Read Femme Fatale Online

Authors: Cindy Dees

Tags: #Hard Bodies#1

Femme Fatale (19 page)

BOOK: Femme Fatale
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He went utterly still. Stared at her with laser intensity. “Come again?”

“I love you. I know we haven’t known each other that long, and God knows I wasn’t looking for a long-term relationship, but I’m head-over-heels,
crazy in love with you.”

He stared like she’d just announced she was an alien from outer space. Finally he said, “You don’t have to say that because you feel bad about me leaving the Corps. The writing was on the wall before I came to California that my field career was done. And no way do I want to spend the next ten years sitting at a desk pushing paper. You just helped me see the inevitable.”

“I’m not saying I love you because I feel guilty.” She shoved at his shoulder. “What do I have to do to prove I mean it? My accountant says there’s plenty of money from the TV show’s syndication. My agent says once the movie wraps and I’ve done the promotion, she’ll sever our contract. Don’t I have the right to choose a life with you?”

Olivia had wanted that Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, would have died for it at one time, but now, the awards meant nothing compared to losing Blake.

Frantic to make him believe her, she dropped to one knee.

“Marry me, Blake. If you’ll have me, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Let’s go to Vegas right now and make it legal. I don’t care if the entire Russian Army is trying to kidnap you. I want to be with you, no matter what the risks.”

His jaw dropped. He stared at her so long she worried that she’d thrown him into some sort of catatonic state.

“I just got a phone call from Colonel Santerros. The CIA has accepted their Russian counterpart’s offer of a trade. They’re getting Carmen back and have agreed to quit harassing me. They even sent my boss a copy of the order to their people to stand down and stop trying to find me.”

“What does that mean?” she whispered.

“The Russians have agreed to leave me alone for good. I’ll be careful for a while out of general principle, until all the field operatives have received the order to back off. But in a matter of days, I’ll be in the clear. Safe. Free to get on with my life.”

He took her by the shoulders and lifted her to her feet. “If anyone’s getting down on one knee and proposing, princess, it’ll be me doing it and not you. Is that clear?”

A flicker of hope ignited in her breast. That was more like him. Mr. Take Charge.

He said grimly, “Look me in the eye, Liv, and tell me this isn’t some passing fancy of yours. That you don’t fall in and out of love with guys in every new movie or TV show you shoot.”

She looked him square in the eye. “I have never told another human being except for my parents…and rarely, my brother…that I love them. Call my mom and ask. She’ll tell you.”

“Tyrone’s the person I really ought to ask,” Blake replied dryly. “That guy knows everything about everyone in the movie industry.”

“He’ll tell you the exact same thing. This is the real deal, Blake. I’m telling you the God’s honest truth.”

It started as a slow nod. Became a faint hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. A finger under her chin to lift her face to his. “Mean it?”

“With all my heart. I love you, Blake Ramsey.” It was like jumping off a cliff to declare her feelings. It didn’t escape her notice that he hadn’t reciprocated, but she didn’t need a safety net under this fall. She would wait for him for as long as it took.

“I have no idea what you see in me,” he murmured. “You’re perfect. You can have any man you want—some handsome, rich, talented movie star who’ll sweep you off your feet and romance you.”

“You’re handsome. If we don’t have to leave Hollywood, I’m about to be rich enough to take care of myself. And Lord knows, you’re talented.” She sent him a sidelong, sultry glance to indicate in what department she was talking about.

Heat blossomed between them. That was exactly what she was talking about. One burning look from him and she melted into putty. Even now, she had to fight to concentrate on the conversation.

“Blake, you’ve already swept me off my feet. Why would I look at anybody else when I have you? You’re all I’ve ever wanted in a man and more.”

He let out a long, slow whisper of a sigh. She waited in an agony of suspense for him to say something. Anything.

Finally, he said heavily, “I’m all out of arguments.”

“What does that mean?”

“I guess all that’s left to do is tell you I love you, too. I think you’re a damned fool for loving me, but who am I to argue? I give up, Liv. I surrender.”

Something warm and wonderful unfolded inside her, like a butterfly taking flight, weightless and perfect. “You’re okay with me making movies? And doing love scenes now and then?”

“As long as I’m there to keep you safe.”

“And spank me if I have too much fun?” she asked hopefully.

He chuckled. “Good God, I’ve created a monster. You’re a wicked, wicked woman, Olivia Harper.”

“You created a femme fatale.”

“My femme fatale.”

“Yours. Forever.”

They sealed the deal with a kiss. And a trip to the bedroom. And love and laughter. Talk of children, and where they wanted to live, and a thousand other tiny threads that wove a tapestry of love strong enough to last a lifetime.

She didn’t need to be a badass actress as long as she had him. And that was the best gift he could’ve given her. He’d taught her how to be herself. Funny how, despite his protests to the contrary, he’d turned out to be her knight in shining armor, after all. And she’d turned out to be his very own, private femme fatale.

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BOOK: Femme Fatale
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