Read Eraser Lilac Online

Authors: Megan Keith

Eraser Lilac

BOOK: Eraser Lilac
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Copyright © Megan Keith 2014

All Rights Reserved

Cover Design by Cover to Cover Designs

Cover Photo – Shutterstock, Inc. © by MarishSha

Edited by Renee Kubisch


This book is a work of fiction.  Any references to historical events, real people or real places are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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This novella is for
MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY! It contains explicit sex scenes with BDSM type scenarios.

You must read the first two instalments BEFORE starting this!
This story picks up exactly where volume two ended.










To Renee ~ the bestest friend (and editor, collaborator, co-conspirator, cheerleader, mischief maker, motivator, pervert, Mutley laugher, snowball thrower, shit-stirrer) in all the lands








We accept the love we think we deserve.”


~ Stephen Chbosky










Once the words had left Mackenzie’s mouth, he didn’t hesitate. 
“Sir, please tie me up,”
she had said, and then laid back on the bed, watching him with those gorgeous jade eyes.  He quickly gathered the rope from the floor then stepped to her side.  His fingers twitched with excitement and his body flooded with adrenalin.  Her breasts, barely contained by her low cut blue evening gown, were heaving with rapid breath.  He could see she was nervous.

“I won’t hurt you, I promise,” he repeated, reassuring her once more, before moving to her ankle.

She silently nodded and took a deep breath.  Waking up tied to a bed and not knowing exactly how she got there had been a frightening experience for Mackenzie.  But after recovering from the initial shock she found she could forgive him.  She was beginning to think she’d probably forgive HIM for just about anything.  Though she had not initially consented, out loud, it was something that she
want.  He was right.  More than anything she wanted to be held captive by this man and to be held at his mercy.

“No garters or stockings,” he observed aloud, though he had noted it last night he felt compelled to bring it up now. He wanted her to relax as much as possible and he felt some conversation might do the trick. “Do you often go bare-legged under an evening gown?”

She laugh quietly before answering, “You do come out with the most random of things.” His hand caressed her leg sending a welcoming shiver through her body.

He smiled at her, pleased that his words had distracted her from the horrible mistake he’d made, at least momentarily. 
Drugging her? What was I thinking? I knew the allure of being held captive was something she wanted, but I went about it the wrong way.
  He chastised himself for making such a stupid error in judgment.  He always prided himself on being a smart man and the fact he did something so idiotic, and irresponsible, worried him.  It was something he was going to have to keep in check where Mackenzie was concerned.  There was something about her that made him act irrationally.  He felt desperate when she said she would leave, but he should have told her and not-

“The heels,” she said, cutting him from his thoughts.


“Open toed heels. Not a good look with stockings, therefore no need for garters either,” she explained.

“Of course.”

She watched him waste no time returning to full Sir Mode – all business and determination. Though he was determined in concentration, he was a contradiction by being tender in his movements, handling her with care as he tied her to the bed. The sunlight was streaming in through the large window to her left, bypassing the bed, hitting the far wall near the door. It cast a shadow across Sir’s face when he leaned over her, making it hard to see his expression until he came to the other side of the bed. He was still dressed in his white shirt and black suit pants from the night before. A five o’clock shadow embellished his handsome face and matched the natural sexiness of his dishevelled dark hair. Her body hummed at the sight of him, and the feel of his light touches to her bare skin, as he secured her to the white metal frame of the bed.

He admired her perfect little toes, with nails painted in lilac, as he tied the last of the jute rope around her ankle with a tight diamond knot.  He was no kinbaku master but he had done a little internet research and was pleased with his efforts.


Mackenzie gasped when his finger ran down the side of her cheek, her throat and then between the crevice of her breasts.  She acknowledged just how much she craved his touch.  She arched her back to get closer, as much as she could while tied so tightly.  She was spread wide, her legs and arms tethered to the corner posts of the bed.  His finger ran further down the center of her body and dipped between her legs.  She moaned when he pressed through the material of her panties, against her clit.  Then he moved his hand away and she groaned at the loss of contact.

“This dress simply won’t do, it’s time for it to come off,” he said, reaching for something beside the bed.

Mackenzie’s eyes widened in shock when she caught the glint of the shiny pair of scissors. He held them near his face with a wicked look in his eye. The situation suddenly became very real. She was tied down in the home of a man she barely knew.

A dangerous and seductive man that I cannot help but be irrevocably attracted to …

She closed her eyes when he ran the blunt edge of the scissors against her cheek. She was frozen to the spot, her breath coming fast. She whimpered, suddenly worried she’d made a huge mistake.

“Open your eyes.”  Mackenzie blinked up at him, unable to disobey his sexy, gravelly voice.  He moved his body a little closer, leaning over her.  “As much as I enjoy the terror in your eyes, you need to remember that you
trust me,
papillon. I won’t ever put your life in danger.” He ran the scissors over the top of her royal blue evening gown and paused at her navel, increasing the pressure slightly. “Understood?” He looked at her expectantly.

She swallowed before answering, “Yes… Sir,” with a dry and scratchy throat. She believed him. She didn’t know why, but she did. Even though he was switching back to full Sir Mode her nervousness lost its edge with the realization that she really trusted him.

BOOK: Eraser Lilac
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