Fated Mates: Book 1 of the True Mates Series (3 page)

BOOK: Fated Mates: Book 1 of the True Mates Series
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“You think Fenrir’d have better security than that, being a billion-dollar corporation, and all, am I right?” she joked as the elevator doors opened. Nick remained steely, stepping into the elevator doors first. Alex held the door and motioned for her to get in, a grin on his face, though he remained silent.

Alynna stood in the middle of the elevator while Nick was to her left, though slightly ahead. Alex stepped in, taking the spot to her right. Nick pressed his palm to the plate beside the doors, then keyed in the “P” button.

She swallowed a gulp, sweat slowly beading on her temples. Top floor, penthouse. Who could she be meeting that was (literally and figuratively) that high up?
And for God’s sake, what the heck was that scent?
It was a little faint now, but she could still smell it. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was just too strange how it seemed to linger in the air. “Someone needs to tone down the aftershave,” she muttered to no one in particular.

Finally, the elevator stopped. The doors opened and Nick walked out first.

“After you,” Alex said, holding the elevator door open once again.

Alynna gave him a nod and followed Nick down the plush hallway. Everything was sleek, modern, and expensive – and this was only the hallway! In her Gap blouse, skinny jeans, and worn boots, she suddenly felt scruffy. She spied views of the East River through one of the windows and had to stop herself from whistling.

At the end of the long hallway was a set of large wooden doors. A young man sat at the desk next to the door. He looked to be about early 20s and was wearing an expensive-looking suit that probably cost what she made in a month.

“Mr. Anderson is waiting for you and your guest, Mr. Vrost,” he said, standing up and giving him a small nod.

The man kept his head bowed until Nick spoke. “Thank you Jared, we’ll let ourselves in.”

He pushed the door open and walked inside the huge room. It must have taken up an entire corner of the top floor. The décor was intimidating and ultra modern, the floor to ceiling glass windows revealing a spectacular view of New York and Central Park. Standing by the window was a tall, imposing man. Alynna couldn’t quite make anything out as the light from the outside made his form into nothing but shadow. She didn’t know who it was, but for some reason felt like she wanted to cower.
Don’t be intimidated
, she told herself. Alynna squared her shoulders.

The figure turned around to face them and as he came closer, she could slowly make out his face. He was good-looking, older, maybe mid-to-late 30s, with thick dark hair and green eyes that glittered like emeralds and looked hard as diamonds. He wore a suit that probably cost what she made
in a year
. She instantly knew who this man was, having read a couple of articles (and she admitted, some gossip rags) about him. She was meeting with Grant Anderson, CEO of Fenrir Corp.

“Have a seat, Ms. Chase,” he said, his voice strong and imposing. Of course he knew her name. “My name is Grant Anderson.”

It was almost like she felt compelled to follow him and she seated herself in one of the chairs by the large mahogany table in the center of the room. She crossed and uncrossed her legs nervously. A new scent drifted into her nostrils. It wasn’t like the previous one. This one smelled like…the beach? Clean, salty air. It was pleasant and she felt strangely warm and at home.

The man moved closer and sat behind the desk while Nick followed him, standing on this right side, while Alex remained behind her. He sat back, placing his interlaced fingers over his abdomen. “Ms. Chase, do you know why you’re here today?”

“You tell me, Mr. Anderson,” she said, planting both feet on the floor and leaning forward. “You were the one who had a couple of your goons break into my home and then brought here. Is that what CEOs do these days?”

His lips tightened. “Let’s cut the bullshit. Tell me, does the Constanta Agreement mean anything to you? The Vaduva Wars?”

“What are you babbling about? And since we’re asking questions, what about the drug your flunky gave me?” she nodded towards Alex.

“A drug? You thought you were drugged?” he asked, his voice carefully controlled. “That’s a pathetic excuse, and you must know venturing into New York without permission from me and your Regal is practically asking for war.”

“Dude!” she said, shooting up to her feet. “What the heck is going on? Maybe you guys are the ones on drugs!” She stiffened her shoulders. “That’s it, I’m leaving!” She turned towards the door and started to walk away, but Nick moved with almost superhuman speed and grabbed her arm. “Let go of me!” she said, her voice turning into a growl.
Where did that come from?
Alynna felt faint again, her stomach churning, much like it did that night she blacked out. Oh God, was that scent some sort of airborne drug?

