Fighting for My Billionaire Boss (8 page)

BOOK: Fighting for My Billionaire Boss
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“Of course this was a publicity stunt.” She spreads her fingers, examines her chipped polish. “You knew who I was and what I wanted when we started our relationship, Brick. I needed media coverage for my movie—
A Wife Scorned
.” She meets my gaze. “This is my big play for an Oscar, Lucille. Indie production, undiscovered young director, a script with unexpected twists, the Academy loves that shit. And it is my best work. But people have to watch it to talk about it for it to get nominated.”

“You were acting.” I gaze at her, stunned. “Back there on the red carpet, this morning at the office, it was all an act.”

She nods.

.” She had me convinced. I truly thought she was heartbroken.

Gretchen beams. “I like to think so.”

“Don’t encourage her,” Brick groans. “I don’t mind being used for publicity.” He hugs me to his huge form. “But you involved Lucille and that’s unacceptable.”

involved Lucille,” she counters. “You called her name.”

“You didn’t give a shit whose name I called.”

“Why would I care? I’m not an idiot.” She rolls her green eyes. “I knew you loved Lucille. I realized that the first time we met. You said her name and your voice went all soft, like talking about her any louder would make her disappear.”

Am I the only person who didn’t know how he felt? I gaze at my billionaire.

“But that’s not the point.” Gretchen peels more polish off her nails. “Is it?”

the point?” Brick is losing patience with his ex.

“The point is you gave me an angle—life imitating art—and I had to use it. Your Lucille was brilliant, by the way.” She smiles at me. “The way she reacted, flinging herself at me? I couldn’t have scripted it better. The nose was unfortunate.” She touches the plaster. “But it gave the scene authenticity.”

“Thank you, I think,” I mumble, feeling foolish. She had been acting. I hadn’t been, my responses real. “How did you know I’d react that way?”

“I didn’t.” Her shrug is graceful. “I started with a script but then had to improvise. It was a struggle to stay in character. At times, I almost forgot I was acting.”

“But you pulled it off. You convinced me.” The woman is a crazy genius and I can’t help but be impressed. “You deserve an Oscar.”

“From your lips to the Academy’s ears.” Gretchen flicks her gaze skyward. “I like you, Lucille. We’ll be good friends, you and I.” She reaches over and squeezes my hands. “But not just yet, not publicly. I need a strong opening weekend.”

“There will be no more publicity stunts.” Brick’s tone communicates that this is non-negotiable.

“More won’t be needed…for a while.” She grins. “The footage of us fighting has over five million views already. Tonight’s confrontation will increase that. The tabloids will feed on us for weeks.”

My paparazzi-hating billionaire groans.

Chapter Seven

Gretchen chatters happily about her upcoming movie, and the bookings her agent will secure for her, and the roles she might be considered for, oblivious to being an interloper in our evening.

I listen, intrigued by her lifestyle and her quest for fame, a goal I don’t share. Notoriety is merely the price I have to pay to be with my billionaire.

Brick shifts against me, pressing his thigh along mine, his impatience palpable. I grip his leg, as eager to be alone with him, to hear, taste, feel his love.

Will he come on my chest, as he promised? I drift my fingertips over the diamond necklace he gave me, making the gemstones sparkle.

Brick’s gaze tracks my fingers. His face darkens. He turns to Gretchen. “Where are we dropping you off?” His voice is curt.

“Outside the front gates of your house.” Her eyes glimmer with amusement. Perhaps she’s not as oblivious to the rising sexual tension as she acts.

My billionaire frowns. “You’ll be besieged by paparazzi.”

“I can hope.” She laughs. “Relax. I won’t be in any danger. My publicist will be waiting for me.”

“You plan to cause more drama.” Brick extracts his phone from his tuxedo jacket, and sends a message to his driver. “Why did I ever get mixed up with you?”

“Because, subconsciously, you knew you needed my drama.” Gretchen is unperturbed by his grumpiness. “If it weren’t for me, you’d still be hiding your feelings for Lucille.”

She’s right. I wouldn’t have known that he wanted me, cared for me, loved me. “Take care of yourself, Gretchen.” I reach over and grip her fingers. The limo slows.

“I always do.” She squeezes my hands. “Watch this bit of acting.”

“Gretchen,” Brick growls.

 She opens the door before the vehicle stops, stumbles out as though she’s been pushed. “You’re a bastard, Brick.” Her words, meant for her audience, float back to us. “But you’ve won.” Lights flash, once more blinding me. “You’ve broken me.”

