Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series (11 page)

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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y four pm, Pete and Emma have arrived with gorgeous little Crystal. Jemma and Dan arrive too with a car full of the girls, including Tia.

After we have had a refreshing swim and cooled down some, I changed into my stunning watercolour print strapless mini dress. The colours are pastel pink, purple and yellow, simply stunning. It has a built in supported bodice for perfect cleavage and the front has an overlay skirt, which is totally the fashion right now. It is a perfect dress for tonight. I wear my sexy pink Jimmy Choo heels but have thongs on standby, as I am sure we will be making our way out onto the sand later.

The caterers for the cocktail food and drinks have arrived and are setting up, decorations are done, the deck is dazzling with blue and silver streamers, balloons, and a special ‘Happy Birthday, Kade’ banner that I had made up.

“You went overboard with the decorations Rox, but I do love you for it,” Kade tells me and I wonder if guys will ever realise that women just do these things.

Dave brought some timber and melamine from his work and has made a small stage for our special guests, three out of five members from The Electric Beat.

Kade’s coach and his wife have made the drive up, then of course Coby and his girlfriend and three other squad members, there are also a few of the locals that know Kade. I’m guessing the catering for around thirty is pretty spot on correct.

Jemma has set up the iPod dock with large speakers and the fantastic best friend that she is, has made a playlist for the night.

Right now, we are chilling to some Five Seconds of Summer. Jemma has an eclectic taste much like mine, but I am sure that she will have some awesome dance songs for later on.

The caterers start with homemade spring rolls, satay chicken skewers, and cheese and spinach pastries.

“These are awesome Rox, have you tried the chicken?” Kade asks me stuffing his face.
Food and sex are all guys think about.

As Mum always says, ‘A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ and it is the goddamn truth.

“Yep, I am impressed. We will use this company again,” I say nodding as I enjoy a pastry and a glass of champagne in my other hand.

When I sent out the text invitation, I stated in the message no presents, but a few have put wrapped presents on the coffee table. Judging by the looks of the shapes they are alcohol, cards, and vouchers.
Men are totally hard to buy for!

I casually make my way to the semi-permanent stage and grab the microphone that I had Jemma bring and connect. I switch it on and tap the microphone to make sure it really is on; nothing worse than talking away when no one can hear you.

“Hello, everyone and thank you all for coming up to the lake house to celebrate Kade’s birthday. We are both lucky to have you in our lives,” I say smiling and meaning my words.

“Okay, we have set up beach volleyball on the sand and we have a few comps, so let’s go have some fun. Oh and there are some cool prizes for you to win.”

The guests cheer, as we all head out to play, it should be interesting as the night progresses and guests start to drink more.

“Hey Rox, we are going to play girls versus boys?” Jemma announces to me, she is very competitive and she will be looking to kick the guys’ arses.

“Count me in, just let me check on the caterers and how far away Jeremy is,” I say to her as I enter the kitchen and grab my phone.

“Okay cool, it will probably be twenty minutes anyways. The surfers are playing the first round, my dear so no rush,” Jemma tells me playfully and embraces me
. I love my bestie.

Then she heads out to watch the surfers I bet; those abs are pretty impressive.

“Those starters were sensational,” I tell Jim and Kara, our caterers for the night.

“Glad you liked them. We will have another round of finger food in around thirty minutes to keep everyone happy, then the main food should be around six pm. Does that sound okay Roxy?” Kara asks me. She is an older lady, around forty-five, with very short, pixie style blonde hair and very smiley.

“Sounds perfect,” I reply to them pleased with their service, food, and time management.

I know that Jeremy will be driving so I send Seline a text.

How long till you get here, hunny. I am just figuring out times for dinner, the band, and the cake.

I question her hopefully not coming across as rude and wondering why they are not here yet.

We are fifteen minutes away, Rox.

Seline responds with the perfect answer.

Awesome; see you guys shortly.

I text back smiling to myself, Kade isn’t expecting Jeremy and two others to perform so I can’t wait to see his face. It’s not every day The Electric Beat performs at private parties.

Right now it’s time to go and whip some arse in volleyball
, I think to myself, but I can pretty much guarantee that it will be the other way around.

“Okay, I am ready!” I shout out to Jemma as I kick my shoes off and head onto the sand and join Jemma, Ebony, Emma, and Tia. The coach’s wife, Edna, offers to mind Crystal so Emma doesn’t miss out.

“There you are Rox, I have missed your gorgeous face,” a slightly tipsy Kade announces as he pulls me in for a tight embrace.

“Get a fucking room you two,” Jemma proclaims in her usual no tact voice, causing everyone within ears shot to crack up laughing.

“Oh don’t you worry Jemma I will make Roxy scream extra loud tonight just for your benefit,” Kade says jokingly obviously looking for that shock value, but Jemma just smirks because when it comes to screaming during sex she wins the gold medal every time.
Hands down.

e may or may not have gotten smashed in the volleyball comp. Damn, I need to get back to the gym.

“You guys were lucky that time,” Jemma tells the guys, totally stirring the pot.

“It’s all about the technique and guys are always better at sports no matter what kind,” he announces and I think,
Oh crap, don’t get into it with Jemma.

