knowing what he was thinking. “You mean the singing telegram business?”

With effort she kept herself from apologizing again. “No, I tutor kids in singing. I actually have a degree from NYU in the field.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but she held up a hand.

“Don’t ask. Suffice it to say I don’t like working for anyone but myself and leave it there. Besides, the entrepreneurial spirit runs in the family. Did you like the chocolates, or did you toss them?”

“It would be a crime to throw those away. They were amazing.”

She grinned, proud like she’d had something to do with their creation. “My sister makes them. I’m telling you right now, she’s up there with Godiva.”

“I have to agree.”

Shannon considered again what they were going to do. She’d never in her life had a one-night stand, preferring to take things slowly, especially since she wasn’t too happy with her body. She’d always figured a man needed to develop a little affection for her before he got a load of all she had to offer. Then he could overlook the problem areas, like the dimples in her butt and the fact that outside this breast-hoisting dress and bustier underneath, her boobs had begun the journey south.

No matter what though, she wanted to tell herself next time she was home alone with nothing but a book to keep her warm on a winter night, at least she’d once ridden a man as scrumptious as Alexander.

“Your place or mine?” he asked, interrupting her thoughts.

“Mine,” she blurted and added, “I’m Shannon, by the way.”



She gave him the directions to her place, and within twenty minutes, they pulled up. She had nothing to be ashamed of in her condo since her aunt, the woman who’d raised her and Kim, had left it to her. The neighborhood was decent, and Alex’s car was in no immediate danger of being jacked.

By the time they made it to her front door on the third floor, Shannon was pinned to Alex’s chest and a victim of his hot mouth burning the skin at her throat. The way she trembled with desire, it was all she could do to get her key in the lock and the door open.

Alex kicked it closed behind them and drew her back to his erection when she would have walked farther into the apartment. Her knees lost the ability to hold her up with his cock pressed against her ass. She groaned.

“Take the coat off,” Alex insisted. “I need to see you in that dress again. Do you have more like it?”

He didn’t give her the chance to answer. He hoisted her into his arms and brought his mouth down on hers. Fingers stroking her ass, pushing between the crack to massage her anus made her ready to explode. “Mm,” she moaned, “you’re going to make me come before I get my clothes off.”

“No, way. I’m going to be inside you before that happens.” Tugging her closer to his chest, he scanned the apartment. “Which way?”

She pointed, and he strode in the direction of her bedroom. Shannon lost her breath when he dumped her on the bed and began stripping his clothes off. She was about to do the same when he stopped her.

“Just the panties. Leave the dress and shoes.”

Even more excited, she scrambled out of her panties and dropped them over the side of the bed. Alex knelt between her legs. She stared, mouth dry, body aching. The man was a Greek god, seriously. A body like his should be illegal. Well, after she’d enjoyed it for a bit. Reaching out, she ran her fingertips over his chest, luxuriating in the ripple of muscle, the sinews, and hollows. His erect little nipple scraped her palm, and she gave a little yelp. The center of her hands had always been overly sensitive. She never allowed anyone to touch them because that was asking for trouble.

Alex noticed the reaction, and curiosity flickered in his eyes. He grabbed one of her hands and lifted it to his mouth. The tip of his tongue flicked over her palm. She bit off a groan and tried pulling away, but he held on.

“An erogenous zone, huh?”

She blinked in incomprehension. “Huh?”

He licked again, and she squirmed, wishing she could close her legs, but that was impossible with him wedged between them.

“Points on the body, particularly sensitive to stimulation,” he explained. “Like me licking the center of your hand. It gets you hot, doesn’t it?”

She didn’t want to admit it, but he was right. How she hadn’t made the connection all this time, she didn’t know. She’d only thought she was a freak to protect herself from being touched there.

When Alex waited as if for her permission to continue, she nodded. After all, this was what tonight was about. He nibbled and licked his way from her palm to the bend in the middle of her arm, and then made his way down again. At the same time, he dipped his other hand between her legs to tease her clit. Shannon scratched at the sheets under her and bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming. She raised her hips to press into his touch, wanting more,
him to sink his fingers inside of her pussy.

“Oh, baby, you’re so wet for me,” Alex whispered. “You want me to take you? You want my cock?”

“Yes!” If she didn’t come now, she might not keep her sanity. “I want you in me, Alex, so bad.”

He leaned down and kissed her lips. The way he brushed his over hers, watching her and coaxing her lips apart seemed more sensual than just a physical connection. But she didn’t want to read more into it. He released her hand and kissed his way down her body. “Soon, but first this.”

