Gena Showalter - [Lords of the Underworld 13] (33 page)

BOOK: Gena Showalter - [Lords of the Underworld 13]
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The Phoenix pushed her away, and jumped to her feet—only to stumble with weakness.

“Kill you,” she gasped.

Knowing she had to act now, even at the expense of her own life, Josephina barreled into her. They fell and smacked into the floor, the Phoenix taking the brunt of the impact—but not all of it. Though dizziness swamped her, she crawled up the girl’s body, straddled her waist and gripped her by the neck. Another stream of energy entered Josephina. Another and another. The Phoenix tried to bat her away, failed.

“Tink!” she heard Kane shout, just before he ran through the flames.

As he crouched beside her, blisters popped up on his face, arms and hands. The ends of his hair smoked. He didn’t waste time asking questions, but slammed his fist into the girl’s temple, knocking her out.

Buzzing with energy and heat, so much heat, Josephina scooted away.

He picked the girl up and tossed her out of the fiery circle, calling, “She’s all yours, William.”

Even though she was overcome by a deluge of emotions—grief, relief, sadness, joy, fear, heartache—Josephina pushed to her feet. “I’ve got to put out the fire.”

“Let me. I—”

“No. It’s calling to me,” she interjected, and it was. She felt...connected to it, its warmth her warmth. “It wants to be with me.” She reached out and the flames instantly leaned in her direction. The moment the tips brushed against her skin, her pores opened up, as if she was drawing power from another person, and the flames were sucked into her body.

“Tell me you’re okay,” Kane said, gathering her in his arms. He hissed, as if she was burning him, but didn’t release her.

“I’m...uninjured. You?”


She scanned the throne room. Bodies littered the floor. Most were dead, some were writhing in pain. William, Red, Green and Black were gone—and so was the Phoenix.

“What happened?” Kane croaked. “I came in, and William and Red were nutcases, muttering about defeat and death and destruction. As I jumped through the flames, William demanded I give him the Phoenix.”

Tears welled in her eyes, and she explained as best she could about White. Kane paled, released her and fell back on his haunches.

“I did it. My actions, my decisions, killed her. Unleashed her destruction. In this realm. In another realm. An apocalypse has come. And it’s my fault,” he said.

“No, the Moirai are at fault. They sent the Phoenix.”

“Because of me. Because I failed to heed their prediction. Because I attacked them in their home.”

“Kane, no. The only reason the Phoenix came here in the first place was to get back at me. If you want to blame someone besides the Moirai, blame me.”

“No,” he said with a shake of his head. “Never you. Petra’s hatred first brought her here. Her stubbornness.”

“Well, then, you see. You’re not to blame.”

His eyes narrowed. “And you’re not, either.”

She patted his knee. “Okay, then. We’re agreed. The Moirai and Petra will carry this shame.”

A pained look passed over his face, and she knew he wanted to agree with her, but was struggling with his acceptance. And she understood. The Moirai’s predictions had haunted him for so long, he’d just
to carry the guilt.

“Something will have to be done,” he said. “The threat will have to be contained.”

“I happen to know the Lords of the Underworld are up for the challenge.”

He nodded. “You’re right.”

“Always.” If anyone could fight this new threat, it was the Lords—and one day, it
be contained.

Kane placed a swift kiss on her lips, and the pain was still there, deep in his eyes, but now, there was also a measure of resolve. “I think you just manipulated me.”

“Me?” she said innocently. “Never.”

Another kiss. “Don’t ever change.”


spent the rest of the night seeing to the defenses of the palace. The bugs had spread throughout the land, and the people were in revolt, fighting each other over the silliest things even while they attempted to storm the outer wall to get to Josephina.

When the two of them finished, when they finally got everyone calm and the wounded tended, she was so exhausted she could barely hold up her head. So much much violence...

Kane swept her into his arms and carried her to his old bedroom. “I’m sorry about what your father said to you. He was wrong, you know.”