“Primul,” Nick turned to Grant. “Perhaps you should take shelter in the safe room.”

“No,” Grant said, coming closer. “She can’t deny it now, not when she’s in the middle of a shift. Tell me, lupoaică, where did you come from? Who is your Regal?”

Before she could say anything else, pain shot through her body. She didn’t know why, but this time, it was worse. She felt dizzy too and she crumpled against Nick, hardly able to support herself. He let her fall to the ground, barely holding her up. She whimpered in pain, her arm twisting unnaturally. “Hurts…don’t…help, please!” A snarl came from behind her and she looked up weakly as Alex approached her. Her vision started to go hazy, but she could see his eyes blazed in anger.

“Stand down, Alex,” Nick said, as he held onto Alynna.

Alex suddenly stopped, his fists clenched at his side. He looked down at the girl half-crumpled on the floor, his face looking conflicted. “Yes, Al Doilea,” he said, bowing his head.

“Ms. Chase,” Grant said, looking down at her, his eyes turning into dark green pools. “Tell me which clan you belong and maybe we’ll return you to them in one piece!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” she snapped at him. Somehow, she found the strength to break free from Nick’s grasp and lunged at Grant.

Surprised, Grant didn’t have time to move away and the small girl tackled him to the ground. Her hands began to stretch and grow claws, and she swiped at him. This time, he knew to protect himself and he grabbed her arms before she could do any damage.

“Primul!” Nick called out. He grabbed the girl and pulled her off Grant. He cursed at her and then flung her away towards the wall with unnatural strength. She hit it with such force that her brain rattled in her skull.

“Alynna!” Alex called. This time, he did not remain still, but sprang towards the girl.

Without warning, Alynna shot up at him, her claws bared, growling loudly. Her eyes were bright, shining green slits and the bones underneath her cheeks moved and crawled. Alex caught her wrists. “It’s ok, Alynna, fight it. It doesn’t control you,” he said in a soothing voice, his thumbs circling her wrists.

For a brief moment, her eyes turned normal. “Alex?! What’s going on…who…what…” Suddenly, she let out a pained whimper, her eyes rolled back and she slumped against him.

Alex’s eyes widened in surprise and then looked up at Nick. He stood there, his arms extended and his just-fired weapon pointing at them.


Alynna awoke slowly, her eyes fluttering open. “Not again,” she groaned, feeling that uneasiness in her stomach and that maddening headache. At least this time, she had remembered to close the curtains. “Fuck!” she cursed softly.
I don’t have curtains
. She sat up quickly, looking around her, but it only made her stomach worse. She looked to the side and saw a trashcan. It was close enough that she could bend down and throw up without leaving the bed.

“Are you ok?” A soft, feminine voice from somewhere in the room startled Alynna and she nearly lost her grip on the trashcan. “There’re some wipes beside you.”

Turning to the bedside table, she saw the wipes and grabbed them. “Who are you? Where am I?” she asked, cleaning her lips with the soft, damp cloth. She struggled to get up, throwing the covers from her body. A rattle sounded in the dim room and when she looked down, she realized there was a chain around her ankle.

There was a gasp from across the room and a figure emerged from the darkness. It was a petite, redhead with a gorgeously delicate face. She looked shock when she saw the chains. “I’m so sorry! I told them this was totally unnecessary!” She looked down, grabbed the chains, trying to figure out a way to unlock it. “I don’t know how to take this off.”

Alynna yanked at the chain, but it seemed pretty solid.
What the fuck did I get myself into
? It was just like when she blacked after going to Blood Moon, but this time, she remembered everything. The memories flooded back to her and she let out a small cry, covering her face with her hands as tears flowed down her cheeks.

“Oh my… are you ok?” the redhead asked, a concerned look on her face. She sat by Alynna, but didn’t touch her. “What’s the matter!”

“You tell me!” she said angrily, waving her hands at the woman. “I’m chained to a bed, probably in some dingy basement where no one will ever find my body AND apparently I’m some sort of monster!” She sobbed into her hands.

“Alynna,” the woman’s voice was soothing. “You really don’t know, do you?”

She looked up at the woman, her face confused. “What are you talking about? Why won’t you just tell me what’s going on here?”

