Read Elemental Love Online

Authors: L.M. Somerton

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Elemental Love (18 page)

BOOK: Elemental Love
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Dominic yelped, his back arched, and he came hard with Evrain’s fingers still inside him. Cum splattered his belly. The spasms of Dominic’s orgasm had barely subsided when Evrain sheathed himself in well-lubricated rubber and pressed the head of his iron cock against him. Boneless, Dominic had no resistance left in him. Evrain sank deep into his body with one smooth push. Dominic’s eyes opened wide in shock, watering at the sudden burn. Evrain froze and gradually the pain turned to a desperate need for more.

“Oh God, I’m sorry!” Evrain started to pull back.

Dominic stopped him, clawing at his thigh. “Don’t you fucking dare! I need more… Please, don’t stop!”

Evrain hoisted Dominic’s legs onto his shoulders and took him at his word, plunging forward to bury himself to the hilt. Dominic did scream then, but it was a shout of pleasure. The burning inside him dulled to a throb after a few deep breaths and he relaxed a little. It felt unbelievably good to be filled so completely, and when Evrain began to move again Dominic’s vision filled with pinpoints of exploding light. He lost himself to the moment, and Evrain, somehow sensing Dominic’s need, began to pound into him with little restraint. He stilled only when his own orgasm overtook him.

Dominic gripped Evrain’s shaft with his inner muscles. He wanted to keep his lover inside him as long as possible.

“Relax, love, I don’t want to hurt you pulling out.” Evrain withdrew carefully and lowered Dominic’s shaking legs gently to the bed. He lay next to Dominic and kissed him with lazy, sated passion.

“Stay right there. I need to make a trip to the bathroom and deal with the condom.”

Dominic dozed, a wave of contentment embracing him. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d felt so thoroughly content. So comfortable in his skin. Evrain returned and cleaned him up with a warm wet cloth. Then he got into bed and pulled the quilt over the two of them.

“Are you okay?” Evrain traced the track of a single tear that rolled down Dominic’s cheek.

Dominic nestled into the curve of Evrain’s neck and hummed his satisfaction. Words were too difficult.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Evrain stroked Dominic’s hair, lulling him to sleep.

Dominic drifted off thinking how amazing it was that such a hard, muscular body could still be so delightfully soft and warm. Evrain was his. His warlock. His love.

Chapter Thirteen




Dominic woke with sharp-toothed creatures gnawing at his guts. He felt as if he hadn’t eaten for a week and his stomach was making its annoyance known. When he thought about it, he realized that he had missed lunch the previous day because he’d been worried about getting back late, then dinner had never happened. The reason for the latter brought a smile to his lips. He shifted and the smile was replaced by a wince, his body reminding him of what he had been up to. The dull ache in his ass made him smile again.

Next to him, Evrain lay on his back, one arm thrown over his head, the other stretched across Dominic’s growling stomach. In sleep he was gorgeous. His dark lashes lay on pale cheeks, his lips slightly parted. Dominic caught a glint of green. “You’re awake,” he observed.

Evrain wrinkled his nose. “Depends. I don’t smell coffee. Is there anything worth being awake for?”

Dominic just grinned and burrowed beneath the covers. Even in the dark he managed a direct journey to Evrain’s cock. No need to ask for directions when it was standing upright like a signpost. Breakfast could wait a few more minutes. Dominic covered Evrain’s stiff shaft with kisses. He left damp trails with his tongue, then mouthed Evrain’s balls, sucking carefully. Evrain made some encouraging noises. He lifted the covers slightly and parted his legs to grant Dominic better access.

Dominic took full advantage and he began to bob his head up and down in earnest. Evrain didn’t last long. He came with a shout and a hot gush of salty fluid that filled Dominic’s mouth.

Dominic emerged from beneath the covers, licking his lips. “Good morning.”

“Good morning to you too,” Evrain said. “You are stunning all flushed and tousled. I could get used to waking up with you.” His smile was lazy and satisfied. “You took me somewhat by surprise. I didn’t even have time to wake up properly, let alone steel myself for anything requiring stamina or self-denial.”

“Uh, sorry?” Dominic licked Evrain’s belly, then kissed his tummy button before nuzzling against his flat stomach.

“Don’t be. My only regret is that I didn’t last longer.” Evrain stretched slowly.

