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Authors: Amanda Anderson

Gator (3 page)

BOOK: Gator
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Gator paced as Jack watched him like a hawk.  There was no reason for him to be here right now, anyone could watch a fucking door, but Preach had insisted he and Jack be there.  Something was off and Gator didn’t like it one little bit.  He could hear murmured voices from the inside of the room where the officers were having church, but he didn’t try to make any of it out, he just wanted to leave.

“Would you just stop?”  Jack grumbled.  “Viki is with her man and she’s in the hospital.  She’s fine.  Lambhead is even standing guard at her fucking door because you wouldn’t leave.  Preach made sure she had a guard so that’s something.  Nothing will happen while you are here doing your job.  So just stop.”

Gator turned on his brother.  “She’s pregnant.  How long have you known?  How long did you keep dat from me?”

Jack looked away.

“Dat’s what I thought.  Why would you keep dat from me?  My kid.  Mine.  Don’t give me shit right now.  Don’ tell me how to react to finding out my brother kept dat shit from me.”

“Look Gator, I didn’t know for sure that it was yours, not until last night.  There have been rumors about her lately, nothing I’d believe, but I didn’t want to get in the middle of it.  It’s not my business.”

“Fucked up.  Dat’s what I call it.”

“Yeah, it is.  I’m sorry man, I am.  I’d rather be figuring this shit out too, but until we are told what to do we stand right here, this is the last step and I want to be at that table.  Maybe it’s a test or something.”

Gator knew that Jack wanted to make officer so bad he could taste it.  Gator didn’t care if he ever made it to the table, being in there meant things had changed and they had lost good men, but Jack didn’t see that, he wanted that seat.

Gator heard the gavel bang and stood beside the door.  He watched Fox, Moose, Lawless, Ink, Spec, and Shadow file out.   Preach still sat at the table.  Those were the men he trusted to run the club, he didn’t want to see anyone else in those chairs, not even himself.  There was one that still sat empty, Ace had lost his battle with cancer and no one had filled his shoes, but no one ever could.

Gator cut his eyes to Jack.  He knew how much it meant to the man to have a place in the world, but sometimes it was best just to be settled in the place you were in.

No, Gator didn’t want a place at the table like so many others, he was just happy to have a place in the club.

“Gator, Jack, come in here and close the door.”  Preach said from his seat.

Gator walked into the room and eyed the man who ran one of the most powerful MCs in the world.  His hair was going grey, but still had enough of the original black to tell what it had once been, his eyes were dark and as hard as stone.  He wasn’t a young man, his son was old enough to sit by his side now, but he was still as strong as any who ranked under him.  Gator had never seen him be truly ruthless or bloodthirsty, but he’d heard the stories and he believed them.  The men who followed Preach were without souls and they followed him without question, that kind of respect was earned.

“We have an interest in
”  He said without preamble.  “Seems someone is making some side money and trying to launder it through the club.”

Gator’s blood ran cold.  He knew that it looked like Naughty was making some side money, but she’d really just saved her money.  She’d also had some savings with her late fiancé that she’d just recently felt she could use without feeling guilty.

“Looks like there has been some side action and one of the girls brought it to my attention.  She’s been keeping an eye on things for me since that shit went down with Viki and Fish.  I couldn’t let you in on it Jack, not until now.”

“What the fuck Preach?  You thinkin’ you can’t trust me now?”  Jack was on his feet.

“Sit down and listen before you start that shit.”  Preach cut Jack off.

“Those girls trust you and you can’t lie for shit Jack.   You ain’t got it in you to lie to them and they know it.  There’s something we don’t know and until we did I didn’t want to put Viki and your boy in any danger.  The girl that has been helping out didn’t have anything to lose and she was happy to make a little side money helping the club, although she would have done it without any pay.  That kind of loyalty matters around here, whether you got a dick or a pair of tits.  Loyalty matters.”

His eyes landed on Gator and he felt his stomach drop.

“Naughty.”  He said.  It wasn’t a question, he knew she would do anything to help the club, even put her life in danger.  The club was all she had left.

Preach nodded once.

“Looks like we got some big boys dealing to some of our little girls and they got bold enough to try to hurt yours.  Seems she has more to lose now than when it started.”  His face hardened.  “I need her gone Gator.”

“Fuck no.  Why?  She helped you out and now you want her gone?  Dat don’ set too well Preach.  And yes sir she has something to lose and it belongs to me, so no, no, I don see dat happenin’.”

Preach was wearing a smirk that made Gator’s ears burn.

