Read Finally Online

Authors: Scarlett Metal

Tags: #Romance

Finally (2 page)

BOOK: Finally
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I finished getting ready and headed out the door of my apartment to my car. Driving to the airport, I couldn’t help but think more about Lauren. I wasn’t even sure if I should sleep with her. I wanted to, yes, but I also didn’t want her to think I was just using her for a quick fuck. I respected her way more than that. Maybe she wouldn’t be interested in sleeping with me anyway. There were just so many possibilities. I would have to wait and see, but I had a feeling these next few days were going to be an adventure.

At the airport, I met up with another engineer I was traveling with. We talked work, seeing Lauren in a few short hours, was never far from my mind. I was relieved when they called our plane to board. I was ready to get to Chicago and to Lauren. This was going to be the longest trip ever.


Chapter Three - Lauren

I slept fitfully the night before Marcus arrived in town. I eventually got up around five AM and tried to look over my presentation for the meeting, but I couldn’t concentrate. I tried to read, but my eyes moved over the page, barely comprehending what I was reading. I even tried a quick nap, but I was too excited to sleep. I would be running on coffee and pure adrenaline today.

I showered and got ready, putting on the black pencil skirt that was my standby for these meetings. It was professional, but also showed off my legs nicely. For some reason, I felt especially daring and decided to forgo the panties. I made sure to wear my best push up bra; it was black lace and made my breasts look fabulous. Guys usually had trouble looking me in the eyes while talking to me when I wore it. I didn’t like wearing it to the office, but today, I was on a mission to look as sexy as possible. A blue button down blouse and my black high heels completed the outfit. Since it was hot, I put my hair up on my head in a messy bun and kept the make-up to a minimum.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time before leaving for work, pleased with what I saw. I looked professional, but sexy. Let’s hope Marcus agreed.

Just then a text popped up on my phone from Amanda.

All sexy for ur man?

I slung my purse over my shoulder with a grin. I couldn’t believe she was awake already. Being a bar manager, she usually partied until the early hours of the morning and slept in late. I rarely heard from her before eleven in the morning. I hit Amanda’s number on my phone as I walked out of my apartment and into the hallway.

"Hey girl!" she said, answering the phone on the first ring. She even sounded alert already this morning.

"Yes, I’m all ‘sexy’ for my man,” I said, rolling my eyes. “As sexy as I can be since it’s a work thing. And by the way, he’s not ‘my’ man.”

"Not yet anyway,” she said with a laugh. “I just wanted to see how your nerves were.”

I gave a nervous giggle. "I’m ok. My stomach is in knots. It's silly, really. I mean, I’ve talked to Marcus a million times. It’s not like we’ve never seen each other either. We didn’t talk about this being anything more than two friends hanging out, so I could be reading too much into this."

"Don’t be silly. Now is the chance for you two to finally hook up. He’s staying in town a few extra days to spend time with you," she replied. I couldn’t help but smile. Amanda always knew what to say to make me feel better.

I chewed on my lower lip as I walked onto the elevator. "It does seem like the timing’s perfect, doesn't it?" My voice was barely a whisper, my blood rushing in my ears.

"Yes. And you know what? After all you’ve been through with Kyle, you deserve this. Don't think for once. Just go with your gut, ok? Have a good time." Amanda said. She hadn’t been a big fan of Kyle the whole time I’d been with him. She’d been bugging me for to get back out into the dating pool or even to get laid.

"I will, I promise. Listen, I gotta go," I replied as the elevator arrived to the first floor. I walked out the front door, watching for a taxi. I usually took the L to work, but I didn’t feel like walking very far in these heels, especially with the heat.

"Ok, I expect a full report as soon as you can get me one,” Amanda sternly ordered.

I laughed. "I promise, just as soon as I can! Talk to you later." I waved my hand, flagging down a cab.

"Most definitely. Later!" She said hanging up before I could get in another word.

I put my phone back into my purse and got into the cab with a grin. Amanda was so blunt, but I squeezed my thighs together as I thought about the possibility of sleeping with Marcus.

