Grogoch [Bedtime Stories 2]

BOOK: Grogoch [Bedtime Stories 2]
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Bedtime Stories 2
Some fairy tales don’t have actual fairies… And never one that looks part monkey, complete with tail. But that’s what a Grogoch is, and their magic is nearly limitless.

Cuidighteach soaks up attention like a sponge. Securing the attention he craves, he trades magic for sex, even though people see him only as what they desire. He might appear as a busty woman or a brawny man, but only someone who loves him will see his true form.

Finbar’s down on his luck. He thinks he finally has the chance at a real home after inheriting a small farm from his wicked aunt, but his dreams shatter when he sees the place. Then, a gorgeous man who happens to have a tail offers to help, and Finbar’s life starts looking up.

But will Finbar be able to accept the way Cuidighteach lives his life, or will his heart get broken?
Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fairy Tales/Myths, Shape-shifter
23,987 words
Bedtime Stories 2
Joyee Flynn
Siren Publishing, Inc.
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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Joyee Flynn E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-500-7

First E-book Publication: September 2012


Cover design by Sloan Winters


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Bedtime Stories 2
JOYEE FLYNN Copyright © 2012 Chapter 1

“You agree to the terms then?” I asked, extending my hand to the man in front of me. He was agreeable to look at though certainly not the best I’d ever had.

“I bed you and you give my crops all they need for a month,” he answered, nodding as if he hadn’t just changed the terms of the agreement.

“Half a month or I could go down to a week.” I gave him my sweetest smile. If he wanted to play games I was always ready and wanting to play. “Let’s do a week and if you’re good at pleasing me in payment then I’ll give you an extra week for free.”

“Fine,” he grumbled and took my hand. Aww, poor guy. They always bitched and moaned like I was asking them to give me a testicle but they always enjoyed it. “You’re lucky you’re such a fine-looking lass.”

In reality I wasn’t though. People saw what they wanted when they looked upon me. It was part of my particular fairy magic and helped facilitate the deals. I was male, and didn’t look human, but only a humble, kindhearted person would ever see my true form. But to this man I was a heavyset woman with huge tits and long hair. My entire existence was proof that people saw what they wanted in life and not what was right in front of them.

He bent me over a bale of hay, undid his trousers, and entered me. Grogochs, which was the type of fairy I was, were special in that our bodies were always ready and accepting of sex. Even more so, we were attention whores. We could have made any deal we wanted for our services and magic but we were horny little creatures that wanted sex.

Particularly for me, I loved a fat cock in my ass. This man had what I wanted though he lacked the finesse I preferred and I don’t think he
knew the meaning of
. But he was big in the right places.

“Harder,” I begged, needing just a bit more to enjoy it. “Ah, that’s why I love bigger women. They can take all I have to give,” he said as if it was some great insight. I swear sometimes men ruined everything by opening their mouths. His hands gripped my hips tighter and he started plowing into me. “Yes, you feel good, darlin’.”

I grunted and reached between my legs, stroking my dick in time with his thrusts. It didn’t take me long after that until I was crying out
and shooting all over the hay under me.
Hung and dense
followed me

right over, filling me with proof of how much he enjoyed taking a man’s ass. He might have seen a woman but it wasn’t like I had tits he could hold on to during sex.

Good thing then he hadn’t even tried for foreplay or the illusion would have been ruined for him.
“Did I get the extra week?” he asked as he pulled out of me and grabbed a rag to clean himself up with. Then he tucked himself back into his trousers and stared at me as if he was annoyed I didn’t answer right away.
“Umm, no,” I snickered as I got to my feet and used my magic to wave away any traces of the sex and re-dress myself.
“Why not? That was one of my best performances!”
“Try foreplay.” I walked right by him and out to the field he’d just planted with seeds. I closed my eyes and focused on the earth. It took several minutes but when I was done those tiny seeds had all sprouted into a few inch-tall plants. “They will be protected for one week and given all the nutrition they need. However, I cannot make it rain so you must water them still.”
“You said you’d take care of them for a week,” he bitched as he

