Read Fae High Summer Hunt Online

Authors: Renee Michaels

Fae High Summer Hunt (3 page)

BOOK: Fae High Summer Hunt
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However, she needed assurances. There were hidden meanings within seemingly innocuous declarations in his words. She didn’t believe he’d put his needs before the Queen’s.

She’d never conceived that she’d want Baylor, but with his raw offer, he’d become a most desirable lover.

He cradled the back of her head with his hand, slid his thumb under her chin and tilted her head back to force her to meet his stare. “We have a bit of a dilemma here, don’t we? I don’t trust you any more than you trust me. I want your vow that you will give your all when we love, Naeme. There will be no holding back. I won’t have you treating our agreement as a means to an end.”

“It’s not in my nature to not embrace all the pleasures my encounters engender. It’d be like taking a bite of a peach and not savouring the sweetness of the juices or the succulence of its flesh.”

She nuzzled the skin under his ear and placed her lips on the pulse point at the base of his throat. She licked at his flesh and tasted the earthiness of a male Fae in his prime. Baylor jolted. His horse bucked and whinnied as his hands loosened on the reins.

Skimming a sharp fingernail over the mound between his thighs, she watched the sapphire-blue irises darken. Naeme trailed her fingertips over the growing bulge before she slid her hand under his ball sac and pressed the heel of her palm onto his pubis.

Baylor dragged in a sharp, shuddery breath and slapped his hand over hers. Her stern soldier wasn’t as in command of his emotions as he would have her believe.

“Do we have an accord?” she murmured against his skin.

“Do you want a drawing of blood?” His hoarse voice belied the coolness of his tone.

“Nothing less would do.”

Baylor pulled a small dagger from his belt and took her left hand to form an unseen bond connecting their hearts. He placed the blade between their palms and pressed them together as he slashed their flesh.

Like slow-seeping mercury, their viscous life-blood dribbled to the ground. Wherever it landed green shoots shot out of the earth, budded and bloomed in a matter of a few seconds. The plants grew to tower over their heads, the branches intertwined and the flowers enlarged to create a fragrant haven. The blossoms ranged from the palest pink to the darkest crimson, royal purples, brilliant blues and yellows to rival sunshine.

A flower-laden bower.

Naeme shifted with unease. It was too intimate, too revealing. This rare and wonderful sanctuary created by the commingling of their blood shouldn’t have happened, not with him, not now.

Confused by the inner stirrings she couldn’t identify, she wavered and floated to the ground. “I don’t want to be here.” She looked around her, a little frantic. Naeme needed to think, reassess. This was not what she wanted. She enjoyed her flitting from amusement to amusement like a bee gathering pollen.

With a fluid gracefulness, Baylor slid from his saddle and caught her by the forearms. “Afraid to acknowledge the possibilities? Naeme, I never took you for a coward.”

This place was a danger to her equilibrium. The arousal she had experienced earlier paled in comparison to what she experienced now. She didn’t feel the quick incendiary flash of lust, which would soon burn itself out. Baylor’s closeness, the warmth of his hand seeping over her suddenly chilled body, infused her with the heat emitted by embers that would burn white-hot for a long time.

She twisted from his grasp. “It’s a fluke, an opportune twist of fate. For all I know you engineered this to suit your purposes.”

He tilted his head and looked her over with a bland expression. “The magic never lies. It’s the purest form of the only truth there is.”

“That’s rich coming from a man who knows it can be twisted.”

“True, but it always rights itself and punishes those who’d corrupt the gift.”

“We have no need for this. Why waste time on tomorrow when tonight is yet to be lived?”

His face tightened with anger, and a bleak disappointment flitted through his eyes. “Very well, if we return it will be only at your behest.” He swung her up into the saddle. He leapt up behind her, took up the reins and kicked his horse into a canter.

They glided from the bower and a sense of loss dampened Naeme’s spirits, but the deeper they galloped into the woodlands the lighter her mood became.

Soft sighs and deep guttural grunts filtered through the air. Baylor’s cock pressed insistently into the curve of her ass.

Her usual sexually playful mood restored, she wiggled her hips. With a flick of her wrist, she released the catch between her breasts and the top of her gown slid off her shoulders to form a glistening fabric puddle around her waist.