“I know that. Now.”

“He never saw your worth, and that’s his disgrace, not yours.”

Similar to the words she’d given him earlier. Smart man, using her methods against her, stopping her argument in its tracks.

He kissed her temple. “You need a nap.”

“Do not.”

“Well, then, I need to clean up your wounds and I don’t want you aware of the pain.”

“I’ll clean them.”

“And you would still feel the pain. That’s what I’m trying to avoid.”

“I can handle pain.”

“But you shouldn’t have to.” He set her on her feet and pinched the artery running up her neck.

“Don’t you dare—” Glaring, she collapsed on a cushioned settee.

His determined face was the last thing she saw.

When she came to however long later, he was still with her. He had a phone pressed to his ear. “Now you know as much as I do. And I’m sorry, man. I’m sorry this happened.” A pause. “I’d still really like you to come. The circumstances are the same in both realms, so the women won’t be in any more danger here.”

“Kane,” she rasped.

He spun to face her. “For me,” he said, and disconnected the call. Those hazel eyes filled with guilt. “I was just talking to Lucien. William and his children are unreachable. The bugs reached the human realm. No one knows exactly what harm they’ll cause.”

As he spoke, he walked toward her and discarded his shirt. “The doors are locked. The soldiers I’m willing to trust are doing patrol.” He reached down to unbutton her shirt. “Are you mad at me?”


“Do you want me to stop?”

“No.” A little mad would never mask the intensity of her desire for him.

Pupils expanding, he eased on top of her. Warm skin and against warm skin, driving her wild.

“Kane, I have a confession to make. I think you,” she said, tangling her hands in his hair. “How do you feel about that?”

He closed his eyes for a moment, a look of utter bliss consuming his beautiful features. “I don’t know how to express the pleasure the thought of your love gives me, but sweetheart, I want you sure. It’s wrong of me, but—”

“Wrong of you how? We’re married.”

A dark look shuttered over his features. Silent now, he bent his head and kissed the pulse hammering at the base of her neck, a strategic move meant to distract her from her question, but she...wouldn’t...

His tongue stroked over her collarbone, before delving lower and playing at her breasts. All the while, his hands expertly shucked the rest of her clothing, leaving her completely bare. And then, his hands were free to dabble elsewhere...everywhere.

Every silken touch and wanton caress, soft here, harder there, reminded her of his inexorable power over her. He could take her to heights she’d never dreamed possible.

“I won’t show you any mercy,” he vowed.

“I don’t want your mercy.”

“What do you want?”

“You. Only you.”

He was in the process of kissing her inner thigh. At her words, he looked up at her. Heat filled his eyes. “You have me.” He swooped back up, meshing his mouth into hers, his tongue sweeping inside, claiming, dominating. “I’m yours.”

After that, he lost his leisurely pace. He lost his gentleness, too.

He fumbled with the waist of his pants; the very second the material gaped open, he was inside her, her back arching as pleasure speared her.

“Tell me,” he commanded as he moved, lines of tension branching from his eyes.

She knew what he wanted. “I love you.”


“So sure.”


“Love you.”

Her words were like fuel to an already raging fire. He became a man possessed by need, only need, rough and wonderful, driving her higher and higher, until all she could do was scream her pleasure.

He roared with his.

But even after he’d collapsed on top of her, he still wasn’t done with her. He rose up on his elbows and peered down at her. Need still blazed in his eyes. Panting, she watched as sweat trickled from his temples.

“More,” he said, and stoked her desire all over again.

* * *

a dress,” Kane said a long while later. He tugged on his pants. “Will you wear it for me?”

Josephina watched him, her sated body still humming with pleasure. “Of course.”

“Good. Meet me in the throne room in an hour.” He blew her a kiss before leaving her alone.

Only then did she realize he’d never offered his own declaration of love. He loved her, though. She knew he did.

But she wanted his admission.
I’ll have to step up my game.

