For the Bond (Romantic Suspense) (Beyond Blood, #3) (10 page)

BOOK: For the Bond (Romantic Suspense) (Beyond Blood, #3)
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Jacob hissed, tugging my nipples and biting my earlobe. “Beautiful,” he growled. “Every sound is beautiful, the way you come... they way you pump my cock inside of you... Beautiful.”

All of my blood went to the surface, my blush immense. I couldn't argue, I was high on the pleasure and floating on a cloud. Kite hunched around me, thrusting furiously, his breathing as violent as a car-wreck.

Through my haze, his swelling shaft was still obvious. Holding me close, sweat coating his forehead as he pushed it on mine, Kite trembled. His climax flooded through me, the condom saving us from any mistakes. Just like always. “Marina,” he whispered. My name was a plea, one that startled me and pulled me out of that liquid lust.

I didn't get to wonder why he'd sounded so fragile. Jacob wasn't finished, and unlike Kite, there was no condom here. Panting, he clung to my hips, palmed my ass. Each motion thudded deep, touched me in a way that was perverse and erotic and fucking magical.

Spurts of warmth coated my insides, thrilling me with the sensation. This was as close as I could get to them. Both men had shared their seed with me at different points. It was fucking ridiculous but I actually felt blessed. I know, it makes no sense. Since when did love have to make sense?

You're falling in love with killers,
I warned myself. In the same breath, I shuddered and pushed the reasonable part of me away. Fuck reason. Fuck what I was or wasn't supposed to do. My life was heading towards a flash of fire, I was a god damn comet.

Let me burn bright and enjoy it while I could.

I was waiting for Jacob to say something cruel, or taunting, even if it would excite me none the less. Embracing me, he held me to him as the waves finished. “I'm going to tell you a secret. It's been battling to escape me for some time.” That mouth that didn't smirk or sneer nestled against my temple. “Marina... I've never felt as connected to anyone as I do with you. I want this to last forever. I wish that was possible. This is... this is paradise.”

He whispered words as sweet as fresh honey. In the back of his throat, the same grit that had been controlling Kite all night made itself known. How could he swear such glorious things, if he was on the verge of shattering with me in his arms?

This is where I should have said... anything. I had nothing, no romantic response or heart-warming speech. I couldn't compete with Jacob's proclamation.

I knew what he meant. No one had done to me what they had. No one had come close to this feeling. Here, lying in this bed with two hitmen wrapping me tight, I felt...

I felt like I belonged.

Since I'd been six, I'd belonged no where. Home was a forgotten concept to me. Shutting my eyes, I luxuriated in their breathing and their essence. If there was sorrow here, perhaps it came from the same place in all three of us.

We were creatures who feared the future.

Kite shifted, sliding out of me. The lack of
made me whine; a tiny noise, a greedy noise. Jacob copied him, our bodies stretched out in our cooling sweat on the bed. It would have been simple to forget my plans. I could have closed my eyes, slept in this sandwich and never moved forward.

I'd come too far to back out. Paradise, he'd called it. A paradise that couldn't last. Not as long as that murderer still walked the Earth.

It was a relief when Jacob untied me. If they'd left me bound, I'd have been trapped. It wasn't to be. They freed me, and soon...

Soon I would free them.

- Chapter Ten -



he apartment was quiet. No one was inside, I knew that. I'd seen them both minutes ago, stretched out and unconscious. It had been tempting to remain with them. Testing Kite's promise about my nightmares, that he'd let me stay at his side even if I woke at the worst hours with wretched sobs... I wanted to see it become real.

I thought I never would, now.

Softly, like the apartment deserved respect, I padded through it. Changing into clean clothes was fast. Entering Kite's room was faster.

Bending by the side of his bed, I traced the outline of the secret panel. It came off, the gun inside waving like an old friend. It felt warm to me, part of my own flesh and blood. It would serve me tonight.

The money was an afterthought, but I took some. It had a use, money always did. I wanted to be prepared. Whatever was coming, tonight or otherwise, I didn't have the luxury of mistakes. Replacing everything, I tied my hair back as I headed to the front room.

Earlier, Kite had run into me on the street. It had shocked me, but not because seeing him was frightening. Once, it had been. When had that changed? No, what I'd been worried about was that he'd look into my face and I'd give up my ruse. I was carrying on me the one thing him and Jacob kept obsessing over.