Dominic propped himself on his elbows and drooled at the sight of Evrain’s muscles tensing and relaxing beneath smooth skin. His expression must have betrayed him because Evrain grinned.

“You’ll have to give me a few minutes. Then I’ll treat you to a nice morning fucking.”

“No! That’s not… I mean, it would be lovely, but…” Dominic ran out of words as arousal and panic fought for space in his brain.

“Are you feeling a little tender, my love?” There was absolutely no sympathy in Evrain’s voice, he just sounded really pleased with himself, so as Dominic swung himself out of bed he grabbed a pillow and whacked Evrain with it. Muffled laughter came from beneath the pillow.

“I already came. And you should not be so happy that you gave me ass ache.”

Evrain tossed the pillow away. “Sucking me off made you come?”

Dominic nodded, embarrassed.

“That’s quite a compliment.” Evrain pulled him down into a hug, then rolled them over so Dominic was pinned beneath him.

Dominic shivered.

“You love being held down, don’t you?”

Dominic’s face got so hot he thought he probably resembled a tomato.

“Hey.” Evrain stroked his cheek. “That’s nothing to be ashamed of. I love holding you down, so we’re the perfect pair, aren’t we?” He didn’t wait for an answer, just ravished Dominic’s mouth with a kiss. Dominic craved oxygen by the time they parted. His stomach growled again.

“Either there’s a dog in the room, or you need feeding,” Evrain said, rolling off him.

“I’m starving,” Dominic admitted. “But let me get breakfast. I brought a few supplies back from my place yesterday so we don’t have to suffer watery oatmeal again.”

“Porridge. It’s called porridge,” Evrain said.

Dominic rolled his eyes. “As long as I don’t have to eat it again, I don’t care what you want to call it.” He climbed out of bed. The clothes he’d worn the previous day were clean enough to wear, if a bit crumpled. He’d not been in them long enough to get them dirty. Aware of Evrain watching him, he dressed quickly.

“You’re still shy, even after last night,” Evrain stated. “There’s no need to be.”

Dominic shrugged. “It’s a bit chilly to stand around naked.”

“If I had my way, I’d keep you naked all the time. I’m sure we could crank the heat up in here a bit more, what do you think?”

“I think I’m going to cook breakfast.” Dominic ran.

Along with the change of clothes he’d brought back from home, he’d also grabbed bread, butter, eggs and milk as well as the coffee they’d had the previous day. When his stomach complained yet again on the way down the stairs he was really glad he’d spent those extra minutes in doing so. The coffee was a lifesaver. Aggie’s herbal tea was fine, in small doses, but his caffeine addiction needed feeding first thing in the morning, and after Evrain’s reaction the previous day, Dominic guessed he was also an addict.

Dominic soon had an aromatic brew going, slices of bread in the toaster and beaten eggs in a pan. Evrain appeared after a few minutes. He must have taken a quick shower because his hair was damp. He sat at the table, his expression expectant. “The smells of cooking tempted me down.”

“The coffee’s nearly ready,” Dominic said.

“Don’t torture me with promises, hand it over.”

Dominic scowled but couldn’t hold onto the expression. He smiled. He poured two mugs and handed one over. “So impatient.”

Ten minutes later, he placed a plate piled with scrambled eggs and hot buttered toast in front of Evrain. Dominic put his own plate down, then sat carefully. He wished he had a cushion. Evrain just raised an eyebrow in amusement, but said nothing.

“Do you want me to help you move some more things today? I only have one job booked and that’s not until late afternoon,” Dominic asked between mouthfuls of eggs.

“We never did get around to it yesterday, did we? Still, we were occupied with very important business, on a subject we’ll need to get back to as soon as possible.” Evrain leered in Dominic’s direction.

“You’re incorrigible. Try to keep your mind on moving.” Dominic crunched on a crispy piece of toast.

“I prefer insatiable and it’s your fault.”

Dominic gave him a curious glance.

“I think I showed remarkable patience waiting to get my hands on your cute body, but now I need to make up for lost time. There are so many things I want to do to you. Things that will make you squirm and scream from sheer pleasure.”

Dominic choked on some toast crumbs. He took a gulp of coffee to clear his throat. “Don’t say things like that!”

