Enslaved by a King [Sold! 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

BOOK: Enslaved by a King [Sold! 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Enslaved by a King

He willingly sacrificed himself for others' freedom…

Abducted and sold to a vicious alien, humble dockworker Noah Cameron never thought he’d be a hero, but when he’s offered a choice between gaining his own freedom or freeing hundreds of slaves, Noah chooses the good of the many and willingly enslaves himself to a king.

Desperate and determined, Mingor Faur allows Noah to believe he’s a simple king when the truth is much more complicated. Mingor needs Noah at his side for protection, but he never anticipated falling in love.

As the two come to terms with their agreement and delve deeper into a powerful bond, they can’t resist the indomitable forces pulling them apart.

When faced with a situation similar to what he placed Noah in, will Mingor choose the good of the many, or will he do anything to keep Noah?

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Science Fiction

39,510 words



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Anitra Lynn McLeod











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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove




Copyright © 2013 by Anitra Lynn McLeod

E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-606-5


First E-book Publication: March 2013


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Enslaved by a King
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For all the schoolteachers. They’re the people who make magic every day.


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Chapter 1


“I have never seen a more strong or arrogant-looking slave.”

Come closer and you’ll get a lot more than a glance, asshole. I’ll gladly you show you firsthand that my muscles aren’t just for show
. That was what Noah Cameron was thinking, but he knew he wouldn’t do anything, not with his shock collar on. His owner loved putting him on display for his seemingly endless parade of guests, but it simply wouldn’t do to have his human slave beating the crap out of his weird alien visitors. To that end, Noah was forced to contain his aggression or suffer progressively harsher electrical jolts. He was pretty sure there was a lethal blast if he really pissed off his master.

However, if he could do as he pleased, he’d kick Fissure Face right in his hideous head. Noah had seen a lot of aliens while standing around like a living statue, but the Mahadocon was one of the ugliest. A long, wrinkly fissure went right down the center of his shit-colored face. Because of his odd physical makeup, his mouth moved sideways rather than up and down, which made it look like a talking butthole. Worse, besides sounding unbelievably nasty, his tone was as grating as two pieces of Styrofoam being rubbed vigorously together. His bulbous eyes were sad-looking and the same crap color as the rest of him. Or her. It was difficult to tell the sex of some of the creatures who went past Noah’s platform.

“What does he do?” Fissure Face asked, lifting his head and peering more intently at Noah’s naked body.

Noah could have given him a long list a month ago about what he did, but that was before he’d been sold at an alien slave auction. Even now, he still couldn’t believe what had happened to him. There Noah was, minding his own business, working on a ship packed with hundreds of massive metal crates, when he’d suddenly been naked on a stage. After a lengthy display, that included an astonishing climax, he’d been scrubbed down and given to a guy who looked like a seven-foot-tall, anthropomorphic white tiger wearing what looked like black leather pants. He was humanoid in all respects but for the fur and fangs.

Noah had thought he was tripping pretty damn heavy, especially when the tiger talked to him and he could understand what he said. He was just getting to the point of thinking the tiger was kind of cute and how kinky it would be to throw down with the fuzzy guy when everything went horribly wrong.

All his illusions about being stoned or dreaming were wiped away when his master got him alone on what could only be a spacecraft and then attacked him. Since the violence had come out of nowhere, Noah had been easily subdued. Hindur, his master, pinned Noah to the floor, yanked off the collar the slave house had put on him, and then put a new and far tighter collar on him. As soon as Noah struggled onto his back and kicked the tiger guy in the spot where he thought his balls would be, he got a shock so explosively violent it literally made his hair—all the hair on his body—stand on end.

Hindur had laughed. He went from being a cute tiger guy to a fucked-up prick who seemed to get off on bossing Noah around. While Hindur flew the ship, Noah was forced to stand nearby with his head lowered. After an hour, the position started to hurt and he was freezing. With his thick fur and heavy trousers, it wasn’t any wonder that Hindur found the ambient temperature comfortable, but Noah was naked. When he shivered, Hindur zapped him with the collar, saying maybe a few jolts would warm him up. After that, Noah did his best not to move, but Hindur randomly zapped him anyway.

They left one planet and landed on another, but it wasn’t Hindur’s home world. From his comments to others, that was a place he was lucky to escape. Noah had thought a world filled with humanoid animals would be cool, but not if Hindur was representative of what they were like. He was a dick, so maybe all his kind were dicks, too.

Desperate to make friends or at least find a way to get along with him, Noah had tried everything he could think of to no avail. On Earth, people genuinely liked him and he had always made friends with effortless ease. Not so with Hindur. When Noah had tried to strike up a conversation with him, Hindur threatened to get a knife and cut off Noah’s balls. After what he’d done to all Noah’s body hair—removing it with some kind of laser thing that prevented it from growing back—Noah hadn’t bothered talking to him again. He was lucky Hindur left him with the hair on his face and head. Hindur was excessively vicious for no reason. Noah hadn’t back talked him or fought him, not until he’d been attacked. Even now, standing in Hindur’s house, Noah had no idea why the tiger treated him like garbage when Noah hadn’t done anything to him. Sadly, it seemed that Hindur treated all his servants like something nasty he’d stepped in.

By listening to snippets of conversation, his master, Hindur, was a Vaugar. The world he came from was literally eat or be eaten, hence Hindur’s apparent need to assert his authority over his slave even when his servant had done nothing against him. It wasn’t Noah, exactly. It was an issue buried deeply in Hindur’s own psyche. He was just extremely hostile toward those he saw as inferior. Ironically, Hindur had a lot of acquaintances from all over the universe. Noah couldn’t really call them his friends, not when Hindur didn’t interact with them in that way. These were beings he conducted business with. It seemed to Noah that Hindur spent more time trying to impress them than he did getting to know them. And then he understood why Hinder was such a vicious dickwad. He was a slave trader who specialized in selling his own kind. What made matters worse was that Hindur didn’t seem to care what the aliens would do with the slaves he sold them. All he cared about was money. Noah’s heart was almost completely shattered when he saw dozens of extremely young tiger people shuffled through the back part of the property. Their tormented gazes would stay with him until the day he died.

As much as he wanted to do something—anything—to help them, he couldn’t. When he wasn’t on his display pedestal, he was kept in what looked like a room but was basically a cage. He had a blanket, rudimentary hygiene facilities, and bricks of food. Noah had tried to launch a hunger strike, but Hindur zapped him until he ate everything he was given. He was also forced to exercise so he wouldn’t lose his physique.

“Without your muscles, you would be far less interesting to look at.”

Noah was on display but not for sale. Hindur liked to keep exotic slaves to bolster his slave-trading credibility. So far as Noah knew, he wasn’t fucking any of them, not in the strictest sense. He only fucked
them. Hindur took the notion of bullying to massive new heights. Since Hindur’s home was enormous, he had his slaves scattered around the house so that his guests could get a good look at all of them before they went off to the auctions of Hindur’s own species. It wasn’t a showroom so much as it was a way to brag that he had far more exotic slaves than anyone who came to his home.

BOOK: Enslaved by a King [Sold! 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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