Peeling open my purse, I lifted the envelope. It was thick, weighted with my safety net. Setting it on the kitchen counter, I thought I'd feel more... nervous. I was giving them the ultimate power. The two of them could erase me now and, knowing their skills, remove every sign that they were ever involved.

But actually... giving that letter up... I felt my shackles fall away. Tension that had knotted in my heart melted. I'd told Kite I'd give this to him, but only if I suspected I might be walking into Death's arms. That wasn't why I'd taken it from the bank this morning.

Pushing a hand to my throat, I slid it down, hugged myself tight. Their safety—their future—had become important to me. God help me, I cared about these assassins. Right in my atoms and molecules, right down to my very existence, I was determined not to let them be punished for my actions.

My flesh was tired, my mind was powered by determination. They'd been so drained after what we'd done, Kite hadn't heard me digging in his discarded jeans. The key to his car cut into my palm when I reached the garage. This was my least favorite decision so far. Stealing his Mercedes was shitty, but I wasn't going to leave myself in a bind. I was setting myself up to end this on my own. Public transportation? Please. If that was what fucked me over, I'd be a poor killer in the making.

In the silent bubble of that car, I slid out the napkin that carried all the secrets I'd been chasing. My phone buzzed, the number dialed. I was breathing tightly by the third ring—on the fourth, I was clammy.

The ringing died. “Yo,” Juice said, “What's up?”

Shutting my eyes, I leaned back in the seat. Thank fucking god. “It's me, Melony.” I licked my lips, burning with adrenalin. “I need to see you.”

“Whoa, eager,” he laughed. “Uh, sure. Let me give you my address.”

Revving the engine, I balanced the phone between my shoulder and ear. I was halfway down the street before we ended the call, his directions crisp in my brain. No music, no wind, I did nothing but crush the wheel and stare out the window. Focus was the word of the moment.

He didn't live that far. Pulling down a side street to hide the car, I held my purse close and jogged to Juice's apartment. I could see him sitting on the front step, a cigarette lighting up his hard-cheekbones. He jumped up the second he saw me. “Hey girl, I didn't think you'd call so soon.”

Wasting no time, I closed the gap between us. “I need you to tell me about Frank Montego and his nephew.”

Juice balked, looking around as if he'd spot hidden cameras. “What the fuck? Come on, I thought maybe you and I could get to know each other first.”

Unzipping my purse, I yanked out a wad of cash. I didn't even know how much it was. “You wouldn't talk earlier. Will this help?”

Staring at the money, the kid's jaw fall open. “Shit, girl. You're not playing around.”

“No,” I agreed. “I'm not.”

Chewing his thin lips, Juice reached out and took the money. He flipped the edges, going from upset to paranoid in a blink. “Why do you want to know about Frankie?”

I considered lying. The fuzzy numbness was taking over, I was starting to feel invincible again. My reason wasn't worth keeping a secret. “He helped kill my family,” I said. The familiar horror entered his eyes. “I'm looking for someone close to him. You said Hecko was his nephew, and dead?”

“Right. Super dead. Word is he choked on his own vomit. Nasty, huh?” Juice smiled feebly. His tough act was just that, an act. Part of him clearly cared that this Hecko guy was gone.  “Sorry about your... you know.”

I shook my head. “Don't be sorry, just tell me something I can use. I'm trying to find the guy who worked with Frankie. This was sixteen years back.”

“Man, I wouldn't know.” His shrug was exaggerated. “Actually, that guy Dennis brought up something similar.”

A tiny flash of joy filled me. Jacob
been trying to find information for me. It was immensely satisfying to hear it from someone else. “You couldn't help him?”

“Nah. We were both pissed off that night, we were just chatting. I don't think he was really looking for anyone. Listen, this happened a long time ago. I would've been a kid.” He lowered a hand to his knee, indicating an invisible child. “I wouldn't know about this. Frankie sold to me, that was all. He hung around lots of people. I'm good with faces, but that's too many for me to remember.”

