Read Finding Eden Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

Finding Eden (10 page)

BOOK: Finding Eden
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“Mmm,” Danny hummed, placing a tender kiss against Paul’s shoulder, feeling as if his chest may burst from the love he felt for him. “Looking at you gets me off.” He ran his hand over Paul’s stomach, loving the deep ridges of his abdominal muscles. “Touching you gets me off.”

“You wanna get off in bed?”

“Yeah,” Danny agreed, not even having to think before he answered. “Let’s do that.”


Chapter Four


The fishing lantern Danny used as lighting in his barren room cast a strange glow that Paul found erotic. The breeze hitting the leaves in the trees outside sounded like distant whispers. It was quiet and oddly peaceful, as if the two of them were the only people left in the universe.

Paul was so high on sex and pain he was freed completely from fears of how deeply this one night was going to affect the rest of his life. All he knew was that Danny looked amazing wearing orange shadows and he tasted even better. His worship of him was shameless, his desire to please him all-encompassing. Paul needed to hear Danny’s strangled gasps of pleasure like he needed air.

“God,” Danny moaned, his head lolling to the side on his pillow, his fingers tightening in Paul’s hair.

Paul trailed kisses down Danny’s chest and then lapped at one small, dark nipple, feeling a pulse of unrestrained desire run straight to his cock when Danny gasped, his hips jerking.

“Again. Do it again,” Danny panted, wrapping his other arm around Paul and pulling him tightly against him. Danny’s hips thrust up, his hard cock sliding against Paul’s stomach when Paul sucked on the other nipple. “Mmm, so good. So fucking good, Paul Guy.”

Paul lifted his head, looking at Danny through heavy eyelids. “Tell me what you like,” he begged, hoping Danny heard his sincerity. “I wanna make you happy.”

happy.” Danny pulled Paul up until they were face-to-face. His fingers traced the lines of Paul’s lips as he studied him. His eyes were glassy, the lantern making it look like flames were dancing in the dark orbs. “I love…” Danny paused, hesitance showing on his handsome face before he finished lamely, “this.”

Leaning up, Danny kissed him with a harsh hunger that left Paul breathless. He’d never been kissed like that before, as if Danny really did own him. It made him hot in every way possible and Paul couldn’t help but grind against him, needing more than he was getting.

“Can we do it again?” Paul asked frantically, aching for the incredible high of Danny fucking him, truly possessing him in a way no woman could. He felt as if he’d fallen into submissive heaven. “I trust you,” he whispered, his eyes wide as he looked down at Danny and realized what a truly amazing gift he was. This was his best friend owning him. Paul could put his life in his hands and know it was safe. “I trust you completely.”

“Thanks.” A frown marred Danny’s forehead, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips that said he thought Paul was still skirting reality. “I trust you too.”

Paul bit his lip, knowing Danny didn’t understand the gravity of the statement. He was just pondering trying to explain it to him when Danny reached up and rubbed his fingers against Paul’s bottom lip. He recognized the glaze of absolute adoration in Danny’s eyes, greedy and hungry, one desperate to possess and own.

If Paul hadn’t handed his soul over to Eve a long time ago, he’d swear Danny was his soul mate. All the parts fit. It felt as if they had been designed to be together and Paul felt not only incredibly stupid, but extremely angry that he hadn’t figured it out sooner. If anyone was a Dom, Danny was.

He just didn’t know it yet.

Paul sucked Danny’s finger into mouth, doing it slowly, making his eyes soft and obedient on purpose. Danny’s sharp intake of breath, the way he licked his lips as full eyelashes fell to half-mast, all of it was enough to make Paul decide right then that he would gladly be Danny’s slave forever.

Danny’s other hand threaded into Paul’s hair. He used the grip to hold him still as he pushed a second finger into his mouth, forcing Paul to suck both digits deeply. Paul’s eyes rolled back, his arms barely holding his weight as the sheer rapture of submission rolled over him, drowning him in an obscure reality. With Danny, the subspace seemed to ebb and flow. Hitting Paul in a tidal wave of euphoria when he least expected it, causing it to clash with an adrenaline rush that burned bright when Danny could feed it so instinctively.

Danny pushed Paul onto his back, leaving him sprawled out on the mattress as he crawled over him. Paul opened his mouth obediently when Danny touched his lips once more. The dark smile Danny gave him when Paul sucked his fingers a second time made his stomach clench with want. His cock was rock hard, hypertensive as it brushed against Danny’s stomach. He couldn’t help the way his eyes slammed shut and his hips arched up in a silent invitation he was praying Danny would take.

