Read Explosive Passion Online

Authors: Marissa Dobson

Explosive Passion (5 page)

BOOK: Explosive Passion
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he coldness of the cabin pulled Wynn from a deep sleep. Keeping her eyes closed, she enjoyed the sensation of being cuddled against the warmth of Jared’s body, his arm still holding her tight. For the first time she realized there was nothing better than waking up next to someone you cared about. It was pure heaven, but something besides the dying fire had woken her.

She opened her eyes to find cowboy boots caked with mud and debris just off to the side of the makeshift bed. Her gaze traveled up the boots to find an older gentleman with a shotgun pointed at them.

“Jared!” The alarm in her voice woke him from his slumber.

His eyes flew open to the old man and he sat up, using his body as a barrier between her and the shotgun. “What do you want? Money? My wallet’s on the end table, take whatever you want.”

“I don’t want your money. You’re trespassing. I want you and your woman out of here.” The man tipped his head toward the door.

“Our rental car broke down last night as we were traveling home from a wedding. With no cell phone reception, we needed shelter for the night. At first light I was prepared to set out and find a phone. I must have overslept,” Jared explained.

“The nearest cabin is seven miles, you wouldn’t have made it. That’s your car on the road?” As the old man put the pieces together, he lowered the gun slightly. It was enough to allow her to breathe a little easier, knowing they weren’t about to be shot.

“I’m a Navy SEAL. The distance wouldn’t have been an issue,” he assured the older man. “The name’s Jared Taylor, but everyone calls me Boom, and this is Wynn. We apologize for intruding, but your cabin was all we could find.”

“It’s not mine. I watch it, since the owners only use it for hunting.”
He pointed the gun at the floor, no longer seeing them as threat. “I’ll wait outside while you two get dressed and then I’ll take you to a phone. You can call for a replacement car.”

“Thank you.” Her voice was mild, her heartbeat finally slowing after being scared nearly to death.

When the door shut behind him, she collapsed back onto the pillows. “Shit.”

“Your mom would wash your mouth out with soap if she heard you cursing.” He leaned over her, his hands sliding under his sweater, which she had put on before they had fallen asleep. “It’s a good thing you got chilly, or he’d have found us both naked. At least mine would have been hidden.”

“Next time I’ll make sure to steal the covers then,” she teased as he stood up, baring his nakedness. “Umm and what a wonderful body he’d have seen.”

He grabbed his boxers and jeans from by the fireplace and started to get dressed. “Something tells me he wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as you.”

“No, I don’t think he would have, but I do.” She held out her hands and he laid her clothes in her open grip. “I want to see a lot more of it once we are back in Virginia Beach.”

“I was hoping you’d say that. Now, off with my sweater so I can clean up these blankets.” She tugged her boot-cut jeans up her legs and zippered them before letting him pull his sweater over her head. His fingers ran along her sides, teasing over her hips before making their way to the sides of her breasts. “Sweet cheeks, I had planned to make love to you again this morning but maybe you’ll give me a chance once we get back to your condo.”

“I think we can come to some terms.” The chill of the cabin had her nipples hardening, sending desire through her as if they were a direct line to her core. “I need to get dressed, it’s chilly.”

She gathered the rest of her clothes from where they were tossed, quickly dressing before helping him fold the blankets. Sadness clung to them, neither of them wanting their little escape to end. Now they had to get back to the real world and see if things could actually work between them or if it was just a pipe dream.

It was funny how life could change in less than twenty-four hours, and how her vow to avoid military men like the plague could suddenly seem so pointless. In a few words, Jared had a way of making her see reality, rather than what she wanted to. He was a man she wanted both in her life and in her bed.

ight had fallen long before Boom pulled the new rental car into a parking spot in front of Wynn’s building. Any hope of arriving early and spending some quality time with her, maybe even enjoying a quiet dinner, some wine, and a romp in the hay were dashed when it took six hours for the rental agency to bring them a new car.