Draped over the corner chair, she found a beautiful ball gown made of the most delicate blue fabric. Not even Synda had ever worn anything so fine. Josephina showered and brushed her teeth, then trembled as she dressed. She took special care with her hair, pinning the sides at the crown of her head.

The only flaw to her appearance was the gash in her cheek. Kane had knocked her out and sewn it up himself, and though he’d placed a flesh-colored bandage over it, it was noticeable.

Down the stairs she went, no guards or servants in sight. Only the leaders had been imprisoned in the dungeon with the royal family. The rest of the army and staff had sworn allegiance to Josephina last night.

She reached the throne room and found Kane waiting for her just outside the doors. He’d changed his clothes, and now wore a clean, pressed white shirt and black slacks. His hair was brushed, the wounds he’d received during battle already healing.

He smiled when he spotted her. A real smile, full of light and heat. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. But why—”

He pushed open the doors. “Your coronation. And wedding. It’s two-for-one day at Chez Fae.”

The remaining members of the high and low court had been gathered together and bound at the wrists and ankles. Though many looked as if they wanted to shout at her, all remained silent. Had they been threatened by Kane?

Her gaze skidded back to him. “Wait. Did you say wedding? Because we’re already married.”

“It wasn’t a ceremony you remember or even liked. So, I’m giving you another.” He offered her the hook of his elbow. “Ready?”

This man
to love her. Trembling, she accepted, and he led her forward.

That’s when she saw...
oh, my, but I married a darling man
. There was Maddox, with the beautiful Ashlyn. The babies were...nowhere that she could see. There was Lucien, with the vivacious Anya. Reyes, with the talented Danika. The young Gilly was at Danika’s side. Sabin, with the pint-size Gwen. Aeron, with the angelic Olivia and bombshell Legion. There was Gideon, with the fierce Scarlet. Amun, with the glowing Haidee. Strider, with the fiery Kaia. Paris, though he was minus the powerful Sienna.

Each warrior nodded at her encouragingly. Each female smiled at her. Joy broke through a dam erected in her childhood, flooding her.

“Don’t worry about the Opulens,” Kane said. “Their knowledge of my past is actually quite handy. They fear what will happen if I’m upset.”

“Well, they hate me.”

“They’ll grow to adore you. They won’t be able to help themselves.”

Kane stopped in front of the king’s throne and faced Josephina. He cupped her cheeks. He wasted no time, saying, “I, Kane, promise to take care of you for as long as I live. I promise to put your needs above my own, and compliment you every chance I get. I promise to make you smile at least once a day. And I promise to be yours. Only ever yours.”

This is really happening.
Light-headed, she managed to squeak out, “I, Josephina—Tink—Aisling, promise to take care of
. I promise to weather any storms the demon causes, to always value your strength. Anytime I decide to go to war, you’ll be the first person I call.” She stuck her tongue out at his friends, and each of the warriors grinned. “Now and forever, I belong to you.”

Kane leaned down and kissed her, and it wasn’t the sweet kiss she’d been expecting. He gave her tongue and heat and passion, taking and giving, pouring desire into her, drinking desire from her.

The world faded away—until the loud cheers of his friends jolted her back to awareness. Kane lifted his head, and grinned down at her.

“You’re still sure about how you feel?” he asked.


He peered into her eyes. “Good. Because you’re it for me, Tinker Bell, Tink, Tinky Dink. My one. My only. My everything. My mine.” He rubbed the tip of his nose against hers. “And guess what?”

“What?” Any more goodness, and she would burst.

“The magnitude of what I feel for you has drained the fight right out of the demon. He’s gone quiet.”

Her heart soared at the thought—Kane was finally free. They both were. “Oh, Kane. That’s so wonderful.”

“It is,” he said, though he smiled sadly. He stepped to the side before she could question him.

Someone moved in behind her and settled something heavy on her head. She almost looked up. Almost. But realization struck and she managed to remain perfectly still. The royal crown was now upon her head, a symbol of power and position. And now, now she was to be ruler of these people, the driving force of an entire race.

