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Authors: Marie Rose Dufour

FatedMates (5 page)

BOOK: FatedMates
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Marie Rose Dufour

“Only for you. It is all for you. Please, please,” she chanted as all of the muscles in her body tightened in preparation for the orgasm hovering just out of reach.

“Please what, my heart? Tell me what you want.” Behind her, Dragon’s breathing became heavy and shallow.

Liz could tell his control was starting to slip, she felt his sweat dripping down his body. His panting breath fanned over the heated skin of her neck sending bolts of electricity down toward the part of her body begging for his attention. She was beyond caring that he was on the edge. He had pushed her body beyond control.

“Touch my clit. Oh please!
Please make me come
. I can’t stand much more of this!” Liz’s body no longer felt like her own. She went wild. She reached back, fisted her hand in his silky blue-black hair and dragged his lips down to hers for a scorching kiss.

Her soft lips devoured his seeming to push Dragon over the edge. He plunged two fingers deep within her weeping pussy. Her tight walls grasped and trembled around his fingers trying to pull them deeper inside of her channel. Liz whimpered deepening their kiss as his thumb finally brushed over her sensitized clit while simultaneously finger fucking her pussy mercilessly. Her tight channel stretched to accommodate his two large fingers. His thumb flicked, rubbed and circled the pulsing bundle of nerves until her body was on the brink of exploding. The mewing sounds coming from her obviously told him she was not going to last much longer. When he ground the heel of his palm against her clit, her body spiraled into a mind-blowing orgasm.

Every muscle in Liz’s body tensed and hesitated for a moment then shattered into a million pieces as her orgasm exploded out of her. She screamed and bowed trying to get closer to his hand as her hips rode his fingers, bucking and trembling in wave after wave of ecstasy Liz awoke with her screams still echoing off the walls of her bedroom. Her body spent and covered in sweat from what she just experienced, she cautiously made it to the bathroom on trembling limbs. She leaned on the marble of the sink to splash water on her face. Her body warmed the marble, the coolness of it having no effect on her heated skin. She barely recognized the reflection looking back at her from the mirror as her own. The woman’s face in the mirror Fated Mates


looked flushed and glowed in the aftermath of being finger fucked out of her mind. Her eyes had a dreamy quality as if she held the secret of the universe in the palm of her hand, or in this case between her quivering thighs. The woman in the mirror smiled at her in complete satisfaction.

Liz knew her life had truly changed. She crawled back into her mussed sheets and fell asleep anticipating what wonders tomorrow would bring because she knew it couldn’t be anything but wonderful. She was in heaven.

* * * *

He was in hell. Dragon awoke from the dream plane in excruciating pain. The muscles in his body were pulled taunt and his cock stretch to the limit from unreleased passion. He could still smell his mate’s scent on his fingertips and in the room around him. Tremors wracked his body and his hips undulated as if seeking her hot, wet sheath, certain it would be his salvation.

Dragon grabbed his cock with a firm hand. He pumped once, twice, and…his balls tightened against his body, his back arched up off his bunk as he exploded in his blanket. He growled deep within his throat, arching higher into his orgasm. His head ground back and forth on his pillow, cum jetting out in streams over and over again.

“It isn’t enough.” He growled his mantra over and over again until his body emptied itself but was not satisfied.

Trembling, he swung his legs off his bunk and ran his hands through his hair. Dragon tried to take deep cleansing breaths to calm his body. Despite releasing himself all over his bunk like a child, his cock was still rock hard. The impulse to leave the ship and pound his cock into his mate’s tight, wet pussy over and over again, until they were both too tired and satisfied to move, clawed at his gut trying to be released.

A new understanding dawned on him in regards to the overwhelming drive to get to one’s mate. He threw on a pair of pants, wincing against the feel of the rough material rubbing against his overly hard and sensitized cock.

He knew what he had to do. First, he had to get to the detention center and release Tarlon. It 34

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would be unfair to punish a man for following his instincts to get to his mate by any means necessary. He now understood what the man had gone through.

