Evans, Gabrielle - Firestorm [Fatefully Yours 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove) (4 page)

BOOK: Evans, Gabrielle - Firestorm [Fatefully Yours 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove)
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“Was it a woman’s voice in your head?” Echo asked from his new perch on Hex’s thigh.

Mac looked shocked, but bobbed his head in affirmation. “Who is she?”

“The Oracle,” Fiero, Echo, and the other warriors replied in unison.

“What exactly does that mean?” Eyce asked a moment later.

No one seemed to have an answer. Hell, Fiero didn’t even know what it meant. Well, he knew what the trust thing meant, but not how it applied to him. Or he assumed it applied to him. Why else would Mac have seen his image inside his head? Shrugging, he decided just to add it to the ever-growing list of shit to figure out later.

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Onyx said slowly, shifting in his seat to look at Sony, “what is your power? Or is that rude to ask?”

Sony, Mac, Gage, and Echo all laughed. “Should I show them?” Sony asked Echo.

Echo nodded, a wicked smile covering his face. “Oh, yeah, this is going to be good.”

Sony rose from Gage’s lap and moved around the table until he stood in the center of the kitchen. “Ready?”

Fiero nodded along with the rest of the men in the room. Then his eyes almost bugged out of his head as Sony began to grow right before his eyes. Within seconds the man towered over them, his head almost brushing the ceiling and his mass nearly tripling. His clothes shredded, some scraps clinging to his enormous frame, while others fell to the floor in rags.

Fiero’s eyes drifted to the impressive cock between the man’s massive thighs. He couldn’t help it. The thing was big enough to have its own fucking zip code. He suddenly felt very sorry for the man on the receiving end of that monster.

Shifting his eyes to Gage, Fiero frowned at the heated look on the werewolf’s face. Everyone else wore similar looks as Fiero—like they’d all been clubbed over the head. Gage and Mac just looked like they wanted to devour Sony right there in the kitchen and damn anyone who wanted to watch.

Sony watched them all for a moment longer, then closed his eyes and groaned as his body slowly shifted back to his much smaller size. Gage stripped his shirt off and tossed it to his mate. “Cover up, babe.”

Sony nodded, pulling the oversized shirt over his head, and grinned broadly. “So, that’s my power.”

“Well, fuck me sideways,” Myst breathed.

“Good luck with that,” Vapre said around his snicker. “I wouldn’t want that beast he calls a dick anywhere near my ass, and especially not sideways.”

Sony just smirked at them. “I’d tell you I’d be gentle with you…” he trailed off, his grin stretching wider, “…but I’d be lying.”

Chapter Four

Echo tiptoed into Fiero’s room, grinning softly when he found the man alone. The moonlight ghosted through the window, dancing over Fiero’s naked back, making his smooth skin almost glow. His usual spikey hair looked soft and limp without the customary gel, and Echo’s fingers itched to trail through the golden locks.

Though he knew he wouldn’t be turned away, Echo had no idea what he was doing here. He’d woken in the middle of the night, alone, cold, and shaking after another dream. Climbing out of bed, he’d eased into the hallway, not sure of where he was going until his feet had brought him right to Fiero’s door.

Maybe it was the dream. Maybe it was what Mac had said during lunch. Echo really didn’t know, but he felt the pull from Fiero, the need to be close to the warrior.

Moving quietly across the carpeted floor, he slid into bed, careful not to wake his tired lover. It had been well after midnight when Echo had finally admitted defeat and headed off to bed. He’d been the first to go and had no idea how long his men had stayed awake after that.

Easing down to the pillow, Echo barely got his feet under the blanket when Fiero rolled over and his big muscled arms wrapped around Echo, pulling him down to the mattress. Hugging him close, Fiero molded his chest to Echo’s back and let out a long, happy sigh.

Echo melted into the embrace, resting his hands over Fiero’s arms and smiling like a loon. It warmed him right down to his toes that even in sleep his lover sensed his nearness and was drawn to him like a magnet.

Pulling the blankets up to his chin, Echo snuggled closer, wiggling his ass as he tried to get comfortable. It wasn’t an easy task considering Fiero’s long, hard cock was currently digging into his back. He wiggled again, trying to maneuver so that the hot length would rest flat between them rather than jabbing him just above his hipbone.

Fiero groaned, his arms tightening around Echo to still him. “Be careful, baby. You’re playing with fire.” His words came slow and mumbled, heavy with sleep, and sexy as hell.

Echo bit his lips, trying to hold back his moan of pleasure when his cock began to swell, perking up at the sound of his lover’s deep voice. He wiggled again, grinding his ass against Fiero’s groin, begging without words for the man to touch him.

A breathy sigh escaped Fiero and his soft lips brushed lightly over the side of Echo’s neck. “You need me,” he whispered confidently. His fingertips skimmed along Echo’s stomach, pausing in their downward trek to draw lazy circles around his belly button.

Echo arched into his lover’s touch, dropping his head back to Fiero’s shoulder and moaning softly. Reaching down to cover Fiero’s hand with his own, Echo boldly pushed the warrior’s hand lower, directing it where he needed it most. “Please,” he breathed.

Instead of wrapping his fingers around Echo’s throbbing cock, Fiero lightly brushed his knuckles along the pulsing length, then dipped lower, fondling Echo’s balls with a barely-there touch. “Don’t rush me,” he murmured against the sensitive skin along Echo’s shoulder. “Let me enjoy having you to myself.”

Echo tried to turn, his lips seeking his lover’s, but Fiero held him tight, keeping him immobile as he worked to stoke the flames inside Echo’s belly with his hands and mouth. His lips roamed over Echo’s shoulders and across his back, while his hand continued its languid exploration of Echo’s cock and balls.

“More,” Echo whimpered. He loved the things Fiero was doing to him, but he wanted more—craved it, needed it.

