Read Four Hard SWATs Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

Four Hard SWATs (7 page)

BOOK: Four Hard SWATs
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Chapter Eight


Wyatt was more on edge than if they were on a mission. The outfit
had picked ensured every male in the damned club gravitated toward her. It was his and Wyatt’s job to run interference while Sebastian and Niko made sure everyone knew she was taken. Completely. With no chance of being let go. Ever.

More than one Dom would have challenged one of them, but four very large, very mean-looking men surrounding
seemed to be enough to avoid confrontation. Wyatt found himself nearly growling every time a guy even looked
way. Never in his life had he been so possessive of a woman. Hell, he was surprised he’d been able to let the others touch her. The more he thought about it, though, the more he’d known in his heart she’d been meant for the team. All of them. Yet again, Nicholas had steered them true.

Still, when Nicholas waved him and Grayson off, Wyatt’s heart thudded in his chest. Waving them off? What the fuck? Wyatt was about to
have a come to Jesus meeting with Nicholas as he watched Niko steer
to the bar. They spoke for a moment then Nicholas and Sebastian both left her side.

What. The.

Making a beeline to Niko, Wyatt grated, “Are you out of your fucking mind? Someone needs to stay with her!”

“Calm your nuts, Wyatt. We’ve made it abundantly clear she’s taken.” He nodded toward
as she ordered a drink, crossing those impossibly long, shapely legs, the lace of her pants making it obvious she had on no underwear. “Besides, she needs to trust that when we say we’ll protect her, we will do it whether or not she sees us.”

“Bloody mind games,” Wyatt grumbled. “Why not just stay with her? Then she’s safe. The end.”

“Do you not understand the situation she was in before?”

“Yeah, the guy was a bastard.”

Sebastian approached them, his eyes sweeping the area as if they really were on a mission. “He took her trust and brutalized her with it. Which means we have to prove ourselves.”

“Fine. Doesn’t mean I have to like it. I want to be beside her so she isn’t so vulnerable.”

“She’s not vulnerable,” Niko insisted. “We’re watching over her.”

“And you’re willing to risk that? With a mandate to her that, while she wears that fucking collar, she can’t defend herself?” Wyatt had never wanted to punch his commanding officer more than he did in that moment. Hell, he’d never actually been angry at Nicholas until this very moment, believing the man was nearly infallible. At least, until now, he’d known Niko never took unnecessary risks. But leaving
alone in a BDSM club full of men who’d love to do a scene with her—or just do
seemed like an unnecessary risk to Wyatt.

“Are you saying you’re not up to the challenge?” Niko hissed, in Wyatt’s face even though Wyatt was the taller and larger of the two men. “Because if you’re not able to protect
, tell me now.”

“Of course I’m up to protecting her. I’d die before I’d let anything happen to that woman!”

“Then there’s nothing to worry about, is there?”

Wyatt ground his teeth but moved away from Niko, keeping a sharp lookout for any man who looked like he might even think about approaching
. As he quartered the area, Wyatt noticed Sebastian moving to the other side of the room while Gray took up a position just behind the bar and out of
sight. Nicholas watched them all, just like he did in the field.

Taking a deep breath, Wyatt tried to center himself. He needed to focus on the people around him. Needed to be aware of any threat to
. This was the moment of truth. Fisting his hands beside him, baring his teeth at a nearby Dom who’d glanced
way, Wyatt resolved to be the guardian


Being away from the guys made
feel…stripped bare. As if she had no protection. Niko’s instructions to her had been to have a drink and relax. She could talk to anyone who spoke to her but she was not to leave the barstool. So far, she hadn’t had much friendly conversation. Probably because the scowls of four huge men in the direction of anyone who looked her way when they’d come in had run potential
off. Which, oddly, relieved her.

“Well, if it isn’t little
.” The smooth male voice was laced with evil. She might not have interpreted it that way except she recognized the voice. As a form silhouetted in the shadow of the club approached her, she recognized the silhouette too, though not from the same place. The voice belonged to Dylan, her ex-Dom. The shadowy figure
was that of
the missing man in the woods. Suddenly, she felt like an idiot. Here was a man she’d known intimately and she hadn’t recognized him in the woods when it had counted most.

“Dylan,” she said, doing her best to pretend his presence didn’t affect her, and that she didn’t recognize him from the raid. Hard, considering her heart was pounding and she felt like she couldn’t
“Brave of you to approach me after last time.”

“If you think that was bad, wait until I get you alone this time.” He grabbed her upper arm, but
refused to budge. Nicholas had told her to stay here, and she intended to obey him.

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

His grip tightened on her arm, nearly causing her to wince. Normally, she’d have kicked his ass, and it was hard to suppress that impulse, but she’d promised she wouldn’t defend herself while wearing the collar unless the men told her to. Was this a test?

“I’m your Dom. You’ll do what I tell you or you’ll be punished.” His sneer was almost more than
could take. She wanted to mess up his face but good. Gritting her teeth, however, she kept control, just sitting at the bar, not even tugging her arm free.

