Read Flowers in the Snow Online

Authors: Danielle Stewart

Tags: #Contemporary, #Saga, #(v5), #Family

Flowers in the Snow (16 page)

BOOK: Flowers in the Snow
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“We should pile the kids into the car and get them into their own beds,” Bobby suggested as he rose and pulled Piper to her feet. Everyone followed suit and started making their way toward the door. Bobby stopped in front of Simpson and extended his hand.

“I just want you to know your brother Stan was like a father to me. He was one of the most honorable men I’ve ever met. He’s part of the reason I became a police officer.”

Simpson nodded his head and shook Bobby’s hand. “I’ve heard all about you in Betty’s letters. I’m sure my brother would be glad to know you’ve been here looking out for Betty and Jules. I know I’m glad.”

“I look forward to getting to know you better,” Piper chimed in as she passed on her way into the house to retrieve the twins. Jules and Frankie laced their fingers together and stood before Simpson, not sure what they were supposed to do next. Luckily he had something to say.

He addressed Frankie with a smile. “You look so much like your grandmother Betty back when I knew her. You’ve got that same look in your eye.”

“Which look?” Frankie asked, glancing up at her mother nervously, as though she had something wrong with her.

“The look that says you’ll be the kind of person who is going to shake the world. Maybe it’ll just be a gentle shake, but that’s all it takes some times,” Simpson assured her.

“I just don’t get it. That whole story doesn’t make sense to me. You all suffered. You had to stay away from each other. You didn’t get to see your family, and my Grammy was so alone. It’s terrible.” Frankie shook her head and looked over at Betty for some advice, the way she always did in tough situations.

“The story is terrible, but our lives weren’t. We found our own kinds of happiness. But the world is still far from perfect. It’s your generation I'm counting on to take that hurt and pain and passion to the next level.”

“How?” Frankie asked, looking utterly confused by the responsibility.

“By being exactly who you are. When you see someone in pain, stop and help them. When you see someone alone, be a friend. Know there is value to every single life. The most important lesson I ever learned was that every single group of people, divided up however they like by race, religion, or beliefs, has in it the most wonderful, kind-hearted, peaceful, and loving people that you will be happy you met, and every single group of people, divided however they like by race, religion, or beliefs, has in it the poorest excuse for humans, and you will be sorry you met them. There is no way to know by looking at someone which type they are.” Betty reached out and pulled Frankie in for a hug. “It’s a lot to think of when you’re still small. That’s why we’re all here. You don’t have to get it right all the time. We’ll be around to help you.”

“I love you, Grammy.” Frankie sighed into Betty’s shoulder. “I’m sorry you had to go through so much. I wish I could make that better.”

“You’ve made it better every day you’ve been alive. You turned me into a Grammy. I can’t tell you how much that helped me. No you go on and help your mama get the baby set to go.” She kissed the crown of Frankie’s head and waved them all inside. “Clay, will you take Simpson in and get him a plate while I get the room upstairs settled for him?”

Clay stood and kissed Betty on the cheek. “You find ways to impress me more every day. Come on Simpson; let’s get you something to eat.”

“I’ve heard a lot about your restaurant, Clay. I’m looking forward to eating there,” Simpson complimented, but he stopped short when Clay waived him off.

“It’s Betty’s place really. She’s just kind enough to let me cook there sometimes. She’s brilliant with food, and now I know why.”

The men disappeared through the screen door of the house, and Betty began to follow, but Michael caught her arm.

“Hold up,” he said, and she turned to face him. “The lawyer in me has a million questions about the legal side of what happened to Simpson: whether anyone was brought to justice for the murders. I’ll go find those answers on my own rather than dragging anyone through that.”

“But?” Betty asked, raising a knowing eyebrow at her son-in-law. She could read him like a book, and he had a tricky look in his eyes.

“I saw that letter as you were reading it. Maybe no one else noticed but it was far longer than you read. Is there any reason you stopped short? Anything else we should know about Simpson being back here?”

“Damn you, Michael Cooper, and your impeccable vision and inquisitive nature. We’re going to have our hands full if Frankie has inherited that from you. Yes, the letter was much longer.”

“It’s your personal letter; you have no obligation to share with any of us if you don’t want to. I’m just saying if there is anything in there that means trouble, you know you can tell me. If there is more to the story, you can share it with me.” He looked down at her affectionately, and she felt so lucky to have had him marry into the family.

Betty pulled the letter from her pocket and handed it over. “Is anything ever uncomplicated with us? Why should we start now? Just don’t get all worked up about it, okay?”

“Do I ever get worked up about anything?” Michael challenged with a mischievous smile.

