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Authors: J L Hamilton

Tags: #erotica romance

Giving In

BOOK: Giving In
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Giving In
Giving In
By J.L Hamilton



Published by: Jamie L Hamilton at Smashwords


Giving In
Copyright 2013 by Jamie L Hamilton


Smashwords Edition, License Notes




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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.




This book contains mature content language, violence, as well as sexual situations. And is intended for adult readers. 18+ years.

Chapter 1







It's been three years since my divorce and I'm still depending on my vibrator to get me through another fantasy about Trey. Why can't I just just let go and have a little fun with him? I know he wants me, he makes it very clear. He's the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. Even when I was married I never felt this turned on than when he's close to me. I mean, fuck me, he doesn't even have to say a word for me to get wet and worked up. All he ever does is smile and I'm ready to sling shot my panties across the room. But yet, all the times he has hinted or tried, I've refused him like he doesn't excite me in the least. Big fat lie.


God what is wrong with me?


Now I am standing here in front of my mirror, trying to figure out why he's so persistent. I'm a mother of three boys, just shy of thirty, extremely curvy, average looking, and I'm short to boot . What is there to like? And yet the man still tries to get me not only into his bed tied up, but to date him, fall in love and get married. That will never happen, no matter what he does or says.


Besides I know that he knows my kids, but he has never spent any real time with them, we mostly talk or text, or he comes over late at night after they are sleeping. Guess I could consider it a positive that he knows of them and hasn't run off yet.


Oh, well.


Better go crawl into my very lonely bed with Big Willy and pretend that it is Trey screwing the hell out me while I am tied up. Damn just thinking that and I am already wet. I need to clear my head of this man, stop talking to him, something.


I wonder if this time I can be brave enough to try the butt plug, and maybe by the end of the week I can use Willy Jr. in there and Big Willy in my pussy. Anna said it is one of the most intense pleasures I can have, but more enjoyable if I can get a guy or two to do it. I don't know about two, but I would like to try it with just one.


Maybe before I get down to business, I will read some and then text Trey, that always gets me all worked up.


I have a missed call and several texts. Damn he is so sexy, I love when he randomly sends my pics of himself smiling, like he knows it turns me on.


'What you doing?'


Should I tell him that I am about to lay on my bed and get off looking at his picture he just sent and pretending that he has me tied up to the bed? Uh, no.


'I'm reading. What you doing?'


I hate waiting for him to respond, don't know why, he always does instantly.


'All you do at night is read. I am thinking about you tied to your bed.'


Did he really just say that about me? I do more than read, I'm just not telling him that. Shit hear I am talking out loud again. Well at least I am alone.


"So what else do you do at night that you won't tell me?"

"Holy fucking purple monkey shit. How did you, you just scared the hell out of me. How did you get in here?"

"With my key. I made it the day we went to the hardware store together."


God did he have to step closer to me? He always smells so good, it makes me wet.


"You made a copy of my key? Why?"

"To protect you."

"That's stalking. I don't need protection. Besides from you."

"It's not stalking. I care about you and want to know that you are safe."

I hope he gets closer to me. Wait no I don't. I can't want him. I will only end up hurt. They cheat, they all cheat and lie.


"What are you thinking about?"

"One why you are in my house. Two, that all men cheat and lie."

"We all don't and everyone lies. Even you."

"No I do not."

"Yes you do. Every time I am around you, you swear you don't want me but I can see the arousal in your eyes. Your cheeks flush, your eyes become glossy. You unknowingly lick your lips hoping that once, just once I won't listen to you and take you into my arms like this, and kiss you until neither one of us can breathe."


How did he know that? Never have I said that out loud to anyone! His hands feel so damn good on my body, I never want him to take them off of me until I am so spent, I can't move.






Damn, even after her shower, her scent is still so intoxicating. I am not taking no for an answer. I have waited for five years to have her. The first two she was married and I respected that, the last three is because she always told me no. Not tonight, nothing will stop me from having her scream my name over and over. I will have her so spent, she can't move from my arms. I want her to fall in love with me, to trust me. There is so much I want to show her and share with her. I want her to know that I will never get bored with her.


"Jenny, what's going through your mind right now?"