“You were never my Dom, Dylan. I just let you bully me to punish myself. There’s a difference.”
was surprised at how calm she sounded. And she found what she said was true. Dylan had never really been anything to her. Even when he hadn’t been harsh with her, nothing had ever been about her. On the other hand, she’d never sought to meet his needs or demands, either. Only presented herself to him when she needed to be punished.

Just as she was having the epiphany of her life, she heard Dylan yell something at her—probably an obscenity—right before his hand flew at her face. She’s seen that sight before--the last time had been the night he’d last brought her here.

Instinct told her to duck, to block him, anything to defend herself. But
stood her ground, not looking away, not moving.

Surely I can defend myself.

You will trust us to see to your needs and your protection.

had promised, had sworn to do as they said. To trust them.

And Dylan’s hand flew closer, straight at her upturned cheek.

Just as
knew his hand would strike her, the feeling of betrayal once again like a bitter taste, the sound of flesh hitting flesh
loud next to her ear. Which was when she realized Wyatt had caught Dylan’s arm mid swing. Inches from her face, Dylan’s open hand curled as Wyatt exerted pressure around his wrist until Dylan gasped, taking a step backward.

“I know you weren’t planning on striking
,” Nicholas said in a nonchalant voice just behind Wyatt. “Because if you were, I’d have to kill you.”

Dylan looked from one to the other of them, a sneer on the face
had once thought handsome. Now, he just looked like what he was. An evil predator, hurting women by using a legitimate lifestyle in the most twisted manor imaginable.

“Here in front of all these people? I don’t think so.”

“I wouldn’t push Niko tonight.” That was Sebastian. “He’s in a hell of a snit. Something about seeing our woman about to be struck by another man does that to all of us every time, though Niko, being team leader, takes it more personally.”

said softly, still not making any kind of defensive gestures, “Dylan was the other man at the raid. He’s the one who whacked me then got away.”

All business, Nicholas’s gaze flashed to hers. “Are you sure?”

“I knew something seemed familiar about his build and the way he moved, then I saw him again tonight in the dim lighting of the club. It was just like in the woods under the moon. That’s the man we’re looking for. It’s probably why he was so hard on me that last night. I ruined whatever he had planned and he was getting even with me.”

“Bloody bitch!” Dylan lunged at her. Unwisely. Four meaty fists swung at his face, connecting with a sickening
. Dylan slumped to the floor and didn’t move.

Through it all,
didn’t move. Didn’t even flinch. When she looked up at Nicholas, then at the others, she smiled. “Thank you,” she whispered, tears beginning to fill her eyes.

Nicholas took her hand, kissing the palm as he asked, “For what, love?”

“For giving me back my trust. I do trust you. All of you. And it will be my privilege to wear your collar.”

Chapter Nine


Nicholas couldn’t get
home fast enough. She’d done what he’d hoped she would do, though every time he thought about that bastard Dylan nearly striking her, he saw red. Grayson had called the police and they’d carted Dylan off to jail, the guys putting in a hasty report with the promise of a more complete version within twenty-four hours. What the bar manager had witnessed had been enough to hold Dylan until the next morning when Nicholas was certain his lawyer would get him out on bail.

Later. He’d deal with that later. The bastard was looking at jail time no matter what, and that was enough.

Nicholas surprised himself by letting Wyatt hold
on the drive home. The big man seemed to be more shaken than
. He’d gathered her in his arms and simply refused to let her go, not that anyone would have tried to pry her from the man’s arms. Even to his team he could look intimidating at times. Now? Yeah. He looked damned near homicidal.

All the way home, Wyatt had kissed and nuzzled
, asking repeatedly if she was okay and if Dylan had hurt her. She’d always assured him that, no, she was, in fact, fine. Finally, Wyatt had stopped talking altogether and simply kissed her, taking her mouth as thoroughly as he had the first time all four of them had been together. Grayson had encouraged him from the back seat of the SUV, whispering dirty suggestions in
ear that all of them could hear. She’d seemed to love it. By the time Nicholas pulled into the driveway, all of them were riding a razor’s edge of need and lust.

“I’m going to take you hard and fast,” Wyatt said as he carried her up the steps to the porch and into the house. “Sink into that pretty ass all the way to the hilt, then fuck you like mad.”

Nicholas hadn’t been averse to the suggestion. Judging from the way Sebastian and Gray had quickened their steps, neither had
Sharing a woman wasn’t something they’d ever done. They were all simply too territorial and Alpha to share much of anything. But Nicholas knew the guys had taken direction from him. If he said they’d share her, then share they would. In every way.

Wyatt didn’t pause, but went straight for the bedroom.
was still dressed in that sexy as hell corset and leather lace-up leggings, but Nicholas was sure that would change soon. Remembering how sexy she’d been naked when he and Bastian had pleasured her before, Niko nearly went to his knees. Getting her naked and writhing in his arms again was high on his list of priorities at the moment.