Dragon ran all the way to the detention center. The decks and the people he passed were a blur. His mission could not be delayed. If anyone thought it odd the chief of security was running through the ship with only a pair of pants on, no one would dare mention it to his face.

“Sir,” the ensign on guard snapped to attention the minute Dragon ran through the door. The young man didn’t know where to look for a brief moment. The most feared officer entered the detention center on a run, looking wild. Dragon’s huge, naked chest was rising and falling, trying to drag in air, the vicious looking scars criss-crossing his chest visible to the world making angry lashes across its heavily muscled surface. Dragon through his haze noted the ensign immediately looking around as if he was expecting an attack.

Dragon noticing the young officer staring at his scars, and if he wasn’t mistaken witnessed a subtle wincing at their viciousness, quirked one eyebrow at the man and pegged him with an icy stare. The ensign’s eyes immediately snapped forward as if lashed with a laser whip.

“Unlock holding cell one,” barked Dragon.


“Did you not understand me, ensign? I asked for holding cell one to be unlocked. If this job is too difficult for you to perform, I am sure maintenance needs someone to scrape space debris from the hull of the ship.”

The ensign practically tripped over his feet to unlock the holding cell. Dragon could almost see the man’s terror of the thought of putting on a space suit and floating around the ship. Maybe it was a threat he should use more often. It certainly received an immediate response.

Dragon reached the cell as the solid containment wall shimmered out of existence. Tarlon looked up from the mountain of paperwork in front of him in surprise.

Dragon’s massive chest heaved as if he had run a terk mile in the hot sun. “There has been a mistake.”

Tarlon grunted. “I know. Please tell me the name of the slacker that let all this paperwork Fated Mates


stack up like this? It is going to take a lot longer than my sentence to get all of this logged in the computer.”

“No, no,” Dragon growled as he paced like a caged tiger back and forth across the cell. “I was wrong. I made the mistake.”

“Sir, you’re really confusing me right now. You’re going to have to explain what you mean.

If you think you’re going to increase my sentence so I can finish all this, you have another thing coming, my friend. I understand my lack of judgment from a military perspective, but this paperwork is borderline cruelty.”

“I didn’t know. I didn’t know…how it consumed you.” As Dragon paced, he unconsciously rubbed his mating mark back and forth over the hard muscles of his stomach.

“It’s as if this yearning I have for her is clawing at my stomach trying to be released.”

“You have been…mated?” whispered a stunned Tarlon.

“My soul is on fire. This desire is consuming me. What should I do? Tell me, what should I do? I can’t go to her in this condition. I’ll pounce on her like a beast. What am I to do? What am I to do?” Dragon’s frantic state escalated exponentially as he continued to pace.

“You must go now! You must go! The yearning will only get worse until it is uncontrollable. It will not ease, get better, or go away. Not until you have merged with your mate, body and soul.”

Dragon breathed deeply hoping the cool air would quench the fire in his soul and settle the yearning beast threatening to take control of him.

“Go to your mate,” Dragon sighed. “I had no right to separate you from her.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Tarlon jump up from the table and bounded out of the cell, only to stop and look back at Dragon with sympathy. “Sir, I am going to prep a shuttle and fly you down to the planet once I have talked to my mate. I will only be a short time.”

“You would do this for me after what I have done to you and your mate?”

“How could you have known? Only men who are mated experience the yearning. Also, you are in no condition to be piloting a shuttle. My mate will understand. She claims there is an Earth 36

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saying, ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder.’ It has certainly made our mating interesting after my time every day in the detention center. I will definitely be making my time away up to her later.”

“I appreciate the thought. But I am going to Tessa-jump.”

“I don’t know if it’s wise.”

Dragon’s body quaked at the thought of going down to the planet and uniting with his mate.

He hoped the Goddess granted him the control he needed. He prayed for divine intervention because he knew if it was going to be totally up to him, he was fucked!

