Read Ever Fallen In Love Online

Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Ever Fallen In Love (5 page)

BOOK: Ever Fallen In Love
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"Took the edge off, didn't it?” Mischief and something hotter burned in his eyes.

"It did.” Megan unfastened the buckle under her chin and dangled the helmet from one of the handlebars. “This is your roots."

She eased off the bike and walked towards the outer edge of the track, a half mile around if she had to guess. Red clay with black streaks edged towards the grass. In the infield, four highway dividers sat in a square, protecting a late model race car sans engine and a dented eighty-seven Camaro. She folded her hands in front of her mouth. All the pleasant times at the local tracks came to mind. Sitting in the stands as Tucker wove through packs of cars to win features and track championships. Cuddling in the cab of his truck while driving home from the races. Making love in the bed of the truck to celebrate...

Tucker wrapped an arm around her shoulders and rubbed her arm with the tips of his fingers. “
roots, babe. None of this was possible without you."

Unable to deal with the onslaught of feelings, Megan walked out of his grasp. More tears blurred her vision. Years ago their lives had been so much simpler. Nothing like the maelstrom she lived in now. The late-October breeze swirled the scent of grass and rich earth around them. She drew a long breath into her lungs and let it out slowly.
I won't crack. I won't let him see me stumble.

"Yell at me.” Tucker curled his arms around her from behind, not letting her escape him or her problems. “Let it out."

"It's not you.” God, why was she denying the truth?

"Babe, I'm the root of this. My skill at being an asshole ripped everything apart. Hit me, curse me, tear off my junk if it helps."

"You didn't make me fall in love with Rick.” She turned in his embrace. Crimson streaked across his stubble-marred cheeks. She traced the line of hairs with her index finger. “You tried to tell me I was making the mistake of my life. I didn't listen."

"Don't take all the blame here. I won't let you.” He thrust his fingers into her hair, bringing her face within kissing range. “If I'd been a man and stood up to Denice, we wouldn't be here. I let too many things that had nothing to do with my priorities screw up my plans for life.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “The baby wasn't mine."

"I know. I read the papers and Janine kept up on all the court news. Plus, Denice called me."

His eyes widened. “She what?"

"Denice called me and apologised. She said it was a stupid trick and she wished the real father knew.” A breeze whipped around them, sending a shiver along Megan's spine. She curled more tightly against Tucker, for warmth and the strength of his presence.

"But she married Lance and things worked out, so I can't complain."

"Things aren't worked out between us. I haven't had the chance to apologise.” He rubbed his cheek on the top of her head. “I'm sorry I've been myself. I can't change the past, but I want to make a future.” He tipped her chin to look into her eyes. “With you."

No, no. He wasn't going to go there. No way.
“Why did you lie to me? Why?” Megan shrugged away and ran her palms over the length of her arms, rubbing circulation back into the chilled flesh. So much for the rayon jacket keeping her warm. “Did you think I was stupid? That I wouldn't know what you'd done? I saw the girls and I remember being kept at arm's length while you ‘signed autographs’ with the girls at Attica."

"Damn, that was so blown out of proportion.” His shoulders slumped and his jaw tightened. “You aren't stupid. Never have been. But me? I was young. Dumb. Full of—"

She put her hand over his mouth, silencing his standard reply. “Great. You thought with your dick."

Tucker kissed the curve of her palm. “I did and I regret it, but I swear to you, I never cheated. Look, nothing I can say will make up for me I don't expect it to.” When Megan backed away from him, he hooked his thumbs into his belt loops. “All I can do is beg you to not hate me even if I deserve every last bit. But, Megs, I never stopped caring about you."

He'd used her pet name. Damn him. “You have a funny way of showing it.” She wanted to look away, to stare anywhere but into his eyes. The power in the amber and jade depths sent chills and fire through her veins.

Tucker inched towards her, closing the gap slightly. “I never said I was smart."

"You're one of the smartest people I know.” Megan shuffled backwards, halted only by the unforgiving metal of the car against her legs. Damn, she'd backed into the cars.

Using his arms to cage her in, Tucker rested his body against hers and pinned her to the fender with his hips. “Then why did I run from the only woman I ever really loved? Why did I avoid her until she married another man?"