Fiero chuckled smugly as his hand ceased its ministrations and drifted up over Echo’s hip, then down between their bodies to caress and grope Echo’s ass. “So impatient.” He rubbed and squeezed the rounded hills of Echo’s butt cheek, then his hand moved away, and Echo felt sure the demon was going to spank him.

But nothing happened.

Fiero’s lips paused in their assault on Echo’s senses for just a heartbeat, then resumed as his hand returned to caress Echo’s ass once more. All of his lovers were so careful with him, but Fiero even more so. Echo hadn’t been on the receiving end of Fiero’s wild side, but he’d heard stories. The idea of being restrained, tied, and bound scared the hell out of him, but maybe he could handle a little spanking.

“You can spank me,” he whispered. “I know you want to.”

Fiero’s movements halted again, and an agonizing moan bubbled up from his chest. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

Struggling against Fiero’s hold until he could turn and face the man, Echo reached up to palm the side of his mate’s face. “I know exactly what I’m saying. I may not be ready for the whole whips and handcuffs business, but I want this. You’ve given me so much. Let me do this for you.”

They were quiet for a long time while Fiero searched his eyes in the dim light of the room. Finally, Fiero swallowed loudly and nodded his head just a fraction. “If it’s too much, I want you to tell me. I’ll never hurt you, baby.”

Echo smiled gently and placed a chaste kiss over Fiero’s lips. “I know.” Fiero pressed on his shoulder, urging to roll to his stomach, and Echo complied without hesitation. Pulling his knees under him, he rose so that he was on all fours, presenting his upturned ass to his lover. “Like this?”

Fiero moaned again, his hand drifting over Echo’s ass as he moved to kneel behind him. “You have no idea what this does to me.” He kept up the gentle stroking, even skimming his fingers down Echo’s crease while his other hand smoothed along Echo’s spine.

Echo’s body trembled, and he purred under the skillful touch of his mate. His heart pounded inside his chest, his breaths coming faster, more shallow, as he wiggled and squirmed, begging for what he knew was coming.

A soft swat landed on his left cheek, barely more than a love tap, and Echo frowned. Would Fiero always treat him as though he were made of crystal? Rocking on his knees, he pushed back against the warrior, silently begging for more.

Another swat landed on his ass, a little harder than before, but still nothing more than a light pat. “Fiero,” he growled in frustration.

The next smack stole the breath from his lungs as stinging heat spread over the skin where Fiero’s hand had landed. Tingles raced along Echo’s spine, then back down to pool and burn in his aching balls.

Before he could even catch his breath, Fiero’s hand connected with his ass again. Then again. Over and over, he spanked Echo, growling and moaning as he set a steady rhythm that left Echo panting and whimpering.

“You are fucking gorgeous,” Fiero mumbled. “Your ass is so sexy right now, all red and scorching hot from my hands.”

Echo could hear the possessiveness in Fiero’s tone, the satisfaction that the marks on Echo’s skin had come from his hands alone. He swatted Echo’s ass a few more times, softer at first, then harder than any of the others. Echo cried out at the last one, bowing his back and shuddering from the intense pleasure coursing through his body. His dick ached and throbbed, pulsing between his legs and leaking generous amounts of pre-cum from the slit.

He shivered again, moaning loudly when his cheeks were parted and cool air brushed against his needing entrance. Then a slick finger caressed over his hole, ringing the muscles gently before pushing in to the second knuckle. So lost in his desire, in the overwhelming sensations that bombarded him, Echo didn’t even know when Fiero had moved to retrieve the lube. He didn’t much care either. “Please,” he whimpered, rocking back and forth as he fucked himself on the thick digit. “More.”

Taking him at his word, Fiero inserted a second finger, scissoring them back and forth and twisting his wrist, loosening Echo’s clenching hole to receive him. “So tight, so damn hot,” Fiero murmured, sliding in a third finger beside the others. “So perfect.”

Echo didn’t know how much more he could take. Already his sac tightened, his balls pulling up close to his body, lightning bolts of pleasure zipping up his spine so fast it left his head dizzy. “Fuck me,” he demanded hoarsely.

“Bossy.” Fiero chuckled softly, smacking Echo’s ass again and pulling a strangled moan from his parted lips. “Who’s in charge here?”

Echo couldn’t pull enough air into his lungs to answer, so he said nothing, burying his face into the mattress as he fought to stave off his orgasm. His lack of response earned him another swat, and then Fiero’s finger disappeared from his needy ass, quickly replaced by the blunt head of his cock. “Who’s in charge?” he repeated.

Still, Echo couldn’t answer. His fingers fisted in the sheets, holding on for dear life, afraid he’d break into a thousand pieces when he finally found his release. He’d never been so turned on, so out of control in his life. His heart hammered against his sternum as his blood roared in his ears, and a fine sheen of sweat beaded across his skin.

Fiero spanked him again, a hard, reprimanding smack to his already blazing ass. Then his hand fisted in Echo’s hair, pulling his head back on his shoulders as Fiero pushed into Echo’s ass in one long, hard stroke. “Who. Is. In. Charge?” He growled as his hips retreated and snapped forward again until he bottomed out, grinding his groin over Echo’s heated flesh.

“You!” Echo cried out, loving the rough treatment he was receiving. It wasn’t brutal or callous. Every movement Fiero made was deliberate, dominant, and aimed toward bringing Echo as much pleasure as possible. No one had ever treated him this way, and Echo gloried in the ability to let go and turn himself over to his lover.

Fiero growled in appreciation, pulling on Echo’s hair again while he continued to drive into his ass harder, faster, more demanding with every stroke. “Who do you belong to, Echo?”

BOOK: Evans, Gabrielle - Firestorm [Fatefully Yours 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove)
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