“I want you to take her away from here you hot headed fuck.  Take Fox with you, Ginger too.  You guys go on down to the fucking swamps and get lost for a few weeks.  Make a holiday of it for all I care.  Let us get this settled.  Fox said she’s got a belly full of a little Gator and you just made it clear how you feel about that.  She’s not expendable, she put her life on the line to get some info for us and we protect loyalty.  Get her the fuck out of here and keep her safe.  She don’t know shit about shit, but that don’t mean whoever is running the show will believe that.  They already made a move on her and that needs to be the last one.  It was a message, we got it.”  He narrowed his eyes.  “I won’t get in your shit, but if I were you I’d patch her before she wises up and figures out what a lousy deal she’s gettin’.”

“Fuck you.  And how much danger is she in Preach?  You sendin’ me on a vacation ain’t da best idea with jus’ Fox to watch our ass.”

“If I think you need more I’ll send ‘em.  Hell might send that little shit Wick anyway.  Tired of watching his dick get hard every time my old lady walks in the fucking clubhouse.”

“We all got it bad for Mrs Preach, you know dat and if you been lookin’ at his dick maybe you need to spend more time with the Mrs anyway.”  Gator let his lips curl the slightest bit.

“Can’t argue with that.  He just gets under my skin.  Bold about it.  Cocky little fucker.”

“Cause he’s so damned pretty.  Almost as pretty as Jack, yeah?”

Preach laughed then, even Jack let out a chuckle.

“You get your ass out of town.  Doesn’t draw attention if you ride out with a girl on your bike.  Keep out of sight and Fox will meet you at a little motel near Lexington in a few days.  Take the scenic route.  I’ll have Wick and Lambhead meet you in Memphis Tennessee if I think you need your asses covered.  I’ll let you know.  Put that fucker through the ringer.  Been thinking of giving him a prospect patch.  If he can hack it then they both might patch up.”

“Who the fuck are we even looking at here Preach?”  Jack asked getting back to the situation at hand.

“We don’t know yet.  Until we do, keep your eyes open and watch your backs.”

Gator wanted to protest, he did, but he couldn’t think past keeping Naughty safe.  He could do that.  He would sit her down and talk a few things out when the time was right, but she needed to be settled in first.  That could all wait anyway.  His past was buried deep and not a person alive could dig that shit up, not one he planned on seeing anyway.

“What do you want me to do Preach?”  Jack asked, but Gator blocked it all out, he was going home.

And he wasn’t happy about it.








Naughty stretched her back.  It had been a week since she’d been discharged from the hospital.  Apparently someone tried to kill her, shocker.  Her money was on the meaty fisted, black eyed monster that tried to finger her through her G-string the night she collapsed, but how and why would he?  No, it was whoever Preach was after and thank you very much for mixing her up in club business and keeping her just ignorant enough to make it impossible to watch her ass. 

She looked up when Gator walked in their room.  They had stayed in one shithole motel after another since they’d left town.  She had begged him to tell her something, but he only told her it was club business and she needed to mind her own.

He was angry with her.

Well, he had a right to be really, but it bothered her that she couldn’t figure out what made him maddest, not telling him about the baby or not telling him about working for the club.  Not that it mattered.  He was pissed and she was the only one he had to take it out on.

“When will you stop acting like a spoiled child who didn’t get his bubblegum money from mommy?”  She asked, tired of his bullshit and not a little nauseated.

She saw the flash in his eyes when he turned to her.

“You don’ get to talk to me dat way little girl.”

“I’ll talk to you any way I please.  I’m tired of being ignored and grumbled at.  I’m tired of being fucked and left behind.  I want to know what the fuck is going on and I want to know now.  Little boy.”

He was in her face before she took another breath. 

“You know all you need to know.  Don’ you give me dat bullshit.  Nobody is leaving you behind.  Nobody.  You know what I’d do for you.  I fuck you and because we both want it and leaving you behind ain’t happenin’.  You know!  You fucking know!”

“Bullshit I do.”  She spat, but his nearness was making her heart race.  How dare he do this to her.  How dare he act like she was doing something wrong.

He ran his finger down her cheek.  “Secrets are something you understand.  I have some I can’t share, but one I can is that there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”  He pinched her chin and kissed her hard.  “Live with it.”

Her palm stung where it made contact with his face.  “Bastard!  I have a life!  I have my house and my job.  I can’t afford to take off like this!  I can’t just run.  I need to feel in control… I need my meds Gator.”  She ran both hands through her hair.  “I really need my meds.”

There it was.  It was the truth.  She couldn’t lose her house over club shit, she wasn’t even a part of the club.  Right now she couldn’t breathe.  She needed something to help her settle. 

His hand went to her jaw and he kissed her again with a fire that almost scorched her.

“You need control?  You don’t need meds for dat.  I’ve got all the control you could ever ask for.”

He pulled her in for another kiss.

She reached up and pulled his hair until he released her lips.  She knew he loved it, but she wanted him to suffer a little bit for what he was doing to her.  It wasn’t fair that he could touch her and make her forget all of her anger.  It wasn’t fair that he made her feel more whole than anything the doctors had ever given her.