She needed a joke. Something to dissolve the tension growing between them. Better yet, something to deflate the erection burrowing into her thigh. “You're into self-flagellation?"

"Cute. I'd rather spank
.” He shifted his hips, rubbing his cock into the cleft of her thighs, right against her fabric-covered clit. She shivered and he nodded. “Feels good, doesn't it?” He swiped his tongue out over her bottom lip. Tease.


"Why do I lay awake at night imagining you're with me, Megs, making love until dawn? Seeing you atop the hauler gives me a hard-on only you can ease. Seeing you smile melts the ice around my heart. Put the two together and I'm putty in your hands. I want to touch you, taste you, tie you up and make love to you."

"You've been in one too many crashes with a loose helmet.” Megan wiped her cheeks. Trust him to say nice things when she wanted him to continue the jackass routine or fuck her senseless.

"Nah, I'm bewitched by you. I want to see you bound to my bed, pleading with your eyes. I want to hear you cry my name."

He kissed her again, but this time it wasn't a crushing urgent kiss like before. This kiss was the kind that meant business. His lips glided over hers as his tongue invaded her mouth. Megan moaned and Tucker pushed farther. She balled her fists and shoved them against his chest.

"Bound? Bewitched?” she asked breathlessly. “Where'd you learn those lines?"

One arm snaked around her waist while Tucker cupped the back of her neck with his other hand. He fused his lips to hers and the tingle shot from her mouth to her toes to her pussy. She whimpered and slid her hands into his back pockets. From breast to groin, he pressed against her. Megan fought the urge to rub against him and relieve the ache low in her belly. Holding back sounded less fun by the minute. When he broke contact, she gasped for breath.

"Tucker, we can't do this."

"I don't give a damn what anyone else has to say.” His erection jabbed into her belly. “I know what I want—and you're it.” Tucker nuzzled her neck, nipping and licking a path along the gold chain she wore. “And you're still wearing my necklace."

"We can't do this because you work for me.” She clawed at his shoulders. For purchase? To push him away? Hell, she wasn't sure.

"Season's almost over. November's here with two races and a bye week to go.” The gravel in his voice radiated to her core. “And you haven't said why you're wearing the teardrop."

"I told you. It matched my skirt.” What a liar she was. “You can't prove I'm still interested."

"Other than your wide eyes.” Tucker palmed her breast beneath the protection of his jacket and her cotton dress shirt. A groan vibrated in his throat as her nipples pebbled under the silky tank and the lace of her bra. “And the flush on your cheeks. But I can test my theory.” He rubbed his erection against her thigh. Megan gasped to catch her breath. “You respond to me, babe. You get the me no one else knows about.” His hands moved under her blouse, teasing the bare flesh of her stomach and sending pinpricks of sensation to every part of her body. “Damn this feels good,” he murmured. “You feel good."

Tucker scooped her into his arms. “I don't want to stop until your bottom is rosy and you've come from my hand five times."

"Just five?” Her voice sounded breathless and needy in her ears. She screeched as cool metal met bare skin. “Tucker!"

"Mmm. We'll fuck until the sun comes up. Handcuffs, toys... I don't care.” He worked the rest of her tank top out of the hem of her skirt. “I love hearing my name on your lips."

"Where are we?” She placed her hands flat on the hood of the car, her legs akimbo. “Won't someone see us?"

"I own everything in a fifty acre radius. If someone's spying, they're also trespassing.” He skimmed her gauzy skirt up over her knees. Passion blazed in his eyes. “You are so damned sexy in cowboy boots. Come here."

Megan scooted to the edge of the hood, the movement pulling up her skirt and exposing her legs to the lacy edge of her panties. Tucker kissed her, his tongue tangling with hers as he slipped the straps of her tank top and bra from her shoulders. The heat from his touch matched the fire in her blood. Her underwear dampened as he nuzzled the hollow of her throat.

"Tucker,” she murmured.

He raised his head and stared at her a moment. “Beautiful. Fucking beautiful."

She instinctively moved to repair the damage to her attire. He stilled her hands.

"I like seeing you aroused. The primal look in your eyes. Your lips are a little swollen. Makes me hard as steel to know I made you so hot.” Tucker shoved the hem of the shirt up over her breasts and unclasped her bra. Her nipples beaded in the chilly air. Raw hunger flickered in the depths of his eyes. “I need to taste you."

