Giovanni (Blood Brothers Book 6) (23 page)

BOOK: Giovanni (Blood Brothers Book 6)
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Sydney blinked from the bright light being shined into her pupils. “Everything seems to be in order, Ms. Lewis. You’ve made a remarkable recovery. Better than I could have expected.” Dr. Green smiled at her. She could actually see his smile!

Shortly after she finally declared her feelings for Giovanni, she realized she could make out bright lights. She didn’t think anything of it because she’d experienced that after her last surgery. But then things became blurry and if she looked close enough she could just manage to make them out. Sydney didn’t mention it to Giovanni at first because she didn’t want to get her hopes up. But he noticed. It was he who had suggested that she was getting her sight back.

Giovanni had explained that she was probably supposed to get it back all along but Ida’s interference had hindered her. It made sense that Ida somehow made it so that the operations were unsuccessful. Without her eyesight, Ida probably believed Sydney was more vulnerable and would be dependent on her. Sydney did rely on Ida but only because the other woman had insinuated herself so firmly into Sydney’s life that she really had no choice.

Sydney’s sight came back gradually. At first she could make out large items, but soon her focus had become sharper until her vision was nearly perfect. It was how she’d found herself back in Dr. Green’s office.

“I can hardly believe it, Doctor. On our last visit, I’d given up all hope yet here I am.”

Dr. Green patted her on the shoulder. “Everything looks good now but I’d like to see you back in six months to do another check-up. In the mean time I’ll recommend you to an optometrist so you can get fitted for glasses to correct your vision to 20/20. I personally would not recommend contact lenses until you receive the all clear at our next appointment.”

“Sure,” she agreed, knowing that by then she wouldn’t need any kind of eyewear.

“Well, if you have no more questions for me today, Ms. Lewis, I’ll be seeing you in six months. Take care of yourself.” He held out his hand and she gave it a brief shake.

“Thank you, doctor.”

Sydney practically skipped out of Dr. Green’s office. Having been blind for the last ten years, everything was like brand new to her; colors seemed brighter and everything fascinated her. Several times she’d made complete strangers uncomfortable because she couldn’t stop staring at them. One of the first things she did was purchase a television, and she and Giovanni spent an entire week binge-watching shows on a streaming service. She loved going for walks and just seeing the world around her.

And the best part of getting her vision back was being able to actually see her handsome man with functional eyes. She scanned the waiting room and spotted Giovanni. He stood up when he saw her coming his way. As she got closer her heart skipped a beat. She couldn’t believe this beautiful man was actually hers. She knew he was handsome even before she could actually see him, but she never thought he was a walking God. The man was sex on two legs. His face was the kind that inspired artists to paint.

The entire Grimaldi clan was ridiculously good-looking which made her wonder if all immortals were as gifted in the looks department. Giovanni had laughed when she’d asked that question and had told her it was just genetics.

He smiled at her to reveal perfect white teeth. “How did it go?”

“Everything looks great. He wants to see me in six months, but I think I may skip that appointment. Because you know…” Sydney had decided she would allow Giovanni to bring her over. If she was going to be with him forever they might as well get that out of the way. She was still a little apprehensive about becoming a vampire but with Giovanni’s guidance everything would be all right.

He cupped her face in his palms. “Yes. I know but we don’t have to do this thing right away. We have time.”

“No. I want to do it. This is a step toward our forever.”

His jade green eyes glistened with the suspicious sheen of tears. “Oh,
.” He lowered his head and covered her lips with his. Sydney wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his, eagerly returning his kiss.

“Hey, this is a doctor’s office, not a hotel. Get a room,” a lady in the waiting room yelled at them.

They pulled away from each other, giggling like two naughty children.

Giovanni smiled and held out his hand to her. “Let’s go home and celebrate properly.”

Sydney placed her hand in his. “I thought you’d never ask.



“You’ll love living around here. It’s nice and quiet and so many shops! Can you imagine all the shopping trips we can go on together?” Maggie gushed.