Perfect timing as Kara comes out with the dumplings, fish pieces, and sausage rolls.

“I’m starving guys let’s grab some more food,” I suggest heading towards the trays.

Of course it works; guys are always interested in food and cold beers.

“Let’s get some cold beverages, Kade,” Pete tells him as he squeezes his shoulders. It’s so nice having everyone here for Kade. We should make a note to catch up more often.

Jeremy and Seline arrive just in time for dinner. “Happy birthday, Kade,” Jeremy announces and high fives Kade then Seline gives him a hug and kiss on his cheek.

“Happy birthday, Kade,” she tells him.

“Thanks so much for coming. Help yourself to drinks guys, come and grab a plate and fill it up with some of this amazing food. So far it’s been to die for,” he confesses to them and I have to agree about the food.

he sit-down meal is superb of tender roast lamb, potato bake, pumpkin, beans, fried rice, and gravy.

“Sensational food, Rox, you outdid yourself with the caterers,” Kade announces with a mouth full of lamb and gravy that proceeds to drip down his chin.

“It’s awesome that’s for sure. Do you want to borrow one of Crystal’s bibs, Kado?” Pete jokes and we roar into laughter. There is
never a dull moment with these guys.

After dinner, we all chat and enjoy each other’s company. The music has changed from easy listening Celine Dion to more upbeat to get us ready to dance and unwind.

“You rock Jemma, I totally love your playlist and music choice,” I announce to my bestie and give her a wink.

“Wait till later bitch, it will be pumping,” she replies making me smirk and poke my tongue out at her.

I disappear into the bathroom to freshen up. I re-touch my foundation and powder, eye shadow and lipstick; it’s nearly show time after all, and I hope Kade enjoys the show.

As I head out into the living room, I announce for everyone to head outside. As I make my way to the deck and stage I give Jemma and Ebony a nod, it’s their queue to round everyone up and dim the lights when I give the go ahead.

“Hey, sexy birthday boy, come with me, I have a little surprise for you.” I grab his hand and drag him closer to the stage. The guys have their portable amps and electric guitars so they can just walk out onto the stage when I signal them.

I climb onto the stage having put my low Jimmy Choo heels back on after volleyball and I nod to Jemma to turn the music off. Then I turn the microphone on again and tap it to start my announcement.

“Well, I hope everyone is enjoying their night, I know that I am. The food has been mouth-watering. Thank you, Jemma for the music and Ebony for the decorations. Now I just need to say happy birthday baby, I love you,” I declare my love to him into the microphone while looking straight at my sexy birthday boy.

He mouths the words “I love you” back to me.

“Now we have organised an awesome surprise for Kade to get the party pumping, so please put your hands together for some special guests, none other than The Electric Beat!”

“Woo-hoo,” the crowd roars. I hear Jemma’s wolf whistle. Wow, there are lots of screams and happy guests in the room.

I turn to look at a shocked Kade, who has his mouth open in amazement, “Wow” he mouths to me as Jeremy, Will, and Ash make their way to the stage.

Jeremy kisses my cheek as I hand him the microphone.

“Hi guys, I’m stoked to be here. Happy birthday, Kade, the three of us are going to sing a few of our popular songs, hope you like them,” Jeremy announces.

“I’m so happy to be here with my gorgeous sister and her boyfriend Kade. Roxy you are amazing and Kade you hurt her I’ll break both of your arms,” he jokes but I honestly think if Kade hurt me again he may just inflict some pain.

“So let’s get this party rocking! This is one of our biggest hits!” he shouts into the microphone.

Kade is smiling like he just won the lottery as I mosey on over to him. “You cheeky woman, you set this up. It's amazing Rox, thanks, baby.” He hugs me and leans in for a kiss, but not just any kiss, a long, deep, passionate kiss that takes my breath away.

“Judging from that kiss, looks like you are happy with the entertainment?” I joke to him knowing all too well he loves it.

“Oh my God, I love this band!” Coby’s girlfriend from the surf squad screams.

“How on earth did I not know that Jeremy was your brother Roxy?” she asks me and I can’t help but grin at her question

“Yep, it’s pretty cool having a famous brother,” I tell her still smirking and proud of my older brother.

“Oh my God! He is so famous and I’m totally friends with Jeremy’s sister, just wait until my girls here about this!” She fangirls over him.

“When he’s done I’ll take a photo of you with him and you can get his autograph,” I say to her knowing just how excited she will be.

“Far out Roxy you are the best! Totally awesome, my best friend will total freak and die of jealousy when she sees it,” she states as she stares at my brother on the stage and takes a few quick pictures from her phone.

Kade and I sway in each other’s arms; we dance and enjoy the music. The band performs six amazing songs, friggin’ sensational.

Even if Jeremy wasn’t my brother, I can honestly say I love each and every one of their songs. Will is the talented songwriter, but Jeremy has written a few too.

“God Rox, tonight has been the best. You really outdid yourself, thanks, baby, for all of it but most of all thank you for coming back into my life,” he confesses to me with raw, heartfelt emotion.

BOOK: Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series
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