The knowledge that this guy was, or used to be, a drug dealer didn't phase me. That he hung
with Frankie the Razor? Frank the monster who had killed my family? That info didn't swallow easy. “Alright, okay. What if...” Furrowing my eyebrows, I dug into my purse again. It was my magic bag of tricks tonight. The twinkle in Juice's eye said he thought I had more money for him. Instead, I slid out the photo I'd been keeping at my side since Jacob had handed it over. “Maybe seeing him would jog your memory?”

In front of me, Juice's eyes boggled. I thought he'd drop the cash and just run. “Holy shit,” he whispered. He studied me with new respect—or was that disbelief? “You're looking for
Lars Diani?

A rubber band snapped in my chest.
Lars Diani.
The roof of my mouth trapped my tongue. “Is that his name? This guy... are you sure?”

“Fuck, yeah. That's his ugly mug.”

It was finally happening. I knew who the man I was chasing was. I knew his fucking name.

Lars Diani. He was going to die. Trembling, I jammed the photo away. I wasn't careful, it crinkled and tore. I didn't care at all. “Lars Diani. His name is Lars Diani.”

“Uh, yeah. You okay?”

I realized I was smiling. I looked insane, but that was just dandy. “I'm great. Juice, can you tell me where I can find him?”

“Like, right now, or in general?”

My stomach dropped through my feet. “You know where he is right
now?” Could my luck be this good?

Itching nervously at his cheek, he tucked the money away and lifted a palm. “Okay, so look. I'll tell you where he is, but you need to let me know you'll never,
, say you heard anything from me. I'm out of this life, I'm moving on. I won't be the next body found in an alley.”

Everything was reverberating, even my teeth. Looking at his hand, I slid more money into it. The number of things I owed Kite an apology for was growing. It'd be nice to get a chance to make it up to him. “My lips are zipped. Now tell me, please.”

Juice rocked on his heels. His dilemma was nothing compared to mine, and apparently, nothing compared to his greed. “Tonight is Hecko's wake. I was thinking of paying my respects, but now... I might hang back. Visit his grave later, or something.” The kid pulled his thick sweater around tighter. Armor to save him from what he was unleashing by giving me this info. “It's happening way out, corner of Smith and Pine. Open door, anyone can pay their respects. Word is... well, Lars has been out of the city for awhile. I heard he was coming back for this. Guess he thought of Hecko as family.”

If I'd been Jacob or Kite, I think Juice would have eaten a bullet. I wasn't the type to clean up like that. He didn't deserve being killed just because he'd met me or could put me in danger later. Besides, I wasn't sure I
a later waiting for me.

“Thank you,” I said, and to both our surprises, I gave him a hug. I don't know. He'd opened the path to my redemption. It was spontaneous, over so fast he was left standing with his arms lifted at his sides. Through the chilly night, I sprinted to Kite's car and climbed in.

I had a wake to catch.


he place was exactly where Juice had said. A stubby building, hard stone and soft yellow lights. The front door was wide open, allowing people to mill in or out. Whoever Hecko had been, he seemed to have a large family.

Sitting in Kite's car, I peered through the windshield and just... waited. I didn't know what to expect. I'd never been so close to the confrontation I'd been envisioning for years. I'd expected that Juice would give me something to go off of. That I'd need this money and the Ruger to threaten and bribe my way to that man. To Lars Diani.

It could have taken days or weeks, but no. Here I was, waiting for him to appear like a celebrity. Perhaps karma did exist.

Everyone wore black; suits, dresses, you name it. They funneled into the building or hovered by the edges. It reminded me oddly of the charity ball, when I'd stood in the garden with Kite. The night they'd both spun me in their arms and took turns driving me up a wall.
Don't think about either of them.

Fidgeting, I reached for my purse. I needed to do something to stay busy. Holding the pistol, brushing the suppressor, I mulled over Kite's advice.
Unless you yourself load in the clip, always check.
Pulling the bolt of the Ruger back, I stared into the chamber and scowled. Ejecting the clip, I confirmed my suspicion.
Only three bullets? Shit!
It was good I'd checked, but if I'd looked earlier, I could have grabbed extra ammo.
I'll have to make sure the shot is close. I can't risk missing.

Condensation had begun, fogging the edges of the windows. Even so, I still saw him when he appeared. The car that pulled onto the street was fancy. Rich midnight blue, the kind of model you saw on television but rarely in real life.

BOOK: For the Bond (Romantic Suspense) (Beyond Blood, #3)
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