“Spread your legs,” Danny said, grabbing Paul’s thigh to make his point. “I’m gonna watch you as I fuck you this time.”

Paul spread his legs, more exposed than he could ever remember being. The feeling was more potent than a drug as it slipped into his bloodstream, feeding the fires of his fetishes. He arched back, moaning against Danny’s fingers. His entire body was strung tight in anticipation and he fisted his hands in the white sheets, desperately searching for an outlet for the tension.

When Danny pulled his fingers out of Paul’s mouth, only to reach down and push them into his ass, he couldn’t have pulled away even if he’d wanted to. He shouted when Danny’s fingers brushed against that place inside him that he’d found with his cock in the shower. As it had before, all the air left his lungs, forcing Paul to try to remember how to breathe through the pleasure that was all-encompassing.

Searching for a thread of resistance against coming, Paul fisted his cock, squeezing it at the base to stop a repeat of what happened in the shower. He usually had a little bit of control, but with Danny it was obliterated.

“I want you to beg to be fucked.”

“Shit,” Paul panted, arching his hips brazenly against Danny’s fingers because he felt as if he was dying from need. He really wanted to beg Danny not to be quite so innately good at everything that turned him on, because he was in lust overload. His pulse deafened him, his breathing was harsh and uneven like that of a wild animal. Using more strength than he knew he had, he forced his eyes open and looked at Danny pleadingly. “I’m begging,” he choked out in a hoarse whisper. “Please, Danny Boy.”

Paul groaned in disappointment when Danny stopped the torture he was inflicting to lean over, fishing behind the mattress with a curse. Paul was so lost to the lust, he didn’t understand until Danny pulled out a small, clear bottle. He frowned at it for a second and then couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips in spite of the desperation. “You keep lube behind your bed?”

“Shut up, Paul Guy.” Danny glared as he opened the bottle, his hands shaking noticeably. “You’re not really in a position to be mocking a jerk-off bottle of lube when you got busted being chained up and beaten for the fun of it, are you?”

“True.” Paul wilted under Danny, feeling such a profound swell of adoration and admiration for him he thought his chest might burst from the force of it. “I’d wear a collar for you, Danny Boy. I’d wear it forever,” he whispered, wanting to convey just how deeply he cared about him.

“I’m flattered.” Danny snorted, obviously too caught up with the slick stroke of his hand over his cock as he coated himself with the shiny lubricant to really hear what Paul was telling him.

Paul stared at him, knowing his eyes had to be shining with the emotions overwhelming him. “Do you know what that means?”

Danny leaned over him, pushing Paul’s legs wider apart. “That you’re a freak?”

“Yeah, I suppose it does.” Paul’s eyes fell closed. He thrust his hips up invitingly, hungry for Danny’s cock to push into him in a hot flash of pain that hit all his fetish buttons in one fell swoop of intense pleasure. “Do it hard, Danny Boy. Please.”

Danny complied, taking him all the way to the base in one hard, sadistic thrust that made Paul bow beneath him with a gasp. The pain was sharp and potent, the pleasure even more so. Paul wanted to kiss Danny for it, but his hands were pinned. Danny held them above his head, his fingers biting into his wrists. He invaded Paul’s senses on every level—he could smell him, taste him, feel Danny beneath the slide of sweaty skin, clear down to his soul.

Needing more, he met him thrust for thrust, angling his hips in a way that made every hard push of Danny’s cock into him a dizzying rollercoaster of indulgence. It felt like an orgasm that was suspended in time, one he didn’t want to end.

“Tell me not to come,” Paul panted beneath him, unwilling to free his hands to fist his cock tight enough to stop the inevitable. Being held down by Danny was too fucking addicting; it made everything a thousand times hotter and more exciting. “Please, tell me. I’ll listen to you if you tell me.”

“You’re so beautiful.”

Paul fought to open his eyes, blinking up at Danny, finding heavy-lidded dark eyes staring down at him with such emotion it left Paul speechless. Droplets of water from Danny’s wet hair mingled with the sweat running down his temples. His upper lip glimmered with it under the dim orange light. It made him look surreally gorgeous with the harsh lines of anger faded from his features. Paul had never seen Danny so open and exposed, so raw with emotions that were bleeding out of him as if he had never bothered to be tight-fisted with his feelings to begin with.