She had two choices—either push him away or let things keep going. With choice A, she'd demand he take her back to the race shop and forget anything ever happened. Then there was choice B—allow one last fantasy with him. Sex could be just sex, right? Tucker flicked his tongue over her nipple and moaned. A fresh rush of sensation flooded her core. Time for choice B...

Releasing her nipple with a pop, Tucker then feasted on the other breast and slipped his hand down her stomach to the waistband of her panties. Megan sucked in a ragged breath and closed her eyes. Electric tingles danced on her skin and centred in her pussy.

"Lay back, baby, and lift your hips."

Megan reclined on the hood of the muscle car and opened her eyes. She propped herself up on her elbows. If was she going to do this, she wanted to see and feel everything. Tucker's lean muscles rippled as he tugged her underwear down her hips. The combined feeling of air on the slickness between her legs and the onslaught of emotions swirling around her heart made Megan shiver. He buried his nose in the rumpled lace before tucking her panties into his front pocket.

She wanted to say something about needing her underwear, but the words fizzled the moment he smiled.

"Let me take care of you.” He scooted her higher on the hood and swirled his tongue around her belly button. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach. No man affected her like Tucker.

Using two fingers, he parted her nether lips and caressed the sensitive skin. “So wet.” His kisses sank lower until he reached the apex of her sex. “Open for me, babe.” He eased her thighs farther apart and skimmed his tongue over her cleft.

Her breath stuttered. “Tucker.” His name came out in a whisper laced with need.

"So beautiful."

His hand skimmed up her belly to her bared breasts, pinching her nipple hard as he laved her clit. Tremors racked her body. Every muscle in her being tightened. She bucked her hips in time with his licks. Relentless. Tucker Poston was indeed relentless. Her nails scratched at the paint as she scrambled for traction. Damn, it had been too long since she'd come.

"Come for me.” His words vibrated along her labia. “Fall apart in my arms."

She froze a moment. “I can't."

Tucker blew warm breath over the tight bundle of nerves. “I'm right here. I'm all yours."

The sentiment in his voice curled around her brain. With each lick, pull and whisper, she fell further and further into the old feelings. She hooked her ankles together, pressing him tighter to her core.

"Yes, babe. Let it go."

His words, murmured against her folds, were her undoing.

"Tucker.” Megan eased the rest of the way down on the hood, thankful for the chilly sheet metal against her back. She arched into his touch as he pumped two fingers into her slick channel. The build-up of stress from the day, her confused desire for Tucker and the need to climax washed over her. She thrust her fingers into his hair and held him as the orgasmic quakes overtook her body. After what seemed like forever, she released her hold and slumped against the hood.

"God damn, you're sexy when you come.” Tucker gathered her in his arms and slid her into the vee of his legs. “I can't wait. I want to be inside you."

"Make love to me.” Megan stared at him with lust-filled eyes and nodded. Two years without sex had really taken a toll on her body. She reached forwards and helped him unzip. She salivated at the sight of his cock peeking through the gap in his boxers.


Attention renewed, Megan rose up on one elbow. “What?"

"I don't have a condom.” A furrow marred his brow. “Shit."

Of all the damn times to be unprepared. A growl rumbled in his chest. He hadn't exactly intended to maul her on the car hood, but damn it. She made him feel like a hornball seventeen-year-old with just a glance. He shifted his boxers, covering his dick. “I'm sorry."

Megan sat up and palmed his cheek, stilling his movements. “I'm on the pill. Have been for two years. Do it."

The desire to lose himself in her battled with his common sense—pill or not, accidents happened. He wanted more than forever with Megan, but fuck if he'd screw it up because he couldn't control his damned hormones. “I don't want to repeat—"

She stopped his words with a kiss. “I trust you and I know I'm safe.” She stroked his length and positioned him at her opening. “Nothing will happen."

Nothing? Tucker shoved the errant ill thoughts aside and shivered at the skin on skin contact. Something damn sure was going to happen.

"So fucking hot.” He grasped her hips and eased into her channel inch by inch. Her pussy contracted around him, holding him tight. A tremor slid through him. Fuck. She'd have him finished in five seconds. And why not go with the rightness of their actions?

BOOK: Ever Fallen In Love
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