She wasn’t strong enough on her own. She wasn’t wise enough. What if she made the wrong decision? Lives could be lost. Sickness churned in her stomach, and she fought the urge to run away. She hadn’t been made for this kind of responsibility. Wasn’t sure she could carry it...

“Your queen,” Kane announced.

But she had to do it, didn’t she?

* * *

moment to look past the negative he’d caused and focus on the positive. He’d fallen in love. He’d married the finest woman in creation. He’d helped her claim her rightful place.

He’d finally defeated Disaster. Soon, the demon would die.

And soon after that, Kane would follow.

Danika had finally gotten something wrong. Her painting wasn’t going to be an issue. White—if White had been the blonde, and he thought now that she had been—was dead.

That meant the Moirai had been wrong, too, just as Tink had predicted. White wasn’t going to end up with the man who would start the apocalypse. She wasn’t going to end up with anyone at all.

All of their choices had changed the course of their lives.

But he wasn’t going to think about any of that right now. Nothing mattered but Tink. Twice he’d taken her without a condom. She could be pregnant, even now.

Longing made him ache—the best kind of ache. He wanted to have children with her. He wanted to be around to raise them.

Another impossible dream.

He had to make sure she was prepared for anything. Everything.

The Opulens had been ushered outside the palace, promised death if they so much as thought to form another revolt. Tink sat on the center throne, her faux smile still frozen in place. He saw the terror in her eyes, and knew the weight of her new responsibilities was only beginning to become clear. She would triumph, however; he had no doubts. She was finally beginning to realize her worth.

Anya and the other women raced up to speak with her. His friends approached him, and formed a circle around him.

“My queen is better than your queen,” Paris said, punching him in the arm good-naturedly.

Kane rolled his eyes. “There’s no queen better than mine.”

“Want to bet?”

“Yeah. I do.” Kane liked and respected Sienna—she’d done good things for the Titans since taking the throne, and she was helping Torin out of a bind as they spoke—but she was no Tink.

“Loser has to wear a dress to Anya’s wedding.”

I’ll most likely be dead.
Still he said, “You’ve got a deal.”

Maddox nudged him. “You’re going to stay here, aren’t you?”

The group went quiet.

Kane nodded. “I’m staying. Tink’s needed here, and I’m going to help her settle in.” It would be his last work on this earth.

He hated that he would be leaving her to deal with the war he’d helped ignite. He hated that he would be leaving his friends all over again. He told himself they would all be better off without him—but that didn’t make the goodbyes any easier.

Reyes pushed out a heavy breath. “It’s good that you’re helping her. Family comes first.”

Kane nodded in agreement. “Thank you for understanding.”

“Hey, understanding is what the bro code is for,” Strider said. “Just keep a room ready for me. I’ll be visiting. Count on it.”

“We all might,” Sabin said. “We’re about to be homeless.”

He gave each warrior a hug, and wished Cameo and Torin were here. Even Viola.

The females would be found, alive and well. These men would make sure of it. And whatever was going on with Torin would be resolved. Kane wouldn’t believe otherwise.

He glanced over at Tink, his gaze always drawn to her. He spotted Malcolm, the green-haired Sent One standing behind her, his arms crossed over his middle as he listened to her conversation with the other females. None of the women seemed to notice him.

Apparently, he’d wanted Tink to see him in the hotel room, but Kane to see him now. What was his game?

Anger sprouted from roots that had yet to wither. “You,” Kane shouted. “What do you think you’re doing, hanging around here?”

Malcolm met his glare, and vanished.

“I’m not going to ask who you were talking to,” Maddox said. “I’m just going to go. Ashlyn and I must return to our babies. They are with the Sent One Lysander, and he had better be doing a good job or he will find himself without a head.”

BOOK: Gena Showalter - [Lords of the Underworld 13]
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