Read Granite Kiss Online

Authors: Jennifer Cole

Granite Kiss (5 page)

BOOK: Granite Kiss
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“I will not drop you, little one,” Zander said softly against the top of her head.

“What did I tell you about calling me that?” she said in a croaking, nervous tone against his neck.

Zander chuckled and wrapped his free arm around her in an effort to make her feel more safe and secure. After a moment, he felt her body relax in his arms, but her grip on him remained firm.

“I am Zander,” he said. “And what may I call you, young–milady?”

“E-Elena,” she whispered. “My name is Elena.”

* * * *

The flight across the night sky seemed to take forever as far as Elena was concerned. She didn’t dare chance pulling her face from the crook of the beast’s neck as he held her tight against him. Despite her confidence he wouldn’t drop her, Elena refused to loosen her hold.

The creature who held her tightly had taken her breath away when she’d first seen him moments before. The wavy locks of his long, dark hair blew in the gentle breeze. Elena found herself wanting to reach up to enmesh her fingers in the thick tresses.

His voice had been confident, the smoky tone soothing. Standing in place, unmoving, he’d looked as though he’d been carved from stone. Yet under her hands, against her cheek, his flesh was warm, the texture soft, and the muscles beneath firm. The expression of seriousness that seemed permanently etched in his face didn’t take away from how handsome the man, er, beast was.

When she’d fired him up and a roar had burst from his full lips, his eyes had taken on an eerie amber glow which had stirred her arousal, rather than scared her.

When he’d wrapped his arm around her and leapt into the air, climbing into the night sky, Elena had been startled. Having a fear of heights since childhood, she had never even set foot in an airplane. As far as she was concerned, if people were meant to fly, they would be born with wings. But she might have to reconsider that now given that the being holding her possessed wings.

The weight of his strong arms cradling her made her feel secure, safe. Elena believed with every fiber of her being the beast holding her as they flew across the vast dark heavens would protect her with his life. She wondered for a split second why it was so easy for her to believe such a thing.

The flip of her belly told her they were descending toward the ground. A soft thump and sudden stop signaled their landing.

“We are down now, Elena,” Zander said, yet his arms remained where they were. “Elena?”

“Huh? Oh, uh, okay,” she mumbled, and unwrapped herself from Zander’s body. As her feet touched the ground, her knees threatened to buckle.

“Easy does it.” Zander held her upright with his hands on her hips.

Only a handful of seconds passed before Elena’s land legs came back to her.

“Thank you,” she said.

“You are welcome.”

In quick succession, five additional
sounded as the others landed.

“Where are we?” Elena asked, putting a little distance between her and the creature standing before her.

“We are on the roof of the Regency Hotel,” someone answered from behind her in a deep booming voice.

“What!” Elena squeaked, grabbing Zander’s forearm in a death grip. “The Regency is–is–for-forty-five st-stories high.”

“Oh yeah, babe, it’s an awesome height for a free-fall launch.” With arms outstretched simulating flying, another gargoyle jested with a teasing grin.

“Elena does not like heights,” Zander remarked in a gentle tone, attempting to pry her dug-in fingertips from his arm.

The second beast made a face. “That’s going to make it tough for flying, babe.”

With the expanse of his large hand pressed against the small of her back, Zander led Elena closer to the huge beasts watching her. She found herself staring at creatures she’d only read about in storybooks. Though they possessed human-like qualities in their appearance, the beasts before her were definitely the beings of childhood nightmares.

Then why wasn’t she afraid? Okay, she wasn’t a child, but she should at least be mildly frightened. Not once in the past fifteen minutes had a shiver of fear struck her. Well, besides the flying. Of course, learning she stood on the tallest structure in the city didn’t bode very well either.

The comfort Elena felt around the beasts made her feel protected and safe, and warm.

“You are gargoyles?” she uttered, more as a statement rather than a question, glancing up at Zander. “Living, breathing, gargoyles.”

The seductive emerald green of his eyes reflected the smile curling his lips.

“Yes,” he replied. “Living and breathing, for the time being anyway.”

Each beast was enormous, standing between seven and eight feet tall, she guessed. If they were as solid as they appeared, their weight would be unimaginable. The tips of their ears were pointed, and each seemed to be sporting a rather sharp and impressive set of fangs. Although for the most part, their muscular physiques were quite similar, Elena could easily identify their individuality.

“Elena, allow me to introduce you to our clan,” Zander said. “Funny boy here is Adan.”

“A pleasure, milady.” The one who’d taken to calling her ‘babe’ seemed to have a sense of humor. His eyes were the most vibrant violet she had ever seen, his skin a deep shade of lavender, and he hadn’t a single strand of hair atop his head. Adan mocked tipping a pretend hat as he bowed before her.

“You’re trouble,” she chided.

“So I’ve been told,” he replied.

“This is Mabon.”

“Milady.” The hue of his flesh held a reddish tint, just a shade lighter than the hair on his head. The brilliant yellow of his eyes had her skin pebbling with goose flesh.

Still, she wasn’t afraid.

As she glanced around, nodding to each beast, Elena tried not to stare too hard at the one eyeing her with multi-colored locks. His hair hung down the middle of his back, streaked the various colors of a rainbow. She wondered if Zander read her mind as he introduced the beast next.

“Our very own paint chart over there is Kenyon.”