I looked out the window as the cab drove down the city streets of Chicago. I couldn’t figure out what I really wanted to happen these next few days. I didn’t want Marcus to think I was easy or I had one-night stands often, but I also made no apologies about my sexuality; a girl’s gotta get some too. I sighed and got my phone back out of my purse to check some emails. I was going to have to see where things went. I needed to follow Amanda’s advice and ‘not think’ for once in my life.


I arrived early to a nearly empty office. I managed to lose myself in some emails and projects, barely even noticing the time. My assistant called me to let me know the customer had arrived and I was expected in the conference room in a few minutes.

I wonder if Marcus is here yet.
I grabbed my laptop and other things I would need for the meeting and headed down the hall to the conference room. My heart was going a million miles a minute as I glanced around, looking for him. I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up.
This is so silly
. It’s not like this was the first time we were meeting.

I walked slowly into the conference room, my heart sinking when I noticed he hadn’t arrived yet. I greeted the customer, exchanging pleasantries when I noticed Marcus walk in out of the corner of my eye. He nearly took my breath away with his broad shoulders and clear blue eyes; I’d forgotten how striking they were.

“Hey everyone,” he said with a smile, his gaze stopping to linger on me. “Hope you guys weren’t waiting long. Chicago traffic is a killer.” He pulled up a chair across from me at the table, winking at me as he sat down. My heart skipped a beat and I felt like a high school girl with her first crush.

As people shuffled to their seats, he leaned over to me. “Hi there,” he said softly.

I couldn’t help but smile back; his grin was infectious. “Hey. How was your trip?” I asked him.

“It was ok. Pretty uneventful, but that’s good. No delayed flights, luggage made it here, and no crying kids on the plane,” he answered. I glanced down, noticing his hands playing with his pen. They had to be almost twice the size of mine. I chewed on my lip as I thought about them touching my bare skin.

“That’s good,” I managed. Before I could say anything more, my boss cleared his throat at the front of the room, interrupting my naughty thoughts.

“Ok, people, let’s get started,” my boss said. Marcus gave me another wink before turning his attention to the front of the room.

The rest of the day went by in sort of a blur. I didn’t have any major presentations to give, which was probably a good thing, considering how distracted I was by Marcus. Mine was tomorrow. By then I’d hoped my nerves would’ve calmed down some.

I kept stealing glances at Marcus the whole time, studying the lines of his chiseled face, how soft his hair would feel in my grasp, and wondering what it would be like to have those sexy lips on my skin.

At the end of the day, the group decided to go to dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant. It was within walking distance of both the hotel and our building, so it was perfect. There were so many of us I never got a chance to even get near Marcus on the walk over despite my efforts to get close to him. I didn’t even get to sit by him at dinner. Maybe I did have my hopes up that more would happen between us while he was here. He didn’t seem to be all that interested in making an effort to talk to me. I felt kind of silly I hadn’t worn any panties.

After dinner, we decided to head to the bar for a few drinks. I was tired and disappointed in how the whole day had gone. I really just wanted to head home, but it was expected I be sociable with our visitor. I sat down at the bar and ordered a glass of wine. I nearly jumped out of my skin when my phone beeped with a text from Amanda.

How’s it going?

I typed a quick response.

Eh. We’ve barely talked. Just had dinner and now having drinks – everyone.

I set my phone back down on the bar and took a sip of wine. Most of the group had chosen to sit at a table away from the bar. I needed to take a moment to myself before joining them. It’d been a long crazy day and even a minute or two of quiet was much needed.

I watched the silent baseball game on the TV screen in front of me.
Better join the group before they think I’m being antisocial
. I turned around in my seat to leave the bar and nearly walked right into Marcus, his muscular chest right at eye level.

“Feeling a little antisocial?” he teased me with a smile, holding a bottle of beer in his hand.

I took a step back, but not before breathing in the woodsy scent of his cologne. “Just needed a break. It can be a bit much after being together all day and talking about work stuff,” I replied with a sigh.

He nodded. “I agree. Lots of bullshitting going on in that conference room today,” he said, setting his bottle on the bar and running his hand through his hair.