Evrain pushed his plate away. “We’ll get back to the topic of you screaming later, but for now, yes—if you could help me out that would be great. We can get more into your truck than my car, though we’ll still have to carry everything down the lane. I’ve been thinking about it—I’m going to use the furniture here and leave mine. The stuff at the apartment is too modern for this place. It was furnished when I arrived and I’ve only added a few small pieces so most of it doesn’t belong to me anyway. The only large thing I need to move is my drawing board—oh, and the chair that goes with it. Otherwise, the stuff here suits the place.”

“They should fit in my truck no problem,” Dominic said.

“What about you?” Evrain asked. “Do you have much to move?”

Dominic stared at him. “What do you mean? I haven’t agreed to move in here.”

“But you will.” Evrain pinned him with a dark green glare.

“No! I’m happy where I am.” Dominic was tempted to pout.

“Don’t test me, Dominic. I want you here with me—it’s safer.”

Dominic suddenly found the tabletop fascinating.

Evrain sighed. “I can’t protect you if you live somewhere else. I’m not happy about you working alone either, but that I’ll deal with because I know you love your job. But you will obey me in this, Dominic.”

“Obey you? Fuck off, Evrain, you can’t order me around.”

“Oh, can’t I?” Evrain’s eyes blazed and his fingers twitched. Before Dominic could move, his chair remembered its origins and branches of oak twisted around his body, holding him securely in place.

“Very funny.” He didn’t bother struggling, just glared as Evrain calmly continued eating. “Let me go, Evrain.”

“No.” Evrain sipped his coffee. “Not until you agree to move in here.”

“You really think this is going to convince me? Let me go!”

“I’m sure it’s the last thing that would change your mind. However, it does mean you have to sit there and listen to me.” Evrain pushed his chair back and stretched his legs out. “I love you, you stubborn idiot. How do you think I can ever have peace of mind if I’m constantly worrying about you? At least here I have a measure of confidence that you are safe. You can even have your own room if the thought of sharing with me is so repulsive. This isn’t about controlling you or taking away your freedom. I promise.” He sighed, and the branches wrapped around Dominic’s torso slid away with a whisper.

“You’re calling me stubborn? Pot, kettle, black.” Dominic chewed on his lower lip for a moment. “I love you too.” His voice trembled just a little as the whispered words made his feelings real. “I don’t want my own room…” He gave a shy, embarrassed smile.

“Oh, I lied about that.” Evrain smirked then ducked as a teaspoon flew in his direction.


* * * *


The day was spent making the trip back to Portland, then to Dominic’s apartment above the diner in Hood River. There was a limit to the truck’s capacity but by midafternoon they had moved everything essential and done a big shop for groceries. The rest would happen gradually over the next week while they finalized arrangements to hand back the apartment in Evrain’s case and give up the lease in Dominic’s.

Evrain drove his car back from Portland, trailing Dominic all the way, and left it at Hornbeam Cottage while they moved Dominic’s last load of clothes and books from his apartment to the cabin.

“You have heard of an e-reader, haven’t you?” Evrain grouched as he hauled yet another weighty box along the lane.

“I’ve never seen the point,” Dominic admitted. “Most of my books are hand-me-downs or thrift store bargains. I like the smell of old paper. Does that make me weird?”

“Yes.” Evrain was emphatic.

“Does not.”

“Does too.”

They both dissolved into giggles on the doorstep.

“Oh my God, we’ve regressed back to nursery school. What grade is that in your world?” Evrain asked.

“Does it matter?” The bottom of his box chose that moment to give up and a big pile of books landed on the path. That set Evrain laughing even harder.

“You go, you have to get to that job appointment. I’ll clear up here.” Evrain began to stack the books in a haphazard pile.

“Are you sure?” Dominic felt guilty leaving Evrain with his stuff.

“Of course.” Evrain contorted his fingers, whispered a word Dominic didn’t understand, and the entire stack of books levitated off the ground. “Paper is a natural material, it’s of the earth and therefore elemental. I can handle it.”

Dominic rolled his eyes. “Cheat.”

“And unashamed. Being a warlock has its benefits, remember what I can do with ink.” Evrain grinned as he opened the door and guided his floating pile of literature inside with a gesture.

Dominic recalled all too well the results of Evrain’s magical artwork. His cock perked up at the memory. “Now I have to go to my appointment with a hard-on,” he complained, but Evrain had disappeared inside the cabin. “I shouldn’t be more than an hour or two,” Dominic shouted through the open door.

He got a muffled grunt in return and decided that was enough of an acknowledgment.

BOOK: Elemental Love
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