“No you don’t, and thank goodness for that because I’m not sure what I’d do if you and Jules both were hotheads.” With a laugh she headed toward the screen door. “I wouldn’t give that letter to anyone else; you should know that. She mentions you in the letter, but don’t let it go to your head.”

Michael nodded and chuckled as he unfolded the paper and skimmed to catch up to the part Betty hadn’t read. Sitting alone on the porch he tried to understand why Betty had withheld this from the group.


With Simpson being alone now I know old ghosts that we’ve fought to keep at bay will surface again. When I left Edenville I left with the people who loved me. When he left, all he had with him was the knowledge that his own family wanted him dead. The physical toll that beating took on him eventually healed, but the heartbreak is still there. He’s covered it over with our love, but I’m afraid of what will happen when I’m gone. If he stays here on this quiet island, he will surely go mad. Even now, the less able I am to be with him the more I hear the nightmares consume him in his sleep.

I truly believe he must face this. I don’t know the legal ramifications that might await him. Perhaps if Michael is as brilliant a lawyer as you always go on about, he can help with that. He’s lived under an alias so long, and I don’t want him to get in any trouble, but he must face his past. He must go back to Edenville and heal once I’m gone. If he doesn’t you’ll lose us both, and I don’t want that to happen.

Help him navigate the transition back to being Simpson. Help him face the sorrow of not only losing me but of all that’s happened to him. Remind him of the fun we all had and the love we all shared.

I’d be lying if I said it would be easy. He never speaks about the past. But you have this annoying quality of getting people to open up, and I implore you to use it on him. It was a promise to me that’s brought him there, but it’ll be up to you to keep him long enough to change anything in his heart.

There are a lot of ways you can love someone. Simpson is my best friend, my husband, the father of my children, and he takes up the largest place in my heart. But you, Betty, were the great love of my life. I’m counting on you. Simpson saved my mother’s life, and now he needs saving.


Michael sat for a moment as he folded the letter and held it tight in his hand. He could hear the bustle of everyone packing up in the house and saying goodbye. The enormity of what Alma was asking of Betty was hard to wrap his head around. The legal side of what had happened could be figured out, he assumed, but the task of fixing someone’s broken heart was a tall order. Before he could let that worry overwhelm him Betty stepped back outside.

“Quite a job I have ahead of me,” Betty sighed as she tossed her dish towel over her shoulder.

“Good thing you’ve got an extensive amount of experience in the field of fixing everyone,” Michael reassured her.

“The problem is I’ve barely gotten my own heart fixed on some of these matters. This is the first time I’ve talked about it in so long. I may not be up to the task of helping him at all,” Betty confessed as she put her hand up to her aching forehead.

“I guess you better get your gardening gloves on then,” Michael instructed as Betty twisted her face in confusion. “You’ve got some more flowers to grow, and the ground is ready for snow. It’ll be difficult but with you Betty, nothing is impossible.”

*The End of Flowers in the Snow*



Continue the story in Book 2 of the Edenville Series coming Spring 2015!


Are you curious about how Betty’s modern day family came to be? You can read how it all began in
Chasing Justice
Book 1 of The Piper Anderson Series. Download your FREE copy today.



My Great-Grandfather(Pep), My Mother & Aunt in 1963, witnessing flowers in the snow.


A Message from Betty:


Hey pssst...


Yeah you there reading this book. It's me Betty. You know how I know what's best for everyone? Well then listen here. If you want to have a chance to win some money and be the first to know when more stories about me, and the rest of the gang come out then click the little doohickey below and sign up for the newsletter.  You'll just get word about new releases. No junk. She'd be dumber than a bag of hammers to be bugging people so no need to worry about that. Now go on and take the two seconds that could get you some extra dough in your pocket. Well whatcha waiting for... Go on.


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Author Contact:


[email protected]

Author Danielle Stewart



Books by Danielle Stewart



Piper Anderson Series

Book 1:
Chasing Justice

Book 2:
Cutting Ties

Book 3:
Changing Fate

Book 4:
Finding Freedom

Book 5:
Settling Scores

Book 6:
Battling Destiny


Piper Anderson Extras:

Chris & Sydney Collection
– Choosing Christmas & Saving Love

Betty's Journal
- Bonus Material (suggested to be read after Book 4 to avoid spoilers)


Edenville Series – A Piper Anderson Spin Off

Book 1:
Flowers in the Snow

Book 2: Kiss in the Wind (Spring 2015)


The Clover Series

Hearts of Clover
- Novella & Book 2:  (Half My Heart & Change My Heart)

Book 3:
All My Heart

Book 4:
Facing Home


Midnight Magic Series



BOOK: Flowers in the Snow
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