He was tired, but more importantly he was in desperate need of a shower. Food seemed overrated, but sex he’d never pass up with Wynn. He couldn’t get that woman off his mind, images of her naked ran through his head like a private porno twenty-four/seven.

“I know the other members of your team were going out to celebrate last night and make it a long weekend, so I really appreciate you bringing me home.” Her words pulled him from his thoughts as he shoved the gearshift into park.

“It was the best decision I’ve made. I didn’t plan on the car malfunctioning and I know it held you back from the work you wanted to do, but spending that night at the cabin… I wouldn’t change it for anything.” He slipped out of the car before she could say anything and dashed to open the passenger door.

“Will you stay?”

He looked into her eyes, seeing the mix of emotions, before shaking his head. She was so easy to read, her eyes gave her away. She wanted to work but also wanted him to stay. “Tonight you’ll work and rest. Then tomorrow I’ll pick you up at seven for a late dinner and either I’ll come back to your place or you can come to mine, but I want you in my arms again.”

“Thank you. I am excited to get to work, but I’ll miss you tonight.”

He slipped his arm around her waist. “Me too, but tomorrow when we’re both well-rested and you’ve had time to get some of your ideas down on paper, it will be better.” With a light kiss, he grabbed her bag from the trunk.

They strolled toward the main door of her condo building, his arm around her waist. “How about I cook tomorrow? We have a quiet dinner here and dessert in bed where I can eat it off your chest.”

“That sounds better than going out.” The attendant opened the door and stepped back to give them room to enter. “All these years and I’ve never known we are practically neighbors. I’m two condo buildings down, and from my place you can see where my boat is tied.”

Being back in Virginia Beach made things more serious between them. It wouldn’t be long before his work started to interfere with plans, or Ace found out that his best friend was in a relationship with his sister, or one of a million other things that could interfere came up.
No, this is about us, no one else. I won’t let them interfere.


eeks flew by with only a few uphill battles but somehow they made it through everything thrown at them. The biggest threat had been Wynn’s brother, who she had done her best to deal with, though she suspected Boom was still dealing with it since he had to work with Ace on a near-daily basis. The one thing she had been worried about from the start, the SEAL duties, hadn’t become an issue
. Since he was home now, there were no deployments on the horizon, and training happening at their home base, she wasn’t concerned with it at the moment. That could change at any moment, so she took advantage of what she could control.

Carrying cupcakes from Boom’s favorite bakery in town, she strolled through the lobby of his condo building and up to the elevator. It was becoming a second home to her. If they didn’t end up in her bed, they were in his. Since the wedding, they had only spent a handful of nights apart.

“Hold that elevator, sweet cheeks.” She had just stepped into the elevator as he came jogging toward her in his camouflaged blue-gray Navy working uniform.

“You’re supposed to be upstairs, waiting for our afternoon romp in the sack. Remember, you’re the one that said you had an early day and we’d have the whole weekend, so I got Melody to cover the shop so I could spend it with you.” She put her hand on her hip and waited for an answer, when all she wanted to do was push him against the elevator wall and have her way with him.
Damn does he look good in uniform!

“I got hung up with your brother. He’s invited us over for dinner on Sunday, our godchild would like to see us.”

“Our godchild.” She held her hand out to him. “Give me your cell phone, I’ve got to call the papers and news stations.”

“What?” He dug into his pocket and produced his phone.

“If that month-old niece of mine is talking then we’re all going to be rich and famous.” She laughed at her own smart-ass comment. “I smell a set-up. How much do you want to bet Ace is determined to have one of his
about this relationship and Gwen’s doing it at the house so she can control how things go and try to nip my overprotective brother in the ass before he gets out of hand?”

“I could practically guarantee it.” He shoved the phone back in his pocket and took a step forward to open the box she held. “Yum.”

“Not until after you’ve changed and had lunch.” She moved the box to the side before he could reach in and grab one of the cupcakes.