I laughed and nodded, starting to feel a little more relaxed. This was the Marcus I was used to. We always had this easy banter back and forth. It was one of the reasons I was attracted to him. “For sure.” I motioned to the seat next to me. “Have a seat. You must be so tired after getting up so early.”

He slid into the bar stool next to me. He was so close to me his shoulder brushed against mine. My nipples suddenly pebbled under my blouse.

“I’m ok,” he said, his eyes twinkling. “I’m sorry we’ve hardly talked today. It’s been a little crazy.”

“It has,” I said, deciding to take a chance and be bold. “I’m glad you’re here though.”

“Me too,” he said and took a drink of his beer. I watched the way his lips closed around the mouth of the bottle. “This weekend should be really fun once we get these meetings over with.”

He glanced down at my chest and I couldn’t help but smile a little bit. This bra never failed to draw attention to my breasts.
Mission accomplished
. “You look good,” he said. “How are things?”

“Thanks, so do you,” I said, wanting to run my tongue down his neck, his chest, and further. “Good, busy, but good,” I said quietly. The air between us had become electric. I was super aware of every moment we each made and how close we were to each other, shoulders still touching. My breathing had quickened and a flame of desire had begun to flicker deep in my belly.

“I’m going to run to the ladies room quick,” I said. I hated to leave him, but I needed to freshen up quick. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” I threatened him with a small smile.

He winked and my stomach did a flip-flop. “I’ll be waiting right here,” he said and took a swig of his beer.

I walked to the bathroom, exaggerating the sway of my hips just slightly, hoping he was watching me. I wanted to make sure I had his attention.

When the restroom door closed behind me, I walked to the mirror and checked my hair. I applied another coat of lip-gloss and studied the rest of my make-up. Now that the flirting seemed to be back on, my confidence was back in full force. It had been so unlike me to worry about what anyone thought of me, especially a man. I was going to go back out there and be myself. I was over being nervous about Marcus and what might happen. It was time to follow Amanda’s advice and go with my gut. And my gut was telling me to just go for it.


Chapter Four - Marcus

My eyes were drawn to her amazing ass as she walked in those sexy high heels. Those legs would look amazing wrapped around my waist, heels still on. I wondered what she had on under that sexy skirt. If I played my cards right, maybe I would find out soon. I felt bad we hadn’t talked most of the day. Since it was a work meeting, I didn’t want to appear too obvious that I was trying to get Lauren’s attention all day. Every time I would make an attempt to go talk to her, someone would interrupt me or she would be deep in conversation with someone else.

I turned back to the bar, taking a sip of my beer. I made small talk with the bartender as I waited for her to return. I couldn’t believe it, but I was actually nervous. I was never nervous around women. There was something that was different about her though.

There was a bit of a struggle going on in my head. The familiar part of me wanted to take her out of here, go back to my hotel room, and fuck her until she couldn’t walk. That was my M.O., that’s how I’d always operated in the past. I didn’t want it to be like that this time though. I didn’t want her to think I was using her for just a piece of ass. She was so much more than that to me. Her sexiness was not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. To me, she was the whole package, but this was all new territory for me. I wanted to make sure I did this right and not mess it up.

I glanced towards the bathroom as she was walking back to the bar. My breath caught in my throat as I appreciated how beautiful she was. I decided then and there I didn’t want to play games with her, not like I did with other women. She had to feel the attraction between us too and I was just going to lay my feelings out right there on the table.

“Welcome back,” I said softly as I took her hand and helped her back up onto her bar stool.

“Thank you,” she replied, her hazel eyes twinkling. She nodded to the rest of our group in the corner. “Do you think we should join them?”

I glanced over at them and shook my head before taking another sip of my beer. “Nah, I’m tired of talking business today. I want to be alone with you now,” I said before turning to her. “Lauren, listen. I want to talk to you about something,” I said quietly as I leaned in to her, my heart pounding in my chest.

Her tongue darted out between her luscious lips before she replied. “Ok.”

BOOK: Finally
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