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Authors: Veronica Short

Fragile (7 page)

BOOK: Fragile
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“Aiden, lounge room, now,” Rick pointed down the hallway, but Aiden didn’t budge. I tried to hold back my laugh, but I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped.

“I’m sorry. I know it’s not funny, but...” I laughed again.

Rick grabbed Aiden’s collar and leaned in, kissing me on the cheek. “Go. I’ll see you later.” I nodded and opened the door, stepping outside. Aiden tried his hardest to follow, but Rick held him back. It wasn’t until I reached the car, that I realised what Rick had done. I put a hand to my cheek and for the first time in a long time I got butterflies in my stomach.

“Dr. Jackson,” Brooks exclaimed as soon as I entered the hospital.

“I know, Brooks. My phone went flat, so my alarm didn’t go off. I don’t know what happened.” We speed walked to the elevators. As we waited for them to come, Brooks talked me through the day’s schedule of surgeries and consultations. When we reached the doctor’s lounge, I went straight into the changing room, pulled on my scrubs and then put my phone on charge “So, I didn’t miss anything? No one needed me?” I asked as I pulled my hair up.

“No, everything was good,” Brooks confirmed as we walked out into the busy hallway.

I blew out a breath, “Good, that’s good.” I made my way to the door, holding it open for Brooks to walk through as we started our day.

A few hours later when I had a few free moments I went to check my phone. It was fully charged and showed that I had several missed calls and texts from Rick. I sat in one of the empty chairs and rang Rick, who picked up on the first ring. “Thank God. I was starting to get worried,” he sighed in relief as he answered the phone.

“Sorry, I had to leave my phone in the lounge to charge, and I only had time to get it now. If it helps you’re my first call.”

“It does. Did you miss anything important?”

“No. Luckily everything was fine, and I didn’t have any surgeries, which is a good thing.”

“I’m sorry, Lu. I should have checked your battery or put it on charge for you or something.” He sounded so beat up over this that it was kind of cute.

“It’s not your fault. I fell asleep, and if there had been a huge emergency they could have called my pager, it was charged.”

“How can I make it up to you?”

“There’s nothing to make up for Rick. Stop stressing over it.”

“I can’t help it. I would hate for you to lose your job because I didn’t think to put your phone on charge.”

“I won’t be fired. I’m wanted at this hospital. They asked me to come, and they won’t ask me to leave.”

“You’re wanted by Dr. Douche bag,” he mumbled.

“Will you stop calling him that?”


“You sound like a child. You know that, right?” I laughed and Rick let out a relived laugh too.

“Did you miss anything?”

“No, I’m all good. Aiden, though, he really didn’t want you to go did he?”

“No, what was up with that? He’s been following me around, and now he wants to come to work with me.”

“He’s become attached and doesn’t like you leaving him behind.”

“I’ve gotten attached as well.” I admitted. We ended our call when Rick was called away and I went back to saving lives as Rick liked to say. Rain blew in and brought with it extra people into the hospital. Among others were the homeless people looking for shelter and people who have been involved in accidents. With the rain, more accidents tended happen which made the emergency room busier than usual. It was non-stop until late into the night. After the place had settled, and I was satisfied with my work and my patients, I headed to an on-call room and called Rick

“Are you ok? Tell me you’re alright.” Rick’s concerned voice came over the phone.

“I’m fine, are you ok? What are you doing up?” I stood in the room with the lights off listening to Rick breathe on the other end of the line.

“I’m waiting for you to come home. I was worried because this rain won’t let up.”

“It was nonstop here, and I don’t want to drive home in this weather so I’m in an on-call room now. I wanted to tell you in case you woke up without me there. I wanted to call so you wouldn’t worry, but I guess I’m a little too late for that.”

“You’re staying at the hospital tonight?” He asked slowly, as if he was uncertain if he had heard me correctly.

“Yes, I don’t want to drive in this weather. I’ll be home tomorrow night.” The line went silent and I was just about to ask if he was still there when Rick spoke “Is Dr. Douche bag there?”

“What is it with you and him?” I sat down on the edge of the bed and took my shoes off.

“I don’t like him,” he simply answered.

“You don’t know him. At all.”

Rick let out a big breath. “So is he there?”

“He’s in the hospital, yes, but not with me. I’m alone in here.” I stretched out on the bed, and some of my joints cracked with the movement.

“Good,” I heard his bed move and he sighed contently. “Aiden’s been a baby about you not being here.” I smiled at that. I’d become attached to the dog. “He’s cried,” I couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s so unman like,” Rick finished and I laughed harder. “It’s not funny.” Rick ground out, “He’s a manly dog, not a sissy.”

I could hear that Rick was trying to hold back his own laughter, “He’s a sensitive man, a woman’s man. Any female dog will be lucky to have him.” The line fell silent again as our laughter died down.

“He really likes you,” Rick said softly.

“I like him too.”

“I should let you get some sleep.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I didn’t get much sleep that night. One of my patients started to go south during the night, and was rushed back into a surgery that lasted hours. I stayed by his side, watching him in the ICU until I was happy with the numbers shown on the monitor. I finally headed home and I was greeted by Aiden who was jumping up and down at the door. Rick was there trying to calm him down so I could step into the apartment.

“I told you he missed you.”

“It shows,” I said as I gave Aiden a pat.

“You look tired.” I only had the energy to nod as we started to walk down the hall. “Come here.” Rick lifted me into his arms. “You don’t look like you have the energy to walk any further. I was so tired that I could only nod. I closed my eyes and let my head rest against his chest. I heard a chuckle as we ascended the stairs and then I was placed on the bed. “Aiden off.” Rick growled, but the dip that suddenly appeared beside me didn’t move.

