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Authors: K.D. Peters

Feathers (7 page)

BOOK: Feathers
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“She knows better then not to if he’s already gotten to her.” Michael replied.

After a few more rings, there was an answer.  “Hello?” Sara said.  She sounded pretty hesitant herself.  No doubt Sean must have gotten to her after all to tell her what had happened.  Or at least his version of what had happened.

“It’s Michael Sara.  I think you know why I’m calling.” Michael told her.

“I do.” Sara sighed.  “Unfortunately, I think I do.  And I promise I’m handling it now.  I’m so sorry.”

“Bring Sean over here to the office right now.  I want to see you both or I’ll call the police.” Michael ordered.

“Yes sir.” Sara agreed, hanging up.

Raphael crossed his arms as he looked at him.  “You realize that this could spell big trouble now, especially given your little charade.” He said quietly.

“I’ll handle it.  Just go out there and wait for them.” Michael sighed.

“Very well then.” Raphael agreed, walking back out.

I watched the door close, then made myself look back at Michael.  “Dad, what’s going on?” I asked softly.

Michael sighed, walking over to sit beside me.  “Mia, listen to me.  When he comes here, we won’t let him hurt you, okay?” he promised.

“Okay.” I whispered.  “But I don’t understand.  What is he?”

“Something you weren’t supposed to know about yet.  But it looks like time wasn’t on my side like I thought after all.” Michael admitted.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Michael just gave me a soft look.  “There are a lot of things you don’t know right now.  But I promise you, I will explain them later.  For now, just know that you’re safe, okay?” he said.

I felt myself nod.  “All right.” I agreed.  I was still in such shock that I couldn’t make myself do anymore.  But I was certain that I’d be demanding those answers later.

It wasn’t long before Sara had arrived.  I remained on the far couch as Michael stood up when Raphael led her in.  Sean was right behind her, but he certainly looked very different then when I’d last seen him about an hour before.  He had his head down now, and the look on his face was almost pensive.  In fact, it looked almost like he was regretting something very sorely.

Michael sighed as he took them in.  It was rather obvious that Sara knew all about what had happened.  “Sara, I think you remember your promise when you two came here.” He said.

“I do.  And I’m very sorry.  I had no idea he’d ever do such a thing.  Sean has always been a gentle child.  It’s really not in his nature to harm others.” Sara apologized.

“You must have had some inkling to this Sara.  You know Sean’s nature is that of harm.  Any like him have it in them.” Raphael said.

“I know.  But we really aren’t trying to cause trouble here.  We only came to live peacefully.” Sara pleaded.  She sounded desperate now.  It made me wonder if we really could drive them out.  Or maybe worse.

“If I may, I want to say something.” Sean said softly.  He forced himself to look up.  I was surprised to see that it looked like he’d been crying.  “My mother had nothing to do with any of it.  I was the one who made that foolish choice.  But I regret my actions as well.  I know now that I could never intentionally cause harm to Mia.  And it horrifies me to think that I almost did.”

Raphael and Michael seemed to exchange knowing glances for a moment.  It was almost as if they were relaying unspoken messages.  “I see.  And I’m sure you’re worried about what may happen with your mother here.” Michael said.

“Please, if blame must be placed, then place it on me.  I stand guilty of what I am accused of, but you have my word, I will never cause her harm again.  I cannot.” Sean assured them, looking down again.

A part of me actually felt a bit sorry for Sean then.  Something had definitely changed within him.  I couldn’t help but wonder what it was.  I knew I must have done something, though I couldn’t figure out what. But it seemed like he was anything but dangerous now.  However, I still wasn’t willing to trust him either.

Michael sighed, putting a hand on his hip.  “Very well.  I suppose we can let it go for the time being.  But I don’t want you around her anymore. I don’t care if the two of you have to meet up within the school, but I’m not willing to trust you yet to be alone with her.  If I find out that you’ve done anymore to her, I won’t be so merciful.” He warned him.

“Yes sir.” Sean agreed quietly.

I think I got my first inkling that afternoon of just how powerful the Renaldi family truly was.  And it wasn’t just thru wealth.  There was something else there.  Something that Michael had promised to explain to me very soon.  I just hoped it would be sooner rather then later.




              We ended up getting home right before nightfall.  We had been pretty quiet since the whole thing with Sean and Sara.  Sara had promised up and down that she wouldn’t allow Sean near me again.  But, as much as that should’ve been comforting for me, it wasn’t.  The truth was, I was still trying to figure out just what had happened.  Sean looked far too remorseful to be faking.  And I couldn’t help but think that perhaps I had done something to him to change him.

Michael looked over at me as he parked the car.  “Are you all right Mia?” he asked gently.

“I’m fine.  It’s just been a really long day.” I admitted.

“Do you feel like talking now?” Michael said.

I sighed, making myself face him.  “I just don’t get it.  What is he Dad?” I asked softly.

