Flynn, Joyee - Their Dragon [North American Dragon 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (2 page)

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - Their Dragon [North American Dragon 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“I’m Kelley,
’s right-hand woman,” she said gently as she led them up the stairs and toward the spare bedrooms.
followed along, holding back the smile at how she was acting. If anyone understood what these men were going through, it was her. He knew they were in good hands. “
didn’t know if he’d be bringing anyone back with him, so I made up several of the guest rooms. Let’s get you guys cleaned up and settled.”

“Can we get them some lunch, too, love?”
asked as they entered the first room. “And I think you are going to need to go on a shopping spree for them, too.”

“I’ll call Tiny and Wolf to let them know I need escorts,” she said with a nod as she got them towels. The rooms were adjoining, so that would work best for them.
was glad that his room was across the hall so he’d be close if they needed anything.

“You’re the best,” he cooed, giving her a kiss on the cheek. One of the things he loved best about his housekeeper and friend was that she never made waves. She wasn’t dramatic and just did what needed to be done without bitching about security or dragging bodyguards with her. “I’ll wait here with them while you get lunch started.”

“Good deal,” she said with a smile for both of them and left.

“We really each get a room?” Garreck asked as he glanced around before going over and poking his head in the open door to Dante’s room. “Where do you sleep?”

“Across the hall,”
answered as he pointed in the direction. “And yes, you each can have a room. You get your own bathroom, too. Use whatever you like.”

“Thank you,
,” Dante said softly and hurried off to his own room to shower.

“I think you should scrub my back,” Garreck purred as he swayed his hips, walking to the bathroom. “I might get lonely.”

“Garreck, that’s not why I brought you here,” he replied gently, guessing that the twink was used to having to seduce people. “It’s not like that, okay? I’m just trying to help you. You don’t have to seduce me or sleep with me. I’m not like that.”

“What if I just want to because you are hot?”

stood there with his mouth hanging open as the little imp hurried into the bathroom before he could respond. Holy shit was he going to have his hands full with that one. And the man was hot! How was he going to keep his hands off the sexy twink and let him heal emotionally after all he’d been through?

He flopped back onto the bed and thought about how drastically his world had changed while he waited for them.
wasn’t ready to get into another relationship, was he? Or was one hundred and seventy five years of keeping people at a distance enough time for his heart to have healed? He wasn’t sure, but his thoughts were interrupted when Garreck leapt onto the bed next to him.

“You’re naked.”
gasped as his eyes ran over the lithe body moving towards him. Now that Garreck was clean,
could see that he was more than hot or gorgeous, he was breathtaking. Curly red hair surrounded his cherub face, with bright blue eyes. He was rather on the thin side, no more than one hundred ten pounds, but
would make sure that was fixed. And damn was he tiny! He couldn’t have been more than five-six to
’s six-five.

“It makes it much easier for you to play with me that way.” Garreck giggled and slid over to straddle
’s lap. “Do you want a blow job or to fuck me? I stretched myself in the shower.”

“Sweet mother of mercy.”
groaned, instantly getting hard. He sat up and gently cupped Garreck’s face.
had caught where the man had said for
to play with him as if he was a toy. “Garreck, you are not here for me to play with, sweetheart. You’re not my toy.”

“Of course I am.” He snickered and tried to kiss
. “That’s what I am, a hired boy toy.”

“Not anymore,”
said firmly.

“Okay, then I’m just your boy toy.”

“No, Garreck, not even mine. You are no one’s anymore, sweetheart. You are your own man now and can do whatever you want, okay?”

“Fine, then I want to do you.” He purred and wiggled his hips over
’s cargo pants-covered erection. “Or I want you to do me actually. I’m horny, and you’re hot.”

“So you are saying you want to sleep with me?”
asked hesitantly. “You’re not doing it because you have to or are trying to repay me for giving you a place to stay? There’s no ulterior motive here?”

“Nope,” Garreck answered with a seductive smile. “I enjoy sex,
. Lots of it. There’s a reason I was sent to certain clients. It didn’t really bother me as long as they weren’t mean to me. Being kept in those cages was horrible, and the men who held us were assholes who liked to beat us. But getting lots of sex? I was okay with that as long as they weren’t into anything too out there or bad in bed.”

“I don’t want you to think I’m using you or trying to take advantage of the situation, sweetheart.”

“I’m hard, begging for you while throwing myself at you, Austin.” He giggled and gestured to his cock. “I couldn’t fake this if I felt you were forcing me.”

“That’s a good point.”
groaned, his resolve to keep his hands off this gorgeous creature starting to leave. “Let’s start slow though, okay? Maybe a few kisses and lunch before we take some time to get to know each other.”