“Why?  Just answer me that.  Why?”

Naughty knew his question had nothing to do with the club.  The hurt in his eyes told her that much.

“I was afraid.”  She whispered.

“Of me?  You know I would die to keep you safe.”  He pressed his head against hers in a show of compassion.  No one saw this side of him.  He only showed it to her.  It made her feel special and what did she do in return?

She had hurt him.  “I’m scared of getting too attached again.  If I lose you…”  She couldn’t even finish the sentence, it made her stomach churn.  Losing Gator would kill her.

His lips found hers and this time they were soothing.  Sure she could still feel his anger and desire beneath the surface, but he was being gentle for her.

“I’m not goin’ anywhere beb.  I will keep you safe for always.”

Gator wrapped her in his arms, finally and she sighed.  His arms were her home.  He was her sanctuary. She was safe in his arms.  Nothing could touch her when he held her and she could let him, just for now.  There was no one around.

“Please, I want to figure us out.”  She took a deep breath.  She knew he already knew, but she wanted to tell him herself.



“I’m pregnant with a little baby Gator.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I needed to get the job done with the club and I knew you’d wrap me in bubble wrap if you knew.  I needed to work.  I knew there was no way in hell you’d let me dance with a belly full.”

“You got dat right, but I’d not leave you swinging either.  My woman and my kid would be taken care of.”

His eyes burned with a fire she didn’t understand.

“I don’t want to be a burden.”

“You could never be.”

His lips found hers again and this time he had more in mind than talking.  His hand went to her ass and pulled her in tight to his body.  His erection pressed against her belly and she felt her body pulse with need.  His other hand held onto her hair and controlled their kiss.  She loved the way he loved her.  He knew what she needed without her having to ask.  She didn’t have to think when he touched her.  She didn’t have to do anything but feel.

Naughty loved the way he took charge of her.  She didn’t need to put on a show for him.  He wanted her to feel as good as he did.  He wanted to take care of her needs.

That was not something she was used to.

His hand traveled up her hip and up her side to find her breast.  They had been over sensitive and he knew just how she loved to be handled.  He pinched her nipple hard and chuckled when she gasped and pressed her hips harder against him.

“Tell me what you want Naughty girl.”

She knew he didn’t want the porn star answer, Gator wanted the truth.  He didn’t need to know how to please her, but he wanted her to say it.  He knew how hard it was for her to really feel.

“I want you to suck my nipples Gator.  They are so sensitive now.”

“Ahhh, and then what?”  He pinched her nipple hard through the fabric of her bra.

She moaned before she could stop herself.

He tugged her shirt over her head and made short work of her bra.  He stopped and held it on the tip of his finger for a moment.

“What da fuck it dat?”

Naughty laughed.  Viki had brought her a few things and since she was traveling she had worn her most comfortable cotton bra.

She laughed loudly.  “It’s a bra.”

“It’s ugly.  What self-respecting stripper wears dat?”

He didn’t wait for her answer.  He let her bra fall from his finger with a scoff of disgust.  She wanted to laugh, but he chose that moment to lower his lips to her breast and suckled hungrily at one breast and then the other.

Naughty was losing her mind.  Her knees were barely holding her as he continued to suckle her.  It felt better than anything she had ever felt.

“Then what Beb?”

She was so needed she couldn’t think.  She needed more.

Naughty looked down into Gators black eyes and felt like a real woman.  She blushed at the thought of telling him what she wanted and then wanted to laugh at the absurdity.

She was a stripper.  She had said these words thousands of times for paying customers, but this was different.

She wasn’t Naughty in these moments with Gator, she was Tiffany.  She was that timid school teacher who didn’t know how to talk to men.  She felt a blush creep up her chest and burn her cheeks.  No one made her blush anymore. 

No one but Him.

“Say it love and I will make it good for you.”  He whispered as he let her nipple slip from his lips.

His lips were swollen and wet and she felt the wetness dampen her thighs.

“I want you to eat my pussy Gator.” She whispered.

“Good girl.”  He growled.

Naughty laughed when her back hit the bed a second later and Gator buried his head between her thighs.  One would think he hadn’t eaten in days.  He lapped at her smooth, bare lips before he took her clit between his teeth.

Naughty cried out again and again as he fingered and sucked her to completion.

She hadn’t had and orgasm with a man in years.  Only Gator could pull those from her.  He took away her walls and forced her to feel.  He made her real.

When she lay spent he didn’t take that opportunity to fuck her senseless, not Gator, he held her close.  He kissed her head, her eyes, her nose.  Then he traveled back down her body and kissed her belly and looked up at her.

“I won’t let anything happen to you Tiff.  I swear it.  You or baby Gator.”

Naughty snuggled into him and drifted off before she could stop herself, but he was right, no one would touch her while she was with Gator, but what about him?


BOOK: Gator
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