Read Escape Into the Night Online

Authors: Lois Walfrid Johnson

Escape Into the Night (2 page)

BOOK: Escape Into the Night
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“Hey there!” the large man shouted. “You on the

As the man held up his lantern, Libby saw that something had changed. The long plank from boat to shore was no longer in place.

When no one appeared, the man shouted again. “Hey there! I know you’re on board! C’mon out!”

Around him, the dogs set up an even greater racket. Then a lantern moved slowly across the forward deck. When the person with the lantern held it up, Libby recognized the boy she had seen only minutes before.

From near the railing he called down. “Can I help you?”

“Of course you can help me! Where are the men that boarded your boat?”

“You saw men?” the boy asked.

“Where is your captain?” the large man roared.

“He’ll be back soon, sir. Would you like to wait?”

“Where’s your first mate?”

“I can’t tell you, sir.”

“Then let us board!”

“I can’t let you board, sir. Not without the captain’s permission.”

“Then run out your gangplank! We’ll tell you whether someone went aboard!”

The boy stepped backward and set down the lantern. As Libby watched, a long plank dropped down between the boat and the shore.

Once again the boy held up the lantern, but he stayed at the top of the gangplank. Strong and confident looking, he guarded the deck, as though unwilling to let anyone step past him.

With the lead dog running ahead, the pack of dogs pushed forward. Nose to the wood, he sniffed up and down the plank. Finally he returned to his owner and sat down on his haunches.

Holding up his fist, the large man shook it at the boy on board. “I don’t know what you did!”

The boy seemed undisturbed. “Maybe you should look somewhere else,” he called down.

The man’s sudden growl sounded like a dog’s. Just the same, he turned away. When the bloodhounds sniffed their way back to the warehouse, the men followed.

As they disappeared around the end of the building, Libby heard voices in the sitting room. Quickly she tiptoed across the floor and knelt down at the door between the two rooms.

“I just can’t seem to change Libby into what she should be.” That was Auntie Vi again.

Since the death of her mother four years before, Libby had lived with her aunt and uncle in a Chicago mansion. In that second week of March 1857, Libby and Auntie Vi had traveled to Burlington, Iowa, so that Libby could visit her father.

“How do you want to change her?” Captain Norstad asked.

“She can’t do
right!” Auntie Vi answered. “She does like nice clothes, but—”

“She likes nice clothes, all right!” the captain agreed. “Libby told me that she didn’t like my uniform—that it’s too old-fashioned!”

“That sounds like Libby.” Her aunt sounded pleased. “She’s developed excellent taste. Whatever costs most, that’s what Libby chooses.”

“Does she now?” the captain asked. “Is that why she calls me
, like some high society girl? The last time I saw Libby I was her pa.”

Trying to catch every word, Libby leaned closer. She’d have to remember to call her father Pa. In the darkness she bumped against the door. Scared by the light thud, she drew back. Had her aunt and father heard?

When they went on talking, Libby knew she was safe. Once more she put her ear to the keyhole.

“So what exactly is the problem?” Captain Norstad asked.

“Though she likes nice things, Libby acts like a tomboy. I was horrified when I caught her swimming! A proper young lady would never swim.”

“Unless her father showed her how.” Captain Norstad’s voice sounded dangerously low. “I taught Libby to swim, in case she fell off my boat.”

“But she embarrasses me in front of my friends!” Auntie Vi wailed. “I’m ready to give up on that girl!”

Give up on me?
As though a knife pierced her heart, Libby felt the pain of those words.
Auntie Vi wants to give up on me?

not ready to give up,” the captain answered. “I’ll
give up on Libby!”

But Libby barely heard her father’s words. So upset that she forgot to be quiet, she again bumped against the door.

In the next instant Libby heard quick footsteps moving toward her. As she scrambled to get away, the door opened. Her father reached out and took her hand.

“We need to talk about something.” He drew her into the sitting room. “Sit down, Libby.”

“I want to stand, sir.” Whatever her punishment would be, Libby knew she couldn’t take it sitting down. “If you please, sir,” she added quickly.

Auntie Vi sat in a chair near the fireplace. In the lamplight Libby saw her aunt’s eyes. She was not happy with the way things were going.

As though walking the deck of a steamboat, Captain Norstad took a turn around the room. Libby remembered what that meant. Her father had something important to say.

When he reached a window on the front side of the hotel, the captain paused. Holding aside the curtain, he looked down.

Did he see the men and dogs?
Libby wondered as the curtain fell back over the window.

Then her father turned to her. With his black hair and captain’s uniform, he looked tall and distinguished. “Libby, I’ve made up my mind. I want you to live on the
with me.”

Libby’s heart leaped.
I’ll be with my father—my pa—again!
Never in her wildest imagination had she thought he would allow that.

But her aunt broke in. “A girl Libby’s age without her mother on a riverboat? That’s unthinkable!”