Alex’s tongue pierced her heat. Shannon couldn’t hold back the scream of delight. The man had skills she’d never experienced before. He played with her clit, flicking it rhythmically until she was at his mercy. Spasms of pleasure assaulted her core. She tried to arch back before the sensations were too strong, but he cupped her ass and raised her higher.

“No, I can’t,” she pleaded.

He paused, his eyes clouded with his lust. “You can.”

Alex covered her swollen bud and sucked hard. Another cry was wrenched from Shannon’s throat. Her limbs shook, and her fingers, knotted in the sheets, went limp. An orgasm exploded through her, but her lover didn’t let up until the tremors eased. When he lifted his head, he grinned.

“As good as that was, I plan on taking you much deeper.”

Shannon peered at him through slitted eyes. “Confident, aren’t we?”

He sat up. “Confident in how attracted I am to you. I could take you all night. Would you mind?”

“Not in the least!”

Alex raised her higher on the bed and positioned himself between her legs, this time with her thighs hoisted. She worried about him seeing too much of her imperfect body, but from the haze of need that was clear in his expression, she doubted he saw anything but where he was about to bury himself.

He reached for the bag they’d let drop on the floor when they stumbled in here and tore it apart. The box containing the protection soon followed, and he covered himself. The tip of his cock pressed to her opening. She clenched her jaw and willed herself to relax. A few months hadn’t made her a virgin again, but Alex looked thick.

When he slid in, she caught her breath at the slight pain. Not enough to cry out, but definitely a little rusty. Her tunnel stretched around him, and right away the pleasure took the place of the ache. Alex bared his teeth and hissed as he pushed farther. His glance up at her was full of apology. “Snug fit.”

Shannon ran her fingertips over his taut ab muscles. “I can take all of you.”

He grinned. “Who’s confident now?”

“It’s because I want you so much.”

He moaned. “Raise the dress. I want to see myself sliding into you. I want to see those thick thighs wrapped around me.”

She hesitated, but at his insistence, she did as he asked. His eyes widened, and the sight seemed to take it to another level for him. Alex held her still at the hips and jutted forward. She closed her eyes, engulfed in the feeling of him sliding in and out. His pace picked up until he thumped hard into her pussy and withdrew.

Over and over, he glided to the hilt. On the inside, she felt him touch a spot that left her hotter yet weak. Outside, his groin met her clit. Shannon arched more, and Alex responded by driving into her faster.

“Damn, I can’t hold it,” he complained, and seconds later, he jerked with his release. Shannon opened her mouth to speak, but Alex pulled her up. She sat astride his lap, and he worked her up and down his still-hard cock. The orgasm that had been building in her continued. She gripped his shoulders and put her head back. He raised her up and let her come down firm on his erection.

“You want to come again, baby?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes, oh, yes, Alex.”

“Take what you need.”

She clung to him. His grasp bordered on painful, but she wasn’t stopping until she climaxed for the second time. His hands followed her ass as it rose and fell. He stayed right with her, and then it was her turn to let go. She shouted his name as Alex gave her just what he’d promised. This orgasm took hold so she could do nothing but hang on until it was done.

Alex pulled out of her quickly and flipped her around on the bed. He lay behind her with a strong thigh tossed over hers. Not failing a beat, he reached in front of her to rub her clit again. A third orgasm shook her being. He pinched her clit in one hand while threading fingers into her pussy with the other. When she didn’t think she could bear it anymore, Alex let go, and they relaxed on their backs panting.

“So?” he asked after some time.

“So?” she echoed. He said nothing, and then she laughed. “Yes, that was way bigger than the first one. I’ve only ever done that to myself, follow an orgasm with another and another as long as the aftershocks last.”

He leaned up on an elbow. “With your hand?”

She grinned and shrugged. “Hey, a girl’s gotta know how to get her own, or suffer without.”

“I guess so. I’d love to watch you do it sometime.”

She rolled her eyes, amused. “I’m sure you would.”

He pulled off the used condom and disposed of it before standing. “Come on. We’ll clean up and continue this when we’ve caught our breath…unless of course I wore you out.”

Shannon sucked her teeth. “Please.” She stripped her dress off and tossed it on a chair. Her bustier followed. Now that she knew he didn’t mind her extra, she had no problem being naked in front of him. Preceding him to the bathroom, she smiled when she heard his whistle.

“Where has that ass been all my life?” he quipped.

BOOK: Half Way to Love
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