“I was hoping to have you for lunch.” He placed his hands on her hips, gliding them up slowly.

“Maybe that’s what I meant.” Before she could act on her urge to have him right there, the elevator doors opened.

“Damn, if I’d have known I’d have had you right here.” With his hand in hers, he stepped out of the elevator and took her with him. “I’ve thought of nothing but this weekend together all week. Just me and you, in the middle of nowhere…” His words cut off when an older woman with her gray hair back in a strict bun stepped out of her condo.

“Evening, Jared.”

“Mrs. Maple, I’d like you to meet Wynn Diamond. Wynn, Mrs. Maple. She’s a fabulous cook, and before you stepped into my life she always made sure I was fed.”

She offered her free hand to the older woman. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Maple.”

“Please call me Lilian.” She lightly shook Wynn’s hand before letting it go. “I hope you’re feeding him more than just cupcakes. That boy has a nasty sweet tooth, but he needs real nourishment.”

As if her words reminded him of the cupcakes, he reached for the box again, easing the lid open. She sidestepped, keeping the cupcakes just out of his grasp. “Don’t worry, I’m making him lunch before he’s allowed to touch these.”

“Good.” She nodded. “I’ll see you again soon. Right now, I must be on my way to an appointment. You take care of him, you hear?”

“It was nice to meet you, and don’t worry about Jared. He’s in good hands.”

“No doubt, child, no doubt.” Mrs. Maple laughed as she continued past them.

While he opened the door to his condo, she leaned close. “You have her wrapped around your finger, don’t you? Letting her bring you food when you know damn well you can cook.”

“But she’s a better cook than I am.” He pushed the door open. “Give me ten minutes. I want to shower and change, then I’m all yours.”

“I’ll get lunch together. We’ll eat here before we head out on the water.” She tossed her overnight bag by the door before she forced herself toward the kitchen, when all she wanted to do was follow him into the bedroom.

Since he showed up in her life, she was making up for all the sex-free months. Her desires ran deeper than ever before, controlling her actions, instead of the other way around. If she wasn’t working, she was thinking about him. Not all her thoughts ran sexual, but they all contained him. He was her drug; she always wanted him around. How she would handle it when he had to deploy, she wasn’t sure, but she was committed. If the times they had together were always like this then she’d find a way to make it work. Thick or thin, he was hers.

With the sandwiches made and sitting on the table, she glanced at the clock. Ten minutes had passed since the water had shut off. What was taking him so long? “Boom?” She strolled back to the bedroom, expecting to see him spread out on the bed naked and waiting for her.

“I’ll make arrangements.” He sat on the bed and with a trembling hand rubbed his eyebrows. “I’ll be in touch soon.” He ended the call and tossed the phone on the bed.

“Babe, what is it?” She went and knelt down in front of him, her hands on his forearms. The tight muscles under her fingers told her there was anger heating within him. “Jared, look at me.”

Seconds ticked by until he finally did what she asked, yet he remained silent. “Please tell me what’s wrong. If it’s a deployment, we’ll reschedule our weekend. Things will be fine.” The words left her mouth and fear spiked within her. Their first deployment together…she knew what to expect from Ace and Lucky’s, but being the girlfriend instead of the sister changed things a little.

“Not a deployment.” He tried to push her to the side so he could stand but she held on tight as he rose. “My fucking family.”

“Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it
,” she reassured him.

“I’m not dragging you into their drama.” That shook her enough for him to sidestep her and move to the window.

“Not dragging me into it? I thought we were in this together. You’ve dealt with my shit, put up with Ace, and now you’re going to push me away?” She was no longer afraid, only angry. He was pushing her away without even telling her why.

Refusing to go to him, she rose to sit on the bed. When she looked into his eyes she could see pain, but she refused to force herself in where she wasn’t wanted. She’d let him digest whatever the call was about and when he was ready he’d tell her. At least that’s what she kept telling herself when all she wanted to do was scream.

BOOK: Explosive Passion
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