Enslaved By Him: My Bareback Master Series (Book 1) (An Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Enslaved By Him: My Bareback Master Series (Book 1) (An Erotic Romance)
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The other part of me explicitly says:
“Don't you dare do it! Biggest mistake of your life!”

I spend the entire day in my room conflicted, my hands grabbing my cell phone every two seconds to check whether he sent me a text message that I somehow didn’t hear coming in. Nope.

Nada. Zilch.

Should I text him? Tell him to come over? Should I just forget the whole thing? Pretend it never happened?

I don’t know what the fuck to do.




“just tell him you want to get high,”
the text message from Candy reads after I ask for her help on my quandary. She is of the opinion that I should get Jake over to my room asap and make out with him all night.

And when I ask her how the heck I’m supposed to do that exactly, she comes up with the marijuana story.

It’s now been three days since the incident.

Yes, I’m calling it an incident because I want to forget about it and I can’t. If only I could convince my mind to do so.

It seems the taste of some Jake cum has made that task next to impossible.

My phone dings.


Must be an extra long text from Candy, I think, as I pick it up. My phone service has a very bad habit of chopping up long text messages into many pieces.

Looking at the screen, I see that I do in fact have two text messages.

One is from Candy.

And the other one is from Jake.


I think I nearly hit my head on the ceiling from jumping up and down on the bed. It’s a good thing my parents aren't home, otherwise they'd be rushing into my room right about now. I ignore the text message from Candy.

Jake’s message says:
“hey, u free tonight?”

Free? Are You freaking kidding me? I can’t even think of anything else but you! And you’re asking me if I’m Free?!?

I type back:
“yep. just watchin tv”

I haven’t turned the TV in my room on the whole day.

I sit back and wait.

One minute passes.

Two minutes.

I’m going crazy.

Wtf is taking him so long to respond?

Finally after three minutes, my cell phone dings and I jump on it, almost throwing myself off the bed in the process. The text message from Candy is still unread but I do have a new message from Jake.

I ignore Candy’s text and open Jake’s:
“I’m comin’ over...that cool?”

I know both my mom and dad won’t be home till late since they both travelled out of town to the neighbouring county, Orange county, to visit with my aunt and with traffic the way it is, they’ll be lucky if they get home before one in the morning.

I text Jake back:

I lie back on the bed and close my eyes with one thought now blazing a hot, fiery trail inside my head: I might have told Jake that it was cool to come over to my house tonight but I know better. Should know better. It’s definitely not cool.

Too late now, Stacey.




Jake takes a hit of the marijuana joint and then takes my face in his hands and kisses me. His soft lips on mine feel like the end of the world. His strong fingers on the side of my face make me feel like a princess about ready to take the big leap.

The smoke flows from inside his mouth deep into mine and instead of choking and gagging like I did the last time, this time around I’m able to inhale the smoke.

Maybe it’s the kissing thing.

Maybe it’s his lips which have softened me up before the smoke even hits the inside of my mouth. Whatever it is, this marijuana joint is much more enjoyable than the last time around.

He leans in toward me and whispers in my ear, “You like that?”

Still gurgling the smoke inside my mouth, all I can do is nod, at the same time realizing how much I enjoy his lips whispering into my ear. Doesn’t matter what he says, either, so long as he’s whispering something.

Before he got over here, I’d promised myself that only one thing was going to happen today as far as sex was concerned.

And that thing was a blowjob.

Nothing more.

Since we’d already done it before, it wasn’t such a big deal now.

I mean, I’d blow him. No big deal. But what I wasn’t going to do was have sex with him or even invite him to sleep over.

So as I now exhale and let the weed smoke run out through my nostrils, I feel good about my stance.

I feel as if I’m sure that I can succeed in my stated goal despite how fucking sexy he looks right about now.




Fifteen minutes later, we’re both high as kites and belting out to Britney Spears songs as they play from my iPod.

Jake stands up and while pretending to hold a non-existent microphone moves to the center of the bedroom, belts a note
out of tune then rips his shirt off, exposing his well defined muscular body.


In my buzzed state, he looks like a chicken burrito ready to eat and all I want to do is wolf him down. Run my hands through those washboard abs. Feel his pecs and maybe even put my tongue in there, somewhere.

But somewhere deep inside me and through the muddled haze, I remember the promise I made to myself.

No sex with this boy

But that’s going to prove to be quite a challenge as he now drops his pants.

And will you look at this!

Lo and behold...the boy isn't wearing any underwear!

Staring straight at me, looking as if ready to jump up and devour me, his tallywhacker is up and looking furious.

And I mean up.

All I can think of is, “I want you in my mouth and inside me.”

Apparently he can read minds, this boy Jake, because next thing I know, he’s standing in front of me where I’m sitting on the bed and shoving his manhood into my mouth.

I take him in my hands as I gobble him up.

His penis squirts a little. Pre-cum, I guess, but fuck it tastes so damn good.

And I’ll tell you what, he definitely tastes better than a chicken-fucking-burrito.

Deep inside me I can feel my loins stirring as I lick him up and down the length of his shaft. He starts moaning and grinding against my mouth.

Fuck! I want him and I’m not talking about a blowjob either.