The redhead sighed. “Alynna, were you adopted? Did you know who your parents were?”

Alynna nodded. “Of course I know them! Well, I know my mom’s definitely my mom. When she died, my uncle kind of adopted me, became my guardian until I was of legal age.”

“And your dad?”

“I didn’t know him.” Alynna went quiet. “Yeah, well, I’ve learned to live without a father so I don’t think about him much. My mom implied that she left him, but I never got a straight answer.”

There was a brief spark of surprise in the other woman’s eyes. “That may explain it! You see Alynna---” But before she could explain further, the door flew open. A dark, shadowed figure stood in the entryway.

“We need to take her to the Alpha,” the figure said, looming over the doorway.

The redhead turned her head towards the door. “Mr. Vrost, please. We need some privacy here and it’s my duty to smooth things over with Ms. Chase.”

“It’s my duty to keep our Regal safe and obey his orders, Ms. Gray. He wants her in his office now,” he said, his voice even, but commanding.

She nodded. “Could you give me a few minutes please? She’s not feeling very well and I want to make sure she’s presentable for Grant.”

The man nodded and tossed her a set of keys. “Alright. Five minutes. But if you’re not out by then, I’m coming in here to get her myself.” Without another word, he turned around and closed the door behind him.

The woman turned back to Alynna. “Look, I’m sure you’re very frightened. But if you could please trust me, things are going to be ok. I’ll do my best to help you, but you need to keep an open mind, alright?”

Alynna wanted to cry again, this time, out of the small sliver of hope the woman gave her. “T-t-t-thank you…I don’t even know your name.”

“Oh goodness! I’m sorry!” she exclaimed. “Cady Gray,” she held out her hand. “Officially, I’m Mr. Anderson’s Personal Executive Assistant, but most people here like to think of me as VP of Human Relations,” she chuckled, as if sharing a joke.

Alynna raised her eyebrow. “I’ve heard of Public Relations and Human Resources, but not Human Relations. Is that a combined role?”

“Err…” Cady stammered. “Something like that. But I think I’ll let Grant tell you more.”

Cady helped Alynna remove the chains and get cleaned up. Alynna was shocked to find out she had been out for almost 10 hours and it was already late evening. She was still wearing the rumpled jeans and blouse from that morning, and she cleaned up as best she could before following Cady out of the room.


Grant Anderson sat at his work desk, staring the files in front of him. “Are you sure Dr. Falkner?” he asked the older man standing beside him.

The man nodded. “I’ve run the tests thrice, just as you asked. Same results each time.”

Grant said nothing, but leaned back and massaged his temples with his fingers. “This could complicate things.”

Dr. Falkner sighed. “It doesn’t have to. You’re still 10 years older than her and Michael’s chosen one.”

“It’s not that, Doctor,” he sighed. “The clan’s been after me to produce an heir. And now that--”

A discreet cough interrupted Grant. “Primul, she’s here,” said Nick as he entered the door.

“Thank you Nick,” Grant nodded to Dr. Falkner who then sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He then turned to Alynna. “Please come in and have a seat, Ms. Chase.”

Alynna walked in, feeling self-conscious, but Cady had assured her she looked fine. The redhead ushered her into Grant’s office, gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, and then left with a nod to the men.

Being in this particular room made her decidedly nervous, but she held her head high. She sat down on the other chair, giving Dr. Falkner an acknowledging nod. Nick took his place on Grant’s right side.

There was uncomfortable silence until Grant cleared his throat and began to speak. “Tell me, Ms. Chase…Alynna,” he began. “Did you ever meet your father?”

Alynna felt her anger begin to simmer at the deeply personal question. “I don’t think that’s any of your business, Mr. Anderson,” she huffed. “But if that’s going to make this interrogation go faster, then let me answer you…no, I have not. My mother died before she was able to tell me anything about him.”

“And you didn’t ask her? Before she died?” he pressed.

“She was a little too busy fighting cancer, so, no, I did not,” she said in a defensive voice.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Grant responded, his tone sincere. “And for the nature of these questions. But perhaps we should just cut to the chase. Dr. Falkner,” he turned to the older man. “Could you please give Ms. Chase a copy of your report?”

BOOK: Fated Mates: Book 1 of the True Mates Series
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