"I am going to lie and say nothing. I want you to let me go. I need to put clothes on. I can't continue standing here in my towel in front of a drop dead sexy as sin all male man and not jump your bones."

"That is the most honest you have ever been with me since we started talking. I can see the desire in your eyes. Why won't you give into me?"

"Because I refuse to let another man, take me down the road of falling in love with him just to get bored with me several months after I marry him. I will never get married or fall in love with another man. All I need is in that night stand, him and I do just fine together."

"That's how you are going to spend the rest of your life? Is with a vibrator? What about the passion or the intimacy? Or even trying new things you have never experienced before? Or having a man hold you after he just made the most intense love to you, kissing your body and telling you how beautiful you are?"

"I don't need any of that. It only leads to me having feelings and the man finding someone younger, skinner, prettier and with bigger breast. There is always some female better than me and I won't let myself go there again."


Is she really comparing me to her ex-husband? I would never leave this woman and I know that I could never become bored with her. I have spent so much time telling her this, guess the only thing left to do is show her.


"Jenny, what if I tell you that you already went down that road. Deep down in your heart, right about here."


Holy shit she smells so good, and she is letting me place a kiss between her breast without freaking out on me. Guess I am on the right track with her.


"Sorry got lost in the feel of your skin against my lips. As I was saying and doing, deep down you love me. If you didn't, one you would not let me kiss you like this, and second you would not of spent three years rejecting my every move to have you as mine. And that is what you are, mine! I know how I feel about you, I want you to admit how you feel about me to yourself. I don't care if it is out loud and I hear or in private just you and your reflection. But as of right now, I am going to show you how much I want you."

"I don't get why someone like you wants someone like me. I am chubby and short, average looking. I have three boys who are pushing teenage years. I work to much wiping old people's asses, and I am boring. As you said earlier, I am always reading. That's all I do in my spare time besides the occasional vibrator night just to get me through."

"What do you mean someone like me? What makes me any different than you?"

"Your extremely successful. You have no baggage with you. Your tall, gorgeous, rich, the most desired Asian man of our time. I mean hell you put Jet Li to shame and he has always been one man I wanted to fuck the shit out of."

"To much info about Jet Li, but I see who my competition is now. And I knew that you weren't boring. There is so much more to you that not even you can see. And by your last statement, I can tell there is even more I want to discover."


Here is my chance I have to make my move now or lose her forever. I just need to kiss her, let her know I want her. Get her to feel that desire in her and my hard cock.


"Baby, to me you are everything that I need. It doesn't bother me that you have three boys, I can't father children so to me that is an amazing bonus. But you knew this about me. You being short makes it even more fun to pick you up like this. I wouldn't call you chubby, you have the sexist curves a woman can have. Never have been a fan of the skin and bones kind of woman. I'm two years older than you so your age means nothing to me. Feel what you do to me Jennifer, only you can make my cock so hard it hurts. I have wanted you for far too long. Since I met you I have only dreamt about you, holding you close, making love to you over and over. And so many things that if I tell you, you may freak out on me and never want to see me again."

"Kiss me. Shut up and kiss me Trey."


I love that I can feel her moisture and heat through my jeans. She has been wet for a while. Holy fuck can she kiss, her lips so soft but demanding.

"Trey, I can't do this. Stop please. I don't need you. Put me down. I have done good taking care of myself for the past three years."

"Baby, when was the last time you had sex?"

"That is none of your concern. I have all that I need in my nightstand. So please leave."


Why did she have to lay across the bed on her stomach? Her towel is barely covering her up now. Her ass is so.... I just want to kiss it. Let me see what she uses to pleasure herself that she wants me to leave.


"Is this why you want me to leave Jenny? So that you can fuck yourself with this?"

"No, yes. I don't know. And stop going through my nightstand. What is in there is private."

"If this is what you want to be fucked with, I can make it happen. Do you trust me enough to close your eyes and let me tie you up?"

"I trust you more than anyone else in my life. However I am not going to let you tie me up. I need control, that's how I live."

"But Jennifer, you won't let me do what I want to do if your hands are free. At least let me kiss you good night and I will leave you with a smile on your face. I don't like to see you so sad."

BOOK: Giving In
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