Michael shook his head, looking over at the woods for a moment.  “Like I said before, he’s something you weren’t supposed to see yet.  I suppose bad timing is better then none at all though.” He admitted.

“Are we… like him?” I asked softly.

“Not at all.  In fact, I’d dare say we are above him.” Michael assured me.

At that time, I saw headlights coming up behind us.  “Ah, I see Raziel’s brought your car back.” Michael commented.

I cringed internally at that one.  If Raziel knew what had happened, I was sure I was in for a mouthful.  After all, he’d offered to stay with me, and I’d sworn I would be okay.  I just hoped Michael would make him behave for the time being.  I wasn’t sure how much more I could take at that time.

He was getting out of the car as we got out.  “Okay, what gives?  Why was Mia’s car on the side of the road?  Dad wouldn’t tell me anything about what’s going on.” He said, looking a bit more then annoyed.

“It’s nothing to be concerned with right now Raziel.  Besides, you need to start getting some rest.  Your time is coming soon as it is.” Michael told him.

“I don’t care.  I know something must have happened.” Raziel retorted.

“It’s fine Raziel.  We took care of it.  So just listen to Dad.” I said, staying close to Michael.

I saw Raziel’s eyes widen a little as he saw me.  No doubt I looked like a wreak.  “Mia…” he started.

“Come on Raziel.  You can visit later.” Raphael said, getting out of his car, which was parked nearby.  His tone left no room for argument.

Raziel sighed, reaching up and rubbing his shoulder.  “Fine.  But I want to know later.” He said.  He took one last glance at me before going over to get in the car with his father.  It was funny, but he almost looked hurt by the whole thing.

Michael and I watched them leave, then went into the house.  Everything was quiet there.  I couldn’t help but sigh to myself.  What a terrible day this had been.  I’d been living with my father for a little over two months, and something had tried to kill me.

“Mia, why don’t you stay with me tonight?  I know it isn’t that conventional, but it’s been a rather trying day.” Michael admitted.

“Sure.” I agreed.  In all honesty, I couldn’t see myself getting a wink of sleep in my own room that night.  And I knew Michael had a fold out bed in his.  He kept the futon in there as furniture, but it could come in handy in times like this.

After getting myself changed, I sat on the folded out futon and tried to make myself relax.  I wasn’t really sure of what to say now.  Michael had promised to explain things to me, but I wasn’t even sure I was able to handle any of that yet.  My mind kept flashing back to Sean and what I’d seen.  Golden eyes.  He’d had golden eyes.  But what did it mean?  What was he supposed to be?  My mind was going thru many different scenarios at that point.  Vampire?  Werewolf?  Some kind of Warlock?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Michael’s voice.  “Are you feeling better now?” he asked.

“I’m fine.  Just confused.” I admitted, looking back up at him.  My eyes widened a little as I took him in though.  He’d been grabbing a different shirt with his back to me in the closet, and for the first time, I realized that there were large scars on his shoulder blades.  They looked older, and like they had been very nasty wounds at one time.  “Dad?” I whispered.

Michael turned and looked over at me.  He seemed to notice my shocked expression right away.  “What is it?” he asked.

“Your shoulders…” I managed.

For a moment, Michael was quiet. Then he seemed to understand what I meant.  “Yes.  I forgot that you haven’t seen those scars before.” He admitted.

“What are they?” I asked as he walked over with me.

Michael sighed as he sat down.  “They were the secret your mother couldn’t handle.  And the reason the ones like Sean tend to target us.” He admitted.

“The secret?” I said.

“Yes.  Tell me Mia, did your mother ever try to speak of any of this to you before?” Michael asked softly.

I shook my head.  “Not really.  Mama didn’t really talk to me about anything.  She just always seemed to hide away.” I admitted.

“That was my fault in the end.  It was my own foolish pride that didn’t allow me to tell her the truth, and eventually drove her away.  I had always sworn that I wouldn’t repeat that mistake, yet it seems like I still almost did.  I have to admit, when Raphael called me today with the news about Sean, I was a little more then beside myself.  I couldn’t believe I’d overlooked such a thing happening with my own daughter.” Michael confessed.

“You know Dad, it doesn’t really matter that much to me if we’re different or not.  But I do want to know why Sean did that.” I said.  It was funny, but I actually felt like I was coming back to being myself again now.  I felt safe again.  And somehow, I didn’t really mind anymore that there was something major I’d been missing for a long time.  Maybe it was because I knew now that I was going to be told the truth.

Michael shook his head.  “Well, I’m not sure if I could tell you the specific reasons behind his actions today.  Perhaps he’s been considering what he wanted from the moment he laid eyes on you.  But I will tell you that he is not completely human.  His mother is, but his father was not.  To put it in layman’s terms, Sean Morrison is a half breed.  His father, as it turns out, was a fox.  Or, in actuality, a Spirit Fox.” He told me.