spun me to face him. “My having to water them isn’t
taking care of

“I just made them sprout and grow in a matter of minutes which just
saved you a month. I also fixed the soil so it had the nutrients to give
you full, hearty crops,” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest and
getting pissed at his ingratitude. “You can water the damn things. They will not die or wither with my magic but if you want them to flourish then
tend to them with water.”
“Fine, thank you,” he agreed with a nod. Maybe he wasn’t as
dense as I had thought. He obviously realized that he was pushing too
far and my patience wasn’t to be tried. “You were wonderful, by the
way.” He reached out and cupped my cheek, pulling me closer. I
basked in the praise and affection. This is why grogochs made deals
and what we desired most.
To feel special.
“Was I?” Fine, I was fishing and preening a bit but he was finally
being nice.
“Yes you were,” he whispered in my ear as he leaned over me and
grabbed my ass. “You have just the right padding to be mounted and
I’ve never felt such tight, wet heat surround my cock. I look very
forward to next week.”
“I’ll throw in keeping your livestock free from illness for a month if
you take me again and actually take time with me this time,” I offered,
rubbing myself against his thigh.
He gasped and shoved me away. “You’re not a woman with what I
felt between your legs!”

you that you saw me as you wanted me to look like,” I
grumbled, knowing the fun was over. “That doesn’t mean what’s really there just disappears.”

“I–I need to g–go bathe,” he stuttered and practically turned tail and ran into the house. Fine, whatever. He wasn’t the only one I had lined up for today. I walked back to the barn and grabbed my bag before heading towards the next house on the outskirts of the kingdom.

This land had been the domain I tended to long before there was even a king or castle around. Grogochs were very possessive of their borders and they were not to be encroached on by others of our kind. Humans though were welcomed as long as they did right by the land and respected our power. The current king was a good man who valued the magical beings in his lands.

Granted, that didn’t mean I was invited to court to party with them all. But when I did stop by I was given one of the best guest rooms and lavished upon… And any of his knights who swung my way were allowed to seek me out and keep me busy.

There was one rumor about grogochs that the king had been good to dispel as well. We never forced anyone. We simply struck deals with willing parties and never took advantage of anyone. Case in point, my next stop before one of my regular deals.

“Hello, Cuidi,” the old woman, Margaret, called out when she saw me. “Did you have fun with my neighbor?”
“I always warn them that I’m not as they see me but yet they always act so affronted when they learn I am male,” I admitted with a sigh as I climbed her porch and sat in the rocking chair next to her. “But enough of me. How are you, my fair lass?”
“You are the only one who can get away with calling me that.” She clucked her tongue and chuckled. I was a few thousand years old and her sixty years were just a drop in the bucket compared to my life. “I am fine besides this heat wave. It hurts my old bones and my skin when I am out in it.”
“Well for some of your famous pie I could be convinced to help you for the rest of the day,” I said casually. I knew she needed all the help she could get which was why I made sure to make her one of my regular stops. Margaret did not have many years left in this world, her heart aging rapidly.
“I have one cooling just for you, my friend.” She smiled at me as she patted my hand. “I do wish you would meet your true love before my time is up here, Cuidighteach.”
“Most of my kind never find true love, lass. I am content with my lot.” It warmed my heart that she cared so, especially since she’d long been able to see my true form. She was one of the few who weren’t repulsed by my true looks. I was short, only about four and a half feet tall and looked part beast, complete with long tail. I’d been told that I looked half monkey but I’d never seen such a creature to make the comparison.
“You have a good heart and deserve to be happy, not simply content.”
It was nice someone felt that way about me. She might be the only one though. We went inside and I found myself to be starving and ate her pie with gusto. Then I tended to her land, home, livestock, and crops. When I was done she had more than enough in her cart to sell at the market to give her whatever she might need.
At the end of the day she talked me into sleeping in her extra bed and spending the night in comfort. I accepted, unable to ever deny Margaret any kindness she extended to me. She was a good woman and I knew the heavens would take care of her when she passed. Her life had been full even though she’d never had children. She had found love at an early age and until he died a few summers ago, she had been happy.
Isn’t that what we all wanted to be able to say at the end of our life?

BOOK: Grogoch [Bedtime Stories 2]
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