Fated Mates


Chapter Four

Liz awoke later feeling hot and uncomfortable. The weather changed bringing with it hot, heavy air preceding a thunderstorm. She could already hear rumbling in the distance, and walked over to the window opening it wide. Once the storm hit the air would become much cooler, hopefully cooling her fevered skin.

As the fierceness of the weather outside increased, Liz decided opening most of the windows in the house after being hot and bothered by her dream was not the best idea and went around shutting all of the windows. Letting the refreshing storm breezes cool the house is one thing, but mopping up rain puddles off hard wood floors is another.

The house suddenly filled with an electric blue light that momentarily blinded her. The accompanying push of air through the living room window had enough force to push her back and rattle the rest of the windows in the house.

“Wow, what a close one, the lightening probably hit a transformer.” She rubbed the spots from her eyes.

While struggling with the window, she noticed all of the flowers in the front yard lying down like fallen soldiers all in one direction, like they were bowled over by a heavy object. She inched out onto the porch to investigate further.
Ok, this is not the smartest thing I’ve ever done.

Before taking another step, she reached inside and flipped on the outside light. The soft glow took away some of the darkness making her a bit braver, even though every horror movie she’d seen whipped through her brain on fast forward. It wasn’t only the flowers lying down but the grass also looked matted down in one direction, directly toward her house.

Liz squinted through the rain to see if she could see any more damage when her heart 38

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stopped dead in her chest. At the edge of the lawn, from the origination point of the phenomenon, a large figure slowly unfurled its massive body from a crouching position. He stood cloaked in the shadows, unmoving. She felt his focus never waver from the spot where she stood illuminated by the porch light. Her breath caught in her throat and she felt her stomach flip.

After seemingly waiting so long for him, he now stood right in front of her. Liz stared at the man who was her mate. The faint light illuminated his Native American features to perfection, taking her breath away. Even the eye patch and scar took nothing away from the beauty of his face. His eye color so dark it looked almost black. His expression caught her by surprise and thrilled her to the core. He looked at her with such hunger; she was surprised the clothes on her body didn’t go up in flames. His long, black hair hung down his back like a river. Standing at the bottom of the stairs illustrated how big Dragon was, he was as tall as she was standing at the top. My God, she felt petite standing next to him. Her eyes roamed his naked chest. The man didn’t have a six-pack; it was more like a twelve-pack. She planned to learn every nook and cranny of his muscular chest and stomach. She planned to kiss and lick her way down his body, passed the tapered waist, and all the way to his…

Oh my God! If the bulge in his pants was any indication, he had the biggest cock she’d ever seen. Her mouth watered and her pussy quivered and creamed knowing it would soon be filled with something so enormous. Liz was grateful for the panties she had on; if not, her juices would flow down her legs right now. She pulled her eyes away from his cock, despite the protests from her pussy, to look back up at his face. For a moment, time stopped, they just stared at one another.

* * * *

He had taken a risk. Tessa-jumping in the middle of a thunderstorm could have killed him.

He would have been totally fried if he had passed through a lightning bolt. It must have been close though because the sonic repercussion upon re-entry flattened everything in the yard around him. Movement at the front of the house had him pause. It suddenly occurred to him he Fated Mates


didn’t survive the jump because standing in front of him must be the Goddess Herself.

She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Eyes clear and blue as the sea stared at him with a mixture of apprehension and growing awareness. The combination was irresistible.

Chestnut hair curled down her back in waves made his hands itch to borrow through as he plundered her delicious, plump mouth. A mouth made to scream his name many times before the night was over. Dragon’s gazed traveled downward to take in the rest of her. Her large creamy breasts strained against the top that dared to cover them. The rain dampened the top to translucency making her raspberry colored nipples visible through the fabric. The stiffness of them made his mouth water to suck on their sweetness. Her rounded stomach and hips would accommodate his size perfectly.

BOOK: FatedMates
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