Not bothering with her clothing, Wyatt laid
on the bed and followed her down, wedging his hips between her strong thighs. His weight braced on his arms, Wyatt slid his bulging, leather-covered erection against her, making her arch her hips in response.
gripped Wyatt’s massive shoulders, digging her nails into the flesh there as she pulled him closer to her, welcoming the blanket of his body over hers, taking his weight effortlessly.

“Ah, God! Wyatt!”
moans of pleasure were like the sweetest music, the tangy scent of her arousal like the sweetest perfume.

Watching Wyatt wrap himself around
, his big body nearly swallowing her smaller frame, was erotic in itself. The big man’s arms were completely around her, one spanning her waist, the other hand hooked over one shoulder from around her back underneath her body.

“Fuck me,” Wyatt muttered, burying his face in
neck. “
, fuck!”

Nicholas knew how he felt.

“That’s fucking hot,” Grayson said, swallowing as he ran a hand over his mouth.

legs circled Wyatt’s waist, the heels of her shoes digging into his thighs. The little whimpering sounds coming from her seemed to fuel Wyatt’s lust, and the man groaned as he moved faster and faster. Nicholas was afraid Wyatt might get himself off before he ever got rid of his clothes, but neither he nor
seemed to mind.

As if she’d sensed his thoughts,
nails dug into Wyatt’s shoulders, scoring along the hard plane before her arms wrapped more tightly around his back. Wyatt gave a sharp cry, grinding himself harder against
. She screamed, arching her back, clinging to Wyatt as if her life depended on it.

Wyatt continued to pump against her until she settled beneath him, then he pushed up with a brutal yell, slapping her crotch with the flat of his hand as he got off her. His cock was hard as ever, the head slipping out of the waist of his pants. As he pulled off his shirt, sweat glistened off his skin.

“God help me, I will be inside you tonight if it kills me,
,” Wyatt grated as he rid himself of his pants. “I’m
come so fucking deep inside you.”

“Sweet Christ,”
whispered, breathing hard, her body limp after her orgasm. She looked at Grayson then. “You, Gray. More!”

Nicholas expected to see a goofy grin on Grayson’s face. The man always seemed to have something smug to say. Not so now. There was a look of deadly intensity on Gray’s face, all his attention focused on
. Nicholas raised an eyebrow but Grayson’s focus didn’t waver.

He and Wyatt tugged at laces and shoes, ridding
of her clothing. The sight of her spread out on the bed like an offering to them nearly made Nicholas bend double. His cock throbbed, his balls ached, and he was happier than he could ever remember being.


Before Grayson lay the most exquisite woman he’d ever seen.
was bare, her legs spread, her sex glistening, and she was demanding he pleasure her. Could any man resist that? Not him, that was for sure. But he wanted to get this right. For all his bravado, regardless of anything he’d said in the past, fantasizing about taking her, nothing had ever been more important to him than that he give
as much pleasure as he possibly could. Before all four of them pounced on her, he needed to make her come. Hard.

Not bothering to take off more than his shirt, Grayson settled himself between
spread thighs, rubbing his face over the silky skin of her legs. The musky scent of her arousal made his cock throb all the harder behind his pants, need weighing on him heavily.

Silky smooth skin greeted him when he bent his head to inhale her scent. Closing his eyes, Gray shuddered in pleasure. Damp flesh beckoned his tongue, the fevered need to possess her driving him insane.

With a growl, Gray covered her pussy with his mouth, stabbing his tongue through her folds.
arched off the bed, digging her heels into the mattress, lifting her hips up to more fully settle herself on his mouth. Grayson cupped her ass in his hands, squeezing the soft globes until his fingers dug into them.
hands fisted in his hair, pulling him to her, her whole body off the bed now, her weight resting on her shoulders as she ground against him.

“So good…” Grayson was rapidly losing himself in
. The taste of her, the sounds of her pleasure, the bittersweet scent of sweat as her body spun out of control all drew him in, caging him in everything that was
. He was tied to her as surely as if a chain bound them together. And he didn’t want to be free.

Just as her breathing quickened and
muscled clenched, Grayson pulled back, rising to his knees and shoving down his pants to free his cock.

“God, yes! Fuck me, Gray! Now!”

reached for him, pulling him to her as he lowered his body over hers. With one swift thrust, he sank into her heat, earning him a scream from her.
legs came around his waist to lock at the ankles, her heels digging into his lower back.

echoed his bellow of satisfaction as she gripped his head, pulling his face to hers for a soul-searing kiss. Grayson’s tongue thrust between her lips just as his cock thrust into her pussy. Over and over, he fucked her, both of them crying out with grunts and moans of pleasure as the intensity built until Grayson thought he might die if he didn’t make her come.

As if
read his mind, she gave another harsh, needy scream, then her cunt squeezed him so hard there was no way he could hold his seed.

“Ah, God!
! Milk me hard!”

Grayson’s back bowed, his muscles seizing as
cunt spasmed around him. He came harder than he’d ever come in his life, deep inside
. God help him, never had anything felt more right in his life.

BOOK: Four Hard SWATs
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