A gravelly grunt followed by the hot wet heat of Baylor’s mouth on the sensitive nape of her neck had her arching her back. He wrapped the reins around the pommel of his saddle, his thighs tense under hers as he used his legs to control his mount. He summarily captured her breasts, gripped her nipples and rolled them between his callused fingers.

The slight abrasiveness of his rough skin over her delicate buds made his fondling feel more acute. Aware of every ridge on his fingertips, Naeme moaned and lay back on Baylor’s chest.

With a gratifying impatience, Baylor ripped her clothing off and tossed it aside. She watched it flutter away in the wind. Her body was bared to the sweet night air, the currents flowing over her, caressing her breasts. Her pussy widened as she straddled the stallion. The breeze generated by the speed of the horse’s gait wafted over her clit.

The muscles in the stallion’s massive body flexed and relaxed between her thighs. Her juices flowed as it cantered at will. Baylor wound her hair around his forearm and pushed her torso forward. She gripped the pommel of the saddle to steady herself, and felt Baylor work his cock free from his hosiery. 

Naeme gasped, bucked, when he thrust forward. Her tissues separated to allow him to plant a third of his cock inside her spasming passage. Baylor hauled her upright by her hair. Supporting her by an arm wrapped around her waist, he let her sink down on his shaft in slow, short, wrenching increments. When he was fully embedded, he cupped her mons and touched the spot where he’d jammed himself into her, stretching her tight.

“At last.” He groaned and nipped the knot of sinew where her neck met her shoulder.

The position she was in made the hood of her clit peel back. Unerringly he found the exposed clit and stroked with a gentle expertise that drew a timorous sob from her.

“Now we ride.” He kicked his horse into a gallop, and with each leaping bound she bounced on his cock, the pace of their loving set by the undulating back of their equine perch.

With hands, mouth and cock he loved her. She couldn’t kiss or touch the spots she knew would inflame him. Therefore, she used what skills she could utilise.

Naeme contracted and loosened her inner muscles, gripping the bulk and length of her lover’s cock. A little ability she had perfected and was so happy to employ. It added to her lover’s pleasure, drove him to thrust deeper, higher, harder, pushing her closer to that blissful mindlessness she thrived on.

“By the Mother Earth’s bounty, you’re a sorceress.” He clasped her waist with his broad hands and plunged relentlessly into her.

Naeme welcomed every thrust.

Baylor shuddered as his control diminished. Anticipating his release, Naeme stroked her clit, pinching it with just enough pressure to trigger her orgasm. Her sheath clamped around Baylor’s cock, and he followed her into the free fall of ecstasy. With every gush of his juices she jolted and trembled, and Naeme came with an unrivalled completeness.

With his cock still embedded inside her, he drew his horse to a halt by a stream. Holding her shuddering body to his, Baylor murmured against her ear, his voice raspy with his unabated desires.

“If it’s like this when we’re not connected to the ground, I can’t wait to get you on your back on a bed of moss.”

“Why wait? The night is young.” With a sultry laugh, she jumped from the horse’s back. She dived into the spring-fed pool and surfaced to float on her back.

She’d make it a night Baylor would never forget, and help him create memories that would warm him on the nights when cold duty took precedence over pleasure. It was, after all, what she was good at doing.


Chapter Four




Baylor watched Naeme float on the surface of the water, her hair surrounding her like a silvery corona. She stared up at him from slumberous eyes glittering with sexually charged mischief, her long body flushed from the aftermath of their loving. He caught glimpses of the roseate nubs of her nipples, the flesh at the junction of her legs puffy and pinkened, no doubt a result of his rough handling. A part of him had wanted to be gentle. But there was something about Naeme that made you want to gorge yourself on her as if she was the last and best meal you’d ever have. He’d never hold her for long—Naeme was a thing of beauty that should never be netted and held captive.

His cock sprang back to life, hardening with renewed vigour as if he hadn’t spilled his seed a mere few minutes ago. He’d never needed much time to recover, but after he’d quenched the first sharp bite of lust, his need usually abated somewhat. Yet his encounter with Naeme had left him with a craving for her, a wanting. He needed to taste, fondle and study her body in minute detail.