The door closes. The vehicle moves.

“Were all of your women that dramatic?” I grin at Brick, having enjoyed the show.

“No.” He hauls me onto his lap, positioning me so I straddle him. “Gretchen is… special.”

I sink down on him, pressing my bare pussy against the bulge in his tuxedo pants. My skirt rides up. “I like her. She—”

Brick swallows my words, covering my lips with his, plunging his tongue into my mouth. I moan, tasting his pent-up passion. He pulses into me. I suck on his flesh and rock my hips, grinding against his groin.

The embers of desire we’d been tending all evening burst into flame, heating me inside and out. This handsome, often too grim, too serious man loves me. He needs me desperately. I have to show him how I feel, how my heart beats faster whenever he’s near, how my day doesn’t start until I see his face, how I dream of him every night.

His palms bracket my face, his hold on me firm yet gentle. Brick wouldn’t ever hurt me but he’ll never let me go. Now that he’s claimed me, he’s claimed all of me forever. I’m his assistant, his second in command at work, the woman he’ll spend tonight inside, the lady he plans to marry, the future mother of his children.

My billionaire doesn’t have to say this. I see it in his dark eyes, feel it in his touch, taste it on his tongue. He brushes his thumbs over my cheeks. I move against him to that rhythm, increasing the pressure on my clit, then relenting, increasing the pressure, then relenting again.

Soon my entire body throbs to the beat he’s set. One pull of his zipper and I could have his thick cock in my pussy.

But that’s not where I yearn for it to be. “I want to taste you.” I bite on his bottom lip and draw back, stretching his flesh. Then I release him. “All of you.”

He groans, leaning back. “All?”

“All.” The limousine has stopped but I’m not ready to leave the vehicle, not yet. I skim my teeth over his chin, down his neck. “I’ve been thinking about it since our shower.” I nip his skin. “But it’s your choice.” I lave the mark with the flat of my tongue. “You won our challenge.”

“Who am I to deny a lady?” His eyes glow.

We’re both aware that I’m no fuckin’ lady. I slip downward, brushing my body over his. “Ladies love to suck cock.” I kneel before him in the limo, the carpeted floor lush and soft under my knees. “Did you know that?”

“I’m learning new things about ladies every day.” Brick spreads his feet farther apart, giving me more access to him.

I rub my hands over his groin, savoring the silky slickness of the tuxedo’s fabric, the length and width of him, the feel of primitive male in a sophisticated black and white package. “I love touching you, also.”

“Is that all you love?” My powerful billionaire sounds endearingly unsure of himself.

He’s declared to the world how he feels about me. I haven’t yet shared the words. “I have a naughty confession.” I bite my bottom lip and gaze up at him. “I’m in love with my boss. I have been for years.”

He bobs under my palms. “Does this boss have a name?”

“Brick Armitage.” I nuzzle against him, pleasuring him through his pants. “I love Brick Armitage.”

“I hear he’s a real bastard.” His lips quirk upward.

My solemn man made a joke. I grin. “That’s one of the many things I love about him.” I nudge him to the side and carefully unzip his pants. “He’s also a bad-ass in the ring, which is a big plus, as I can be a scrapper at times.” His cock springs free of its confines. I wrap my fingers around him. “And he’s huge, all over.” I stroke him up and down, up and down. “Not every lady can handle him.”

“He doesn’t want every lady to handle him.” Brick lifts his hips. I tug his pants down to his ankles. “I only want you, Lucille.”

“And I only want you.” I cup his balls, roll them in my fingers. His lips flatten while my smile widens. “You like that.”

“I love that.” His voice has dropped an octave.

I stroke him up and down, watching his face darken as his passion escalates. This powerful man’s happiness is in my control. He’s mine.

A dab of pre-cum forms on his tip. I sweep my thumb over him, spreading his essence, making his skin glisten, and he trembles. “God, your hands feel good.”

“Your cock feels even better,” I counter, damn pleased with myself for pleasing him. He might have had softer hands on him in the past, but none were as capable, as strong, as able as mine.

I pump him slowly, from base to cock head, my grip on his shaft firm. He shifts in his seat, his gaze on my lips.

He wants me to suck him. I mouth over his balls, tormenting him some more. Brick rumbles, this sound of pleasure edged with anticipation.