Danny licked his lips, his breath puffing out of him in harsh gasps of breathless pleasure as he rasped, “You’re beautiful when I fuck you. I want you to say it.”

“I’m beautiful when you fuck me,” Paul repeated obediently, still in awe of Danny’s dark radiance and raw sexuality.

“Yes, you are.” Danny was thrusting harder and faster, his grip on Paul’s wrists slipping from the friction and sweat. “I’ll hurt you, okay, Paul Guy? Give this to me and I’ll hurt you as much as you want.”

“Sure,” Paul whispered, biting his lip to stop himself from admitting that he’d give this to him without the pain. “You hurt me and I’ll be a slave to you, Danny Boy. I’ll let you own me.”

Danny groaned, his head falling forward, his elbows bending as if he were having a hard time holding himself up. The thrust was harder than the others, hitting Paul in a way that made his entire body jerk from the cascade of pleasure it caused.

They climaxed together, with Danny releasing Paul’s wrists to cup his face. Their kisses were wild and open-mouthed, tongues brushing between panting groans that mingled to the point Paul couldn’t tell the difference between them.

Three was the magic number to sap their strength and leave them a tangle of sweaty, hard bodies. They were both so sated from the pleasure that even the energy it required to break apart was too much work. Danny was draped over Paul, the stickiness from Paul’s cum spread over both their stomachs, but neither of them cared as Danny placed soft, breathless kisses against Paul’s shoulder. Feeling as if Danny may be the one in need of aftercare, Paul stroked his hair, letting his fingers glide through the wet, inky strands.

“I like that,” Danny sighed, his breath a warm puff against Paul’s hypersensitive skin. “I could go to sleep just like this.”

“Go for it,” Paul said, now happily stroking his hair, knowing it was pleasing him.

“You can’t breathe.”

“I’m fine.”

“Yeah?” Danny asked, lifting his head to raise his eyebrows curiously. “You don’t mind?”

Paul hesitated, knowing it was wrong to indulge himself by staying with Danny once the game was over. He didn’t deserve that. His father would die a thousand deaths if he knew Paul was enjoying snuggling with a man he just had sex with, and that’s exactly what he was doing. Despite their twisted nature, the pain games never set off Paul’s internal sensors that brought his father to the forefront of his consciousness. Even with Danny, his father’s voice had been silent. But this tender moment was threatening to send him into the other room if Paul stopped to think about what lying naked, sated and happy with Danny, really implied. Rather than give in to the drill sergeant screams in his head, Paul ignored them while he stroked Danny’s hair, telling himself he’d obey the mental voice of his father later.

“Nope,” Paul assured him, giving Danny a wan smile. “Stay where you’re at.”

Danny hugged him tightly as the last of his resistance fell out of him and he rubbed his cheek against Paul’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

“Not sexy,” Paul reminded him, still tittering on the verge of fleeing. “You gotta stop saying that.”

“Tomorrow,” Danny mumbled, making it obvious he was already half asleep. “We’ll do Freak 101 then. Just let me enjoy you tonight.”

* * * * *

Danny rolled over, very aware of sweat and cum clinging to his body. Sex didn’t wear well the next day, especially wild, all-night-long, harsh-and-gritty sex with Paul. Danny made a mental note not to skip a shower next time as he stumbled into the bathroom.

His muscles ached. His cock was raw from too much sex. He examined it under the spray of the shower, stroking himself into an impressive hard-on. Had he really fucked without a condom? Without lube? He flinched from the sting caused by the hot water, feelingly like an idiot for making himself hard to begin with. One night with Paul and he was in need of serious recovery time.

Danny loved him, but not enough to risk his dick over.

He honestly couldn’t believe he had done that. Though Danny had turned being irresponsible into something close to an art form, he’d always been very cautious when it came to sex. One night with Paul obliterated a perfect track record of safe sex and he was seriously pissed at himself about it.

He made quick work of washing himself, choking back a curse as he did the necessary soap to rug-burned cock Paul would have probably gotten a hard-on over. To say this relationship, if that was even the proper title for what they had, was more intense than Danny was capable of dealing with was a profound understatement. He was second-guessing everything and silently thankful Paul was nowhere to be found.

BOOK: Finding Eden
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