Come the dawn, he’d know the taste of her lips, her pussy and her flesh. He’d study and explore the textures of her skin with his tongue and have the ability to differentiate the soft underside of her breasts from the plump flesh of her mons if he closed his eyes.

He stripped himself of his weaponry and clothing. Baylor left himself unarmed for the first time since he had taken his oath of service a millennium ago. He had been freed from his duties, to indulge, bury himself in Naeme’s voluptuous body and fuck her over and over again until he reached the state of mindless bliss she had gifted him with before.

He took a step into the water and absorbed its properties to have at his disposal if he needed them.

Baylor laughed. He’d discarded his armaments of silver and steel, but he was still equipped to fight if the need should arise. Soldier-bred, he could fashion a weapon out of the most innocuous item or use what nature provided. Dealing with Naeme was like going into battle. She was a worthy opponent.

“Care to share the joke?” The softly worded question broke through his musings.

“I was just thinking you can’t escape from what you are.” He drifted over to her and pressed his lips against the arch of her slender foot.

“I couldn’t agree more. Take me, for instance, I am forever seeking new experiences.” Her mouth curved into a smile rife with seductiveness. She let her legs drift apart to give him his first complete view of the cleft between her thighs.

The pale hair on her mons, darkened by the water, clung to her plump folds. Her labia and clit glistened with the combined secretions seeping from her core. His nose flared when he caught the scent of the fragrant muskiness.

Baylor gripped her ankle and swirled his tongue in the trio of dimples he found there. He nipped and suckled his way up the length of her leg, leaving pink marks on her skin. With each suctioning tug, she jerked, a slight but telling revelation.

With his shoulders wedging her legs apart, Baylor peeled back the fleshy lips of her pussy. Her arousal hadn’t abated one bit. Her clit was still gem-hard. He flattened his tongue, swiped it over the taut nub and pulled back.

She floundered, but he held her up by sliding his hands under her butt.

“You’re so deliciously responsive.” Baylor pressed his face onto her mons, inhaling her unique aroma. It inundated his senses and etched itself into his consciousness. Never again would he catch a whiff of Naeme and not want her.

“The constant need for sex isn’t exclusive to male Fae.” She smoothed his hair back from his forehead.

“Glad to hear it. Let’s see how many ways and times we can make love before sunrise.”

Naeme’s sultry laugh burbled over the water. “That’s ambitious, but even you will become sated at some point.”

“Why don’t we put that to the test?” To claim his prize and disprove her theory, he covered her sex with his mouth. An explosion of flavours burst over his taste buds. Cream and honey, salt, sugar and with a tartness to complete the range of essences he savoured.

With the tip of his tongue, he traced the outline of her slit, her labia and finally her clit. The nerve-rich heart of her pleasure.

Never one to do the commonplace, he took command of the liquid swirling around them, and directed it to trickle over Naeme’s exposed erogenous zones. Droplet by droplet it coursed past bulging tissues to draw a husky mewl from her parted lips.

Naeme’s buttocks tensed against his palms. She quaked and jolted like the wild and untamed entity she was.

“Tell me what you’re feeling,” he demanded of her.

“It’s like a wet, silky, never-ending caress, without a hint of abrasiveness to distract from my pleasure. It titillates, but the coolness of the water keeps the heightening of my orgasm at bay.”

“Ahh, we do need to be burning hot to achieve release, don’t we?” He knew exactly what she meant—he was as hard as a pike and would stay that way because the icy currents would keep his blood cool, his head focused. Naeme squirmed, her body a quivering bundle of aroused femininity. He intended to keep her in that state of excitement until he couldn’t stop himself from burying himself in her snug depths.

“Yes, the heat we generate with our loving will be so much better when it gives rise to the magic.”

“Then let’s see how long it will take me to make you burn in spite of our chilly bath. I’d love to hear you plead for me to bring you to completion.”

One fine brow arched, haughtiness in the slight motion though amusement sparkled in her eyes. “Beg? Don’t be an ass. I never beg.”

Challenged, a grin tugged at Baylor’s lips. If she could only see herself, glorious in her nudity, secure in the knowledge of her allure—she was sensuality itself. No, she’d never have to beg, but it was time she did for once.

BOOK: Fae High Summer Hunt
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