“So you’re not saying you don’t want me or aren’t attracted to me?” Garreck asked, uncertainty written all over his face. “I know you said you wouldn’t make me leave, so I get that, but are you saying you don’t want me in your bed?”

“Does this feel like I don’t find you attractive or want you?”
ground his hard-on against the hot twink’s ass to prove his point. “I just don’t want to jump into things. You are not some faceless person I picked up to fuck in an alley outside the bar to scratch an itch, sweetheart.”

“Good to know,” Dante said from the doorway, his eyes cold. “If Garreck wants you, that’s one thing, but if you hurt him, dragon or not, I will end you.”

“Why do you do that?” Garreck shouted as he leapt off the bed and stormed over to the other man. “You are not my keeper, Dante. Why do you get involved in everything I do? You didn’t want me. You lied to everyone about me being yours, but wouldn’t touch me!”

“It doesn’t matter,” Dante answered, looking anywhere but at Garreck’s naked body. “You found someone who will want you for you and take care of you.”

“What does that even mean?” he yelled, his voice going an octave higher.

“Let’s shelve this for now, guys,”
said before Dante could reply. “You’ve been through a terrible ordeal, and your emotions are probably all over the place. I’ll grab you guys some shirts and shorts, and we’ll go eat.”

He left the room and went into his own, both of them following. After he grabbed clothes out of his dresser that they would swim in, but at least could tie the shorts, he tossed it to them.
drank in Dante as he got dressed. He was just as attractive as Garreck, but in a harder way, not having the other man’s innocent look.

He was probably five-nine, and a hundred thirty-five pounds. Again way thin and under fed. Dante had shoulder-length, wavy black hair and deep, dark brown eyes that looked almost black.
didn’t know what was going on between the two of them, but he lusted for Dante as much as Garreck.

"I don’t know if I’m ready for a relationship with one man. I’m certainly not ready for two."
thought to himself as he shook his head before leading them to the kitchen. Food was the priority, and getting them healthy. The rest he’d just have to wait and see.

Chapter 2

Garreck eyed
over as they sat down at the kitchen table as Kelley put gobs of food in front of them. His savior might have had everyone else fooled with that take-charge, nothing-affects-him attitude, but Garreck wasn’t buying it. He saw a longing and loneliness in
’s eyes that called to him. It became his new mission to make
happy no matter what.

“I’ve got a few business calls to make after lunch, so feel free to check out the house. Just make sure to give Kelley your sizes and let her know of anything you might need.”

“Thank you,” Dante said with a sharp nod before they started stuffing their faces. Garreck didn’t get that guy. Why was he here? Dante had made it clear the day he’d met Garreck that he belonged to Dante. He went as far as pretending to rape Garreck to keep the others away. But when he’d tried to really touch Dante, the man shied away.

Why keep everyone else away when he didn’t want Garreck? And why demand to go where he was going after they were rescued? Dante had never returned any of his affection or advances. What did he care?

They ate as Kelley joined them and started taking notes. Garreck told the sweet woman his size, what he preferred to wear, and answered questions about what he liked to do.

“What about underwear?” she asked as she read her list.

“I don’t like them.” He shrugged, catching the low groan
gave. He couldn’t help smiling to himself that he affected the big dragon like that.

“Okay, have fun, and I’ll see you guys later,”
said as he took the last bite of his sandwich. Garreck watched as the object of his desires gave Kelley a quick kiss on the cheek before darting from the room.

“He is gay, right?” he asked Kelley before she went off as well.

“Yeah, though most dragons don’t really label themselves as gay or straight,” she answered with a knowing smile. “But
is all about men, not women.”

“Good to know.” He finished his meal, ignoring Dante’s glances, and then thanked Kelley for lunch.

Wandering around and thinking about everything that had happened, he ended up at
’s room. He snuck inside for what he needed for his master plan and found it in the man’s night stand. Garreck shucked his shorts, squirted the lube on his fingers, and quickly re-stretched himself. Then he got dressed and grabbed the lube for
before heading out to find his office.

After searching most of the first floor, he finally heard the dragon’s voice. He quietly slipped into
’s office, closed the door then locked it behind him.

“Yes, that’s fine, just get it done,”
said in his foreign accent that made Garreck shiver.

He had no clue where the man was from, and he really didn’t care. He just wanted
. Dante looked at him with a raised eyebrow as he tugged off his shirt. Then he moved
’s chair back, inserting himself between the dragon and his desk.

“Okay, just send me an e-mail about it. I’ll be working from home for at least the next week,”
told the person on the phone as his eyes roamed over Garreck’s hairless chest.

He shimmied out of his shorts and gave his cock a few strokes before turning around and laying over
’s desk. For the cherry on top, he reached back and pulled the cheeks of his ass apart so the big dragon could see he was slicked up and ready to go.

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - Their Dragon [North American Dragon 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
4.26Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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