He moans even louder and grabs my head, pushes himself even deeper into my mouth. My panties are soaking wet by now and all I can think of is his penis deep inside me while he fucks me hard.

Fucks me hard?

WTF Stacey? What else you want next? For the boy to give you a massage? Light a candle? Feed you strawberries after?

Actually that does sound pretty damn good.

Almost as good as his penis in mouth.

I’m deeply confused and conflicted on what to do. But apparently my body isn’t. It knows exactly what it wants.

I say this because my panties are now soaking wet. My vagina is throbbing, pulsating actually, and I really, really, want him to rub my clit. Just put his hand down there and make me cum right here and now.

What the fuck am I going to do?




Suddenly he pulls himself out of my mouth and backs off.

I look at him, confused. Did I bite him? Did I suck on him too hard? What?

“Go put on your cheerleader outfit,” he now commands.

Cheerleading uniform? WTF?
I haven’t had that thing on in a couple months, at least. And the last time I had it on, I was actually still cheerleading back in high school.

But a word, I say not.

Instead, I obediently stand up and trot over to the big closet, where I store all my clothes, in the corner of the room and start hunting for the darn thing. It’s a shiny red and gold outfit, the only red and gold outfit I have, so it’s not hard to find.

I pull the sexy outfit out of the closet and right there, in front of Jake, I undress and put the cheerleading outfit on.

I think I’m getting too comfortable with this boy.

“Now turn around and give me a lapdance,” he says as he sits on my bed.


I’ve never given anybody a lapdance before but in my buzzed state, intoxicated both by him and the marijuana, I’m of the belief that I can suddenly do anything, and that includes lapdancing.

So I obediently turn around and with my bare ass hanging out, the iPod booming out the latest Taylor Swift song, I do the best imitation of what I assume is a sexy, unforgettable lap dance.

It would have been much easier for me to concentrate if Jake had at least been wearing boxers, underwear, shorts, something!

With his penis damn near poking a hole in my ass cheek, it’s all I can do to focus on matching Taylor Swift’s music to my dancing.

Jake must be liking it though because his hands can’t stop caressing my butt. Suddenly, he grabs me by the hips, pushes me away, gets on his knees and pulls my bare bottom back toward him so that his face is directly looking up my cheerleading skirt and up my butthole and my vagina.

I thought you liked the lapdance

I’m a little bit disappointed, but I don’t show it. If he’s happy, then I’m okay with it.

Exactly two seconds later however, I’m more than ecstatic and squirming with uncontrollable pleasure while at the same time trying to grab at anything within my reach as his tongue frolics in and out of my vagina.


And not only is his tongue now exploring the inner depth of my womanhood, but I also feel something else join it.

Wait a minute!
Is that his hand up inside me?

I’m surprised, stunned really, because while I thought I would be dying with pain if something as large as his fist was up inside of me, an entirely new feeling of pure ecstasy envelopes me instead.

I dare to look down at him doing his magic while he’s down on his knees behind me and under my skirt and the look of pure relish on his star-crossed face leaves no doubt as to just how much he’s enjoying the heck out of this.

My whole body shudders with convulsions as he licks the extremely sensitive and soft spot between my anus and vagina.

What the fuck are you doing to me Jake?

Before I can even bring my already befuddled mind around to comprehend on what’s going on with my body, Jake stands up━all six feet of him━and whispers into my ear.

“I want you...bad,” he says.

I nod and lean into him, thinking that maybe he means he just finds me sexy but that he has to leave now.

So I look up into his eyes and say, “I enjoyed you today.”

Upon which he throws a slightly confused look at me and with the voice of a wounded warrior says, “What I meant was, I want to have sex with you today. I want you on top of me and riding this dick like a fucking bronco.”

And there we go.

What? You want sex?

Now I’m stuck.

I want it too, but you see, I have this thing, just this small pact that I made with myself...NO HAVING SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE!

But I don’t say anything. Instead, I look down and away from him, trying to hide my confusion from him.

What the fuck am I going to do now?

He puts his fingers under my chin and tilts my face up.

“Hey, listen,” he says. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

I look deep in his eyes and see the kindness, the firmness, and a hint of a smile that’s inside those beautiful, blue eyes.

And it’s like a revelation washes over my entire being.

“But I want to,” I say, surprising even myself.

What Stacey?

His eyes remain steady. His voice salient and calm.

“You sure?” He says. “I know this would be your first time and I want it to be extra special for you.”

I nod, feeling more certain about my decision than anything I’d ever felt before in my entire life. “I’m sure,” I tell him.

With the moonlight now streaming through the open windows, his lips descend on mine and his tongue goes deep mouth exploring, licking the very roof of my mouth and the inside of my teeth. The ecstasy that I’d experienced just a few minutes before when he was working me with both his tongue and his fist, now returns in deluges and it’s all I can do to remain up on my feet.
Thank God I invited him to stay over. I don’t think masturbation would have taken care of this feeling tonight!

He must be feeling the same way too because Jake Junior, his penis, is now so stiff and erect, he’s almost rubbing on my chin!

It’s like he’s telling me: “Take me in your mouth and suck on me.”

BOOK: Enslaved By Him: My Bareback Master Series (Book 1) (An Erotic Romance)
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