“Is it?” Captain Norstad asked. “Libby and I barely know each other anymore. I want to be part of her life, to help her grow up. I get lonesome for her.”

Pa is lonesome for me?
Libby felt glad. More than once since the death of her mother, she had cried herself to sleep. She had felt lonely for both parents.

“It’s not safe for Libby to live on your boat!” Auntie Vi exclaimed.

“It wasn’t safe when she was eight or nine, but Libby is thirteen now. I’ll get her a dog.”

“A dog?” Libby asked, startled. She wasn’t sure about that. She’d seen a lot of dogs running around the streets of Chicago. Dogs that were dirty and mean and got into fights. “Are you sure I need a dog?”

“He’ll protect you.”

Suddenly Libby remembered something else. “I don’t have enough clothes along. How can I possibly live with only one trunkful?”

“You’ll manage!” Pa’s voice was gruff now, and Libby knew that no one would change his mind. For good or bad, she would live on the

Like a giant wave, the idea washed over her. Libby felt excited, but also scared. Often she’d heard people talk about the dangerous things that happened to steamboats. They exploded or caught fire. They struck the hidden roots of old trees and sank within minutes. Gamblers traveled on the boats—and thieves.

Whenever she heard those stories, Libby had worried
about her father. Now, living on the
, she would share that danger.

Then she remembered her aunt’s words—words that hurt all the way through. Standing tall, Libby faced her father. “If I live on the
, I want a never-give-up family.”

“What do you mean, Libby?” he asked.

Libby looked straight into his eyes. “I want a family that believes in me, even when I’m not perfect.”

A sob rose in her throat, but Libby kept on. “A family that sticks together, even though it’s hard.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. Unwilling to have her aunt see her cry, Libby tried to blink back her tears. Instead they spilled over.

“That’s the kind of family I want too,” Pa said softly. “We can be that family for each other.”

“With just two people?”

Pa nodded. “If we don’t give up on each other.”

Libby found it hard to believe. “You might not like how I act.”

“You might not like what I ask you to do,” Pa answered.

“But we can practice,” Libby said.

“We’ll practice hard.” Her father had a twinkle in his eye. “Caleb and the other people who work on the
will be our larger family.”

Captain Norstad glanced toward Auntie Vi. “I need to leave Burlington tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Libby asked. This time her scared feelings went right down to her toes.
What will my new life be like?

The Mysterious Boxes

he next morning, standing outside the hotel where she and Auntie Vi had spent the night, Libby felt a tingle of excitement.
I’m beginning my new life! I wonder what adventures I’ll have!

Of all the steamboats at the landing, her father’s paddle-boat seemed the most beautiful. Even now, smoke billowed from the tall stacks. In the sunlight the railings and pilothouse shone.

Then Auntie Vi joined Libby, and they started down the street to the river. Libby studied the name on the wooden housing of the great side paddlewheel.

for my ma,” she said. The four-deck-high steamboat was a proud reminder of the mother Libby still loved with all her heart.

“Christina was a red-haired beauty,” Auntie Vi answered. She and Libby’s mother had been sisters. “Deep red hair with gold highlights—the same color as yours. Same brown eyes too. Men for miles around wanted to marry her—”

“I know, I know,” Libby broke in. She had heard the story at least a hundred times.

“Your mother could have married any wealthy man she chose,” Auntie went on. “Why she picked your father I’ll never know!”

Libby searched the sky behind the
. She felt as if a cloud had passed over the sun. To her surprise it still shone.

“Ma married Pa because she loved him.” Libby’s voice sounded sharp, even to her own ears. “And I love him too!”

“Love never pays the bills,” her aunt answered, as she always did. “If you find living on the boat too hard, your Uncle Alex and I will welcome you home.”

Libby didn’t want to think about returning to her aunt’s. Not now, anyway, when she looked forward to her new life. Instead, Libby remembered her aunt’s hurtful words.
She thinks I’m not worth anything. Maybe she’s right

Trying to push aside her nervousness, Libby slipped her hand between the folds of her full skirt. The white cloth of her new dress felt soft to her touch. With a toss of her head Libby set her face toward the

This is the first day of my new life! I won’t let anyone spoil it!

Picking up her pace, Libby walked as fast as she dared. In one more hour her aunt would go back to Chicago.
I only need to get through the next hour

Just then Libby hiccuped.

“Child!” her aunt exclaimed. “How can you get hiccups at a time like this?”

“I don’t know.” Libby wished she could push aside her nervousness. Not since she was nine years old had she been on a steamboat. In the midst of her next hiccup Libby swallowed hard.

Her aunt glared at her. “Breathe deep, and they’ll stop.”

As they reached the landing, Libby took a deep breath. Her father waited at the top of the gangplank, looking tall and handsome. Two men dressed in black suits, stiff white shirts, and bow ties stood next to him.

BOOK: Escape Into the Night
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