A warm smile and a nod were her greeting. Then he offered her a quick wink, making Elena giggle.

“And the elders of our clan are Henrik and Magnus.”

“Welcome to our lair, Elena,” the one named Magnus said. He too wore his hair long, which was spattered salt and pepper; mostly salt. His piercing black eyes felt as though they were seeing into her very soul. His skin was the same shade of gray as a cinder block.

“It is our pleasure to have you here,” Henrik added. This beast had long white hair, which appeared very thick. Hypnotizing crystal blue eyes met hers, accentuated by the darkness of his skin.

“Thank you,” she said. “And thank you, all of you, for hearing me and coming to my aid.”

“Again,” Magnus said, “it is our pleasure to have been of service to you.”

“I have questions,” Elena blurted out.

“Of course you do,” Henrik replied. “You will be staying with us for a spell,” he continued. His voice left no room for discussion on the matter. “Why don’t you freshen up first, then we will speak.”

“Oh. Okay,” Elena stammered. Though comfortable in the beasts’ presence, she remained uncertain about staying with them. “Uh, where?”

When Zander turned her around, she spied a sliding glass door leading into a room. “We are on the terrace of the penthouse suite,” he said and led her toward the door. “No one has stayed here in over forty years. The housekeeping crews never come up.”

“How come? This is the poshest hotel in the city. Why would no one stay up here?”

“Rumor has it the penthouse is
.” Adan chuckled.

“Really? I didn’t know that.”

“Apparently six gargoyle statues here on the terrace has given the penthouse a bad rap.” Zander shrugged. “Mortals have a perception that–”

“I know, gargoyles are evil, as opposed to guardians and protectors.”

Zander slid the door open and ushered Elena into the large suite. He ducked beneath the frame, following her in.

They stood in the vast open space of a sitting area with two couches, a recliner chair, and a big screen plasma television mounted on one wall. Zander gave her a quick tour, showing her a full service kitchen, two bedrooms and three bathrooms.

“Do you guys even use this suite?” she queried, awed at how spotless it was, considering that six man-beasts occupied it.

“Yes.” He chuckled. “Our needs are easily met. None of us like living in filth, so we tend to keep our lair tidy.”

“Hell, I live by myself and I’m not this clean.” Elena laughed. “I can’t believe six of you share this space.”

“There are clean towels in the bathroom through there, and you should find the necessities to freshen up.”

“Thank you, Zander.” Elena reached up, placing her hand on the firm muscle of his left pec. “I’d already had a rough day before the attack, and what I’d really love is to take a long, hot shower.”

“Take your time, Elena.” His deep voice soothed her. “There is a robe hanging behind the door, it is clean and warm. Wrap yourself in it when you are finished. I will wash your soiled clothes.”

Elena nodded and held Zander’s gaze for several heartbeats before he turned and lumbered down the hallway.

After pushing the door closed, Elena peeled off her dirty clothes and leaned into the tub to turn on the water. It surprised her to find bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and then she caught herself snickering. With all the hair the six beasts had between them, why wouldn’t they use shampoo?

There wasn’t a bar of soap to be found, but rather a vast assortment of body washes, and not a single one with a floral or feminine fragrance. Elena giggled at the absurdity of her thoughts while sniffing several varieties. Choosing the one she was certain she’d smelled on Zander’s skin, she climbed into the shower.

With her shower finished, Elena dried off and wrapped her hair turban style on the top of her head. Plucking the plush, black robe off the hook on the back of the door, Elena stared down at herself after fastening the belt around her waist. The robe hung to the floor, hiding her feet from view. Despite the curves of her hips and the ampleness of her breasts, the garment was miles too big for her and fit like a burlap sack.

Taking a look at her reflection in the moderately fogged up mirror, she shrugged and reached for the door.

The sitting area was empty, and the sound of voices drifted in through the open glass door to the terrace.

“Well, we’re going to have to do something,” Elena heard Mabon say as she approached the door.

“If he is out there, we must find him,” Magnus added.

“We will,” Henrik said.

Elena was just about to step out on the terrace when she felt someone watching her from behind. Turning her head, she met Zander’s gaze.

“Did your shower feel good?” he asked with a knowing grin.

Elena nodded, easily returning his smile. As her eyes held his, she noticed a dishtowel slung over his right shoulder. The way he leaned lazily against the doorframe, Elena couldn’t stop herself from thinking about how incredibly sexy he looked.

“Would you like a beverage?” he asked. “Water, juice?”

“What would the chances be of you having something a little stronger?” she asked, and turned to walk toward him.

“Very good,” he replied with a nod. A deep chuckle reverberated through her as he pushed himself away from the frame, allowing her to enter the kitchen. “How powerful are you looking for?”

“Got anything that bites back?” She snickered.

“Besides me?” His tone teased, however his eyes darkened, almost as if he were aroused.

Elena shivered at the intensity of his gaze. “H-how about a rum and diet cola,” she stammered.

“I’ve got something even better,” Zander said. “If rum is your pleasure.”

I’m not sure you’d be willing to tackle my pleasure
, she thought as she studied his bulging, muscular frame.

Zander shot her a glance that sent a pulse straight to the juncture between her legs. The inside of her thighs grew damp.

Hmm, if I can hear their thoughts, they can probably hear mine. I’d better be careful of that.

BOOK: Granite Kiss
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