GianMarco rolled his eyes. “Do you see what’s happening? They’re already trying to corrupt your poor bloodmate. Sydney doesn’t stand a chance around those four.” He pointed in the direction of the woman who were gathered on the other side of the room. Sydney sat in the middle, looking through a catalogue of potential plots to build their house on.

Giovanni looked on at his bloodmate with a smile on his face. He loved that woman so much it almost hurt. As if sensing his stare, she raised her head and smiled at him. She blew him a kiss before returning her attention back to Maggie, Sasha, Christine and Isis, who were plotting another shopping excursion at this very moment. His brothers had warned him that the women were black belt shoppers but he knew none of them would begrudge their women anything. And whatever made Sydney happy made Giovanni happy. Besides, everything he had was hers. He’d give her the world if she asked for it.

Sydney had decided she no longer wanted to live in her house anymore because of too many bad memories. Giovanni couldn’t blame her considering the taint of Ida’s misdeeds still remained. He knew Sydney had loved that house before all the bad stuff happened and it was his goal to build her another house similar to the style she adored, even bigger and better.

It was Sydney who suggested they move closer to his family, which had humbled Giovanni. She was such an amazing woman and he was thankful to have her in his life. He was so glad she got along so well with his brothers and their bloodmates.

He and Sydney were currently staying with Maggie and GianMarco for a brief visit because the family had decided to have an impromptu party to celebrate Dante’s and Isis’s good news. Isis was expecting, and both she and Dante were extremely pleased. Giovanni grinned whenever he saw Dante strut around with his chest puffed out, proud that he had created life. Giovanni couldn’t wait for that to happen with him and Sydney but he realized that these things would happen in their own time. Besides, she was still getting used to being a vampire.

“As long as they’re happy, I think that’s all that matters,” Giovanni finally answered. He looked down at his cards. He tossed his hand down with resignation. Poker was definitely not his game, but he enjoyed spending this time with his brothers.

Romeo grinned. “You’re absolutely right. Because when Christine is happy, little Romeo is

Niccolo rolled his eyes, also tossing in his hand. “Must you always be so vulgar? Besides, your daughter is standing right behind you.” Niccolo nodded in Adrienne’s direction. The child had come out of nowhere. She was so tiny and cute, but sneaky like a ninja as Romeo would always joke.

Romeo’s face turned bright red. He swerved in his chair to face his four year old. “Yes,

“Come play with me.” She looked up at her father with big brown eyes. It was clear to see how the little girl had Romeo wrapped around her little finger.

. Daddy will be with you shortly.” He gently swatted her on the bottom to send her on her way.

Adrienne skipped away.

Romeo threw in his cards on the table. “I guess I’m out, fellas. I’m off to play another rousing game of
Pretty Pretty Princess

The men began to snicker, probably thinking about the picture Christine had taken of Romeo wearing a tiara and a feather boa while sitting at a tiny table with Adrienne, drinking out of tiny tea cups. Giovanni thought it was adorable, but it did make him chuckle to see his rough and gruff brother brought down by a precocious toddler.

“I think I’m going to call it in too. Gianna should be getting up from her nap soon and I’m going to go check in on her.” GianMarco pushed away from the table.

Giovanni never imagined he’d see this day when he and his younger brothers could be laughing together and simply be a family. It made him realize that everything he did to keep them safe had not been in vain. Though he had Sydney by his side for which he’d be forever thankful, he had something else, just as important.

He had family.



About the Author

New York Times and
USA Today Bestselling Author Eve Vaughn has always enjoyed creating characters and stories from an early age. As a child she was always getting into mischief, so when she lost her television privileges (which was often), writing was her outlet. Her stories have gotten quite a bit spicier since then! When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, Eve is reading, baking, traveling or kicking butt in 80’s trivia. She loves hearing from her readers. She can be contacted through her website at:




Books by Eve Vaughn:

GianMarco: Blood Brother
Book 1

Niccolo: Blood
Book 2

Romeo: Blood Brothers Book 3

Jagger: Blood Brothers Book 4

Dante: Blood Brothers Book 5

The Kyriakis Curse

Whatever He Wants



The Auction


BOOK: Giovanni (Blood Brothers Book 6)
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