“What do you want?” I lave my tongue along his shaft, following a vein, and his fingers fold into tight fists.

“You.” He watches me. “Your mouth on my cock, your warmth, your wetness surrounding me.”

“You’re very large.” I flick my tongue against his rim. Gold blazes in Brick’s dark eyes. “You’ll fill my mouth.”

“You can handle me.” Admiration and respect heat his voice. “You can handle anything.”

I lick his tip, tasting his essence. “Mmmm…” I like it and delve the tip of my tongue into his slit, searching for more.

Brick’s knuckles whiten. “Suck me, Lucille.”

The command in his voice turns me on. I gaze up at him, wetting him but not sucking, deliberately disobeying him, wanting him to lose his shit.

His eyes narrow. He knows what I’m doing.

I smile around his shaft and nip the tender skin at his base.

“Miss Henderson,” he barks.

My spine straightens and I’m pushing my lips over his cock head before I realize what I’m doing. That’s the control my boss has over me. His mere tone strips all of my rebellion.

I draw him deeper and deeper and deeper, cradling him with my tongue, indenting my cheeks around him. His tip taps the back of my throat.

I meet his gaze.

“You can handle me.” His eyes glimmer with challenge.

Fuck. The man wants me to deep throat him and the sick thing is… I want to. I tilt my head back and take the rest of him.

My chest blossoms with pride, with triumph. This is how much I love him. He has to feel my devotion, my caring.

“You’re my scrapper.” Brick touches my face. His fingers shake.

My eyes water. I pull away from him, gliding my lips along his shaft. “I’ll fight for you.” My voice is husky. “For us.”

“I’m counting on that.” He threads his fingers through my hair, curves his palms over my skull and draws me toward him once more. “Give me more of that hot mouth.”

I sink down on my billionaire, as greedy for him as he is for me. Brick guides me up and down his shaft, setting the pace. I concentrate on suction, inhaling his cock, the musky scent of him flavoring the air around us.

“Yes. Like that.” He rocks into my mouth.

I clutch his hips. This doesn’t stop him. He’s larger and stronger than I am. But I can anticipate his moves now, his actions communicated through his muscles.

I close my lips around his tip and suck. He pushes me down on him. The tugging sensation slides along his length.

“Christ.” He groans. “You’re killing me.”

I laugh, the sound vibrating over his sensitive flesh. His balls hug his shaft.

“No laughing.” My serious man wraps my hair around his fingers, tightening his grip on me, ensuring I don’t escape him, and he increases the rhythm. Pinpricks of stimulating pain shoot over my skull. I bob faster and faster, applying myself to my goal—to drive him insane with pleasure, to show my love for him in this way.

“Yes, Lucille, yes.” Brick thrusts into my mouth, using me with an arousing wildness. He’s no longer the sophisticated executive. He’s a savage male, primitive and unrestrained.

My lips hum. My jaw aches. His balls smack against my chin. He fucks me with abandon, lost in the act, lost in me.

Brick calls my name with each drive forward. He knows whose mouth he’s plunging in and out of, who is pleasuring him. I look up at him, enticed by the passion in his eyes, the severe line of his mouth, the jutting of his chin.

He’s holding his release back by sheer willpower, seeking to prolong this encounter, not wanting this connection between us to end. I dig my fingernails into his hips. He bucks, slamming his tip against the back of my throat.

We both groan, the pain and bliss shared. Brick lunges forward, his tempo disrupted. He’s unable to restore it, his rhythm all over the damn place, excitingly unpredictable. I ride his desire as best as I can, holding on for dear life.

“Fuck. Can’t. Can’t.” My man is torturing himself, trying to delay the inevitable.

I can’t allow this. I suck him deep, close my fingers around his balls and squeeze.

He howls, thrusts into me with all of his might, only my grip on him preventing a severe injury, and he comes hard, coating my battered throat with his essence. I swallow, my cheeks convulsing around him, and an animalistic sound originates from his chest.

Brick holds onto me, mumbling my name and shaking, as I coax every drop from his cock, drinking him down, warming my stomach with this part of him. His clasp on my hair eases and then releases. “Fuck.”

“Is that a good fuck or a bad fuck?” I ask, knowing perfectly well which one it is.

“A damn good fuck.” He leans his head back and stretches his arms out, watching me clean him, his eyelids partially lowered, his expression all sexually sated man. “You were right. Ladies know how to suck cock.”

BOOK: Fighting for My Billionaire Boss
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