“It’s fine,” I mumbled into the pillow and, rolling over, I let sleep take over.


Chapter Ten




“I don’t remember the last time I went shopping.” I walked down the grocery aisle with Rick. We decided that we needed some supplies for the house, since the shelves were looking bare.

“Life of a surgeon,” he stated.

“Yep,” I popped, looking at the shelves and putting whatever took my fancy into the trolley. I tried to pay for the massive supply of food at the checkout, but Rick was persistent that he paid. After arguing at the checkout over it, Rick slipped his card through the machine, ending the argument. I gave him the best set of evil eyes I could and vowed that he would regret it but he only laughed at me.

My phone started to ring as we unpacked the groceries. As badly as I didn’t want to be called in on one of my rare days off, obligation got the better of me

“Are you going to answer that?” Rick finally asked.

I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it. “Dr. Jackson.”

I watched Rick as Dr. Hunter greeted me, “Its William.”

I walked over to the couch and sat down, leaning into its back and closing my eyes with a hand on my forehead. I really didn’t want to go in this afternoon. Rick came and sat down next to me. I dropped my hand and Rick slipped one of his hands onto my leg allowing his fingers to graze my hand gently.

“What can I do for you, Dr. Hunter?” As soon as I said his name, Rick paused briefly as he caressed my hand before he started back up again.

“It’s Madeline. I think she’s ready for surgery.”

“What are her stats?”

William called off good sounding numbers and they sounded strong enough. “I think it’s time.”

“I’ll have a look tomorrow, and if her numbers are still strong I’ll do it.”

I could hear his smile through the phone. “Awesome Lucy, that’s great.”

“If they drop, I won’t do it. I don’t want them any lower.”

“They won’t. She’s a fighter. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.” I hung up, burrowed myself deeper into the back of the couch and closed my eyes. I didn’t have to open my eyes to tell that Rick was watching me, waiting for something.

I sighed, “There’s this baby. She’s seven months old, and was born with her brain on the outside Dr. Douche bag has been begging me to do surgery on her, but her stats have been too low until now. He says they’re good and they do actually sound good, so tomorrow if they stay that way I’ll schedule the operation.”

“You just called him Dr. Douche bag,” Rick grinned.

I looked over to him and saw the biggest smile on his face. “No I didn’t,” I declared, staring back at Rick.

“Yes, you did.” He said, still grinning.

“Nope, no way,” I said as I stood up and went into the kitchen.

“Yes. You. Did.” Rick said as he trapped me between the bench and his body.

My bottom lip found its way between my teeth and Rick’s eyes followed the movement. “You’re a bad influence on me,” I could only whisper. The way Rick was looking at me made all the volume in my voice disappear. He didn’t say anything but leaned in slowly until his lips met mine. I knew what was going to happen but I couldn’t help the shock. It was soft and gentle and my lips moved against his as he pressed closer to me aligning his body against mine, holding me close against him.

I broke the kiss to catch my breath but Rick didn’t move from where he stood, still holding me closely and breathing rapidly. My head fell onto his shoulder as I tried to gather my thoughts, get my breathing to even out, and my head to clear. This couldn’t happen, it would cause too much drama and I don’t need any more drama in my life. I put my hands on his shoulders and made him take a step back. I lifted my eyes until they were looking into his.

“I can’t do this,” I whispered before I pushed past Rick and walked up stairs, leaving Rick standing in shock in the kitchen. Once I entered my room, I leaned against the door and let the tears come. I heard movement out in the hall then a heavy object sliding down the wall behind me.

“Lu?” Rick whispered and I wiped the tears from my cheeks. “I’m sorry, Lu.”

“It’s not your fault Rick, this was all me.” My statement was met with silence, “I think that it’s time I move out.”

“Shit Lu, don’t move. I won’t do it again. I promise. Just don’t move.” Something banged against the wall, his head probably “Aiden will miss you,” he whispered.

“I’ll miss him too,” I whispered but I wasn’t sure he heard me.

I didn’t leave Rick’s house that night even though he’d stayed outside my door for a long while. I didn’t want to see him, I felt too guilty. I left the next morning before Rick woke up. I planned on staying at the hospital again until I found a place of my own. As my day progressed I couldn’t help but continuously check my phone. I just wanted it to go off. A text message, a phone call, even a missed call but there was nothing. Feeling pathetic after checking for the millionth time, I dropped my phone back into my coat pocket and headed back to where Dr. Hunter was waiting for me in Paediatrics.

“She looks good,” I told Dr. Hunter. We were standing outside Madeline’s room and looking through the window watching her and her family.

“So, are you comfortable doing the surgery?” He asked sounding hopeful. He wasn’t afraid to hide his enthusiasm at the prospect of Madeline getting her surgery.

“I’ll do it.” It looked like he wanted to jump up and down on the spot. “I’ll look at my schedule and let you know when I’ll be able to do it.”

Dr. Hunter’s excitement about Madeline getting the surgery that she has waited so long for was contagious and I couldn’t help but smile. I went to look at the OR schedule to see when I had a free day to do the surgery. I made the appointment and called Dr. Hunter and told him to tell Madeline and her parents the news.


Chapter Eleven




“Hey bro,” Kye, my best friend walked into my office with a stupid look in his face. “So that chick the other morning.” He sat down in the chair opposite my desk looking at me expectantly. “You’re not going to tell me anything, are you?” I shook my head at him slowly, “Nothing?” He sounded shocked at my action and lack of words. He stayed silent, and if I had to guess I’d say he was thinking of reasons for my unwillingness to share. “What’s up with you?”

“Nothing,” I grumbled.

“Yeah right, spill it.” I stared at my computer. “Rick, what’s going on? Are you sick? Is it your father?” Mark was like a father to him.

BOOK: Fragile
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