“A Spirit Fox?” I repeated.

“Yes.  Basically, he was a fox from the Spirit Realms.  It’s a bit complicated really.  The best way I can think to explain it is that these realms are like a mirror of our mortal world.  There are many things that pass between the two without anyone ever knowing.  Well, almost anyone.  With us, we also have that privilege, though we technically should remain here in the mortal.” Michael went on.

“So, what are we?  Is it what caused these horrible scars?” I asked, reaching over to gently touch one.

“Yes.  It did.  But there is reason behind them.  They exist for what they hide for us.” Michael said.

“Hide?” I whispered.

“Mia, I want to show you something.  Something I think you need to see and understand.  But I don’t want you to be afraid.” Michael said.

I nodded.  “I won’t be.  After today, I don’t think anything could scare me anymore.” I admitted.

Michael actually laughed a little with me.  Then he closed his eyes.  To my surprise, the scars on his back opened up.  And out of them came the most beautiful wings I’d ever seen.  They were tinted with blue, and folded perfectly to his back after he stretched them out a little.  “Dad?” I whispered in disbelief.

“All of us have these wings.  Raphael and Gabrielle do, and you and Raziel will.  It’s from the fact that we were born very different from others, even most of those from the Spirit Realms.  We are mixed with an angel.” Michael confessed softly.

“We’re… angels?” I said.

“Not exactly.  Like Sean, we are mixed with humans.  However, we also reign above creatures like him due to this bloodline.  We‘re Nephilims.” Michael explained.

“But how?  I thought any children born between humans and angels were damned, and those angels were demons.” I said.

“That is the common belief.  The truth is, even we don’t understand it completely.  We’ve been able to trace the bloodline starting back to our grandmother, but we don’t know much else.  Your grandfather didn’t have wings, or any real traits of this.  Only we have.  And he tended to not be too forthcoming with what he knew either.” Michael said.

I have to say, this was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen.  I gently reached over and touched one of the wings.  They were as soft as they looked.  “So Raziel and I are getting them too, huh?” I said softly.

“I’d imagine it will be soon enough.  Raziel is already showing signs of his coming.  That’s why he was in so much pain tonight.  It’s a rather painful process in itself.  But within a few days of them coming, he will heal and be able to hide them like the rest of us.  And unfortunately, you will do the same eventually.” Michael admitted.  He actually looked a little sad though as he said it.

I moved closer to him.  “You know, I think I finally understand a lot of things now.  And I’m glad you told me.  It’s kind of stupid, but I feel like a weight’s been lifted from me, you know?  I finally feel like I actually am going to belong somewhere now.” I said.

Michael smiled, pushing some of my hair back.  “You’ve always belonged here, Nephilim or not.  And I’ve waited a very long time to have my daughter back.  As much as I sound selfish, I’m rather glad that your mother just let go.” He said.

I couldn’t help but smile back.  “So, was Sean really going to kill me because of all of this?” I asked.  Somehow, I felt a lot more comfortable now with everything.  I hadn’t just been saying that in the moment.  It really was there.

Michael shrugged.  “I honestly can’t say for sure.  Sean hasn’t shown any aggression before, and they’ve been around here for a while now.  If anything, I’d imagine he worried about what would happen to Sara if he did.  His self control must not have been too good today.”

“Are all foxes dangerous?” I asked.

“They can be.  Foxes tend to be rather aggressive from what we’ve come to know.  But then again, there are a lot of nastier things out there too.  I thought a half breed fox would be the least of our problems.  Raphael’s probably never going to let me live this one down.” Michael said, shaking his head.

I couldn’t help but laugh a little to myself on that one.  I knew how those two got along at times.  Raphael was older then Michael, and usually enjoyed being right.  “So, when will I get my wings?  Will I know?” I said, changing the subject a little.

“Yes.  You’ll know.  But for right now, you don’t need to worry about it.” Michael assured me.  I watched in amazement as he easily pulled his own into his back once again and the wounds closed.

“How do you do that?” I had to ask.

“Can’t say.  It’s just been a talent we’ve had since we’ve gotten them.” Michael admitted.

I pushed my hair back and sat back on the bed.  “So I guess this is how things will be now, huh?” I said softly.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about it.  We are what we are in the end.  And there are those who will accept us.  Raziel’s mother did, and I’m sure there are others.” Michael said.

That was right.  Raziel’s mother, Maya, must have known the truth about this.  I’d never met her myself, considering Raziel and I were only about a year old when she passed away.  She’d been very sick then, though I didn’t know with what.  Since then, Raphael had always raised Raziel.  A part of me did wonder if Raziel knew all about this as well.  He must have seen his father’s scars.  It wasn’t like they weren’t noticeable.  No wonder Michael had always made sure to keep his back covered whenever he was out in public.

BOOK: Feathers
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